"Did you hear that?" I whisper to Felicity as her and I were crouched in the vents, listening in on the conversation Thawne and Kara X just had, "Everyone else is on Earth-X."
"And Kara only has a few hours before they go full Mengele on her." Felicity mutters.
"We have to stop them-" I mumble, looking up at her. "Or at least find some way to-"
"Zee, I'm all for girl power and everything, but how are you and I gonna stop the meaner, Nazi version of my whatever he is right now and-" Felicity whispers, "People with superpowers?"
"We're not. We just need to get to the pipeline and get Cisco." I told her, "He could turn off all the power to the building and breach us out of here."
"Do you know the way to get to the pipeline from here?" Felicity asks me, looking around.
"Well- let's hope." I inhale deeply, before moving down a path.
"Lead the way, McClane." Felicity says, following right after me.
I peak my head through the vent opening, looking around the pipeline for any Nazis, my hair falling straight down, hanging, whipping every time I moved my head.
"Clear." I tell Felicity, sitting up, placing my hands on either side of the vent, jumping right through, landing on my feet.
Felicity follows right after me, immediately typing away against the screen, "I know bad guys have inopportune timing, but this is, like, the worst timing ever."
"Yeah, tell me about it-" I exhale, "Barry and I were just about to get married."
"At least you guys left on good terms." Felicity reasons, "The last thing I said to Oliver was, "I don't want to marry you," and now he's stuck in Nazi world. I mean, what if we never see them again?"
The sound of gunshots cause us to jump, startled as bullets hit the metal next to the monitor, Felicity and I moving back, over to the other side, watching as two Nazis walked over to us, their guns aimed right at us, "Stop! Hands in the air!"
Felicity and I put our hands up in surrender, my hands only standing up for a few seconds, my leg flying up as I kicked the gun out of his hands, jumping, mid air kicking him with both my legs, grabbing the gun, backing flipping onto my feet, shooting the guy that held a gun at Felicity in the leg, grabbing the gun, handing it to her.
"That was extremely badass." Felicity tells me, pure amusement threaded in her tone, "Do you ever use your powers?"
"Only when I really need them, Felicity." I exhale, walking back over to the screen with her, as she sets the gun down, typing away once more.
"Cisco?" I yell his name through the blast doors, my eyes watching Felicity do her thing.
"Hey! Guys, we're trapped in here!" Cisco yells from inside the pipeline, banging on his cell.
"We're gonna get you of here!" Felicity says back, typing quickly, but then sighs, "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."
"What?" I reach, my hand touching the screen, turning it, not being open the door, "Crap- why isn't this working?"
"I'll send an SOS to the Legends." Felicity starts typing again.
"How long will it take for them to get it?" I question.
"Depends where they are in time." Felicity sighs.
"We can't wait that long." I exhale deeply, "As insane as this sounds right now, Felicity- We don't know how long it's going to take them to get it- nor do we know how long it's going to take the others to get back to Earth X- and everyone else is trapped in the pipeline. We need- to save Kara."
Our attempt to save Kara had almost been a success. We had cut the power off, encrypted the system, and also got Kara out of Star Labs, but were stopped by Metallo, and a few other Nazis. Now, Felicity and I were stood in the cortex, behind held by two Nazis, Oliver X and Thawne trying to working on getting the power on.
"Report." Oliver X calmly, his hands behind his back.
"Good news-" Thawne types away on the tablet, "The Wellenreiter's made the transition to this Earth."
Oliver X reminds him, "Kara is all that matters."
"That red sunlight we're flooding her with, that's burning off." Thawne exhales, "So pretty soon, her cells will be so desaturated, we cannot perform the surgery."
"Fix it." Oliver X orders, slight distress and anger behind his tone.
"I can't." Eobard Thawne short right back at him.
"This is your city. This is your facility. So turn the power back on." Oliver X orders regardlessly.
"I can't because the system has been encrypted." Thawne stops typing, his head tilting up, glancing at Oliver X.
"By who?" Oliver X questioned rudely, wanting to get this fixed to save his diabolical wife.
"By Miss Smoak." Thawne turns his head, looking at Felicity, fear washing over her features.
"Felicity Smoak." Oliver X turns, facing the blonde, "Turn the power back on."
Felicity stays put, not saying a word, as Eobard speeds over to her from his spot, knocking over the Nazis that held her, holding her against the Frame, "He said, turn the power back on."
"Sorry, Eobard- Eobard?" Felicity clears her throat.
"Eobard." Eobard nods at his name, his voice deep and cold.
"Eobard." Felicity clears her throat again, "My Goo,
the future sounds weird."
