"I don't wanna get out of bed." I mutter, Barry's arms wrapped around me tight, his face nuzzled into my neck, his eyes closed, exhaustion threaded in both our tones due to just waking up.
He huffs quietly, "Neither do I."
"But we have a whole day ahead of us." I turn in his hold, looking at him.
"Well, if we don't wanna get out of bed just yet- let's not." Barry rolls on top of me, pinning me against the bed.
"Barry, it's 8 in the morning." I shot him a look, "You need to put your mind to work- we need to get to work. I mean, Nora already left."
"Okay, I'll let my mind get to work." Barry looks up as if he was in thought, a thoughtful pout on his lips as he stared at the ceiling, then looks down at me, "I've made an educated guess of what you look like without clothes on. Wanna let me see if I'm right?"
"Hey-" I hit his shoulder playfully, a small chuckle leaving his lips, "You can't make a guess if you've already seen it."
"Well, I haven't seen it in what feels like ages- so I have forgotten." Barry kisses my neck.
"As if you could forget." I roll my eyes, a small laugh leaving my lips.
"You're right. I think about it every day." Barry smiles up at me, before pressing his lips into mine, cutting me off completely, starting the day off with a completely different turn.
"Orlin Dwyer." Ralph introduced, "Near as we can tell, he grew up in the Midwest. In and out of juvie, pretty much fell off the map, and then popped up in Central City a few years ago."
"Part-time employee of Szrek Chemicals for the last two years." Sherloque continued.
Ralph went on, "Foreman says he keeps to himself, pretty much a loner, gave a fake address."
"Did take custody of his niece." Sherloque pulls up her picture as they both repeat, "Grace Gibbons."
"After her parents were unfortunately murdered by a meta-human, now-" Sherloque continued on.
Ralph finishes for him, "So now we know why Dwyer hates metas. Once he got his powers, he started targeting them."
"Powers he got the night of the Enlightenment, as we all know, and he was struck by a shard from the Star Labs satellite explosion." Sherloque told us.
"Which was also the same night that Grace went into a coma." Ralph added.
"Where Dwyer visits her every day, every night, for the last three weeks." Sherloque informed us.
"So he's there now?" Barry asks, as they nod in response, "Then let's go get him."
I look down at my feet, letting out a quiet scoff at what he just said, rocking back and forth on my feet, the heels of my black heeled platform boots hitting the ground over and over.
The strands of my straightened hair falling from behind my ear, my entire body feeling unusually cold, despite the brown plaid skinny taper pants on I had on, paired with the cropped black sweater that ended right on the high waist line of the pants.
"Let's go get him?" Sherloque repeats, "How are you going to do that? Look, as always, I respect your spirit, Barry Allen, but as long as Cicada has his dagger to dampen your powers, there's no stopping him."
"So let's destroy his dagger." Barry states.
"How are we gonna do that unless we have some kind of power-dampening dagger power dampener hidden away in storage?" Ralph asks.
"We don't, but if we did we'd come up with a much better way of saying that." Cisco remarks from next to me, as I stopped rocking back and forth, looking up at Ralph.
"Sure, I mean, just, like, dagger-dampener," Barry starts to mutter.
"Wait, yeah, that's actually- that's decent," Cisco starts, as they all start to conversation amongst themselves, trying to figure out a name for it, as I stared at them in confusion.
"Guys." Nora cuts in, looking up from her journal, looking at all of us, "What if we could make one?"
"Make one what?" I ask.
"What if we can make a weapon more powerful than his weapon?" Nora suggests, "Cicada can control his dagger, so what we would need would be something more powerful than his connection to it."
"So like- some sort of super-charged magnet?" I question.
"Exactly." Nora nods.
"I don't know if we have anything strong enough for that." Cisco told us, "We made Sally out of a micro-composite alloy. As far as satellite's go, she was heavy-duty."
"And even if we could get our hands on the dagger, we'd still have to figure out how to take the dark matter out- to negate it's powers." Caitlin went on.
"Well, exactly right." Sherloque joined. "I mean, what you're suggesting is we find an alloy- no, no- indestructible alloy that has super magnetic properties, but also has the ability to negate dark matter. I mean, where are we going to find such a thing?"
