Barry sighs as we sat in the Lounge with Killer Frost and Cisco, "I wish it didn't have to be this way."
Cisco leaned his elbows against the couch, "And you're okay with all of this?"
"No, but-" Barry sighs again, "I have to accept that there are still others out there that we can save."
I pulled on the supportive act I've kept on for the past few weeks, clearing my throat, "Six weeks from now, all of our lives are gonna be on the line, so we have to be prepared."
"Yes, but what about him?" Cisco gestured to Barry and stood up, "I'm not just gonna wait around for him to get vaporized by anti-matter- we should be doing something to try to save his life."
He wasn't wrong.
"You can't." Barry denied, "You can't, Cisco- that's why I need you to stop worrying about me."
"If Barry had any other option, we'd be doing it." Killer Frost exhales deeply, "I think you gotta get behind this."
"Yeah- I am." Cisco huffs and walks away from us.
Barry stares at his hands, "How do you convince your best friend not to save your life?"
Killer Frost inhales sharply, "You're the teacher- you'll find a way."
"Well, he's gonna have to wait." Barry said when both of our phones buzzed, "It's CCPD, come on-"
"There they are." Joe said when Barry and I walked over to him at the Medical Center for our newest crime scene, "So much for my day off."
Today, I decided not to do much for my outfit or even dress like I was a detective. I was dressed in medium wash high waisted mom jeans, a simple grey t shirt tucked into it, with a simple black knitted cardigan, black combat boots on my feet, as I was an or two shorter than usual.
I put a strand of my straight hair behind my ear, "What do we got?"
"It's a creepy one." Joe spoke, gesturing towards the cabinet and shattered glass on the ground, "Somebody broke into this facility last night, and stole 10 liters of blood."
Barry put down his bag, putting on his gloves and crouched on the ground, "There's no security footage?"
Joe uses his finger to gesture around us, "There's no cameras in this part of the hospital."
Barry looks between Joe and I in question, "You think this is meta-related?"
Joe shrugs in honesty, "I'm asking you."
I crouched down next to Barry, leaning my arm against his shoulder, looking at him, "You know what I think this is? Vampires."
Barry shot me a look, a small smile forming on his lips, "How many times do I have to tell you that The Vampire Diaries isn't real?"
"We live in Central City." I shot him a look, but I was only joking, "When our criminal is Damon Salvatore, I will be saying I told you so."
Barry softly laughs then grabs the lock on the ground, "I mean meta-thieves usually make a way bigger mess- see this lock? The way this is sheared, a power saw could've done this."
"I'm telling you, our culprit is one of the Salvatore's." I joked again, standing up straight, "Okay, but- real talk- I don't know."
Barry shrugs and got up, "I mean, maybe it was just some kids pulling a Halloween prank."
"Good." Joe exhales, "Zee had me thinking we were dealing with some kind of meta-vampire."
I placed my hands on my hips, "Just a normal criminal with a diseased mind."
"Well, since I am captain, I'm gonna go watch the second half of the game." Joe's words made me smile lightly, "I'm gonna leave this to you two, all right?"
Joe then noticed the look on Barry's face, as did I, "You okay?"
"Yeah-" Barry exhales deeply, "You know, just this Crisis that's coming, Cisco's not taking it so great."
"Let me guess which part." Joe sighs, "Cisco is a whole lot like you- It is in his nature to want to save lives. Especially under these circumstances."
Joe then walks away from us, "I'll see you later."
Barry calls out after him, "Thanks, Joe."
Joe looks back, "Thanks for what?"
Barry looks from me to him, "I think I know how to get through to Cisco."
"I got your text." Cisco walked into the Lounge where Barry and I sat, "What is it now?"
"I know you're upset about this Crisis- and I've been thinking about it, and you're right." Barry began to say, "We can do more than prepare for a fight, you can save a life."
A smile broke onto Cisco's face, "I knew you'd come around-"
"No, Cisco, not it's not me." The look on Barry's face showed that he didn't like making Cisco upset, "We're gonna save Ramsey Rosso."
"Here's the thing." Cisco scoffs lightly, "We've done some insane things at Star Labs over the last few years, but curing a rare blood cancer, that is beyond our resources."
Barry's face twists in what looked like confusion and slight anger, "So- we just shouldn't try?"
