We were all clueless about what Thawne really had planned.
We were all ready to blast that dagger into nothingness, and end this.
To end Cicada's reign on this city.
But, it seemed that Ralph has solved what even Sherloque and I couldn't.
Because he had caught us all off guard when he shouted for us to not shoot that dagger that night.
But it had been too late, as the blast got closer and closer to the dagger in the air.
And what Ralph did was complete in impulse.
He jumped right between the blast and the dagger, the dagger bouncing off him and back to the ground, the blast coming in contact with his body, as he fell onto the ground with a thud, turning into something I couldn't even describe.
We all rush towards him, confused and shock present in all of our expressions.
"Cicada-" Ralph muttered out even through his condition, "Thawne, dagger-"
Cicada got up, calling upon the dagger, then escaped.
"How's Ralph?" Barry asks when we were all changed out of our suits and in the cortex.
"I've never seen anything like it." Caitlin admits, walking over to us, "I can't quite figure it out."
"His cells are kinetically inverted." Caitlin pulled up the results she got from her tests, "It's like they're the reverse of themselves."
"Should've spent more time trying to figure out how this thing works." Cisco sighs, setting down the Mirror Gun.
"I just don't understand why he would jump in front of that blast." Nora admits, "I mean, why would he do that?"
"That's the question, isn't it?" Sherloque mutters, leaving the cortex, "That's the question."
Cisco sighs, "In other news, Cicada deuce is still MIA."
"All right, we should get to CCPD, see if we can find anything that could help us track her." Barry nods towards Nora and I, then walks away, Nora and I quickly following him.
Cecile walked through CCPD with Captain Singh and Joe, "All the metas that we couldn't cure, we got safely evacuated and they're waiting at a protected holding facility."
"Nice work, both of you." Captain Singh nods, walking towards his office.
"Well the work's not done yet." Joe said, "I mean, the metas are safe for now, but Cicada's still out there, so the people are still in danger."
"Fill me in on the details." Barry calls out from where we stood when Joe, Cecile and Singh head into the office, as he pulled on the glove on his hand, "I'm ready for this nightmare to end."
Nora puts on her gloves, "It should've been over already."
I sigh, "Nora, look, I'm sure Ralph had a good reason."
"Until we figure out what it is, we just gotta concentrate on this, all right?" Barry agreed, then grabbed his tweezers and crouched over the glass, "Wait a second."
Nora crouched also, "What is that?"
"Looks like wood." Barry held up for me to see, as I crouched down also to get a better look at it.
"From what?" I thought out loud, "I mean the floor is marble, furniture's untouched, and the skylight's made of glass and metal."
"Well if it didn't come from Cicada's point of entry-" Barry trailed off, looking between us.
Nora finished his sentence, "She must've brought it from somewhere else."
"Definitely some kind of wood fragment." Cisco said, observing the tiny piece of wood.
I cross my arms, "And you think those will lead us to where Cicada's hiding?"
"We can find out." Cisco places it in a small container, "We can cross-reference this, see what kind of wood it is, then see where we end up."
"Is there any progress on Ralph?" Barry questions, as we walked into the cortex.
Caitlin shook her head, "No, he's still unconscious, and I can't figure out a way to reverse his cells."
Nora looked between us, "So I guess that means we still don't know why he jumped in front of that Mirror Gun, do we?"
"We do." Sherloque walked in, holding a few papers in his hands, "We do because Dibny solved the greatest mystery of all."
We all gave him a questionable look, as he continued, hitting the papers with his hand, "The Flash legacy, how to stop Cicada, repentance for his past sins all the reasons Eobard Thawne was helping you."
Nora nods, "And stopping Dad from disappearing in the future."
"Disappearing in the future is part of it, hm?" Sherloque hums, "But- this has nothing to do with your father."
I wrapped Barry's jacket tighter around myself, "Well- what's the real reason he helped?"
By now, Cisco had joined our conversation as Sherloque revealed to us what we had all been completely clueless to, "The real reason that Thawne wishes to defeat Cicada and destroy Cicada's dagger is because this dagger is the only thing keeping the Reverse-Flash in prison."
"That son of a b-" I began to let out a string of profanities, as Barry's around almost instantaneously wrapped around my shoulders, his arm covering my mouth.
Cisco stepped closer, "Destroying Cicada's dagger in the past will save Thawne from dying in the future?"