"The past." Nora told us quietly, looking between Barry and I.
Barry and I instantly look at her, saying in unison, "What?"
"You've already come across everything that we need, right? A strong alloy with magnetic properties." Nora began.
"Savitar's suit." Cisco realizes.
"Something to remove dark matter." Nora continued.
"The Speed Force transmitter that Zoom used to steal Barry's speed." Caitlin thought out loud.
"Yeah, but that was his Speed Force." I cut in.
"Yeah, but those are exotic particles, which are basically the same thing as dark energy, so we would just need some of that to recalibrate it." Nora explained.
"Can-" Ralph stammered, "Can you do that?"
"I mean, you'd have to infuse the transmitter with the same kind of dark matter." Cisco says.
"Like the Devoe kind?" Ralph questioned.
"More like the Particle Accelerator kind." Cisco looks up.
"I'm sorry, we-" Ralph stuttered, "We need to blow up Star Labs again?"
"No, no, not again." Nora shook her head, "We just need to go back to the first time that it happened."
Barry shook his head, crossing his arms, "This is gonna mess with the timeline too much."
"No, it's not." Nora stops him, "Savitar's suit, the transmitter, these are all just discarded objects in time, so if we steal them, it won't affect anything at all."
"Even if all of that worked, we can't just waltz into the hospital with our soon-to-be-named dampening device." Ralph reasons, "Dwyer smells us coming, he's gone."
"Then we do a time hack." Nora said, having really thought of everything.
"A time hack?" Ralph repeated.
"Is when you-" Sherloque began to explain.
Cisco cut him off, "Plant something in the past so it's available in the future."
Cisco looks at Barry, "You go back, you take the device, and you hide it near the hospital. Somewhere it won't be found for five years. He won't even know it's there."
"So you and your father go back to the past to defeat Cicada in the future." Sherloque looked at Nora, "Quite an off-the-cuff plan you've come up with."
"We can do this." Nora smiled at her dad.
"No." Barry spoke up, catching us all of guard, "I can do it."
The look on Nora's face was unreadable, as Barry dismisses everything, walking away, "Can you guys figure out the best dates to go back to?
"We're on it." Cisco and Caitlin turn, walking out the cortex.
"You're not coming with me." Barry walked through the hall, telling Nora, as I slowly followed behind them, a few feet away, not wanting to interfere.
"Why?" Nora asks him.
"Every time I try something like this I nearly get killed." Barry reasons, as they come to a stop, Nora and Barry's sides towards me.
"Well, yeah, all the more reason for me to come with you, so that I can watch your back so you don't get hurt." Nora reasons, practically pleading.
"It's too risky with the timeline." Barry shook his head, "Look, time travel, it's complicated."
"I know, I've already done it." Nora spoke up.
Barry cut in, "And look what happened."
The expression on Nora's face changes, her tone falling, "Look. I just want to fix what I screwed up. Okay, what I did. Please, let me come with you."
"Not today." Barry stood by his statement, Nora letting out a sigh, leaving the hall, Barry's eyes landing on me.
My hands rested in the back pockets, as I shot him a look, standing still.
"You think she should come with me?" Barry could already tell what I was thinking by the look on my face.
"Will you get mad if I said yes?" I squint my eyes as if I was preparing for him to practically explode, "If that's the case- then no."
Barry rolls his eyes lightly, "You never say that- you always stand by your decisions."
"You're right." I fix my posture, walking over to him, "Barry, I think she could come with you."
"Zee, if I do this, I'm going back to some crazy times. Savitar, Zoom, Thawne-" Barry started to reason, wanting to convince me to back him.
"Speedsters- who you've all outsmarted and defeated. In ways that I can't even begin to explain." I quietly told him, a small smile on my face, my hands resting on his chest. "This was her idea, Barry. Her solution. And it's a good one."
Barry huffs, his hands cupping my wrists, his eyes glued to mine.
"So, unless you can give me a better reason-" I trail off, "You should let her do this."
"All right, let's do it." Barry walks into the cortex after a while, as I was seated in my chair, Cisco, Caitlin and Ralph stood in the middle of the room, Nora seated in a chair on the side.
