I stare at the screen, as I watched Mardon taunt Barry. I was dressed in a sweater and jeans, like usual.
"He gave away- 100 bombs? You have got to be kidding me." I mutter, as I listen to Mardon.
"I'm happy just to take your life. So, this is how it's gonna be. You are gonna stand there and let me end you, very publicly, and very painfully. And I'll let everybody live. But, if I see even a little flicker of electricity on you, the casket makers in this town, are gonna have a very merry christmas." Mardon taunts, as Barry stayed quiet, holding onto the wand.
"He's bluffing- even after he hurts you- he's going to hurt everyone because you won't be there to save them." I say, as I start walking towards the hall.
"Zee, where are you going?" Caitlin asks me.
"I'm about to do something very dumb- but I'm going out there." I toss my bracelet, onto the desk, as Jay speaks up, "You can't go out there- especially without a suit-"
"Shut up, Jay." I say loudly, before running out, using my flying abilities to get there as quick as possible, as I land to my feet a few feet away from them. Barry's eyes snap towards him, his eyes going wide. I had grabbed comm's before I went out, as I put those into my ear.
I hesitantly walk over to them, staring at them, then realize something.
What the hell was I gonna do?
"Who do we have here?" The Tricker speaks in a questionable tone, his eyes wide with amusement, freaking me out.
Mardon's head snaps towards me, as he takes a few steps towards me, "A very pretty lady, of course."
"I wouldn't." I stare at him, as he speaks, "I'd step aside. Wouldn't want to hurt that pretty face of yours."
Before I could say anything, Barry was already handing over the wand as I look at him with wide eyes, "Why would you-" I was cut off when Trickster grabs me by the neck, his arm around it. I elbow him, before turning towards him, sending him flying due to the amount of power that came from my hands. It was just a blast, which meant I didn't really set him on fire.
Mardon turns towards me, his wand pointed in my direction and before I knew it, he had my hands in ice cubes.
I hit my hands against the street road, trying to break the ice, but the ice was so cold that I couldn't use my powers to warm up, and couldn't muster enough strength to break the ice.
Caitlin speaks, "I swear- the next time you decide to leave without your suit-"
"Got it, Caitlin." I mutter as I watched Mardon hurt Barry, my jaw clenching at how uncomfortable I was with watching this.
He hits him with a lightening bolt, and by the sound of Cisco words' I could tell they were close to destroying all the bombs.
Trickster has gotten up, and was ready to gut Barry until we heard Cisco's voice through the comm's, "Barry- the bombs are gone."
"Uh oh." Trickster says.
A breath of relief leaves my mouth, as Barry gets up quick, immediately running around, taking care of Mardon and Trickster. He runs to me and phases my hands out the ice then gives me a stern look, "We're talking about this later-" He says to me, holding the wand in one hand.
"I knew we were." I try my best to smile very innocently.
My gaze lands on Patty's car as she gets out, holding some sort of gun, as Barry speaks, "Detective, it's already taken care of, they can't hurt anyone else." Patty's gaze lands on me, taking in that I was here too.
Patty shoots Barry with it instead of what we thought she would've done, causing Barry to fall to the ground in pain, being held down by it, "What are you doing?" He shouts, his voice vibrated, as I look at Patty with wide eyes, one hand on Barry's back, one on his forearm, "What did you just do?" I ask.
"This is for my father." She drops the gun and pulls out her other gun, pointing it at Mardon.
"No- no- no- Detective-" Barry shouts, his arm reaching out. "Detective- no- you can't do this."
"He killed my father for a couple hundred dollars. What was so important that my father had to lose his life?" Patty keeps her aim pointed at Mardon.
I got up as quick as I could, letting go of Barry, jogging over to Mardon, by Patty's side, falling to my knees, holding my arms out to my sides, blocking Mardon from Patty's aim. "What the hell are you doing?" Patty shouts at me.
Barry shouts right after her, "Oh my god- you're crazy- please come back over here-" I give Barry a look, that signaled for him to snap back into trying to convince Patty to stop.
My gaze goes back to Patty as I speak, "If you're going to kill him, you're gonna have to go through me."
Barry shouts, "Mardon will get what he deserves."
"He deserves to die!" Patty shouts at both of us, tears in her eyes. "Not like this!" Barry says.
"You don't have it in you, pretty lady." Mardon chokes out, a small smile on his lips, which made me grow anger as I turn my head and look at him, "Hey- we're trying to save your life here. Don't think for a second I won't step back and let her shoot you." I raise my voice.
"If you're trying so hard to save me, you wouldn't let her shoot me." Mardon shoots at me, as my jaw clenches.
"If you want to stay alive, I suggest you shut it." I snap at him.
"No- Patty-" Barry forces himself to his feet. My head snaps towards him, "You pull that trigger, your life ends too. You will go to prison."
I look at Patty, speaking up, "He's not worth how long you're going to have to pay for what you're about to do."
Barry speaks after me, as I could see from the corner of my eye, his hand shaking; due to fear. "Everything and everyone that you could have had in your life will be taken from you. Again." He shouts.
He quiets down a little, "Mardon can't take anything else from you, unless you let him. I didn't know your father, but I know he wouldn't want this. Not over him. Please."
I slowly move away from Mardon, and stand up straight, staring at Patty, hoping she would make the right choice.
"Mark Mardon, you're under arrest." Patty says, before handcuffing him, putting her gun away, a breath of relief falling out my lips.
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