Barry was down in the pipeline speaking to Eobard, Caitlin quickly calling for him to come up, because of what was going on with Cisco.
Joe, Harry, Caitlin and I held him down on the bed, dry blood under Cisco's nose, him looking pale, and having an entire seizure. Barry rushes in, "What's happening?" He comes over to us quick.
"He's experiencing an uncontrollable amount of electrical energy in his brain, putting him in a prolonged state of chronic seizing." Caitlin explains in panic as we all were.
Barry comes over to Cisco, "What? Can you stop it?"
Caitlin turns, "I don't know." She turns back around, "Hold him down!"
"We're trying!" Joe speaks, followed by Harry, "Sedate him, Snow, now!" He orders.
"Come on, come on-" Barry says, helping us hold Cisco down, as Caitlin speaks, turning with what she needed in her hand, "Benzodiazepine. This should do it."
She quickly injects it into his leg, as slowly he starts to calm down from his seizure. A breath of relief leaves my lips as I hold back the small tears in my eyes. "Finally." Joe says.
Suddenly, Cisco looks as if he is being sucked into something and his body is barely there; transparent.
We all gasp and jump back, as I stare at Cisco, the emotions in me being shock mixed with fear. I did my best and held my tears back, not allowing myself to cry at this moment.
"What was that?" Barry asks.
"What's going on? Where the hell am I?" We could hear Cisco say in fright, his voice raising but sounded so distant. My hands clasped over my mouth as a small squeak leaves in fear, tears reforming in my eyes, but I continued to hold them back. I see Barry glance at me, before looking back at Cisco, "Cisco!"
"It's the time line." Harry speaks in realization.
Barry's head snaps up and at Harry, "What? What're you talking about?"
"When you- when you captured Reverse Flash, we ruptured the time line. That's what this is-" Harry struggles to fit all of what he was trying to say in one short summary, "All the blood and the seizures and that and all- Cisco is being affected to- to- by the changes to the time line. The changes to the past or the changes to the present- this is what this is. We need to do something. We need to do it fast."
"Like what?" Joe asks, just as freaked out as Harry.
"We need to restore the time line." Harry says, looking at Barry, "Barry, you need to get Reverse Flash and send him back to the future as quickly as possible."
Barry seemed overly bothered by this decision, "What? Are you-"
"Barry." Harry says again, but Barry cuts him off, shouting loudly, "I just caught him! You want me to let him go?"
"Keeping him here is killing Cisco!" Harry shouts back. Barry stands up straight, now breathing heavily, not knowing what to do, his hands in fists, them against his forehead as he watched everything and tried to decide.
Joe speaks, "Barry, if this is the only way we can save him, you got to do it! You gotta let go of Thawne." He shouts the last part.
"I can't-" Barry says, his tone threaded with stress and weakness, causing the tears I was holding back to fall, as I finally speak after removing my hands from my mouth, my voice weak but stern, "Barry, are you really willing to let one of your best friends die to keep that absolute psycho in the pipeline?"
Barry stares at me as I spoke, then speaks after I'm done, "Okay- All right, look, I destroyed the tachyon device in the speed machine. There's no way it'll reach the speed necessary to send him back home."
Harry speaks, "You can."
"What?" Barry asks, as Harry explains, "Your speed coupled with Thawne's speed, that'll be enough to catapult him through the time continuum. You can do it."
Barry looks at us all, then nods quickly, "All right. All right. Let's do it- Let's do it."
"I win again, Flash." Eobard says, a smug look on his face, as I stare at him, my jaw completely clenched, as I now regretted coming down here with Joe, Harry and Barry.
My fists were clenched, as I start making my way over to him, walking as fast as I could, my anger getting the best of me due to how much worse Eobard was making this, "Okay, screw everything I said before, if you don't send him back now, I'm going to be the one that kills him-" I say through gritted teeth, continuing to make my way over to him, as Eobard smiled at me, causing my anger to spark up more.
Joe is quick to grab me by my forearms and pull me back, as I try to force out of his grip, "Oh no, you don't."
Barry watched me until Harry starts to talk to him in whispers, "All you have to do is provide him with enough momentum to get him past the space-time barrier."