"That's right." Sherloque confirmed what he figured out, "Cicada's dagger has been dampening Thawne's powers all this time."
Caitlin starts, lSo if we get rid of the dagger now, it disappears in the future?l
"And Thawne gets out of Iron Heights." Barry shook his head, continuing.
Cisco points, thinking out loud, "A reverse time hack."
"Everything you said about Thawne is true." Nora was tearing up, "The only person he ever helps is himself."
I pulled Barry's arm away from my mouth, "Nora, this is not your fault-"
"Yes, it is." Nora shot back, then quickly left the cortex.
I sigh, as Sherloque begs the question, "Now the question we have to ask do we stop Cicada or do we stop Thawne?"
"Thawne isn't even an option right now." I argue, "How are we going to let thousands of innocent meta-humans die because we don't want Thawne to escape?"
"Zee's right- we're not gonna let thousands of meta-humans die, now or in the future." Barry sides with me, "We find Cicada- we destroy the dagger once and for all."
"You know you really are a lot like your father." I quietly told Nora, my arm wrapped around her as she held onto me for comfort, as we sat in the Speed Lab, "I see so much of him in you."
Nora's voice was quiet, "How so?"
"Trusting." I said, "And you always blame yourself when things go wrong- he always does that, even when it wasn't his fault."
As if on cue, Barry slowly walks in, looking between us.
I nudge Nora lightly, "Speaking of the devil."
Nora lets out a breathy laugh, as Barry sat on Nora's other side.
Nora sat up from my embrace and looked between us, "How do I fix this?"
I looked at Barry, as he sighed, lI don't know if you can, Nora. You made a mistake, you know? A big mistake. Sometimes in life, all we can do is just live with the consequences."
"So what you have to ask yourself is what kind of hero are you gonna be?" Barry told her, "One who takes a do-over after every mistake, or one who lives with it and moves forward?"
Nora gave us both a look, giving a signal that she needed to be alone for a moment.
I gave her a small smile, before getting up, reaching my hand out for Barry to take, as he does.
He interlocks our fingers and pulls me along into the hallway, the both of us just enjoying each other's presence because we were mostly worried about the fate of our own kind and how this was affecting Nora to even speak about anything else right now.
Suddenly, the alarm blares, causing Barry and I to run into the cortex where we met everyone but Nora there.
The words flew out of my mouth instantly, "What is it?"
"It's the wood particles you guys found." Cisco's fingers padded on the monitor, "Swish ash."
Sherloque eyes scanned the screen, "Part of the flowering ash trees indigenous to Europe, but also make up our biggest wood space not 12 miles from Central City."
I read the name, "Kolins Woods."
"That's where Cicada almost killed me." Cisco realized, looking at me.
"That's also one of the largest wooded parks in the country." Barry adds in, "We need a better plan."
"I've got one." Nora's voice comes from behind us, causing us all to turn around, "One that can stop Cicada and Thawne."
"Then once we find Cicada to entrap her, we give Young Grace the choice to take the cure." Nora explained to us as we walked through the woods, all suited up, Joe and Cecile with us, "And hopefully, when she's no longer a meta-"
"That bitch will cease to exist." Killer Frost finished her sentence, as I zipped my suit further and to my collarbone due to the cold breeze.
I nod about the idea, "That way we can stop her without destroying the dagger and Thawne never goes free."
Barry looks at Nora, "Now all you have to do is help Grace make the right choice."
Nora exhales, "What do I say?"
"Whatever's in your heart." Barry told her, "She'll listen."
"What a bunch of sentimental crap." Cecile spun around and faced everyone, "You two sound like a friggin' Hallmark movie."
Killer Frost chuckles, "I hear ya, sister."
"I think we're close." Joe trails off, then looks at Cecile, "You good?"
Cecile snaps out of it and gasps, "Oh, yeah, jeez, sorry- uh, this way."
Cecile lead us further through the woods until we reached a clearer spot, a cabin with the lights on, and the Time Sphere next to it.
"Guys, we found her." I pressed my finger against the comm in my ear, "Get ready."
Barry, Nora, Killer Frost and I made our way closer to the cabin, Cecile and Joe standing off to the side.
As if on cue, Cicada landed right behind us, holding her dagger, "I'm actually glad you found me before we left."
She stood up and smiled at us, "Now I can end your lives twice today."
