[ barry's pov ]
I was seated with Cisco and Caitlin at Jitters, as Cisco boasted about getting the barista's number. Kendra Saunders was her name.
As we all discuss about what Cisco's superhero name would be, my mind trails off, thinking about Patty.
Her long hair, her dark eyes. Her laugh that I could listen to for hours without getting tired. The endless amount of care she shows no matter how much she's been hurt. How she somehow manages to stay happy no matter what has happened. How she can always talk to me about anything, as I do the same with her. How she always gives me the best advice, how I know I want to know her opinion first.
How cute it was when she shouldered past Jay, with a glare that made it harder for me to take her seriously. How she makes me smile even when I don't want to, how I want to talk to her as much as I can.
I'm not thinking about Patty.
"Barry?" Cisco's voice breaks me from my thoughts, my eyes snapping towards him, "What?"
"I asked how your date with Patty was?" He repeats in questionable tone, as Caitlin sips her coffee.
"It was- it was good." I stutter over my own words.
"Why am I getting the feeling that you're leaving something out?" Caitlin says suspiciously, propping herself up on the table with her elbows.
I stare between them for a second before I break, a small quiet sigh leaving my mouth as a hand goes to the back of my neck, my eyes landing on my coffee, "The entire time, I was thinking about Zee."
"Zee? You were thinking about Zee while on a date with another girl, whom so happens to be your adopted fathers partner?" Cisco repeats, causing me to lightly swat his arm, looking around to see if anyone could hear, I shutting him up.
Caitlin bites her lip to hold back as smile as she brings her coffee cup to her lips, sipping it sheepishly.
"I know- I know it's bad." I say quietly, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Bad? I've been waiting for you to say that-forever." Caitlin teases, which caught my attention, "Why?"
She just shrugs, causing her and Cisco to laugh.
[ zee's pov ]
I was stood next to Cisco, dressed in a pair of ripped jeans, ripped jeans being the only type of jeans I like, a black tank top that was tucked, and a windbreaker over it, leaving it unzipped. My hair was up into a messy bun, deciding I wasn't going to try and do my hair today.
The team had come up with a plan to have Linda act as Doctor Light, to lead Zoom to us, so we could stop him. There was some thick tension between Harry and Jay, due to them getting into a argument, then it resulting into a full on fight. Linda and Barry would stage a fight, having Barry lose purposefully, following up with Linda tossing the emblem into the breach to earth two, to get Zoom's attention.
Although I was very hesitant, I let them proceed with the plan, keeping my opinions to myself. Even if Linda was Barry's ex girlfriend, I had finally come to ease with her, considering I worked at Picture News with her. She looked different, her hair was shorter. It made her look even prettier, it was a good fit on her.
I watched as Linda tried to shoot at the many cardboard cut outs Cisco had stored around, small laughs and giggles leaving my mouth as I try to stop them, when different cardboard cut outs were brought out.
Barry looked back at me, a small grin on his face, as I continued to giggle at one of Cisco's self cut outs.
"Zee-" Iris says, a small laugh leaving her mouth as she grabs onto my forearm, "Calm down."
"I-" I point to one of Cisco's cut outs of himself, bursting back into laughing not being able to stop, as I turn and bury my face into her shoulder, "I can't-" I continue to laugh.
"Hey, that's the best one." Cisco says, jokingly offended.
Barry's head snaps back towards Linda as she accidentally messes up, realizing he got too distracted watching me.
I pull away from Iris after finally calming down and start to watch everything again.
Once Linda finally gets a good shot, she goes to high five Barry but ends up firing at us, a apology quick to shoot out of her mouth.
Well, crap.
[ barry's pov ]
I walk into the elevator as Joe catches up to me. "Hey, what?" The words leave my mouth smoothly.
Joe speaks, "You saw what happened in there. Linda's not ready."
"She is, she's ready enough." I reply.
"Why are you pushing this?" Joe asked me.
"What- why do you think? I want to get him." I shot back, as he was quick to reply. "There's something else."
"No there isn't." I try to say, but he cuts me off. "I've raised you for years, and you don't think I can tell when you're lying to me?"
I stay silent for a bit, my hands shoved in my pockets as I finally sigh and quietly speak, "Zee's been really hesitant and freaked out about all of what's been happening lately, and I just want to get him so she isn't as stressed anymore." I only say part of it.
"I'm not sure if this is even about Zoom. It's starting to feel like you're still chasing the Reverse Flash." Joe speaks.
"Reverse Flash is dead." I state the obvious. "Yeah, but after all he did to you, you weren't the one that stopped him."
"We all worked together." I shrug lightly.
"Yeah, and Eddie got him in the end. I mean, did that make you feel cheated, like you didn't get your revenge, and stopping Zoom is the next best thing?" Joe exclaims, right as the elevator opens, I turn and walk out of the elevator, not even a step out before he speaks again, "Look, all in saying is, if you're gonna ask people like Linda to risk their lives, you better be sure of exactly why they're doing it."
I give him a sly nod in silence.
Next thing I did was, show Linda who the Flash was. I showed her my identity.
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