"All right, let's run it again." Barry sighs after the unsuccessful training session, "We got to make this work."
"Does he know that?" Cisco questions from next to me, his eyes glued to Ralph Dibny, who had his head hidden in his body, his entire head and neck missing.
"Ralph?" I call out his name, "One more time, please. And this time- follow Barry's plan?"
Ralph head pops out, his eyes falling onto us, Cisco speaking, "You know, the one where I spent hours of my precious time programming realistic holograms for you."
"Which, bravo on that by the way." Ralph compliments, kissing his hand.
"Thank you." Cisco nods.
"Look." I began, holding back a yawn, "Just morph yourself into Barry. That's all we want you to do. There'll be two Flashes, Thinker won't know which one is which, and we'll confuse him."
"Kind of a "her" actually." Ralph corrects me.
"Ralph, you're missing the point of this exercise." Barry places his hands on his hips.
"No, I get it." Ralph shook his head, "I was just doing a little improv."
"But this isn't standup comedy." Barry sighs, defeated.
"Yeah, I know that, but if you just let it play out, it would have worked." Ralph spoke, "You could have done some improving of your own."
"I didn't get enough sleep for this-" I put my hand up, stopping him, a small yawn leaving my lips.
"Comedy comes in threes, man." Ralph spoke out.
"We're trying to protect you." Barry puts a hand on his shoulder, "Devoe's coming. We need to be ready. All of us, okay?"
"I still think it's a pretty good plan." Ralph shrugs, "I hide my face. I save my ass."
I shook my head, sighing, placing the tablet in my hands down, leaving the Speed Lab, Cisco, Barry and Ralph following me.
"We'd make a fortune." Ralph continued to talk, "An improv group made up of superheroes? We can take it to Washington. We'd be the DC Comics."
"No, Ralph." Cisco shook his head.
Ralph shot him a look, "First rule of improv is say yes."
"Would it kill you to take training seriously?" Barry asks him, exhaling sharply.
"Would it kill you to open up your mind grapes just a little?" Ralph shot back, before walking into the cortex with Cisco.
"Hey." I grab Barry's arm, stopping him, "We'll get there. It'll take time- but we will."
"He's just making a big joke out of the whole thing." Barry reasons, sighing.
"It's just the way he is, Barry." I squeeze his arm comfortingly.
"I know, but I mean, he needs to think like a hero, stay on point." Barry inhales sharply, "Devoe's thought of everything. We can't just wing this one."
"We will figure it out." I assure him, "We always have- and always will. Don't stress it, okay?"
Barry nods, as we made our way into the cortex "Where are we with tracking down Edwin Gauss and Janet Petty?"
"No, no, he's-" Caitlin began to say, everyone pointing at Harry, who had his thinking cap on.
"What?" I question, sitting in my chair behind the console.
"He's still-" Caitlin began, as Harry groans, ripping off the hat, "Working on it."
"I can't work- with all this noise." Harry huffs, sitting down, the sound of gas coming from under him.
"That is disgusting, Harry." Ralph holds back a laugh, "Really, grow up."
"Really?" Harry pulls a fart cushion from under him.
"It wasn't me." Ralph instantly spoke, Harry tossing it at him, "That was expensive."
"Harry, look." Cisco began, "Every time you try to locate these guys, it's the same thing. I'm telling you. You just crack that thing open. It's probably broken."
"It's not broken!" Harry got up, "It's just finding these two is complicated."
"Why is that?" Iris West questions.
"Because this dude, Edwin Gauss, flat out disappeared the day Allen came out of the Speed Force." Harry explains, "No credit card charges. No bank withdraws. No social media posts, nothing. Gone."
"What about Janet Petty?" Barry asks.
"I- pulled her file from CCPD." I cross my arm, pulling up the file on the screen in front of me, "Her first known record wasn't until she was 13. Some sort of a nomad. Last known address: Iron Heights."
"What she in for?" Iris asks me.
"Trifecta of breaking and entering, trespassing, and burglary." I answer, exhaling.
"But what we should be worried about is where is she now and what are her powers?" Harry spoke.
"Is that really her handle? "Null"?" Cisco reads.
"Okay, well Devoe needs both of these people for whatever he has planned, so we have to figure out where they are." Barry said from beside me.
Harry puts his thinking cap back on, "I will, Allen, if I can get a little peace, a little quiet, and no interruptions."
Suddenly, a breach opens, Gypsy's father, the breached coming through it, "Cisky."
"Great." Harry sighs.
"Breacher?" Cisco questions.