"Not on my watch." Joe calls out, tossing the extrapolator in her direction, as right as Cicada swung, the breach had taken her right to Star Labs.
Cisco's voice came through the comms, "We got her!"
Cecile lead us into the cabin where Grace laid in the bed, "If you can connect to Grace as an adult, you can connect with her as a child- you just have to tap into her anger."
Nora took the device, holding it in her hands, looking up at Barry and I.
"You can do this." My eyes went soft and normal, "We're right here by your self."
Nora nods gently, before placing the device to her forehead and getting on her knees, grabbing Grace's hand, her eyes going black and red, showing us that she had connected to Grace's mind.
As Cisco counted down the percentage of how much longer they could hold Cicada, my anxiety began to sky rocket.
Moments later, Nora let out a gasp, her eyes returning back to normal as she teared the device off her head, Grace's eyes snapping open, looking around.
Nora exhales deeply, smiling at her lightly, "Thank you."
"Here she comes!" Cisco's voice was quick through the comms, as Nora slowly injected the cure into Grace with her consent.
The red under Grace's bandage turned a glowing blue just like the cure, showing us that it was in effect, letting us all sigh in relief and give her a hopeful smile.
Suddenly, our powers were stripped from us, moving under the door and outside.
Cicada was here.
Cicada broke down the door, as Joe swung at her, Cicada blocking it, turning him to face us, her knife to his neck.
Cicada threw Joe to the side, Cecile letting out a gasp, "Joe, no!"
Cicada threw some sort of glass toward Cecile, knocking her to the ground, throwing Killer Frost and I to the side before we could even do anything, using her abilities to have Barry and Nora on the ground, pinned to the wall.
Grace screamed, as Cicada hovered over her past self, carefully taking the bandage off, then looking towards Barry with a look full of hatred after the blue on the wound went back to matching Cicada's, "Now I'll finish what I started."
"That shard in her head- it's still part of the dagger, its dark energy is enough to counteract the cure." Sherloque voice came through the comms, "If we want to cure Grace, we must destroy that dagger."
My body ached with pain due to my body slamming against the wall before I fell when Cicada threw me.
Cicada got up, using her abilities to grab Nora and start dragging her towards herself, Barry and I letting out screams of her name.
"Mom!" Nora shrieks, "Dad!"
Cicada stopped, something flashing in her eyes as she looked up, her eyes trailing from Nora, to me, "Did you just say Mom?"
It was like a bright idea had crossed Cicada's mind, but it wasn't so bright for us.
Nora's breathing was heavy, and I could tell it was because of the fear she felt but didn't show.
Cicada used her abilities to pin Nora back next to Barry and pulled me towards her despite my attempts to fight out of the energy's grip.
"No!" Barry's voice cracked from screaming so much, "Stop- please!"
Cicada pulled me towards her, having me pinned to the ground, only from the waist down, my arms trapped under also.
Then, it clicked what she was about to do.
If she killed me, Nora would cease to exist.
She'd take away both his wife, and his daughter.
"You took my family away from me, Flash." Cicada held her dagger over me, "Now watch me take yours."
"Mom!" Nora cries out loudly, both her and Barry trying their best to fight out of the hold they were under.
"No, no- no-" Barry's scream echoed, "Zee!"
I inhale sharply, Cicada's arm swinging back with full force, aiming for my heart.
I turn my upper body as much as I could to the side, Cicada's dagger piercing into left forearm instead, a loud grunt leaving my lips, my teeth clenched, trying to endure the pain.
Cicada growls, carelessly pulling her dagger out, her fist wrapping around my neck, holding me down completely, my arm beginning to bleed out, ready to kill me there.
Barry's scream pierced through the room, my eyes screwing shut, trying to mentally prepare myself for what would come next.
"Barry!" Cisco shouts through the comms, and next thing I knew, when my eyes opened wide with surprise, the Mirror Gun came flying in through a breach, Barry catching it instantly, firing at the dagger.
When the blast touched the dagger, the hold Cicada had on us disappeared.
The dagger was knocked out of Cicada's hand's when the blast came in contact with it, the dagger freezing in the air, then disappearing just like the satellite as Cicada was off me, her back towards us as she watched her weapon disappear into nothingness.
By now, everyone had gotten up to their feet, watching what was happening.
