"I'm so glad you're here." Barry's weak voice sounded my ear as he held onto me tightly, stood alone in the Waverider.
Crisis had begun.
And Oliver Queen was already dead.
He was gone.
He had risked his life and saved thousands of people.
And everyone was mourning his death.
I hadn't witnessed his death.
But it hurt all the same.
Because Oliver was a good man.
He deserved so much better than what had become.
But, my pain couldn't match Barry's.
Barry had lost one of his best friends.
A man he looked up to.
The man he look toward for advice.
That man was gone.
"Me, too." I held my husband tighter to deliver the comfort he needed, "I can't believe he's gone already- it- doesn't feel right."
"Listen-" Barry pulled away from me but held my arms to keep me close, "Oliver told me about how he brought Sara and his sister back to life using something called a Lazarus pit-"
"Barry?-" I looked between his eyes, staring at him, "You don't plan on using it on- Oliver- do you-"
Barry inhaled, "I was-"
"As great as that sounds-" I began slowly, "That sounds way too good to be true, Barry."
"Well, I mean, it is." Barry admitted, huffing quietly, "It turns out Thea destroyed all the pits on this Earth, but- there are more Earths to choose from."
"Honey-" I grabbed his face gently, "I know that you want Oliver back more than anything, but this is-"
"He can't be dead." Barry's voice sounded broken when he cut me off, "Not him, Zee."
My expression softened at his words.
"I'd come with you," I caressed his cheek with my thumb, "But, the reason I'm here is actually because- the Monitor gave me a mission of my own."
Barry looks at me, "Oh yeah?"
"To find our hopeless Kryptonian Paragon." I shrugged a little and smiled, "I'm finding a Paragon- isn't that crazy? I feel important-"
"You're always important." Barry tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear, smiling softly at me, "The most important."
"Barry-" I went slightly red, groaning lightly, moving my hand away and wrapping my arms around his middle in embarrassment.
Barry only smiled wider at my reaction, laughing lightly, "Did you ever think this would be our life?"
"Barry Allen," I held a little tighter, staring up at my loving husband, "I will take whatever life with you I can get."
Then, Barry leaned in and connected our lips.
"Is that him?" I asked Clark Kent and Lois Lane, walking up the farm with them at Smallville, Earth 167, seeing a man chopping word with his axe.
"It's either him or the buff guy on the paper towel rolls." Lois shrugged, following me as we went up to the man.
Clark points at the man as he chopped another bark of wood, "I can do that with one bare hand."
The man faced us, "Hello-"
Lois and I replied in unison, "Hi-"
Clark continued to point at him, wanting confirmation, "You are Clark Kent, right?"
He has confirmed, "Can I help you?"
"I'd hope so." I took a step closer, pressing my palms together, "What I'm about to tell you might seem a little- insane, but bear with me."
I clear my throat and began, "Well, let's see- uhm, this universe and an infinite number of others is currently in the process of blinking out of existence, and there are 7 people in all of space and time who can supposedly-"
Lois cuts me off and just blurts out as quickly as she could, "Lex Luthor is gonna try to kill you."
I looked at her with wide eyes, "Lois!"
"What?" Lois looked at me, "He is."
"Sure, but, I was going to ease him into it, maybe?" I gestured, placing my hands on my hips, "Maybe add some sugar on the coat?"
"Lex?" Earth 167's Clark's voice broke us from conversation, "I didn't know the President was in town."
I scoffed in shock, "Did you just say the President?"
"Look." Clark began to say to us, "I've faced a lot of these type of things-"
But then his voice was cut off when we were all breached out of that world.
"Now, this is a newspaper." Lois beamed when her, Clark and I walked into the Daily Planet in Metropolis on Earth 96.
"Well- Ray tracked Lex's last breach to this Earth, let's hope he's not very far." I crossed my arms, right behind her.
"Well, let's find him- me- Clark, before Lex does." Clark was having trouble identifying what we should call his doppelganger.
"Oh!" Lois accidentally ran into a man who looked too familiar, "I'm sorry-"
"Oh, excuse me-" The man stepped back, his face identical to Ray Palmer, "I'm so sorry-"
Lois pointed to herself, "It was my fault-"
"It was mine-" He replied, the both of them laughing softly at each other's quick apologies.
"I'm sorry-" He stares at her in confusion, "You seem so familiar- have we met before?"
Clark clears his throat, making them look at us, as I place my hands on my hips, "Am I seeing things of does he look exactly like Ray Palmer?"
"Who?" He asked, then points to Clark, smiling a little, "Oh, hey- nice glasses."
"Thanks-" Clark got to the point, "Um, do you have a second?"
"Sure, for a citizen of Metropolis, always." He pulled out his card, holding it towards us, "If you wouldn't mind contacting my assistant-"
I cut him off, "It's about Lex Luthor."