I placed a hand on his arm, stopping him from going further, my voice quiet, "Barry."
Cisco began to pace, "So- we try and somehow succeed, are we supposed to spend the rest of your time here trying to save everyone who's been diagnosed with cancer?"
"We start with one man." Barry got up, "Look, you heard what Caitlin said about Ramsey- he's one of the most brilliant doctors on the planet."
Barry walks over to Cisco when he stopped pacing, "I need you to back me on this- you'll understand soon enough."
"Look," I suddenly moved and walked over to them, crossing my arms, "Theoretically, what would it take to cure HLH?"
"Honestly-" Cisco exhales deeply, "An act of God."
"Or-!" Harrison Nash Wells' voice filled the room, his hand appearing where the balcony was, pulling himself up, walking himself inside, "An act of science- and I know just where to find one."
I was alert, my fists firing up in flames right away, "Oh hell no, back up-"
"Put the fiery fists away, Firestar." Harrison referenced, walking closer to us, "I'm not here for you this time."
I slowly cool down in suspicion as Barry stares at him, walking with Cisco and I, "I'm assuming this is the Wells that you were telling me about?"
"Yep." Harrison pops the 'p' as he confirms, "Nash Wells- multiversal explorer and provider of scientific miracles. You, I'm guessing, are Barry Allen, the Flash."
Barry was caught off guard, "How did he- how did you-"
Harrison took off his gloves, "Hidden surveillance device."
I blinked, crossing my arms, "You bugged Star Labs?"
"No, no, not exactly-" Harrison looks at Cisco, "I bugged you."
Cisco almost laughed, "No, you didn't."
"Yeah, I did." Harrison said, making Cisco completely paranoid and look over himself, "I've been listening to your conversations, and I have a proposition."
I took a step closer, "And what is that proposition exactly?"
"Now, I need an anti-vibrational crypto-circuit to complete my work on this Earth, you need help with your mission, right?" Harrison said, "Well, you build me my circuit, 'cause I know you have the capacity, and I will lead you to something priceless that will surely help your mission."
"Your work?" Barry repeats, "What's your work?"
Harrison shrugs, "It's thermic excavation."
Cisco looks up from his shoe that he was trying to find the bug in, "You're a cosmic myth-buster who also happens to be a geologist?"
"Sure." Harrison nods.
Barry stares at him, "Sure."
"Barry, Cisco, sidebar." I announced, walking a few steps back where we all turned and huddled together, "Red flag city."
Barry nods in agreement, "Yeah- but, then again Wells usually shows up for a reason."
Harrison speaks again, "Guys?"
Barry looks back, "Yeah."
Harrison looks between us all, "You're aware he's still bugged, right?"
"Where is the bug?" Cisco bursts, "I don't see anything."
Harrison picked back at him, "Not in your shoe- I can tell you that much."
Barry speaks louder, quieting them down, "Let's just say that we trust you-"
"We don't." Cisco and I say in unison as he puts his shoe back on.
"Which we obviously don't." Barry adds in, "What are you offering?"
Harrison looks between us all, "I'm offering you something that will help save Ramsey Rosso's life."
"It's in there, McCulloch Technologies." Harrison told us as we were parked right outside it, in the Star Labs Van.
I looked at him, "What is?"
"Well, this extremely rare bio-regenerative serum capable of healing organic tissue, no matter what the harm." Harrison went in deep explanation, "So for your purposes, what you do, you simply inject it into your friend's healthy cells, those healthy cells replicate, they replace the unhealthy cells- presto, instant miracle."
Harrison then adds in, "Although, don't wait till your buddy's too far gone because then it might not work."
Cisco stares at him, "This sounds way too good to be true."
"Yeah, he's right." Barry sides with him, "I mean, how did McCulloch Technologies develop something this advanced?"
"They didn't develop it- they stole it." Harrison told us, "It's from Swan Moon, the-"
My eyes widen lightly, "The Dominator home planet?"
"Yeah, that's the one." Harrison points at me, "Yeah, recovered from some invasion three years ago- anyway, blah, blah, blah, you guys in, or what?"
I crossed my arms, "Well, how dangerous a weapon could this be in the wrong hands?"
"On a scale of one to ten-" Harrison trails off, "Twelve."