I was the last one to force myself to my feet, my hand over my wound, my pain more focused there, than my entire body.
As Cicada went to grab her dagger right as it disappeared, her fingertips starting to disintegrate, as she eyed what was becoming of her.
She gasped, groaning bestially as slowly her arms began to follow, along with her entire body. Right before she disappeared completely, she let out an ear piercing scream, then it went silent.
Barry was already grasping onto me, hugging me as tight as he could, forgetting about my wound for a second.
"Ow-" I whimper quietly, gently trying to pull away to signal for him to loosen his grip.
His attention diverted towards my wound, as he instantly let go, "Are you-"
"I'm fine." I inhaled sharply, staring at him, "We need to get to Thawne."
The plan Thawne created to save his own ass went accordingly for him.
Right on time, he had gotten his speed back and broken free.
Barry and Nora had gotten ahead, running back in time to save the people Thawne was going to kill.
Then, we had used Thawne's Time Sphere against him and knocked him to the ground with the great speed he was using coming toward us.
And now, we all stood tall, Team Flash in the future, watching as Thawne recollected himself.
My arm was wrapped under my suit, and even if my powers were back, the wound would take time to heal.
But, regardless of Barry's protests, I still came along.
I stood between Barry and Ralph, my eyes bright white, as we were all ready to hit Thawne with all we had.
"Isn't this nice?" Thawne forced himself up to his feet, eyeing us all, "Team Flash, back together again- with a new guy."
"Ralph Dibny." Thawne points at him, "Welcome, you should be dead."
Ralph stood tall, "Yeah, I guess we have that in common."
"We'll take care of that in a moment." Thawne chuckles, then his eyes land on me, "Zee, always a pleasure."
"Frost." Thawne nods, "Cisco. It warms my heart to see you again."
"I want to apologize for-" Thawne demonstrates how he killed him first, "But had I not done that, you never would've had the means to become extraordinary."
Cisco didn't even flinch, "I don't need powers for that."
Thawne doesn't respond to this, as he makes a run for him, Cisco opening a breach, Thawne running right through it, as he opened another breach for Thawne to come through.
When he does, Cisco opened another breach right behind him, as Killer Frost blasted him toward it, Thawne holding his hands out to block the blast, letting out grunts and coughs.
My palms fired up, as I contained the heat in my blasts, firing them at Thawne with full force, sending him through the breach.
Cisco opened a breach in the air, as Thawne fell towards the ground, Ralph morphing his fist ten times bigger, hitting Thawne hard, sending him back into the air.
"Now!" Cisco instructs to Barry and Nora, opening a breach for them to run into, as they do just that.
Thawne hits the ground with a thud, and the minute he forced himself up, Barry and Nora were out of the breach and throwing lightning at him, Thawne flying back and hitting a stand, the metal denting and destroying due to the force.
Unexpectedly, Nora ran over to him, grabbing him back his neck, tearing off his mask.
We all took a step closer, stood at different spots as we watched what was happening.
"It's not my father's legacy that's gonna disappear, Thawne." Nora's voice was filled with anger and hatred, her hand phasing as she neared it towards Thawne's chest, her eyes glowing red, her voice vibrating, "It's yours-"
"Nora!" I call out, running so I was at Barry's side, my eyes wide.
Nora's head turns towards Barry and I; Barry already shaking his head towards her.
"So close, Little Runner." Thawne's signature look returned to his face when Nora's hand began to glow in cracks like Cicada's did before she disintegrated, "It was never going to work anyway."
Nora lets go of Thawne, her voice falling into a feared cry as she stepped closer to Barry and I, "Mom? Dad?"
My eyes went to normal, as I instantly went over to her, Barry by my side, as I carefully eyed her hands.
Nora's voice cracked, "Mom, what's happening?"
"A new timeline is setting in." Thawne spoke up from behind us, knowing the answer due to this being his plan.
Barry looked up at him, "What?"
"A new timeline that you created when you destroyed the dagger!" Thawne called out, "I'm sorry, Little Runner, for trading you in like this- but, I had to be sure that I could go free."
My eyes glowed, my fists heating up as my jaw clenched, blasting right at him, Thawne hitting the metal again, grunting at the scorching heat that was hitting him.
I took a step closer, pushing myself further, feeling only hatred and anger.
If I were a speedster, this would be me channeling my inner Negative Speed Force.