"You're not gonna want to forget this." Cisco tosses him the Flash ring, "Had to make some adjustments to the suit, but I finally figured it out."
Barry caught the ring, putting it on, a small grin on his lips.
I cleared my throat, catching his attention, "For emergencies only."
"She's right, you don't want to get caught running around the past- in your future Flash suit." Cisco said, "You might get ideas."
"Thank you." Barry nods, weakly smiling up at him.
"You're welcome." Cisco leaves the room for a moment.
Barry's eyes land on me, as I signal towards Nora, shooting him a look, as she sat there, staring at the ground, a pout on her lips, her chin resting on her hand, her elbow on the arm of the office chair.
Barry gave me one last pleading look, hoping that I would just let him this alone. I gave him an innocent smile, showing them that I wouldn't change my mind and I was going to make him take her if I had to.
He lets out a sigh through his nose, before looking at Nora, quietly murmuring, "Come on."
Nora looks up quick, her eyes filling with excitement as she jumped up.
Barry walked over, kissing my cheek, before leaving the cortex, heading down to the pipeline, Nora's smile wider than ever, as she starts following.
"Gimme some-" I held my hand out, as she let out a small laugh, high fiving me, before quickly following her dad.
Cisco, Caitlin and Ralph come by me, as I looked at the screen in front of me, the particle accelerator shown on the screen in a model form.
Suddenly, Ralph turns on some music, the pun practically screaming as the song he turned on was Back in Time by Huey Lewis and The News.
We all slowly look up at him, as he quickly responds to look on all of our faces, "What? When am I gonna get the chance to do that?"
"Hey, game face." Cisco turns it down.
"All right, so what do we do while they're gone?" Ralph questioned, "Do we stake out the hospital? Get everything ready here or what?"
"Literally nothing." I cross my arms, slouching in my seat, "They're gonna return to the exact same moment that they left."
"Wait, so, they're gonna go, but to us it'll be like they never left?" Ralph asks.
"Yeah, time travel's weird, isn't it?" Cisco remarks, then looks down at the screen.
Caitlin trails off, "Here they go."
[ nora's pov ]
"Are you sure we're in the right place?" I ask once we reach the other side of the wormhole, my eyes instantly widening at the sight of blue lightning, "Is that Savitar?"
"That's him." My father nodded, staring up at the speedster. "Come on."
He grabbed my arm, pulling me behind a few bushes and trees, as I gaped at what was happening in front of me.
"I only have a few minutes left." Savitar heaved, "But before I go, I'm gonna kill Joe. And Wally. and Iris. And Zee. If I am going to die, then everything you love is going to die too."
"Holy shrap." I quietly say, staring at the sight.
Suddenly, the past version of my father, Barry Allen, ran, phasing right through the suit, being in control now, Savitar, an exact replica of him, on the ground, "How's it feel to get so close to your ascension, and end up on the ground?"
"Now I see." Savitar pants, "It's written."
"Nothing's written." My father shouted at him through the suit, the sound of something catching both my and my father's attention.
"What was that?" I ask him, looking into the dark.
"Time Wraith." He told me, "They protect the timeline. I've got to get it out of here. Nora, you're gonna have to get the shard, okay? Meet me in the forest where we first arrived."
I nod, as he rushes off, my attention instantly diverted back towards what I was watching before.
"I thought you were dead." A woman who looked exactly like my mother was right behind her, my eyes widening at the sight.
My mother knocked her out quick, her attention glued to the man she loved and his remnant, not wanting him to do what he was about to.
"Mom?" I whisper to myself in confusion, not knowing that she was every out on the field.
"Do it." Savitar told him, "You kill me, you become me. Either way, I live."
My father had phased the suit into pieces, "I will never let the pain, the darkness, determine who I am. I will never be you."
He punches him, starting to walk towards the others, my mother running towards Aunt Iris, her best friend.
I grabbed the nearest shard, holding it close, my head snapping up when Savitar got up, starting to run towards my father, trying to catch him off guard.
"Shoot him-" Aunt Iris told my mother, as my mom instantly grabbed her gun from her holster, aiming it right at Savitar, her hands shaking and my eyes widening.
What if I was about to witness my mother kill?