Cisco nods to us, "We gotta get our hands on this thing."
"All right, I'm gonna disable the exterior security cameras." Barry nods and runs out of the Van.
"He goes right through the door-" Harrison scoffs in surprise, "That's cool."
Cisco sat down, "How'd you know the stuff was here?"
"Kid, multiversal explorer." Harrison shrugs, "We need to know things."
"And the serum?" Cisco trials off.
"Could it protect someone from anti-matter?" Cisco and I both say in unison, making us look at each other.
Cisco gestures between us, "We have the same mind."
Harrison shrugs again, looking down at the device on his wrist, "I expect that goes without saying."
Barry then runs back in, "Cameras are down."
"All right." Harrison left the van, "Here's where the fun begins."
"All right-" Harrison said as we walked through the halls quietly, turning the corner, "Speedster, come on- speed us to the storage room."
Barry whispers back, "No, I can't."
Harrison looks back at him, "What do you mean you can't?"
"There are localized meta-dampeners all over this building, all right?" Barry points out, "My powers are useless in here."
Harrison huffs, "It means you're useless here-"
Barry shot him a look, now stern, "We don't have to make your circuit."
"Is that right, tough guy?" Harrison almost laughs, "Have you thought about what you're gonna do if you don't make my circuit, and I don't have-"
Cisco hits both of them at the back of their heads, "Hey, numbskulls, knock it off."
Then, suddenly, an arm wrapped around my waist and I was behind pulled up, a gasp leaving my lips when two guards had their guns aimed at Barry and Cisco, "Freeze! Both of you."
Harrison's arm was around me was as we landed on the metal surface on the ceiling, looking down at Barry and Cisco.
I looked at Harrison, "What the hell are you doing?"
"Wait- where's Zee?" Barry looked around, everywhere but up, his arms up in surrender, "Did Nash take Zee?"
Barry clears his throat, "So- we can explain."
"I don't think they're gonna ask questions first." Cisco trails off, going quiet himself.
Harrison looks at me, "I'd cover my ears if I were you."
I slowly oblige as he threw a device between them that had a high pitch screech, catching everyone off guard, the lights going off as Harrison hops off the metal, bringing me with him, setting me down, as him and I both knocked the two guards down.
"Nash?" Barry's loud voice cut through, "Zee?"
The lights suddenly came back on and you could see Barry and Cisco holding their ears as Harrison picked up his device, "Hey, fellas, so your auditory nerves-"
Cisco's voice was loud, "What?"
"Your ears will be fine in a couple of minutes- unlike these two." Harrison said and walked past us, "Now where were we?"
"All right, let's hurry up." Barry followed him, "There's another life at stake besides our own."
Before Cisco and I follow, I notice him secretly putting something on the wall.
"All right." Harrison opened the door that lead to the room where what we need supposedly was, "Let the search begin."
"Oh, man." Cisco closes the door behind him when we all walked in, "Without super-speed, this is gonna take a minute."
"We don't have to search every location, just the cold ones, okay?" Harrison instructs as Barry and I began to look around, "Because the serum we're looking for, it requires an environment of -15 degrees."
I point at a safe, "This says -15 degrees."
Harrison pauses and looks at Barry, "She's a keeper."
"Don't I know it-" Barry shot me a soft smile as they walked over to me.
"Time to steal our golden idol." Cisco pulled his tablet to the safe, when there's a sudden beeping in the distance, "Did you guys hear that?"
"What?" Barry asks, "No-"
Harrison shrugs, "I didn't hear anything."
"Wait, yeah, I did hear that." Barry noticed the beeping, as I noticed every time the beep occurred, Cisco was pressing on the screen of his tablet, "Is that an alarm?"
Cisco looks between them, "It better not be- I need more time to hack this."
"I'm on it." Harrison ran off before we could protest.
"I'm gonna follow him-" Barry told us, rushing after Harrison, leaving the room, whisper shouting, "Nash!-"
I stare at Cisco, with a slight disapproving look on my face, "Cisco-"
"You heard him- there could be a chance." Cisco stares at me, beginning to type away quickly.
I exhale deeply, looking back at the door nervously, "Just, hurry up-"
Cisco hacked it, grabbing the vial from inside and shoving it into his pocket, closing the safe again.