"That's funny." Eobard Thawne chuckles, "Sometimes we think we're more clever than we are. Because where I come from, the history books are filled with stories of this Age of Heroes. Green Arrow, Black Canary, The Flash. And yet no one no one has ever heard of Felicity Smoak."
Eobard raises his hand, starting to vibrate, ready to place his hand through her chest, as I elbow the Nazis that held me, turning, swinging my leg up, hitting him sideways across the face, spending the Nazis to the side, hitting the wall. I jump, using full force to kick Thawne to the side, him hitting the ground, immediately using his speed to get up, now pushing me against the glass, both his hands phasing right in front of our chests.
"If you kill her, you'll never get the code- and you'll never be able to save your twisted wife." I shout, looking right at Oliver X.
"Stop! Stop." Kara's voice comes through, as she runs in, looking weak, "Stop. You came here for me, so just take me, please. Please don't hurt anyone else." She looks at Felicity, "Give them the code."
"If I do, they'll kill you." Felicity quietly musters out, her eyes closed, fear all over her.
"It's fine." Kara exhales, "Nobody's gonna die because of me."
Felicity lets out a shaky breath, "Latte, Ada, Jonas, 1-1-9-0-0."
"Latte? Cute." Thawne steps away from us, grabbing the tablet, typing in the password, the power turning back on.
Another Nazis comes through the doors, grabbing Felicity and I, pulling us out of the door, "Lets go."
"What're we-" I pull my arm forcefully from the Nazi that held onto my arm, my eyes widening as my eyes landing on Kara and Kara X, Oliver X and Thawne standing over them.
"Kara." Felicity exhales, her eyes glued to what they were about to do to her.
"This next sound metal through a bone, that's my favorite. You should probably close your eyes. This will all be over in a minute." Thawne grabs a scalpel, ready to start the operation, the blade slowly nearing Kara's chest, but Thawne doesn't do anything.
"What are you waiting for?" Oliver X's voice is low, demanding and dangerous, "Do it."
"I'm trying." Thawne lets out, "I'm trying but-"
"Mitts off, Mengele." Ray Palmer's voice sounds next as he becomes his full size, punching Thawne, blasting him away, doing the same to Oliver X, then blasting through the glass and at the Nazis behind Felicity and I.
Felicity and I ran over to them, Ray freeing Kara of what they had her locked under her, Kara staring at him with wide eyes, "Ray?"
"Hi, how are ya?" Ray smiles, out of breath, "Oh, I got your S.O.S. How was the wedding?"
"Well-" I was at a loss of words, not knowing what to say.
"All right, don't worry. The rest of the Legends are here and we're busting- everybody out." Ray nods, helping Kara up, as we start to walk down the hall.
Felicity stops, "Wait, we need someone- to lock the Time Vault."
"I'll do it- you guys go." I nod towards them.
"Be careful." Felicity tells me, as I nod and turn, heading towards the Time Vault, walking right into it, typing away on the keyboard that appeared, my hands shaking.
My movements are halted at the sound of Thawne's voice behind me, "You're a hard one to kill- I can see why he loves you."
I slowly turn facing him, staring at the man, anxiety rising within me, as my clenched at my sides, flames erupting from my fists, "And you're here to kill me then?"
"Just- to cross it off the list." Eobard already had me against the wall, holding his vibrating hand right in front of my chest, "You're pathetic to think you could ever go up against me."
My hands reach up, blasting him back, as he hits the hall, a grunt leaving him as I immediately start typing away again, Eobard getting up, pulling me back, wrapping a arm around me, holding me against his chest, starting to move his vibrating hand towards my chest.
Before he could move any further, a burst of lightning runs right through the door, pushing Eobard off, a gasp leaving my lips, my eyes widening at the sight.
Barry standing over Eobard.
Relief washes over me, the feeling of just wanting to engulf him in a hug and never let go waving over my emotions.
"Did you really think you were going to be able to kill her without getting through me first?" Barry's voice was raised as he continued to throw Eobard around, punching him, "You took my mother away from me- I'm not letting you take her away too."
Eobard phases out of Barry's grip, running out the Time Vault, leaving us alone.
Barry turns, looking at me, as I instantly run to him, engulfing him in my embrace, holding him tight, "Are you okay?-"
"I'm fine-" Barry held me tight, rubbing my back.
"No- are you okay?" I pull away, putting my hands on his shoulders, looking up at him, "I- you were on Earth X- and the Nazis- and the-"
"Hey-" Barry pulls me close, "I'm okay. I'm just so happy to see you. I thought they hurt you-"
"I love you." I wrap my arms around him again, looking up at him.
"And I love you." Barry keeps his arms around me, looking down at me, "Are you okay?"
"This entire experience while you were gone gassed up my ego- and now I feel like even more of a badass." I shrug, "Even though I almost got killed. But- I'm okay."