"Well, Zee-" Thawne comments, despite struggling to continue taking the heat, "Looks like you've learned a lot from your brother, haven't you?"
Those words make me freeze, the blast stopping, the heat disappearing from my palms, as Thawne smirked towards me, knowing that it got to me.
Barry yells, running towards him, pinning him to practically destroyed stand, Thawne letting out small chokes of words, "You can still save her, Barry."
"There's still time-" Thawne said again, "You can still save her!"
Barry was quick, "How?"
"The Negative Speed Force." Thawne inhales sharply, "She has to go there- It's the only place immune to timeline changes."
"But- you have to go now- you have to go, Barry!" Thawne shouts, "Or we lose her forever."
Barry stopped, staring at Thawne.
I stepped closer, "How dare you say we?"
"That's right." Thawne taunts, looking between us, "I've grown fond of her too. In many ways, she's shown me what it's like to have a daughter."
Thawne knew he had won, as he stares at Barry, "See you in our next crisis."
Barry clenched his jaw, then grabbed Nora and ran off, Thawne giving me a smile, before his eyes went read, him running off in the other direction.
Seconds later, Barry and Nora ran back, Barry's voice panicked, "Nora, what are you doing?"
"It's too late." Nora cries out in argument, making me spin around and face them.
"No, it's not-" Barry fought back, shouting at her, "We gotta go back."
Nora shook her head, "Dad, no."
"Barry, you have to take her back." I had joined the conversation, my eyes going back to normal and were now wide with fear, "What are you doing?"
"I know, I know-" Barry yelled back, looking between Nora and I, "Nora, we need to go-"
"Mom," Nora interjected, wanting to get my attention, her voice raising to the point that we were all screaming at each other, "Mom!"
I looked away from Barry and at her, raising my voice, "Nora, you have to go back now!"
"No!" Nora screams loudly, jumping a little in anger, her eyes going red for a moment, wanting to get Barry and I's attention.
Barry and I had fell quiet, our attention on her, our voices silent.
"If I go back in," Nora began, her voice strained from screaming, "-the Negative Speed Force will be a part of me forever."
"We'll get it out of you, Nora." I began to argue, my tone pleadingly as tears began to burn in my eyes, "We can get it out- we can save you, okay? We'll do everything we can- please- I promise-"
"Mom, you can't!" Nora raised her voice, shutting me up, "Mom, you can't."
"None of you can." Nora confronted, looking between us, "It's making me like Thawne- full of anger and hate. I- I don't want that to be my legacy."
"Nora- please." I was begging, the tears in my eyes slipping, "I can't lose anyone else- especially you. I- please."
"Mom-" Nora's voice cracked, tears filling her eyes as she stared at my condition, "I'm sorry-"
"Nora." I choked out a sob, my bottom lip starting to quiver as a child's would when they were about to cry, "Please- Barry and I- we can't lose you- okay- it'll be fine- we'll figure something out- just-"
"Mom-" Nora cried out, a tear falling, "This is all on me!"
Barry began shaking his head, the tears in his eyes present also, "No."
"All of it." Nora continues, taking full responsibility, "My mistake."
I couldn't bare listening to this, "Nora- stop!"
"I'm not gonna make another one." Nora told us firmly, as the beginning of the disintegration spread to her collarbone, "Sometimes all you can do is live with the consequences."
"Nora." My voice was quiet and barely there, breaking when she used Barry's words against us, Barry wrapping his arms around the both of us, pulling us into his chest.
I began to sob, holding onto our daughter as tight as I could with the last few moments we had left with her.
"It's okay- It's okay." Nora tried to shush my cries, holding onto me tighter, "I love you so much."
It was like the inner child in me had broken loose and I hadn't gotten the toy I wanted, because that was how hard I was crying.
I felt like I couldn't breathe, and the tears were an unstoppable stream down my cheeks, my eyes tinted red.
"Nora-" I cried out her name again, my eyes opening for a second, noticing that she was at the edge of disappearing forever.
Barry's voice was weak, and I could tell from his shaky tone that he was crying too, "We love you."
"Thank you for everything." Nora whispers, and then suddenly, I couldn't feel her touch anymore.
My eyes followed the particles in the air after she disintegrated, a gasp leaving my lips when I couldn't feel her anymore.