"I can't-" My mom admits, a sigh mixed with relief and panic leaving my lips, Aunt Iris grabbing the gun, shooting quickly.
Aunt Iris drops the gun, my mother engulfing her in a tight hug.
I snap out of the trance I was stuck in watching this, running off and right after my father, getting into the Speed Force, as we quickly end up somewhere else.
"Did you get it?" My father instantly asked.
"Yeah, I got it." I nod, holding it up.
"Nice job getting that into the Speed Force on time." He compliments, looking away.
"Nothing to it." I told him, "Dad, about Savitar-
I am cut off when blue lightning whooshes right across from us, Dad speaking, "This is right. 2016."
"How do you know?" I ask.
"Because that was Zoom with Wally." He told me, "I'm about to lose my speed. Come on."
I was crouched with my Dad, peaking through the little door window through the closed Med Lab door.
Zoom was unmasked, as my father from the past was running, his speed getting transferred into the little vial.
My mother was stood next to Zoom, her hair longer than I had ever seen it, as she looked younger, more full of life- less motherly. But I couldn't deny the fact that even if we was my mother, her personality hadn't changed, and she was the same person she was in this timeline.
Zoom grabbed her arm, pulling her away from everyone, getting somewhat closer to the door, enough for Dad and I to hear their conversation.
My father's eyes furrowed in confusion, as if he had never witnessed this happen.
"Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." He told her after she ripped her arm from his grasp.
"You didn't have a problem when you kept me prisoner." The words seethed through her teeth.
"That's because you're smarter than you think, Zee." He completely changed the subject, "If anything, I know that better than anyone. You're my sister."
"I'm not your sister." She shot back.
"In theory, you are. Even if- I'm from a different Earth- you are still. my sister." He said, my father looking down, not aware that this conversation was had, "Whether you like it or not."
My mother goes completely silent, looking away, as Zoom went on, "Like I was saying. You're smarter than you think. You figured something was up- the minute my remnant walked in here. You knew something was wrong when you got captured- and saw the man in the ironed mask. You figured it all out before anyone else did. No one listened to you."
"You and your doppelganger are a lot alike, you know?" He mentioned.
She instantly looked up at him, anger sparking in her tone, "I am absolutely nothing like her."
"That's where you're wrong." He exclaimed, "You're both very intelligent. You get what you want- when you want it- no matter what you have to do to get it- the only difference is. You changed and she didn't. The only other difference is that you won't let yourself feel- and achieve how far your powers can go. You're holding back. You won't let yourself be her. You're practically the higher- more useful version of Death Storm."
"I've changed. Leave it at that." She shoves past him, walking back over to the Team, rushing in instantly when the past version of my father falls to the ground.
She moved as quick as she could, and sat next to him, one hand going to his chest, the other wrapping his arm around her shoulder, as it moved as went to his back after, as she rubbed his back, nothing but concern shown on her face, as he panted, his eyes falling onto her.
Their connection was so strong. I could see it. Past, present, and what had become of the future. With the way they looked at each other, you could tell that they would die for each other.
The way Mom rushes to his aid, showed how much she cared for him. And how he would do the same for her.
The concerning look on Mom's face, and soft look of Dad's, showed me that they would always love each other more than they could ever love anything.
Their love was strong. And today was the day I had seen it. That it was proven to me.
"Barry, are you okay?" Aunt Iris asked, rushing to my mother's side.
Zoom injected the speed into him, the scene horrific as he ran, snatching my father away from my mother, tearing the bond, shoving him into the wall and holding him up by his neck.
My mother's hand clamps right over her mouth, tears filling her eyes quick.
"Jay, stop!" Caitlin shouted, "If you have any humanity left, then please let him go."
Zoom lets go of my father and whooshes off with Caitlin, as we quickly hide, Cisco running towards the door we hid behind, "Caitlin!"
"We gotta get Caitlin back." Cisco turned towards the team, walking back over.
"Stay here." My father told me quietly, "Don't move. Okay? Stay."
I nod slowly, as he slowly leaves me alone, my attention caught at the sound of my mother's voice.
I slowly move towards the hall, crouching and hiding, my eyes landing on my mother comforting my father.
