I didn't have much of a past to run away from. The basic result was I had a foster family. But I didn't understand why Dr. Wells was trying so hard to figure me out. He was trying to figure out every part of my life, including my past. The only person who actually knew about anything that happened to me when I was younger and as I continued to grow up was Joe. And I intended to keep it that way. I let my mind drift away from this topic, wandering to some other thing to think about, so I didn't think about what's been stressing me lately, causing me to fiddle with the end of my skirt.
I sat at my desk, at Picture News. I felt different today, maybe because I was under more stress than usual, or the fact I was dressed completely different than I usually dressed. I have had a entire part of my closet that I have never thought about ever wearing and since I've gotten this job at Picture News, I have been wearing outfits from that side of my closet. I didn't want to just walk in, in a flannel and ripped jeans. I had to dress to the occasion.
Which is why I'm sitting here, in a black pencil skirt and slightly loose stripped black and white shirt, that's tucked into my skirt, the neck of the shirt being slightly wide that it showed one of my shoulders. My hair was curled, and as much as I dreaded it, I was wearing black heeled ankle boots. This outfit basically screamed that I was trying to be like everyone else here. I notice as people start to stare at me as they walk by my desk, resulting in me quickly blinking and pretending to do something on my laptop that sat in front of me.
I was snapped out of my pretending when a coffee was set in front of me, my gaze landing upon Iris West. "How did you know I forgot to pick up my coffee this morning?" I joke lightly, as I slowly pick up the coffee, hesitantly sipping the hot liquid, feeling relaxed as soon as I swallow it, feeling the warmth through my body.
"You look extra dead, today." She says playfully, lightly nudging me, "Plus, you look like a completely different person today. I needed to get you your daily dose of coffee, before you spoke like a different person too." I laugh quietly at her joke.
"Is it really that obvious that I actually tried today?" I put the coffee down.
"It's pretty clear to me that you've finally decided to touch the endless amount of clothing I made you buy all those times we went shopping together."
"That I did."
"Actually, Zee, are you busy tonight?" She asks me, sipping her own cup of coffee.
"No- why?" I question, touching up my chap stick, rubbing my lips together to smooth it out. "I was hoping we could just spend the night together at yours? Watch movies, eat food, ignore everyone just for one night?"
"Uh oh, trouble in paradise?" I lean into my desk, my elbows now on the desk, my arms folded, making sure not to hit my coffee on accident and have it spill all over my laptop. "Just a little. So please? It's very much needed."
"Okay, fine. You know where the spare key is, and I have to stop somewhere after we both leave here. So I'll meet you at my place later?" I say, sipping my coffee. She claps her hands together, smiling, her getting a little too excited that she lets out a tiny squeal. I laugh quietly as she walks away from my desk and over to her own.
Both Iris and I say our goodbyes, as we part ways, her to my apartment, and myself, to star labs. Caitlin had asked me to go over, to help around with a few things. Let me rephrase that. Try my best to help. Considering Cisco and Joe were gone for some reason, she needed all the help she could get. I walk into the cortex, calling out Caitlin's name but I walk right into someone's chest, causing me to lightly gasp, and stumble back. I look up and my eyes land on the Flash. Of course.
A grin played on his lips, as he spoke, "You look a little taller."
"Yeah, heels exist." I say, as I put a strand of my hair behind my ear. His face wasn't blurred out like it usually was when I was around him, but his voice still was. He eyes me slowly, his gaze landing on my face again. "You look really- different."
"Good different or bad different?"
"Good." He quietly says, then clears his throat, blinking a few times then looks at me, quickly changing the topic, "Anything new on the Reverse Flash?"
"No, he hasn't done anything in a while. Why does it matter so much?"
"I mean- he's another speedster. Who obviously isn't here to do good-" He says, his arms folding across his chest.
"But this isn't just about stopping him. You want to find out who's behind the mask. Why?" I question him, also crossing my arms across, resting them on my chest. "Why do you ask so many questions?"
"Why don't you answer those questions?"
He goes quiet for a second then breaks the silence, my gaze not leaving his, "He's out to hurt you, Zee. He fundamentally showed that he was going to kill you if you even spoke a word to me. Yet here you are, putting your own life at risk."
"Yet you continuing to have this conversation with me is putting my life more at risk then me saying a word to you. But, you barely know me, Flash. There must be another reason for why you want to unmask him so badly." I step closer to him, taunting him, in hopes to force a answer out of him because of how determined I was to get another one of his reasons revealed.
"I know you better than you think." He says, keeping his ground, but rather quiet because of how close I had stepped closer to him. "Just spit it out, Flash. We both know you're hiding the real reason you want to know who the Reverse Flash is." I taunt once more, but there was a small feeling in my chest, that made me know I couldn't challenge him any more than I already have. I knew he wouldn't break.
"I want to find out who killed my mother." He says very quietly, not putting up a fight anymore, or holding his ground, and with that, he left the room. He just let it slip, as if he just wanted me to know, leaving me in a somewhat shock because I didn't have to put up much of a fight.
I didn't think much of it at first, as I walked into the room Caitlin was in, helping her around for a bit, the topic fading from my mind. But as soon as I thought about it again, I froze and dropped everything in my hands. Caitlin looks at me, confused. "Hey- are you okay?" She asks me, waiting for an answer.
The Flash wants to unmask the man in yellow, he wants to unmask the Reverse Flash, because he wants to find out who killed his mother. Which meant the Reverse Flash killed his mother. Barry's mother was murdered by the man in yellow. The man in yellow is the Reverse Flash.
I was too in shock to speak, as I stare at her, my eyes wide, my body frozen in one spot, it not wanting to move until I had fully processed what was going through my head.
"Zee?" Caitlin tries again, trying to snap me out of whatever I was in, but I didn't say a word.
Barry Allen was The Flash.
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