Barry went to pull me into his chest, but I slipped away, my hand hopelessly reaching up at the particles of what was left of her drifting away, my breathing becoming heavier as my eyes pooled with fresh tears.
"Nora-" I cried out, then collapsed, Barry catching me, holding me to his chest and I gripped onto his middle tightly, the both of us letting out tears fall freely, our teammates sorrily watching from afar.
"You ready?" Barry's voice was quiet as we stood in the middle of the hallway.
Everyone was waiting for us in the cortex after we had all gotten back and changed back into our normal clothes.
"Yeah-" My voice unintentionally cracked, my eyes red from crying, as I sniffled, clearing my throat, the tears in my eyes falling as I quickly wiped them away.
I sigh deeply, my palms resting over my eyes, as I took a few deep breathes, sniffling again.
"Hey-" Barry's voice was gentle, "If you need more time- we can wait. I'll stay with you."
"No- it's okay." I move my hands, inhaling sharply, clearing my throat again, "I'm okay."
Barry's eyes scan my features for a moment, then he nods slowly, grabbing my hand, walking into the cortex with me.
Cecile was the first to speak, "We're so sorry."
Joe slowly walks up to us, hugging us both, kissing Barry and I's cheek one by one, then looked at us, "We have to believe that we'll see her again."
I don't reply, Barry simply giving him a nod as Joe stood back by Cecile.
Barry's voice was low, "Nora made sure that we didn't lose everything tonight."
"She saved every meta in the city." Ralph nods lightly.
Caitlin inhales, "And she gave Grace a new future."
"Gave all of us, right?" Sherloque cuts in, "Especially me- without Nora, I never would've met the love of my life, Renee."
"And you wouldn't have stopped your 38th Cicada-" Cisco adds in then corrects himself, "Or your 39th."
"Right- it's been quite a journey." Sherloque threw his backpack over his shoulder, shaking Barry's hand, "Pleasure- an honor, Flash."
"We never could've solved this mystery without you." Barry honestly told him, shaking his hand.
"Well, don't be too sure." Sherloque softly smiles, then looked at Ralph, "You already have a master detective in your midst. Congratulations, Adult Giraffe."
"Well done, Sherloque." Ralph shook his hand also, giving him a half smile.
Sherloque winks, "Sherlock."
"Well, all right then- without further ado." Sherloque used the extrapolator to open a breach, before stepping into it, he speaks, "Mes amis. Good luck, Team Flash."
I let out a shaky breath, Barry letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around me, pulling me into his chest.
Joe and Cecile's phone buzz, as they fish it out of their pockets, Joe's eyes scanning his screen, "It's Singh."
"Yeah, he, uh-" Cecile looked up at us, "He wants us to meet him in CCPD and bring Zee and Barry."
Joe and Cecile nod at us, before heading into the hall, knowing that we had to talk it amongst ourselves.
"I can just ask them to fill us in if you don't want to go-" Barry was quick to say, "You're not in the mood and I-"
"He's our boss." I raise an eyebrow at him, swallowing hard, putting a hand on his back, walking into the hall with him, "We have to."
"Well, Grace Gibbons is currently scheduled to meet with our county counselor." Captain Singh told us as we stood in his office, "And as soon as possible, we'll get her in with a good foster family."
Captain Singh notices that I had been crying, then inhales sharply, "Look, I won't keep you long, but I just want to thank you for being at the forefront with Cicada."
Joe softly smiles, "Just doing our job, sir."
"Well, you went way beyond just doing your job." Captain Singh said, "And I know you did it because of how much you care for the people of this city, which is how I know I can leave it in your capable hands."
Barry's eyebrows furrow in confusion, "What do you mean, leave it?"
Captain Singh confessed, "The mayor's offered me the job as the new chief of police."
We all let out small gasps of excitement for him, as Joe shook his hand, "David- congratulations."
"Thank you." Captain Singh pressed his palms together, "Of course that leaves me responsible for finding my own replacement. And, uh- I would like that to be you, Joe."
"Re- replace you?" Joe stuttered, "As- as captain?"
This brought a small smile on my face, "Captain Joe West."
Cecile lightly squealed, "Oh, I like the sound of that."
Barry was softly laughing in delight, patting Joe's back in congratulation.
"And don't worry, if things get dicey, as they tend to around here, you'll have plenty of help." Captain Singh then looks at Barry, "Isn't that right, Flash?"