"Barry, hey-" Her voice is soft and soothing, as her hands gently held onto his forearms, his back against the wall, tears streaming down his cheeks, "You can't let your losses stop you. You're the one who taught me that."
"You taught me how to be strong- you taught me how to use loss as strength to fight back." She went on, as he starts to slowly slid down the wall, crouching on the ground, his hands folding, pressing against his lips, as he stared at the ground, tears welling up in his eyes again.
"Hey, listen to me- look at me. Listen to my voice." She gets on her knees next to him, her hand on his back, rubbing it, one hand on his arm, his eyes connecting with hers, softening instantly, "You have to keep moving. You have to push through. You have to find a way. You have to fight. So that nothing, ever, will hold you back, Barry."
"Do what you can, and I know you lost your speed, but everyone's here to help." She assured, "Joe, Iris, Cisco, Harry- me. I'm here."
My father sniffles, wrapping an arm around her, as she held onto him tight, telling him that it was okay and that they would find a way through this.
My heart filled with warmth watching my parents. This is what brought them up to be what they were. They bonded. They were there for each other. They loved each other.
I got up, realizing I had spent too much time here, walking in the other direction, finding my way towards my father, "Did you get it?"
"I got it." He nods, "Let's build this thing."
Suddenly we were stopped, Zoom right in front us, "You're not going anywhere, Flash."
"You got what you want, Zolomon." My father warned, guarding me.
"And who is this?" Zoom asked, eyeing me, "Another Speedster."
My father and I instantly run off, Zoom right on our tails, as we tried to shake him off, it being no use.
We ran into the wormhole, Zoom grabbing onto my father, only for him to knocking him towards the time wraith and send us into another time.
Once we came out the wormhole, we both fell onto the ground.
"No, no, no! Damn it!" My father ran and grabbed the device we had just gotten, looking at me as I got up, "I knew we shouldn't have done this. Now we have no way to stop Cicada. I mean, I don't even know when we are."
"Dad, we can fix this." I began.
"I can't fix this, Nora." He shot back, "Cisco can't even fix this. This is Wells' tech."
"Well, let's go back to Wells." I suggest.
"We can't." He shook his head, "Harry's mind isn't what it used to be."
"No, I don't mean that Wells." I explain, "I mean the one that built the Particle Accelerator."
"That's not Wells." He stated, "That is Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash."
"I know, it's just, he's really smart." I reason, "So I thought maybe we could convince him to help us."
"No, okay, look, no." He looked at me, "The only person Thawne ever helps is himself."
"I'm sorry, I just thought that maybe-" I start to follow him, his attention caught somewhere else, "What?"
"I know when we are." He told us, looking at his past self laid on the ground in his old suit, "Three years ago I traveled back to this day to get Thawne's help."
I looked at him, "So you have done it before."
"Well, things just got a lot more complicated, didn't they?" Eobard Thawne said after Dad and I phased into the Time Vault, as he got up and looked at us, "Barry Allen."
"But which Barry Allen?" He questioned, pointed at the other version of my father, "Clearly you're- from a lot later than this one."
"Way later." My father said.
"Way later." Eobard repeats, looking at me, "Who's your friend?"
"Let me guess." He began, "Jesse Chambers. No. Maybe Lawrence. Wait. Danica Williams."
My father cuts him off, "It doesn't matter who she is."
"She's your daughter." Eobard realizes, "You've brought me your daughter. It's, um Dawn, if I'm not mistaken."
"Nora." I correct him, my father huffing.
"Nora." He repeats, "Oh, that's nice. At least you still have one."
"What, Nora, time travel's so weird." He began, then cut right to the chase, "What do you want?"
My father held up the device, "I need you to fix this for me."
"No-" Eobard backs away, "No, if you're here- and he's here- that means-"
"You don't get home." My father told him instantly.
"I get home! I get home." Eobard shouts, looking at my father, hatred radiating off them both, "I go home! I get everything-"
"You don't go home, Thawne." My father shouts, "Unless you help me."
Eobard huffs, kicking the leg of the past version of my father, then looking back at us, "What do you want?"
"Like I said, you're gonna fix this for me." He told him.
"To do what?" Eobard asks again.
"Drain dark matter." He said.
"Who's dark matter?" Eobard questions.
"None of your business." He shot back.