Barry laughs lightly, as I look up at him, "Thank you for the save."
"I'll always save you." Barry smiles down at me.
"We should be on our honeymoon." I look up at the ceiling, then look at him.
"We should be on a beach, drinking mai tais out of coconut." Barry chuckles, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Instead we're fighting Nazis-" I sigh, "We should have just eloped."
Barry laughs lightly, pressing his lips into mine. The kiss was short and sweet, I being the one to break it, "We have to lock the Time Vault and go-"
Barry nods, as we did just that, leaving, heading over to where everyone else was; The Waverider.
"Where are we with locating the other Waverider?" Oliver Queen asked as we were all stood in the Waverider, dressed in our suits, ready to the war that was nearing.
"We got a pretty good idea." Curtis spoke, "I mean, we've all heard of the Chandrasekhar Limit, I assume-"
Isis cuts him off, "The data indicates it's still in the vicinity of Central City."
"Which also indicates that Overgirl isn't long for this world." Another man spoke, who went by Ray. He had helped everyone come home from Earth X, which showed me he was on our side.
"Which means that this world isn't long for this world." Curtis exhales.
"Failure's not an option." Oliver looks at all of us, "Losing is not an option. We are gonna win. And we are gonna show these people that this earth- belongs to us."
"Great speech." Killer Frost bods.
"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Queen, but we're being hailed by a fellow Timeship." Gideon's robotic voice filled the room, our heads turning towards the computer.
"Put it on." Oliver tells her, as Gideon does what he asks, the hologram of Oliver X showing up.
"What do you want?" Sara Lance questions, as we all gather together, our eyes on the hologram.
"To offer a truce." Oliver X simply says.
"In exchange for what?" Barry asks, standing tall.
"We will return to our earth peacefully if you meet my one demand." Oliver X proposes, "Supergirl comes with us."
"Here's another difference between you and me." Oliver Queen raises his voice, "I don't abandon my friends."
Oliver roughly clicks the hologram off, Sara coming by his side, "All right. Everybody ready to go?"
"Never been more." Nathan nods.
"We can't bring Marty back, but we can protect the city he loved, and the family he left behind." Ray Palmer exclaims.
"For the Professor." Sara nods, "Now let's go kick some ass."
We all left the Waverider, everyone standing side by side, as Firestorm, Kara, Killer Frost And I were in the air behind them, watching as the Nazis and Oliver X come over to us after killing whoever got in their way.
Oliver X's voice was different due to the mask he had on, as he ordered, "Kill them all!"
"Yes, sir!" The men yell, heading right towards us.
And then the war began.
The heroes against the Nazis.
Barry was after Eobard, Oliver was after Oliver X, and Kara was already up, going after her own doppelganger, Kara X. Everyone else set their mission on defeating the endless Nazis.
I used every capable ability I knew of and full capacity, taking down Nazis everywhere I moved, everywhere I turned, there being more.
Dinah Drake, Sara Lance And Alex Danvers fought by my side, as we all went through the Nazis one by one, taking most of them down. The Nazis seemed like they would never stop coming, as I breathed heavily, continuing to fight, not letting myself back down or give up.
While Felicity, Cisco and Harry took care of destroying the other Waverider in the sky, Kara fought her doppelganger in the air. Eventually, Killer Frost, Isis and Amaya were on the other Waverider, destroying it from the inside from Felicity's instructions, Cisco breaching them out and back onto the Waverider before they were blown up with it.
As we all came to the end where we had defeated all the Nazis, all of our attention was brought to the sky where there was an explosion in space, but still visible to us through the clouds.
"No!" Oliver X fell to his knees, screaming into the sky, staring at it, his features falling into defeat.
Kara X had practically exploded in space after Kara brought her up there. Oliver X slowly stood up, turning towards Oliver, "I'm gonna kill you-"
Before he could do anything, Oliver had shot an arrow right through his chest, killing him right there.
Kara fell from the sky, falling fast and hard, Nathan Heywood catching her after turning into steel, Kara's eyes wide, "Wha- what? How did you?"
We all slowly crowded around them, relief washing over me as I took in that we had won.
"I figured it'd take the man of steel to catch the girl of steel." Nathan held Kara bridal style, "That and, you know, a tremendous amount of help."
The lost of Professor Stein brought tears on this new day, rain showers damping our black attire, everyone stood, at the funeral.
"Uh, Clarissa asked me to say a few words." Jax Jefferson sniffles, at the verge of tears, "But, as you all know, it was Grey Martin who was the wordy one. But I got used to hearing his voice inside my head. And, uh, even now I can still hear him. 'Cause even though he's gone, he's still a part of me. He's still a part of all of us. He was the best man right until the end. The best teacher. Friend. Husband. Father." Jax slowly walks over to Clarissa, Stein's wife, "Clarissa I'm so, so sorry. I-I couldn't save him. All he wanted was to come home. To you, and you and Ronnie. To his family."