Barry then ran in, "I don't know where he went-"
"I got it!" Cisco opens the safe, showing Barry that there was nothing there, making me feel guilty, "We're too late."
Barry stressfully ran a hand through his hair, "No, this can't be happening-"
I sigh deeply, lying straight through my teeth, "McCulloch must've already sold it."
Barry stared at the empty safe, "We needed this to save Ramsey."
"We got company!" Harrison ran in, closing the door behind him, "Always wanted to say that."
"Here, catch." Harrison tossed us all small tiny silver balls, confusing us all.
I looked at it between my fingers, "What is this?"
"This- this is our way out of here." Harrison held his up, as guards were now trying to get into the room.
"What are you talking about?" Barry questioned, "What are we supposed to do with this?"
"It's easy- you just throw it." Harrison said, as the guards opened the doors.
I held my hand out, "Barry-"
Barry grabs my hand, as Harrison looks between us, "Like, now-"
We all threw them onto the ground, erupting in fog when suddenly we were on the ground in the Lounge at Star Labs.
Harrison was already pouring himself a drink, "Well, that was exciting, wasn't it?"
"The Lounge?" Cisco looks around, astonished, "How did we-"
"Can I have one of those?" I forced myself onto my feet and pointed at him, "My Halloween costume would be so cool if I had one of those-"
Harrison takes a sip of the drink he made, "Worry less about how we got to the Lounge or your Halloween costumes and more about building my crypto-circuit."
"That's not happening anymore." Barry got up, shaking his head.
"Let me correct you, Barry Allen- yes, it is." Harrison corrects him, "We had a deal, right? I would lead you to something priceless, which I did, not my fault the serum was gone- so now, you two are gonna build me a device."
"You know, Nash isn't going anywhere until he gets this crypto-circuit." Barry walked into Cisco's workshop as I was already sitting with him, watching him, "How's it coming?"
"Cisco told me two minutes ago that it's almost finished." I shrug lightly, putting my hair behind my ears, staring at my feet.
"All right." Barry walks over to us, "I don't know if you should."
Cisco stops and looks at him, "Okay, what do you mean?"
"I mean, doesn't something feel off about all this?" Barry asked, looking between us but I didn't look at him.
"Yeah, I know- the guys shows up needing our tech, makes a bargain to help us, and conveniently, the thing we need isn't there." Cisco looked like he could do this lying thing easily, making me scream at myself mentally.
"Right." Barry sighs, "So, I mean you think he's lying to us?"
I played with my hands, "It wouldn't be the first time a Wells had a secret agenda."
"Yeah." Barry looked around then noticed the safe, "Yo, what's in here?"
Cisco waves it off, "That's storage for Frost's stuff- you know how she gets."
"Neither of you haven't looked me in the eye since I came in here." Barry's stare was us, staying by the safe.
His stare burning into me, makes me stand up, facing him, my eyes finally connecting with his and it was like it clicked.
He could see I had been lying to him.
Barry goes to open it, making fear rise in my chest.
"Barry, no!" I blurt out suddenly, my hands clamping over my mouth immediately when he stops and looks at me, knowing something was up.
Barry opens the safe, seeing the serum that Cisco and I tried to hide from him and lied to him about.
But, he was bound to find it considering it was sitting right there.
Hurt crossed Barry's features as he looked up at Cisco and I, "What the hell am I looking at?"
My hands drop from my mouth, guilt crossing my features as I stared at him, staying silent.
Barry's voice was now more stern, clearly upset, "Zee."
"You know exactly what this is." Cisco stood up when he knew I couldn't speak, walking over to the safe and Barry, closing it, "I don't care what powers you have- if you want it you're gonna have to go through me."
"What are you talking about?" Barry stares at his friend, then looks between us, "What the hell are you doing?"
"I'm saving your life." Cisco's time was stern, "'Cause someone has to do it."
"Saving Ramsey-" Barry looks at him, "Saving Ramsey's my call."
Cisco argues, "And it's a bad call."
"But- it's the one I made!" Barry shot back at him, "Sometimes, as a leader, you have to make tough calls in order to serve the greater good."
Barry looks at me, "And you knew about this, and you didn't tell me?"
I stayed silent, beginning to slightly tear up when I saw the look of hurt stretched on his expression.