"It is my business." Eobard crosses his arms.
He shook his head, "No it's not."
"There's no chance that I help you-" Eobard starts to shout.
My father starts to shout right back, "It's none of your business-"
"Cicada's!" I blurt out, silencing them both.
"Cicada's." Eobard repeats, chuckling, "The one who got away. You want to destroy Cicada's dagger, don't you?"
"We want to save lives." My father quickly said.
"You want to save lives." Eobard nods in disbelief, "I bet you do. Especially your own, right, Barry Allen?"
"Look, that me, he's gonna wake up soon." My father points, "He sees me standing here, your whole timeline is gonna be blown to hell. You're never gonna get home. You know that's true-"
"I know! I know!" Eobard shouts, then looks at me, "Where are my manners?"
Eobard's tone had died down, "Can I get you a cup of water?"
Eobard had fixed the device for us, and now we were in the Time Vault, the night the particle accelerator was going to explode.
My father put together the device, placing in the computer, his hand waving over the empty circle, lights turning on, Gideon appearing, "Good evening, Barry Allen. I was not expecting you this soon."
"She knows you?" I look at my Dad.
"I know you as well, Nora Allen. Also known as XS. Fifth recruit in the rebooted Legion of Gideon-" Gideon began.
My father cuts her off, "The particle accelerator is about to explode. I need you to recalibrate the system's chain reaction so some of the dark matter is repositioned into this vial, and record no reports of this-"
I tune him out, my eyes landing on the Reverse Flash's suit. I slowly made my way over to it, reaching over to touch it, my father's shout filling my ears, "Nora!"
I flinch, stepping away from the suit, looking at him, "You really hate him, don't you?"
"Do you not know what he did?" He asks me.
"I know he was your archenemy." I took a step closer.
"He killed my mother and our home when I was 11 years old. An 11-year-old boy. You know why he did it?" He told me, "He thought if I suffered a tragedy that was horrific enough, I'd never recover and never become The Flash."
"I didn't know that." I stammer, small tears in my eyes.
"There's probably a lot that's happened to me that's not in The Flash museum." He looks away.
"It's why you didn't want me to come with you, isn't it?" I realize, "It's not because it was dangerous, or because of the timeline, but because you didn't want me to know these awful things about you so it's not what I would remember most when I went back. You don't have to protect me from this stuff."
"Yes, I do." He huffs.
"No, you don't." I argue.
"Yes, yes, I do." He looks at me, "You're my daughter."
"Yeah, and you're my father, and I just want to know my father." I hug him tight, as he slowly returns the gesture.
"Recalibration complete." Gideon said, my father sighing.
"Here we go." He exhales.
After a few seconds, Gideon spoke, "Dark matter retrieval successful."
My father lets go of me, taking the device, "Let's go get our time back in place."
We ran out, him phasing his arm into a pillar, "This should work. Let's put it right here."
"We did it." I smile when he pulls his hand out.
He smiles, "Come on."
[ zee's pov ]
"Did you even go?" Ralph asks Barry and Nora when they run back in.
"Told you time travel was weird." Cisco said from beside me.
"Everything worked?" I question, looking between them.
"Yeah." Barry smiles, "Is Dwyer still at the hospital?"
"Hasn't left her side." Caitlin said, "Did you plant the transmitter?"
"Yeah, we sure did." He nods, "Let's go get Cicada."
"You ready, Barry?" I ask through the comm, seated in the van with Caitlin, Sherloque stood behind us.
"I'm ready." Barry's voice came through the comms, and seconds later, he was face to face with Cicada, "Cicada."
"Is that what you call me?" Cicada asked, chuckling lightly.
"Not all meta-humans are responsible for what happened to Grace." Barry began.
"Yes, they are." He said, "The destruction they cause, the death, the pain."
"I know about pain and death-" Barry cuts in, "Taking it out on the world. That's not gonna help. Think about Grace."
"She's all I think about, Flash." Cicada shout back, "And I'm making the world safe for her. Every meta-human must go."
"Then what about you? You're a meta-human now." Barry fought back.
"I am, and after you're gone, I'll join you." Cicada said, calling them out, "All four of you."