"All right." Barry simply says, as Harry stops him, "Hey, listen to me." He says, "Thawne knows about you. Right here, right now. This is where he learns about you, all of you. It's how he knows about Star Labs, how he knows about me- the Harrison Wells from this Earth. And there's nothing I can do about it. There's nothing you can do about it. This is his origin story, and it's going to happen no matter what you do. But right here, right now you can send him back to his time. You can save your friend. You can save Cisco and then move on with your life."
"This could be a good thing. You can finally let go of him." Joe speaks up, still holding onto my arms, making sure I didn't break free and go after Eobard.
Barry looks at the two of them, "I could throw him three centuries from now, he'll always be a part of me." Barry walks over to Eobard, "Time to send you where you belong."
They turn, "We'll meet again soon, Flash."
"I know. And every time, I'll be ready for you." Barry says. Reverse Flash puts on his mask, and then they were off.
Harry, Joe and I went back up to the cortex, as I went and stood by Caitlin, staring at Cisco, wiping my dried tears. "Hurry." Caitlin says.
"He did it." Harry says. Barry runs back in, his mask off, as Caitlin looks up, "He's gonna be okay."
I was stood behind the chair Barry was sitting in, bent over, my chin on his head, my arms wrapped around his shoulders. One of his hands were on my arm, as the other was playing with the sheet of the bed Cisco was on.
I wasn't in a good mood, but I wasn't in a bad one either. I was sort of in the middle, but it's almost like I had no emotion to express. I was sorta bummed out from everything that had happened but I didn't know how to express it. So instead, I stood there, holding onto Barry Allen, as we all awaited for Cisco to wake up.
A groan came from Cisco, as he speaks, "My head feels like it's in a vise." He slowly opens his eyes and looks at all of us, barely sitting up, "What happened?"
Harry replies, "I think you vibed one too many dimensions."
"Maybe I should stop doing that." Cisco says, earning a laugh from Joe and a very small barely there giggle from me.
Joe speaks as he laughs, "Yeah, he's gonna be fine."
"How did you, uhm, get the vibing to stop?" Cisco asks.
"We sent Thawne back to his time." Joe answers, as I quietly speak after him, "It was the only way to save you."
Cisco looks at me, then looks at Barry, "You let him go?"
"I couldn't let him take another person I cared about." Barry answers.
Cisco stays quiet for a few seconds, then speaks, "Thank you."
"Of course." Barry replies.
"Okay, I think I need a Big Belly Burger. Anyone?" Harry asks.
I shake my head, as Barry speaks, shaking his head also, getting up, resulting in me to let go of him. "I'm good, thank you."
"Yeah, no pickles." Joe points to Harry.
Cisco speaks, "Two triple triples, please."
"You got money?" Harry asks, as Cisco groans lightly.
"Rest up all right? I'll be out here." Barry tells Cisco as he walks into the cortex, Harry and Joe also leaving the room.
I look at Cisco, my voice still weak and quiet, "Are you okay?"
"I'm better now- are you? You seem out of it." Cisco says, as I barely shrug. "I'm okay. If you need anything, just give me a shout, okay?"
He gives me a small nod as I walk down the steps and into the cortex, mindlessly walking over to Barry.
He looks at me, as I attach myself to him, wrapping my arms around him tight, the side of my face mushing into his chest. He wraps his arms around me, looking down at me, "What did I do to deserve this?" He says.
"I just wanna hug you. What do you mean?" I ask, looking up at him, as he explains himself, "I haven't been the best boyfriend lately, that's all I'm saying."
"You were under stress, and so much anger- I can't blame you for that." I try, but he cuts me off, "I heard the fear in your voice- when you were trying to talk me out of killing him when I caught him. I don't ever want to be the one who strikes up fear in you."
"I was afraid you would kill him- but you didn't. You listened to me. That's all that matters, okay? You listened to all of us, and you did the right thing. Now- end of discussion. I'll start crying." I shove my face into his chest, hugging onto him tighter, knowing if I continued to talk to him about this, I would start crying because of how hard I've held back so many tears during all of it.
"Fine- Fine." He agrees, as he held onto me.
authors note:
lol I didn't realize that I literally spend three chapters for a episode now so like this is gonna be a longggg book lmao.
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