"You know, I made a tough call-" Cisco cuts in, "And I made it for you- and the minute Zee found out that there was hope, she was on board too. As much as she tries to hide it, she doesn't accept this, and neither do I."
"But- I told you- you can't save me." Barry's eyes were rimmed with tears, then he looks at me, "I thought you accepted that."
I stare at him, my eyes squinting in disbelief, "Do you really think I'll ever be able to accept the fact that the love of my life has to die despite all the good you've done for the universe?"
Cisco shook his head, running a hand through his hair, "I'm not buying that-"
"Well, you have to." Barry shot back at us, "Sacrificing myself saves everything and everyone- I've seen it."
"And what does that give me to look forward to?" Cisco yelled, a tear falling from his eye, "Waking up to a world without the Flash? A life without my best friend? Watch as another close friend of mine break little by little every damn day that goes by because the man that she loves is gone?"
"You get to live!" Barry's eyes held tears in them, his voice sounding so broken, and at this point we were all crying, "You all get to live."
"Don't-" Cisco shook his head and leaned against the desk on his palms, staring at the metal surface.
"Look, I- I've been dealing with this for weeks." Barry trails off, staring at the ground, "Wondering what's gonna happen when I'm gone, how everybody's gonna move on- that's why I wanted us, Zee, you, and me together, to save Ramsey today."
Cisco stood up and stares at him, "You wanted us to save a random person so I'd be okay with you dying?"
"No- I wanted us to save one person's life so you could understand the tough calls the sacrifices that a leader has to make." Barry's voice was quiet, "Because you're my pick- you're the person that I want to run Star Labs and this team when I'm gone."
"Zee's always going to be the leader of this team, but after I'm gone- I know her, and she won't be able to handle it." Barry's eyes were welling up with tears at the thought, "She won't be able to do this on her own, and she's gonna need you to lean on, to pick her up when she falls- to lead when she can't."
"All day, I've been trying to teach you how hard those responsibilities can be." Barry's voice was defeated, "And then you both stole something that was meant to save another person's life- you justified it, even."
Cisco exhales deeply, "And I'd do it again."
"Maybe- I made the wrong choice." Barry looked down.
Cisco sighs, grabbing the serum and handing it to Barry, before leaving the room, "The serum's yours."
"Hey." I walked into Ralph's office after Barry had left to give Ramsey the serum, "You busy?"
"For you, Detective?" Ralph looks at me from the couch he sat on, holding a drink, "Never."
I roll my eyes lightly, closing the door behind me, putting my cold hands in the pockets of my cardigan, "Pour me one."
"Yes, ma'am." Ralph sat up, putting his down and grabbing another glass, pouring me some, handing it to me, then grabbing his again.
I leaned against his desk, taking a sip of the butter, string liquid, "Iris tells me you've been having trouble with the Dearbon case."
"Zee, I've been working on this Dearbon thing since last summer." Ralph sighs deeply, opening up to me, "Then it dawned on me."
I stare at him, "What dawned on you?"
"Digging into this right now, it doesn't matter." Ralph exclaims, "Why the hell should I try to find her and try to help her, if I can't even save-"
"Barry." I notice how he pauses, stopping when he realizes who he's talking to, "You can say it."
I knew he noticed how my eyes were slightly red from crying earlier, and that's why he was being so hesitant.
Ralph slowly nods, "Barry."
"Ralph- do you remember Ramsey Rosso?" I down the rest of my drink, my throat burning at the liquid, setting the glass down, grabbing a high stool, sitting in front of him, "The one with the rare cancer."
Ralph looks at me, "How could I forget?"
"Today, we found a serum that could potentially cure him- curing him of HLH." I inhale sharply, holding onto the stool, "Cisco and I found out that embryonically, it could save Barry too."
"Except, there was only one of it's kind, so Cisco and I stole it and made Barry believe that it wasn't there." I continued, "Barry found it, a huge argument blew out- and now, Barry is on his way to give it to Ramsey."
Ralph stares at me, "What's the lesson here, Allen?"
"The lesson here, Dibny-" I looked at him, "Is that you can't always save everyone, but you can save someone and that's what's important."