"I appreciate your concern, but this isn't my first go-around with Luthor." The man we had found out was the Clark Kent of this Earth lead us into his office, "I can handle him."
"That's what you're not hearing." Our Clark said, inhaling, "He's changed the game."
"Yeah-" I nodded in agreement, "The book he got his hands on- it allows him to do anything- whatever he wants. He made us vanish right in front of the last Clark."
"What is this?" Lois pointed to the wall of names, cutting into the conversation, "Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane? Why are all these names on your wall?"
He cleared his throat lightly, "A reject from Gotham felt that we didn't cover him enough, so he played what he called a practical joke and gassed the building."
My heart dropped at the countless names that were on the wall, "All these people died?"
"My friends, my wife." He swallowed hard, "I lost everyone in one fell swoop."
Lois slowly looked between Clark and I, "Almost as if you've been through more loss than any mortal man could endure."
Clark looks between us as well, "I think we just found our Paragon."
"We need you to come back with us." I looked at the doppelganger, inhaling sharply, "Look, I know it sounds insane- but, you might just be the key to saving the multiverse- we need you."
"That's actually one of the least insane things I've ever heard." He said, Then was gone and back within a second, in his suit, "First, we stay and face Luthor."
Our Clark disappeared and appeared in his as well, a gush of wind running through my hair, "And you won't do it alone."
"Oh, hell yes-" I broke out into a smile, thinking about how Cisco would be freaking out if he were here right now, "This is so cool-"
"Alright, calm down-" Lois places a hand on my back, then looks at our doppelganger, "We won't let him kill you."
Then, Lex's voice sounded the room when he walked in, holding the book, "Oh, I've moved on from that."
"Never thought I'd say this, but- I'm tired of killing Supermen." Lex sighed deeply, "So much more fun making Superman kill Superman."
Then, our doppelganger has launched himself at Clark, throwing him at the wall of names, "You don't belong here."
"We're here because we need your help." Clark stood up from hitting the ground, not a scratch on him.
"Help? I couldn't even save my wife, my friends." He replied venomously, "I don't care about your universe."
"Yes, you do." Lois cut in from next to me, trying to persuade him, "You're the Paragon of Truth."
"There's only one truth." He looked from Lex, back to Clark, "I serve Lex Luthor."
I swallowed hard when Lois held me by her side, watching this, "Is it bad that I still find this, very cool-"
"Kal, stop!" Clark was holding him back, but then there was in the air and heading for the window Lois and I stood right in front of.
"Lois!" I grabbed her shoulders and forcefully pulled her down, the two shattering the window above us, flying in the air.
"Come on, honey." Lois muttered under her breath when we stood up, watching them throwing themselves at each other, "You got this."
But then, the our doppelganger was flying right for us, making Lois' eyes wide, grabbing onto me, "Oh, my god- get away from the window!"
Lois and I stumble away as quickly as we could, Clark stopping him before he could reach us.
Lex was smirking, "This should be fun-"
I clenched my jaw and wrapped my arm around his neck from behind, holding him in a headlock, pulling him into my chest, my grip tight enough to make him pass out, the book falling shut from his hands, "You can read about it later-"
"Help me with the book!" Lois called to me as I dropped Lex, rushing over to her and the book, grabbing the edge of it, trying to pry it open.
Lois and I pulled as hard as we could, forcing it open, grunt leaving both ours lips, Lois quickly speaking as we both stood up and held the book, "Picture the Clark that we met- focus on what the universe knows he's meant to be."
"There's only room in this world for one of us!" Shouted the Clark from this Earth when he threw our Clark to the ground, back in the building.
"Lois, it's not working-" My eyes were wide at Clark choking our Clark, a small grunt leaving my lips at how heavy the book was, "It's like Lex turned all of his love into hate."
"Love." Lois looked at me with wide eyes, then back at them, "Clark, this isn't you, not the real Clark, the one that Perry White respected and Jimmy Olsen looked up to and Lois loved!"
He turned and faced us, "You know nothing about me or them!"
When his eyes glowed red and lasers were coming for us, Clark came between, blocking them, "We know more than you think."
"They would want your memories of them to lift you up, not drive you to darkness." Lois continued to persuade, "That's the truth, Clark, and the truth means everything to you- remember who you are."
Clark squeezes his eyes shut, groaning a little, as our Clark fell to his knees, breathing heavily.
Clark looked up at him, "You okay?"
"Actually, this is the second time I've gone nuts and fought myself." He said, helping him up.
I scoff in relief, my eyes wide, "Seems like you've had a lot of experiences-"
"Yeah, no kidding." He laughed at me lightly, then looked at Clark, "I can see why you married her."
authors note:
ok, it's been so long since i updated this book !!!
and this is probably the worst chapter to come back with, but the next one is really good, I promise
thank you for 166k !!
go read skinny love !!!
vote and comment loadsss
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