I blink, "Wow-"
Barry stammers, "I- what?"
"Oh come on. I'm sure you're in on the superheroing too." Captain Singh's eyes darted to the bandage that was showing under my sweater, then looked between us, "Come on, guys. I'm a detective too.l
Barry scoffs in surprise, running a hand through his hand, "Yes, Sir."
Captain Singh shook Joe's hand once more, "Congratulations."
Joe smiles, "I'll do my best."
I sat alone in the Time Vault, flipping through the pages of the photo album in my hands, Nora's journal next to me.
I put a strand of my hair behind my ear, as I leaned my head back against the wall, the only thought on my mind being Nora.
I closed my eyes for a second, in hope that the burning feeling I felt would disappear because it was only making me want to cry even more.
A memory flashes in my mind of Nora, making tears pool in my eyes once more.
Nora and I were at the loft.
I was dressed in sweats and a sweatshirt, while Nora was in her pajamas, Big Time Rush playing on the TV.
We had just plopped onto the couch after rushing around the place, holding random objects as microphones, lip syncing to the theme song.
We were acting like teenagers.
"I can't believe I never watched this show when I grew up." Nora sat down with me, holding her bowl of ice cream.
I shot her a look, "That's cause the future sucks."
"Well-" Nora trails off, then looks at the screen, taking a bite of her ice cream, "They're all so adorable-"
"I went to one of their concerts once." I mention, scooping some ice cream onto my spoon from my bowl.
Nora's head snaps towards me, "No way."
"I did." I nod at her in confirmation, "You can ask your dad, he took me."
"Dad took you to a Big Time Rush concert?" Nora sat up, interesting in hearing this, "Did he even like their music?"
"Nope- not at all." I admit, "I kept begging because I loved them so much at the time- and even when he hated them, he surprised me with tickets and we went. He then took me for ice cream after."
"It seems like you and Dad were pretty close when you guys were younger." Nora winks at me and I already knew what she was implying.
"Your father and I didn't get together until a year or two after the whole Flash business started." I ate some ice cream, "We were best friends back then."
"I'm sure he loved you and didn't realize it." Nora shrugs, looking back at the screen.
"Whatever you say, Nora-" I trail off, my eyes landing on the screen, "Oh- Kendall's the hottest."
"No way-" Nora looked at me, "James is."
"Have you seen Kendall?" I sat up, "He's literally- beautiful."
"James is practically known- as the pretty one." Nora shot back, "James is stunning."
"Kendall." I simply said.
Nora replies, "James."
"Kendall!" I quickly said back.
Nora shook her head, "James!"
"Me!" Barry was walking over to us, and had just got back home, hopping over the couch, sitting between us, holding a paper bag of Chinese food, "You know, for adults, you two argue like children?"
My eyes snapped open when I heard Barry's voice, the memory slipping my mind just for a second when I notice the Time Vault's door open and close behind him, "Hey."
I hadn't noticed the tears streaming down my cheeks, "Hi."
"I was about to ask if you were okay-" Barry sat down next to me, then wiped away from tears.
I sigh, looking down at the photo album on my lap, my hand slipping to the last two filled pages, noticing that I hadn't done these.
My eyes scan the photos, noticing that these were all photos Nora had taken and added herself.
"She added to the photo album-" My voice was quiet, the pads of my fingers glazing over the photo of Barry and I the day I had jumped off a roof to save him, his arms was around me and he was messing with my hair, when we were all discussing it afterward, "It's all here."
Barry wrapped his arm around me, grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers.
I closed the photo album with my free hand, placing it down with Nora's journal.
"How's your arm?" Barry quietly asks, referring to the wound still present and slowly healing.
"It hurts- but I'll live." I sigh, keeping a hold on his hand, then I looked at him, "When is the universe going to stop hurting us?"
Barry looked at me, "Physically or emotionally?"
"Both- but, mostly emotionally." I exhale deeply, "Thawne killed your mom- he's still kicking around and manipulating everyone and everything to get what he wants, my dad killed my mom- my dad tried to kill me, then died from execution, my brother from another Earth killed your father- my brother from this Earth- I have no idea where he is, and now we've lost our daughter."
"Now that I think about it-" Barry trails off, "I think the universe hates us."
This earns a small laugh from me, "Yeah?"
