I was seated up on Barry's bed, not being able to sleep yet again due to my thoughts. I haven't been at my apartment in a while. It's like the West Household was my home now.
Barry was downstairs in the kitchen, making something to eat, as I stayed in his room. He insisted on taking the floor next to his bed because I said I wouldn't let him take the couch again tonight. However, that wasn't satisfying to me either.
I sit in silence for a second, Barry and I being the only ones in the house. In a blink, blue lightening filled the room, and the man everyone was fearing from Earth Two. The man who was sending metas to kill Barry, was standing right in front of me.
Zoom stood in front of me, my heart beat quickening in fright. I stay quiet, just staring at him. In a second, he had his hand around my throat, right on the just fading bruises from when Peter choked me, and tightened the grip on his hand, causing me to let out a piercing scream. I heard Barry drop his plate into the sink right away after what I'm assuming, done eating, and speed up here, but before he could see what happened or even process, Zoom was out of the room and through a breach back to where he came from.
I cover my mouth, breathing heavily, backing up further onto the bed. "Zee- are you okay? What happened?"
"Zoom-" I quietly choke out, uncovering my mouth. "He came here- he choked me- then left when you ran up here."
Barry goes quiet. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"
I nod, "I'm okay." I say very quietly that it was barely audible. Barry lets out a breath, and I could tell from his facial expression he will be trying to figure this out in the morning. He walks over to his closet, grabbing a pair of joggers and a t shirt, before quickly changing into the joggers, my eyes closing so I wasn't watching the whole show.
I slowly open one eye to see him shirtless, both my eyes snapping open and end up staring at him, him laughing at my reaction quietly as he moves his shirt around to find the arm holes. "Enjoying the show?"
"Shut up." I mumble.
He laid the blankets on the ground to make some makeshift mattress, putting a pillow on top, setting another blanket on top and lays down, getting comfortable even though the floor was hard. I slowly slid into Barry's bed, pulling his covers over me, turning off the lamp.
"Goodnight, Zee." Barry mumbles from where he is.
"Goodnight." I whisper, before just laying there. Soon enough, Barry fell asleep.
My breathing picked up as I started to fear sleeping alone tonight. I waited a few minutes, trying to calm down, but nothing worked.
Screw breathing exercises.
I slowly slipped out of Barry's bed then get onto my knees next to him, lightly tapping his arm. He stays asleep, looking exhausted.
"Barry?" My weak voice calls out, as I tap his arm around, causing his eyes to slowly open and look at me, his voice quietly, his tone threaded with raspiness due to being tired, "Zee? What're you doing- why aren't you asleep?"
"Sleep with me-" I blurt out quietly but quickly come to realization of what I said, "I meant- sleep with me on the bed- not sleep with me- well technically it sounded like that but it's not how I meant it but- there's more meanings to something that's been said then just one thing-" I start to ramble in embarrassment but he stops me.
"I know what you meant." He slowly sits up, yawning. "Why do you want me to sleep with you?"
"I'm afraid." I say quietly, then lightly touch my neck, holding back a flinch when I touch a bruise that was now forming from Zoom basically trying to kill me.
He gets what I was saying instantly and stands up, laying on the bed, as I got up and laid next to him under the blankets with him. I stare at the ceiling, laying on my back.
I look at Barry to see he was already looking at me.
I made a risky decision.
I slowly scoot closer to him, then hesitantly wrap my arms around his torso, laying my head onto his chest. "Can I do this?" I say quietly, meaning just for tonight that I wanted to be held.
I feel him pause for a second, before wrapping his arms around me tightly, holding me close. "Yeah. You can." He whispers, yawning quietly, burying his face into my hair.
I smile lightly to myself, and I could feel him smile into my hair.
I felt calm for the first time this past few months.
I felt okay.
And it was being I was being held by Barry Allen.
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