Everyone was still in the Christmas spirit, even if it was the last day of December. There were still Christmas trees up, Christmas drinks still in store, and the snow was still falling. It was about five in the afternoon, I was walking to the West household, considering there was yet, another get together between all family and friends. I've been cleaning and doing homework all morning at home, and these parties, have done good. They made me happy. They made me forget everything that had to do with star labs.
Plus, I've gotten so much closer to Barry because of these parties lately, and my entire plan was to get over him. had failed. But I was still trying.
I was wearing yet another sweater, this one being a baby blue, with some black joggers. I was told to dress comfortable, so that's exactly what I did. I tug at my winter coat, pulling my beanie down so it covers my ears that are freezing cold. I regretted the fact that I made Cisco somehow put a pause on my powers until I wasn't afraid of them anymore. That wasn't going to be any time so, I knew. One of the perks I missed, is being warm all the time. But I still knew I did the right thing.
I step onto the porch of the West household, knocking lightly then let myself in cause it was unlock, closing the door right as I got in, I say hello to everyone as I hang up my coat, hearing a few returns.
Cisco is the first to say something to me besides a greeting, "Leave it to Zee, to wear sweatpants to a New Years party." He chuckles lightly, sipping his drink, earning a small laugh from a few.
I tug at my beanie, fixing it, laughing lightly.
"Hey, I was the one who told her to dress comfortable." Barry spoke, a small smile playing on his lips.
Iris shot us all a look, a grin on her lips, "And you knew she was gonna wear sweatpants."
Barry shrugged lightly, as I put my hands up in surrender. "Do you want a drink, Ms. Young?" I look at where the voice that had called me by my last name came from, and my eyes landed on Dr Wells. I'm quick to reply, "I could use one- yeah." I say, walking over to him and grab the drink he offered me, thanking him quietly.
I quietly hum to the music in the background, standing by Dr Wells as everyone made their own conversations as hours past. A voice snaps me out of my gaze and it is again, Dr Wells. "Enjoying the party?"
I turn my head and look down at him, not having touched my drink yet, that I was tightly holding with both hands. "Yeah- it's peaceful." I reply quietly.
"Actually- I've been wanting to speak to you, Ms. Young. Considering- with all the time you've spent at star labs, you've made very good friendships with both Cisco and Caitlin, but we haven't really seemed to talk about anything." He speaks, setting his drink down, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose. I stay quiet for a second then reply with a small nod.
"How do you know, Mr. Allen?" He asks, eyeing me suspiciously. I clear my throat, "Oh- we've been friends for a while."
"Care to elaborate?"
I hesitantly speak, "Yeah- of course. Well- we've been friends since we were little kids. He lived with Iris- because of- the tragedy that did occur in his house. We all went to the same school for years- and I was really close friends with Iris when we were just little elementary schoolers." Harrison nods, waiting for me to continue. "I'd be here- everyday after school. And from being friends with Iris- I got to know Barry. and then it was the three of us. Of course- I'll never be as close to Barry as he is to Iris- but we're still really close."
"That's great and all, but didn't you, freak out after you heard the stories about his family?" He asks me, now slowly sipping his drink as I give him another hesitant look, now feeling uncomfortable with what types of questions he was asking.
"No- I actually kinda- well." I pause, "I didn't freak out. I was in the middle, you could say. I had the imagination to think what happened that night was true, but then the doubt to know that something that impossible could never happen. But here we are. The Flash- all these metas. It's. absolutely. possible now." I finish, trying not to give too much away about it.
Harrison nods, "That's very self explanatory, Ms. Young."
"Uhm- yeah- I'm just gonna go- to the restroom real quick- if you would excuse me." I say, quickly putting my drink down beside him and jog upstairs, stepping into the bathroom, closing the door, staring at myself in the mirror.
A few short minutes later, there's a knock at the door. I mentally huff and open the door, prepared to make up whatever excuse I had to make to make this person go away but I halted when I saw Barry Allen standing in front of me.
He shoves his hands into his pockets, looking at me, "Hey, are you okay?" He speaks quietly.
"I-" I was at a loss of words. My mind had went so blank so fast, not knowing what to say to him. I wasn't expecting him to be the one that showed up, and I felt so uncomfortable with Dr Wells- I mean. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, but he gives me a weird setting feeling, and the questions he asked set me off even more. "I'm- fine. I just needed to get away for a little." I made up.
"Well, maybe we can go for a walk then. To get your mind off things- so you can talk to me, ya know?" He suggests, slipping a hand out his pocket, keeping the other in its place, and runs it through his hair.
"Yeah-" I accept, "Yeah, sure."
"Alright- lets go." He nods his head towards the direction of the stairs, as I quickly walk downstairs, shoving my hands into my pockets, slipping on my boots. Barry follows me, slipping on his jacket. I decide not to put my coat on, considering I felt a little overheated. Barry opens his mouth to protest about me not wearing my jacket, but I walk outside before he can say anything. He shoves his hands into his pockets and follows him, walking down the street next to me, the wind blowing lightly, snow still falling.
"Zee, you're gonna get sick." Barry says, lightly kicking his foot as he walks. I shrug, still walking, ignoring the cold because it was cooling my skin.
We walk for a bit, and we could already hear people chanting in their houses about how it was only a few minutes til midnight.
I mess with my long hair, shaking out some snow flakes that landed in there. I've been thinking about cutting it short, but I'm so used to long hair, that I didn't know what to do.
Barry and I made small talk while he walked, and I cared too much about my pride to admit that I was now really cold. Then, what made us both stop, was when we heard people chanting down numbers.
Barry is the first to speak about it, "Look at us. On New Years Eve- single- lonely hearts- who don't even have New Years Kisses." He says playfully, nudging me lightly with his elbow, his hands still being shoved in his pockets to hide from the cold breeze, a grin playing on his lips, a small laugh slipping from both him and I. We were both stopped on the sidewalk, his back facing the way towards his house, my back facing the way we were walking. I pull down the sleeves of my sweater and hid my hands in them, a small smile on my face.
"Well- at least we're being single lonely hearts together." I laugh a little.
Barry glances toward the house, where we heard the chanting come from, and once it hit one, he looks at me, a smile still on his lips. "Happy New Year, Zee."
I look up at him, lightly rocking back and forth on my feet. "Happy New Year, Barry." I lightly imitate his tone.
He looks at me for a moment and just for a second, his eyes glance at my lips. "Maybe we could be- each other's- kiss?" He says quietly, and I could see a flash of something I couldn't decipher in his eyes.
That caught me off guard. I clear my throat, looking at him with slight wide eyes, "I- do you want to?-" I start to say, but end up quieting down as he takes a step closer to me as if he wasn't already close enough, slipping his hands out of his pockets, one hand going behind me, onto my lower back, lightly pulling me in, one grabbing the side of my face, him closing the distance between us, his lips landing gently on mine.
authors note:
ok well clearly as you guys see I made some changes to this book, a few edits, etc, so I changed her back story and her last name also, for those of you who are confused, here!
I just felt like I needed to change it and actually kinda try with this story, so that's what I'm doing soooo. yup.
I also am gonna start putting gifs at the top cause I feel like being like everyone else, so enjoy.
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