"Yeah." Barry softly laughs also, smiling lightly that he got me to laugh, "Passionately hates us."
"I think you're right." I gave him a half smile, then looked in front of me.
"Thawne got away." Barry stares ahead, "Again. Nora's gone- it should feel like a loss but, I also feel-"
I looked at him, throwing out a suggestion, "Pride?"
"Pride, yeah." Barry looked at me, agreeing.
"She did good." My voice shook, as I bit on my quivering bottom lip to try and not cry again.
"Yeah." Barry agreed once more, "She was the best of both of us- she was my legacy all along."
"And us, together, as a family, that's how I want to be remembered." Barry's thumb caressed my hand, "As a good man, a loving husband- a supportive father."
"Maybe- you don't see it, but you're already all of those things." I softly said to him, "Nora felt that way too."
"Time language." I held up Nora's journal, Barry cracking a small smile when his eyes landed on it, "Something I'll never understand."
Barry flipped through the pages, noticing the photos tapped to a few pages, pointing to one of him and I. It was the photo Iris took of him and I the day we met Ralph, my chin was on his shoulder and he was feeding me some of his funnel cake.
"Oh my god-" Barry chuckles, "I remember that- that was some good funnel cake."
"It was also the day we all thought we were cursed." I mentioned, my eyes scanning the photo, "Why am I making that face?"
"I think it's cute." Barry flipped through the page, then notices something stashed between the pages, pulling out what looked like a chip drive.
He shot me a look of confusion, before pulling up with him, walking over, placing it in the stand, his hand waving over the light, whatever was on it beginning to play.
Nora's face was projected in front of us.
"Hi, Mom and Dad." Nora's voice was sweet, as she smiles at us, "If you're watching this, it means that something went wrong."
"But- I don't want you guys to be sad." Nora quickly said, "I'm not."
"Barry-" My voice came out as I whisper, the tears in my eyes falling almost right away when I heard those words.
I notice the tears filling up in Barry's eyes too, as her wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his side.
"I always wanted to be a hero, to use my extraordinary abilities to help people." Nora began, a smile on her face the entire time, "That's why I came here: to meet my family, stop Cicada, help fix the Flash's legacy, and save him from disappearing in the future."
"That was my plan- but, I didn't realize how strong of a relationship I would build with you two." Nora went on, "Especially you, Mom. I only got to know Zee Allen- the aftermath of losing her husband. I didn't know who you really were- and coming to this time showed me how completely schway you are- and now that I do- I wouldn't trade you for the world. And seeing Dad- stand with you through all your decisions- defend you- and love you endlessly- only made me love you both even more. It made me so happy seeing you two together- it brightened up my mood whenever."
"Anyways- before I get too carried away about talking about you guys-" Nora chuckles, "I believed I could do the impossible, but I never imagined it would turn out like this."
"I'm glad it did." Nora continued, "I wouldn't change anything about my time with you, my sweet parents, the most important people to me in the world."
"I wish I could be there to celebrate every new chapter, to witness every success." Her words made my tears fall, "Just know that no matter where I go in my life, you'll always be my side."
Nora spoke, her smile not wiping off her lips, "Because of you, I know I will never, ever, truly be alone, and I will feel your love and support like a warm hug comforting me, wishing me to be the best person I can be."
"Thank you for everything, for making me a hero and for loving me even if I wasn't perfect." Tears became present in Nora's eyes, "Please remember that I love you both and I always will, no matter what the future brings."
Then, the video ended, freezing on Nora's face.
I looked at Barry, tears streaming down both of our faces for what felt like the hundred time since she was gone.
I gripped his middle, as we held onto his each as tight as we could, a small whimper leaving my lips.
Barry leans his head on mine, quietly shushing me, trying to comfort me, despite the fresh tears that wouldn't stop streaming down his face.
authors note:
so, i cried writing this
also, this is the last chapter until october !
if you guys enjoy my writing, you should check out my shadowhunters books that I have for jace herondale and alec lightwood.
you can go on my profile and find them there,
forelsket | alec lightwood
predestined | jace herondale
i may also be creating a book to just write down future books i may be writing about different characters and would wanna know many people might wanna read it so, stay tuned for that !
i'm also curious if i should write another barry allen book so you could relive zee and barry's journey to marriage but like, kinda different because i have different ideas
but we'll see !
vote and comment loadsss
but , bye until october !
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