I emerge from Barry's room, walking downstairs into the kitchen, dressed in a pair of ripped jeans that I had left here, and one of Barry's crewnecks. My hair was straight, cascading down my back due to me being lazy and not tying it up.
Barry turns and looks at me, a smile taking up his features as his eyes land on me. I walk over to him, my lips forming into a smile, my teeth showing.
He pecks my lips, "Morning-"
I mumble one back before pecking his lips again, the smile not leaving my face. "You should wear my clothes more often. If I knew you looked this good in one of my crewnecks- I would've let you have my entire damn closet."
I giggle quietly, smiling, shaking my head lightly at him, "Are you going to work?"
"Mhm- I don't have time to go to Jitters, though-" Barry says, looking at his watch as I look at him with the most confused look I could make, "This coming from the guy who can run faster than anyone alive?"
"Shh- I just have to skip my coffee today." He pecks my lips before walking over to the door with me, holding my coat for me, as I put my arms through, slipping it on, looking at him, as Barry slips his own on.
"Or, I could stop by and get us both coffee and bring it to you?" I suggest, as he smiles, "That would honestly- be amazing. You're amazing- gotta go-" He pecks my lips and runs out the door.
My feet carry me down the sidewalk as I was walking over to by Joe, holding three coffees, the wind blowing, I mentally cursing at myself for forgetting my coat in my car.
I walk over to Joe, handing him a coffee, as a smile forms on my face, "Hey, Zee." Joe says, thanking me for the coffee.
"Hey- how are you doing?"
"Could be better." He bluntly says as I slowly nod, "Have you seen Barry?" Joe points to Barry, who was speaking to Patty.
It lightly bothered me that he was speaking to her, but it was probably for work conditions. I slowly start to make my way over them, making sure I didn't barge in over there too fast, or I would interrupt. I convince myself they're only speaking for work and push whatever I was feeling to the side.
He's talking to her because of work.
I thought. That's what I thought. Before I saw her lips press against his, causing my whole world to crush beneath me.
Barry goes frozen, as his hands move onto her shoulders, pushing her away, pulling away from the kiss.
Tears were already in my eyes as I slowly walk over to them, "You do realize I have a girlfriend, right?" Barry's raising voice halted when his eyes land on me, his breath getting caught in his throat as he goes slightly pale.
"I got you guys coffee." I lie about getting Patty as I hand them both cups, slowly stepping backwards.
"Zee-" Barry starts but I cut him off, my voice whispered, my eyes glossy, "It's okay."
Patty realizes what's happening and goes to apologize but I turn, quickly walking away, the wind hitting me harder.
I hear Barry call out my name, followed by the sound of his footsteps following me.
I jog to my car, and before I knew it, I was in an alley with Barry. "Barry- let me leave-" I say quietly, the wind growing stronger.
His hands put down the coffee, as he takes off his jacket, putting it around me as he starts to ramble, something I usually do, "You need to listen to me- she was talking about how she was going to make-"
I cut him off, "Barry- I-" I try to stop him, processing everything, trying to understand what I saw myself, but he kept going.
"-and she was full on serious, and I didn't want her to do something she was going to regret, and I was trying to convince her out of it- but how the hell am I going to convince her to not try to kill him when he killed her father?"
My eyes go wide, "Weather Wizard killed her father?"
He continues, not listening to anything I was saying, trying to get his side put out, "-out of no where she just kissed me- maybe it was freaking out- I don't know- but she literally- kissed me first- I pushed her away-"
My hands grab onto his forearms, as I stand on my tippy toes, pressing my lips onto his, stopping him from talking. He kisses back then slowly pulls away, but not his face, his voice quiet and raspy, "I'm guessing, that was to shut me up."
"It was-" I pause, "Although, it bothers me that I had to watch her kiss you- I'm happy you pushed her away."
"You're not upset? Are you okay- are you sure you're okay?" Barry asks, for reassurance.
I nod weakly.
He lets out a small breath in relief.
I didn't know if I was okay.
Watching her kiss him really sucked.
I wanted to be okay. I pretended to be.
I pick up Barry's coffee and hand it to him, going to slip his jacket off, but he stops me, "What're you doing? It's freezing."
"I'm not gonna be the one out here for the next few hours." I shoot back, trying to give him his jacket back but he replies quick, "I'm going back to ccpd right now anyway."
A huff leaves my lips in defeat, before my phone buzzes, as I take it out, staring at the text that I had just gotten that lit up my screen.
unknown: stay close to him. you won't have each other for much longer.
I stare at the text, as Barry looks at me confused, "Who texted you?"
"Just- Iris." I lie, looking away, shoving my phone back into my pocket.
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