It was only a few minutes before everything was about to go down. Everything that we've ever known, loved, or lived, was going to change. We were going to be in a completely different time line, with completely different lives. The fact that Barry's mother dying was probably the huge piece that brought us all together, no matter what our lives were like, and now that he's going to go change that? I couldn't deny that it bothered me the slightest bit.
I love Barry and I want him to be happy, wether it's with what he has here, or with his mom and dad. But, what if the timeline changes to where he doesn't even know who we were? And we all just drift apart completely, as if we never knew each other?
Regardless, I let out a shaky breath, before letting my hands slip into the back pockets of my jeans, letting them rest there. We were all stood in the pipeline, Barry saying his goodbyes to everyone. Barry finally walks over to me, pulling me into his chest, I being the last person he says goodbye to. "Are you okay?"
"I'm- okay." I say, and hug him back tightly, taking a deep breath.
It's silent for a while, but he breaks it, "Zee- if you tell me not to do this, I won't-" He says quietly, but I cut him off, "Your choice." I pull away from the hug, giving him a weak reassuring smile, before stepping back.
He lightly nods and puts his mask on along, before walking into the particular accelerator. Barry starts running around the particular accelerator, doing what he was told.
Fear was increased in my chest as I thought about what was about to go down. I look down when Barry goes through the wormhole, us slowly walking in by Eobard.
I watch Cisco let Eobard out, and watch him quickly change into his suit, standing by the machine he was going to use to go home.
I was stood behind everyone, my eyes on Dr. Wells- or more appropriately, The Reverse Flash. Eobard Thawne- I just didn't know what to call him anymore.
Eobard caught my glare that was fixed on him, as he slowly made his way over to me, fixing his suit, not having his mask on yet. He speaks, his voice deep and low, "Is there something I can help you with, Ms. Young?"
"How did you know?" I ask quietly, but sternly, crossing my arms, "How did you know about my past- and what happened. I know that it didn't come up in some news article you found on the Internet."
"Ms. Young, I'm from the future. You do understand that I know. Everything." He says, taking a step closer to me. I stare at Eobard, as one of my eyebrows raise, waiting for him to continue, as he does, "I'm sure you've been informed that I've been watching all of you. For years." I stop him. "Why have you been watching me?"
His voice eyes lower and more intimidating, as he leans a little forward, "I watched everyone- but more importantly. I watched Mr. Allen. How could I not have watched the love of his life too?" He states, a devious smirk on his face.
I was taken back. My eyes were slightly wide, the air felt like it was just knocked out of me. The love of Barry's life?
He backs away slightly, the smirk still plastered on his lips. He slowly walks back over to where he was standing before, causing me to look down at my feet. I clear my throat, rocking lightly back and forth on my heels, blinking a few times. Eobard gets into the machine, and fastens himself in.
My head snaps up when a light glows right in all our faces from the wormhole, and out comes Barry, landing a solid punch right through the glass and at Eobard, causing everyone to fly back from how big the impact was, my back hitting the ground hard, along with my head, Eobard, Barry, Cisco, and Joe falling also. I slowly sit up, looking at Barry with wide eyes, as everyone tried their best to get up as quickly as possible.
"You didn't save her?" Eobard says in shock from the ground as he slowly got up, "Why?" He grabs a huge shard of glass from the time machine, before tossing it directly at me, my instincts making me lay back quickly as it moves right across me and shatters against the wall behind me. I slowly sit up again, breathing quite heavily, Joe and Cisco not being able to get up yet. He starts to shout, as he fully stood up, along with Barry. "Why? You could've had the life you wanted. You could've had everything you've ever wanted!"
Barry comes to a full stand, as he lets out a breath, "I already do."
Eobard puts on his mask, his identity immediately disappears, his eyes glowing red through his suit. "Not for long." And with that, they go at each other.
I ignore the pain in my back, and the pain going through my head as I watched them, taking notice of how Cisco and Joe not up yet. My eyes dart to the wormhole that started to close, and get controlled over.
I look back at Eobard and Barry, watching them continue to fight around the area, which resulted in Barry being unmasked, being punched by Eobard.
Tears pooled my eyes as I took in the sight. He chose us over saving his mom- and we could lose him?
Eobard held Barry against the wall by his throat, holding his other hand behind his own head, ready to end everything. I stumble to my feet, a small tear slipping my eye, as I weakly call out as if it were to do anything, "Barry."
Barry's gaze rips away from Eobard, and to me, fighting to get some air, his eyes softening for a second, as if he were distracted by me. Eobard readjusted himself, causing Barry to look back at him.
"Just so we're clear, after I kill you, I'm going to kill them. And then, I'm going to kill your father. I always win, Flash-" Eobard says, as he moves to swing his hand at Barry, but let go once he heard a shot, dropping Barry to the ground.