Breacher walks over to him, wrapping a hand around his neck, pushing him against the wall, "I need your help."
"Little bit of a mixed message here." Cisco chokes out.
"We were moving I was telling the guy, "It's gonna take all night to move this stuff." The man began to tell Joe and I, tuning out what was being said, my hands playing with my belt, exhaustion running through my veins.
I was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a black long sleeve tucked into it, black heels on my feet. My gun rested in it's holster, my badge and the holster attached to my belt, my hair straight.
Joe stood next to me, taking down some notes as I simply just weakly nod, the man continuing to talk.
"Just here with your chai latte, Detective West." Ralph's voice catches my attention, my head turning in the direction of his voice, my eyes squinting at him, the cool breeze blowing through my hair.
I roll my eyes, looking at the man, "Will you excuse us for a moment? Thanks-"
Joe and I walk over to Barry and Ralph, Ralph handing Joe his latte. I was so tired that I didn't notice Barry holding a coffee for me, Barry lightly hitting my arm with it to get my attention.
My head snapped up, landing on the coffee, "I didn't ask you to bring one for me-"
"Have you seen yourself?" Barry hands it to me, a small smile on his face.
"You're right-" I point at him, sipping the coffee, a small shiver coming from me due to the cold breeze, "Thank you for caring about my well being."
"Where's your jacket?" Barry asks me, touching my arm that was cold.
"I forgot it at the Labs-" I admit, sipping more of the coffee, the caramel flavor remaining on my tongue.
Barry hands Ralph his coffee, unzipping his jacket, slipping it off and putting it on me, holding my coffee for me while I slipped my arms through the sleeves, grabbing his coffee back, handing me mine once more.
I smile at him weakly before he looks behind me, noticing the crime scene, "What happened?"
"Robbery." I answer, "Stole the Kahndaq Dynasty family crown. It was brought here for the museum exhibition."
"The security guard said that it was being transported in a steel-plated crate, weighs about 200 pounds." Joe continued, "Suddenly disappeared without a trace, and then reappeared completely smashed."
"So was anything else missing in the museum?" Barry asks, his eye squinting because of the sunlight.
"Just the crown, nothing else is missing." I held my coffee.
"Should I, uh, stretch around the perimeter?" Ralph asks Barry, "Check things out?"
"No, no." Barry shook his head, "I mean, I can tell from here, to cause that type of impact, the case had to be moving at at least 55 miles per hour."
"So we're looking for a meta- with super strength." Joe spoke.
"I mean, maybe." Barry shrugs, "Are there fingerprints on the case?"
"I'll have them dust it, send the results in." Joe nods towards him.
"Why wait? I can just grab the tape." Ralph stretches his arm, "Get the prints right now."
"Ralph- no-" I began, watching his arm extend.
"No, hey. Ralph-" Barry tries to stop him, but it was too late when Ralph's arm was already by the scene, coming on the ground between two men carrying some sort of vase, Barry pulling Ralph back, Ralph's hand hitting the vase and moving back, the vase falling out of the men's hands, shattering on the ground.
"Ralph!" I looked at him.
"Dude!" The worker yells at the other confused man, "I need this job!"
"Allen! Look what you did." Ralph puts the blame on Barry, Barry and I shooting him the same look, and if looks could kill, Ralph Dibny would be gone.
"Threw it at me! That's you, bro." The man yelled, walking away, leaving us all speechless.
"A $40,000 vase?" Ralph repeats, "It's not like it was made of gold."
"Actually it was, and you two can't go to crime scenes anymore," Joe spoke, "Pis or not."
"Don't give me that look." Ralph told Barry after the look that was fired at him, "I was just trying to speed up the process finding this meta, Allen. Which is taking forever."
"Hang on-" I spoke as the computer beeped in front of me, "We got a hit."
"Jeannie Williams." I read, "Or not- we got multiple hits."
"Jane Liska, Judy Newton." Joe read, "She's used like 17 different aliases."
"Okay, so how do we find her?" Barry asks, "We can't just wait for her to rob somebody else."
"Well, we don't have to." Harry puts on his thinking cap, turning it on.
I spoke up, "Harry- with the amount that you're using that- I don't think that's as safe as we've all tried to make it seem."
"Well, it's helping us, isn't it, Allen?" Harry shuts me up, before letting the knowledge come to him, "We have the many variations of her facade. Right, we simply plug these many variations into the facial recognition software."
"See if we get a hit." Joe spoke.
Harry nods, doing exactly what he had explained, "Exactly right."
"That's starting to come in handy, Harry." Ralph spoke, as Harry pulled up a location.