Cicada threw the dagger, it rounding and hitting right where Barry and Nora planted the device. The dagger was now out of commission.
"It worked." Caitlin says in relief, looking at me, "It worked."
"Let's see how you like it." Barry's voice came through as he ran, throwing punches at Cicada.
"Cisco, now." I instruct.
Ralph follows up, "Breach it out of here!"
"Gotcha-" Cisco grabs the dagger, breaching our immediately.
"Oh, man." Cisco looked at Cicada, "You look like you're having a day. Is it 'cause I just threw your dagger into outer space, or 'cause you're just now realizing you didn't kill me."
"We stopped you." Nora spoke up.
"You stop nothing." Cicada threw his hands in the air and growls loudly.
"The satellite's tracking the dagger back through the exosphere." Caitlin stared at the screen.
"Guys, Cicada's recalling the dagger back from space." I told them, getting up, nudging Caitlin, "Go, go, go, go, go, go."
Caitlin and I quickly grab the guns, rushing out into the field, leaving Sherloque in the van to hold the fort and take over.
I aim right at Cicada, my firing the gun, only for Cicada to throw his dagger, the dagger blocking the shot and knocking both Caitlin and I off our feet, my powers gone from the beginning I stepped out onto the field.
"This ends now." Cicada raises his dagger once it lands in his head, throwing his arm up, ready to kill Barry.
"Barry!" I call out, my eyes wide as I tried to get up, only for us all to be caught of guard by a scream.
"No!" Killer Frost screamed, blasting him away from us.
"Let's dance, cricket freak." Killer Frost smirks when Cicada stood up, only for him to jump into the air, disappearing.
"Dwyer's not popping up in facial recognition." I cross my arms, looking between everyone.
"And there's no dark matter traces from his dagger." Cisco continued.
"Well, he won't stay away from his niece for long, and when he returns, we'll be ready." Ralph nods.
"Yeah, we will, thanks to Killer Frost." Barry weakly smiles at Caitlin.
"I don't understand." Nora admits, "How can she still come out?"
"She didn't come from dark matter, so I guess- she's immune to Cicada's dagger." Caitlin shrugs.
"She might be the key to stopping Cicada for good." I told them, running a hand through my hair.
"Maybe we should go check in with her." Ralph suggests, Caitlin nodding, Ralph, Caitlin and Cisco leaving the room.
"Hey, you okay?" Barry walks over to me, "You fell pretty hard out there."
"Dude, are you kidding me?" I looked at him in disbelief, lightly shoving him playfully, "You almost died out there and you're asking about my well being because I fell?"
Nora smiles at us before leaving us alone, in search for something.
Barry softly laughs, engulfing me into a hug, his scent strong as I took it in.
"I'm very proud of you." I smile up at him, wrapping my arms around him equally as tight, as he looked down at me, pressing his lips into mine, a smile on both of our faces.
[ barry's pov ]
"They were the best." I said, walking over to Nora, stood next to her, as we both stood in a different part of time, looking at my parents laughing, sipping wine on the porch.
"Dad." Nora looks at me with wide eyes, "Dad, I didn't-"
"It's all right." I softly cut her off, "I understand."
"Do you ever think about stopping what's about to happen?" She quietly asks me, looking at me.
"Every day." I quietly admit, "I also think about- what it would be like if they met your mother. I wish they met your mother."
Nora looks at me, a look of sympathy on her face.
"They would've seen how amazing she is. They would've been so proud of me- that I brought a woman like that home." My eyes slightly well up, as I looked down at her, "They would've been so happy to see you. To see us all- as a family."
Nora weakly smiles, "Thanks for bringing me with you today. I really got to see how much you and mom love each other- and what brought you guys up to what you are today. It meant a lot."
"I'm glad you came." I smile at her.
Nora starts to back away, "Hey, Old Man, come on."
"Come on-" Nora giggles, turning, running off.
"Old Man?" I scoff, a small laugh leaving my lips, as I ran right after her.
authors note:
soooo, imma update every monday, and since its 2 am where I am, this counts.
and awh oml i loved this chapter but having to type out my father every other paragraph was soooo frustrating.
and awh omg everyone from the allen family got a pov in this chapter and all.
ahhh, i love.
vote- and comment loads !!
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