"Bear with me because I'm trying to be an understand wife towards my husband even though he's not here because I really upset him earlier- as much as we all want to save Barry, we can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved." I sigh, putting my hair behind my ears, "The someone you need to save is Sue Dearbon, not Barry."
There was a long pause, before he speaks again, swallowing hard, "I'm gonna miss him, Zee."
This brought tears to my eyes, my voice breaking, "Me too."
Ralph sets his drink down and holds his arms out for me, as I slipped off the stood and sat next into him on the couch, crying in his arms.
There was a tripped alarm at Central City General.
Reports said that there was a madman attacking patients.
That madman was Ramsey Rosso.
He had become something else, something and none of us could even describe.
That man was so scared to die, that he would've done anything to live another day, or in his words, forever.
And if that mean killing, he was okay with that.
"Five people aren't going home to their families tonight." Barry had his back turned towards us, his eyes glued to the ground, "And the sixth, Ramsey- we lost him, too."
I looked at him, upset over everything that had happened, "You mean we wasted the serum on him."
Barry looks at me, "Zee."
"I'm sorry." I immediately apologized, covering my face in frustration.
I was upset over the fact that we could've given that cure to Barry.
"He's out there somewhere- we have to stop him."
Barry sighs deeply, "I- I have to stop him."
I uncover my face and looked at him, "Barry."
Ralph spoke from where he stood, "You tried to save him."
"But- he turned himself into a monster." Cecile stared at the ground in disbelief.
"That's not on us." Killer Frost simply said, "That was Ramsey's choice."
"I swear, if it is the last thing I do on this Earth-" Barry faces us, staring at the ground, "I'm gonna stop him."
I looked at him, placing my hand over his on the railing, "Don't talk like that, please."
"He's using people as incubators." Cisco stares into nothingness, "Using their bodies to create what he needs to keep himself a live."
I huffed deeply, "He's turning people into human blood banks."
Cecile speaks up, "And as soon as he gets hungry again-"
"He's gonna make a withdrawal." Killer Frost finished her sentence, sighing as well.
"Well, happy Halloween, everyone." Ralph remarks, walking away, leaving us all in silence.
Cecile ran a hand through her hair stressfully, "Of all the nights for this madness to be happening, it had to be Halloween."
I cross my arms, "How convenient."
Cecile looks up at Joe, "Babe, we should probably head home."
Joe looks at her, "Would you mind if I catch up with you in a couple minutes?"
"No- it's fine." Cecile had sensed how he was feeling when he walked away and towards the balcony, looking at Barry, gesturing for him to go after Joe as soon as he could, then leaves.
I stepped away from everyone, hugging myself, closing my eyes, trying to hold back more tears.
"Zee." I heard Barry's voice from behind me, making me spin around and look at him.
"Barry, I'm sorry about what happened at McCulloch-" I began to apologize.
"No, no- look, it wasn't your fault." Barry stopped me and placed his hands on my arms, "I shouldn't have thought for a second that you were okay with what was going to happen."
"But- I gave in, I let myself believe that there was a chance that you could've been saved- and I still believe that, but that chance was wasted because of Ramsey." There was hatred in my voice, "I mean- potentially that serum could've saved you, and I know you wanted to do the right thing, but- all I feel right now is resentment towards Ramsey because now I don't have that hope anymore."
"I know, and I'm sorry- but, what matters is that we tried to do the right thing." Barry pulled me into his chest, "I'm the one that's sorry-"
"You don't ever have to apologize to me, Barry, this was my fault-" I held onto him tightly, tears filling my eyes, "I'm just not ready to lose you."
Barry kisses my head, holding me tighter.
I held on for a few seconds before slipping away from him, grabbing his hands, "I think someone else needs your comfort at the moment."
Barry knew that I was talking about Joe, "Are you gonna be okay?"
"I'll be fine." I gave him a weak smile, letting of his hands, "Take to Cisco for me too, will you?"
"I love you." Barry grabs my face and kisses me for a small moment, and walks away, speaking to Cisco.
What he didn't know is I heard him and Joe crying on the balcony, and that only made my heart break more.
authors note:
zee learning from her mistakes- a queen.
can there really be a better married couple then these two? I don't think so
also it's literally 5 am and I tried so hard to get this update up before bed, imma kms
thank you for 120k !
also, go read skinny love !!!
vote and comment loadsss
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