"That's 40 minutes ago." Harry says, "Corner of Orchard and Broome."
"Orchard and Broome? What's over there?" Iris asks.
"Not what." Ralph sighs, "Who."
"Come on." Ralph nods at Barry, patting my back.
"What?" I look back at him, "I can't, I have to-"
"I'm gonna need you, come on." Ralph grabs my arm, pulling me along with him, Barry following right after us.
"It smells like liverwurst." Barry comments as we walked through the halls.
"Yeah, wait til we get inside." Ralph remarks, as we turned a corner.
A sigh left my lips, "I still don't get why I was dragged along. My arm hurts from where you pulled me."
"Wait, he hurt you?" Barry stops, looking at me.
"No-" I grab his hand, pulling me along, "My arms just sore."
"Open up!" Ralph knocks on the door.
"Okay, stick to the plan." Barry instructs once we got to the door, "We question her. We find Null. We cuff her."
"Got it." Ralph nods, "A little good cop, bad cop action."
The door opens to Earl, Barry and I's eyes glued to Ralph, our eyes wide, seeing that he has morphed into Joe West.
"Who the hell are you?" Earl questions, looking at us.
"Your worst nightmare." Ralph answers, fixing his collar, grabbing Earl by the collar, walking inside.
"Uh, Joe-" Barry stammers as him and I followed right after Ralph.
"Joe- let's not- get so hands on?" I stammer also, trying to get Ralph to let go.
"Detective Joe West, CCPD." Ralph shows his wallet, before shoving it back into his pocket, "We got a couple questions for you, scum bag."
Barry leans against something, pinching the bridge of his nose as I simply do my best to hold back a laugh, feeling the second hand embarrassment.
"Hey, only my closest friends can call me that." Earl laughs.
"Word is, there's a new cutpurse in town who likes fancy jewels. Last seen in this part of town." Ralph let go of him, still up in Earl's face, "PI Barry Allen."
"PI Barry Al-" Barry starts to mutter, Ralph cutting him off.
"Show him." Ralph demands, "Show him!"
"Oh, Barry Allen, I know all about you." Earl began, "Spectacular fall from grace. Tragic, really."
"Yes, thank you." Barry mutters, scoffing.
I take the picture from Barry, moving Barry's jacket that I wore to the side a little, showing my badge, handing Earl the photo, "Detective Zee Allen. Earl, I need you to tell me if you've seen her around here."
"We're guessing she came here for help to wash the sparklies." Ralph says, his hands at his sides.
"Oh, I should be so lucky." Earl laughs wittily, "Certainly wouldn't mind a drop-in from a lovely looking lassie like this, you know what I mean? But unfortunately not in my cards. But it's all alright, at least this beautiful detective stopped by."
I scoff, "I'm married."
"Really?" Barry scoffs next to me, wrapping an arm around me, "In front of me? In front of her husband?"
"I'm sorry." Earl shrugs, "Can I keep this?"
"I will mess you up for lying in my face." Ralph pushes him against the desk, holding him by the collar.
"Ralph." Barry blurts out accidentally, trying to stop him.
"Ralph?" Earl questions.
"There's no Ralph here. Joe- I'm Detective Joe West, the baddest dad cop you've ever come across." Ralph stammers.
"As God is my witness I am not lying." Earl says, "I'm not."
As if on cue, his hand slips, knocking over some diamonds, "Oopsy-daisy."
"I knew it." Ralph says to us once Barry and I come to his side, "Joe West doesn't make any mistakes."
"Okay, that's enough." I roll my eyes, "Where'd she go, Earl?"
Earl's eyes are glued to the ceiling, Barry, Ralph and I following his gaze, landing on the woman we'd been looking for, attached to the ceiling, "Deal's off."
Earl mutters, "Damn it."
"Cuffs." Barry began to say, moving away from us, slowly walking towards her once she gets off the ceiling, "Cuffs!"
"Joe-" I look at Ralph, noticing him completely focused on Earl, my hands rushing, reaching into his pocket to get the cuffs, but it was too late
Null had touched him, using whatever ability she had, getting away, leaving Barry to lift up, presses against the ceiling.
"Allen," Ralph began to say, my body frozen as I stared at Barry with wide eye, "Uh oh."
"You okay up there?" I ask Barry, as he was floating on top of all of us, holding onto a bar, a rope tied around his ankle as I held onto the string to make sure he didn't float away, above us at the cortex.
"I just want to get down from here as soon as possible." Barry mumbles.
"Maybe you should try to burp yourself down- like Charlie Bucket." Ralph suggests, his hands in his pockets.