Before I could process anything or stop myself, I was moving towards Barry as fast as my short legs could take me, as I fell to my knees next to him, grabbing onto his arm lightly with one hand, the other hand feeling on his chest and shoulder as instinct to see for anymore injuries, a small sob leaving my mouth, tears free falling now. Barry examined my appearance, opening his mouth to say something but stops himself when he hears Joe shout.
"Eddie! What did you do-" I hear Joe shout loudly, as he ran to Eddie, causing me to freeze, and slowly turn myself around, still on my knees, my one hand still holding onto Barry's arm.
"No such thing as a coincidence." Was all Eddie said as Joe had him lay down.
I stare at what was in front of me with wide eyes. Eobard was stumbling back slowly, Eddie had just shot himself; Joe and Cisco were up, Joe running to Eddie, Cisco running his hands through his hair, not being able to process what just happened.
A small squeak leaves my mouth, more tears falling, as I let go of Barry's arm, moving off my knees and sitting down onto the ground, my hands going to my mouth to hold back sobs and other sounds that would decide to leave my mouth while I was crying.
"What's happening?" Barry asks, watching everything in front of him, still on the ground, trying to get up and trying to catch his breath. "Cisco, help me." Eobard says.
"Eddie's his ancestor-" Cisco points to Eddie, "If Eddie dies, he'll never be born and-" Cisco points to Eobard, "He's being erased from existence."
My eyes widen slightly more as I watched Eobard basically form from Harrison Wells, to him true self, Eobard Thawne. By now, Barry was sitting up, his back against the wall. "No! No- Eddie!" Iris shouts, as she runs to him, falling to her knees, holding onto him, tears running down her cheeks. And almost immediately, my heart broke even more as I saw everything going down in front of me.
"Eddie- no, no. Eddie- stay with me okay? Stay." She cries. I was witnessing Iris West lose the love of her life.
"He was wrong- I am a hero after all." Eddie says, trying his best to speak.
"You are- Eddie you are. You are my hero." Iris cries, as she held onto him. I let out a small sob into my hands, as I feel Barry lightly wrap a arm around me and pull me into his side, to comfort me as he also watched. "That's all I've ever wanted to be. Your hero." Were the last words he said, before he stopped breathing, his body limping completely. Iris lets out another cry before holding onto him tight.
Eobard looks at Barry, as he starts to parish right in front of us. "I've controlled your life for so long, Barry. How will you get along without me?"
I squeezed my eyes shut as he started to completely parish in front of us, screaming, not wanting to watch more of what was happening.
When Eobard was gone, the next thing that sounded the room wasn't pleasant either. I didn't open my eyes, ignoring it, not wanting to face another problem. Before I knew it, Barry had both his hands on my forearms, pulling me up, my eyes opening to the sudden movement, taking in the wormhole that was suddenly reopening.
"Guys that's not good-" Cisco shouts as he watches the wormhole expand.
Barry ran over to Iris, Joe, Eddie and Cisco, holding onto my forearms, taking me with him. "Iris- we have to go." Barry says loudly over my shoulder. "I'm not leaving him-" Iris cries out.
"We have to go now, honey- I'm sorry-" Joe says, before getting Iris off, Barry speeding us all inside starlabs. Before we were even to a full stop, I was out of Barry's grip and running outside, everyone following after me.
I come to a stop after I push through the doors and stare at the gigantic wormhole that was getting bigger by the second in the sky. "So that's what we didn't want to happen." Cisco says, staring into the sky, the wind blowing his hair in different directions.
"What's it doing?" Caitlin asks, "Feeding." Professor Stein replies to her before continuing, "The singularity won't stop, even after the earth is gone."
I look around, watching people scream and run, then look back at the sky before Professor Stein speaks again. "I'm afraid the accretion disc has already assembled."
"What?" Joe asks. "The diffuse material- that's in a orbital motion around the singularity."
"What does that mean?" Caitlin asks loudly, holding onto Ronnie's side.
Barry finally speaks, "We have to disrupt the motion. Basically it's just like the tornado, only upside down. But bigger. And scarier."
I manage to choke out, "Well maybe I could-" But I was immediately cut off by Barry who turned and looked at me. "No. We already lost Eddie- I'm not losing you too." I stay quiet, keeping a held eye contact with him, before slowly nodding.
"Barry, that event has a high energy level of at least 6.7 Tera Electron Volts. It cannot be stopped." Professor Stein raises his voice slightly. Right as he said this, my expression immediately turned into disapproval. I stare at Barry, as he glances at all of us. "I have to try."
He gives us all a sly nod before putting on his mask and going right for the singularity, doing what he knows he should. I watch in discomfort, fear burning in me, as Iris grabs into my hand as she also watches, dried tears on both of our faces.
I wasn't ready for whatever the outcome might be.
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