"Ralph." Barry calls out to him in a warning tone.
I exhale, looking at Caitlin, "Anything?"
"Well, as best I can tell, Null's powers effect the density of his cells." Caitlin explains, "It's like you've been filled- with helium."
"Terrific." Barry sarcastically says, trying his best to keep balance, holding onto the bar.
"Always knew you were a lightweight." Ralph comments.
"I swear, Ralph-" Barry points down at him.
"Hey, is there a way to- reengage gravitational-" Cisco began to say, Harry walking over to him, putting his cap on.
"Gravitational force." Harry finishes, Barry straining above me, "Huh, turns out- not necessary."
Barry points down at me, whispering, "Do not let go."
I wrap the rope around my knuckles, holding it up for him to see in reassurance.
"Based on Barry's standard mass and the gravitational force G and taking into account the half-life decrement of Null's dark matter infusion, this effect should eventually just wear off." Harry explains.
"Wear off?" Barry repeats in a questionable tone.
"Your cells should return to normal right about-" Harry trails off and pushes Cisco to the side.
"What the hell?" Cisco shot at him, before Barry falls, hitting the ground with a thud, a groan leaving his lips, a gasp leaving mine, as he pushes himself up to his feet quickly, grunting.
"Now." Harry looks at Barry.
"Two for the landing, but perfect ten for the thud noise." Ralph jokes.
"Why are you joking right now?" Barry walks over to him, pulling me along due to the rope, "I mean what the hell was that back there? Pretending to be Joe?"
"I committed to the bit." Ralph answers, "I couldn't blow my cover."
"Ralph, what if that had happened outside on the street? I could have floated away into the stratosphere or fallen to my death." Barry fought back, as I fell to one knee, starting to untie the rope from his ankle, him moving his foot.
"Hey-" I put a hand on his leg, looking up at him, "Stay still."
Barry shot me a look, before looking back at Ralph. I untie the rope, tossing it to the side somewhere, looking back at Ralph and Barry.
"I would have figured something out." Ralph says, keeping his hands in his pockets.
Barry exhales, "Out of the 12 bus metas we have found, Devoe is in control of seven of them. If he gets Null, it'll be eight. If he gets control of her powers, we're talking about your life here."
"Sorry, I was just thinking about the end of "Lost." Ralph laughs, imitating an explosion, "I mean, were they in purgatory? What did Kate really see in Jack?"
"Ralph." Barry sighs, "I'm sorry, man, but I'm benching you."
Ralph shoots him a look, "Why?"
"Because you're constantly in the middle of a comedy routine instead of doing what you should." Barry fought back, "If you had just tossed me the cuffs, we would have Null right now."
"Yeah, or she could have ran out the door, and I stretch the cuffs on her when she didn't see it coming." Ralph shrugs, "It's fine."
Barry sighs, "Look, I'm doing what's best for you."
"No, you're not." Ralph shook his head, "You're doing what's best for you."
"This useless piece of trash is useless." Harry took his thinking cap off, only him, Barry and I in the cortex. "It's like- I'm so dumb I can't even come up with a good synonym for this useless piece of trash."
"Harry-" I sip my blue slurpee, sighing, "No one could of predicted Null would have picked herself out of the cuffs or taken a hostage. Even with you and your thinking cap."
"Nor did either of you predict the location of a 120-pound woman using the curvature of spacetime caused by the uneven distribution of mass yet still somehow failed to account for the gravitational pull of a 4,000-pound car floating right above her head." Harry shot back.
"Scientists have spent decades trying to understand relativity and quantum gravity." Barry shrugs, sipping his own red slurpee.
"This is not about understanding gravity, Allen. It's about understanding her or not understanding her."
Harry continued, "As it turns out, DeVoe can somehow calculate human behavior."
"Harry, stop it." I throw out the empty cup, yawning quietly, leaning my head against my fist.
"Look, I'm the one that let her get away." Barry says, "You did your best."
"Did I, Allen? Really?" Harry questions.
"Oh- please don't yell." I put my head in my hands, closing my eyes.
"This is the second meta to evade the dampening cuffs." Harry raises his voice, starting to leave, "It's been almost a year, and where are we? And where's Devoe?"
"What?" Barry asks me, noticing how I remained on my position.
"Nothing-" I sigh, looking up at him, "Our plan didn't work."
"But they do for Devoe." Barry remarks, "Harry's not wrong. Devoe's gone over every possible outcome before making his plans."
"Which we can't do, and neither can Harry." I sigh, "Harry's being really hard on himself."
"Well, then what are we supposed to do?" Barry asks, "I mean, you just want us to adlib like Ralph wants us to?"
"Barry, you didn't see it, but when you were gone, Ralph- Ralph got the job done. He cracked jokes. He thought outside the box. I mean, he got the job done in the way that he knows how. He didn't need to be on point 24/7. So, the question is, are you upset with Ralph because you think he's screwing around or because he's not following your plan?" I ask him, crossing my arms.
Barry goes silent, looking down. I go silent, slouching in my seat, turning my chair so I was facing him, a sigh leaving me.
Barry looks at me, holding eye contact with me. His eyes dart to the hall, then back to me, as he walks over, leaning over, placing his hands on my arms, holding them, leaning over, pressing his lips into mine.
I melt into the sudden touch, holding his face. Barry deepens the kiss, my thoughts disappearing, my entire body filled with euphoria.
Just by his touch.
I held the two coffees in my hands after picking them up at Jitters, Barry's warm coffee and my cold coffee. I walk out the cafe, walking down the sidewalk and over to Barry's parked car.
My footsteps were halted when someone runs right into me unintentionally, spilling cold water all over me.
I gasp lightly, looking down my soaked shirt and jeans. Barry looks right me through the windshield, his hand resting on the wheel, my eyes landing on a girl. She looked about my age, her hair braided, a gasp leaving her lips also.
"Oh my god-" The girl gasps, her eyes trailing between my clothes and her empty cup, "That was, so not schway- I didn't even mean to do that- total mistake- I'm sorry-"
"It's- fine." I shook my head, a polite lie slipping through my lips, "I was- going to change anyway."
"I'm so clumsy-" The girl continued to ramble on in guilt, her head tilted down.
"Hey-" I caught her attention, a small smile forming on my lips, "It's totally fine. It's just water- not the worst thing in the world. I'll just- head to my ride."
The girl's head snaps in the direction of the car, "Is that your husband?"
"Yes- actually." I trail off, "I should get over there before this coffee gets cold. Nice meeting you."
I give the girl a genuine smile before heading over to Barry's car, handing him his coffee, getting in, using my abilities to dry my clothes, then sip my coffee.
"Hey-" Barry's eyes are glued to the girl who spilled water on me, "That girl was at our wedding."
"What?" I question, looking at him, "Was she a relative?"
"Not that I know of-" Barry shook his head, "She was working with the service."
"Oh-" I trail off, staring at the girl who threw out her empty cup, walking away.
My head turns, facing Barry, my eyes landing on him, catching him staring at me, holding his coffee, the plastic pressed against his bottom lip after he had taken a sip.
"What?" I question, "Why are you staring at me?"
"I'm not staring-" Barry began, "I'm gazing from afar."
"You're staring, Barry." I told him, shooting him a look, while sipping my coffee.
The corner of Barry's mouth turns up, "Admiring."
"Oh yeah?" I turn in my seat, looking at him, "Why're you admiring?"
"You look very pretty." Barry shoots me a cheeky smile, "Man- I'm married to you."
"It's been a while if you being married to me, Barry." I hold back a blush, my back pressed against my door.
"I still can't believe it." Barry smiles, pulling out his phone, "Let me take a picture of you."
"Okay-" I trail off, sipping my coffee, as he snapped a picture of me, smiling down at his phone.
My straw rested against my bottom lip as I stared at him, trying to hold back a smile. He looks back up at me, shooting me another smile, before turning, switching the gears into drive, my hand grabbing my seatbelt, buckling in, him driving away.
"All right, Null's in the pipeline." Barry walks into the cortex, "She's not too happy about it."
"Well, she's a lot safer there than she is on her own." I mutter, "Just one more bus meta out there."
"Better find him before Devoe does." Joe nods.
"Where's Harry? Isn't he supposed to be working on it?" Ralph asks.
"He grumbled something about something and then left." Caitlin shrugs.
"I'm fluent in Harry grumble." Cisco spoke, "He said he was gonna work his cat, or he was making himself a turkey wrap."
"Well, I'm gonna head over to CCPD, do some more digging on this Edwin Gauss." Joe told us, then turns towards Ralph, "Ralph. Why did a scared-sounding Earl Cox call me saying he was clearing your tab?"
Ralph laughs nervously, "Uh, I have no idea. That's really weird."
My eyes dart between Ralph and Barry once Joe leaves, making up an excuse, looking at Cisco, Iris and Caitlin, "Hey, guys, would you help me in the, uh, Speed Lab?"
"Yeah-" Cisco says and Iris and Caitlin nod, all of us leaving them alone to talk.
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