"Oh, Jefferson." Clarissa sobs lightly, "You were his family, too."
"I just- I don't know how to do any of this without him." Jax admits, his voice cracking.
Tears slipped my eyes, as I look up at Barry, Barry wrapping a arm around me, pulling me into his side, rubbing my arm to comfort me, as I sniffled.
"Then, don't. You said it yourself. He's still part of you." Lily, the daughter of Professor Stein squeezed Jax's shoulder in comfort.
Clarissa grabbed the shovel, dumping dirt onto the casket, "Good-bye, my love."
"Thank you for believing in me." Sara Lance was next, as she scooped some dirt, dropping it on the casket.
Caitlin grabbed the shovel next, tossing dirt onto the casket, "Tell Ronnie I miss him."
Barry slowly leaves my side, grabbing the shovel, scooping up some dirt and tossing it onto the casket that in the ground, "Thank you for bringing me home to her."
"You ready?" Kara asked as she walked over to Alex after the funeral, followed by Oliver, Felicity, Barry and I.
"Oh, so, so ready, yeah." Alex laughs lightly, grabbing onto her sister.
"Thank you guys for everything." Oliver thanks them, a smile on his face.
"And thanks for inviting us to your wedding." Kara smiles at us lightly, "Sorry it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to."
"Well, at least it was memorable. I'm never going to forget the time Nazis crashed our wedding." I laugh lightly.
"Well, we'll be back out for the do-over." Alex assures us
"Uh, Zee and I talked about it and-" Barry looks at me.
"And yeah, we're just gonna get ourselves a justice of the peace and get it done, quick and simple." I nod.
"Fewer Nazis that way." Barry laughs lightly.
"Well, take care, guys." Kara smiles, all of us trading hugs one by one, then moving to a group hug, Kara smiling at her sister, pressing the button on the device, "Let's go." Kara and Alex smile at us, before walking into the breach, disappearing.
"You guys really not going to have a wedding now- after all that?" Felicity is hooked to Oliver's side, looking at us.
"Now she's prowedding." Oliver comments, earning a small laugh from all of us.
"Hey." Felicity points at him.
"Well I mean we've already had the ceremony." I shrug, "So all we need to do now is exchange vows and rings."
"Hey, can't a mayor marry people?" Barry asks Oliver, wrapping an arm around me.
"Very flattered, but I think that we would have to be within the limits of Star City for it to be official." Oliver nods.
"Well, if you want it to be personal, I think we know a guy who's ordained." Felicity smiles.
Within seconds, Barry had run John Diggle right where we were standing, John grunting, looking st us, "It's a good thing I didn't vomit, right?"
He had spoken too soon, before turning, throwing up right there, clearing his throat as Felicity speaks up first, her eyes closed, "Are you okay?"
"A little warning next time?" John turns, pointing at Barry.
"Sorry." Barry apologizes.
"What's up?" John asks, clearing his throat.
"You got ordained to marry your brother and Carly, right?" Felicity asks.
"Yeah." John nods.
"Well is there any way you would find it on the kindness of your heart- to give us the same treatment?" I asked hopefully.
"Wow, really? I'm honored." John exhales deeply, "All right, well, let's do it. Um I guess that makes you the best man and you the maid-of-honor." John points at Felicity and Oliver.
"Honored is correct." Oliver said, as Felicity giggles, running to my side, Barry standing by Oliver, across from me.
"Did you guys write vows or you just want the boilerplate?" John looks at Barry and I.
"I did- write mine." I exhale, I pull out a small piece of paper, "I tried to fit a lot in a small paragraph so-bear with me."
"Um, I tried to write mine." Barry sighed, "Um, but then I realized that I didn't need to."
"Um, my entire life has been marked by two things." Barry began, "The first one is change. From when I was a kid to when I was an adult, things were always changing. But no matter how different things became or what new challenges I had to face, I always had the other thing that my life was marked by. And that's you. You've always been there. As a friend, as a partner, as the love of my life. I have always valued your opinion more than anyone else- I have always went to you when I needed someone to hold me. You're my comfort. You're the reason I'm the Flash. You're my life. You're my home, Zee. And that's one thing that will never change."
Small tears were in my eyes, as I smile softly, shoving the small piece of paper back into my pocket, "Back in high school- I was a- rebellious teen. I really showed that on Senior Ditch Day. You had visited back from college, and were going to pick me up- so we could go get ice cream together. Usually- people went to go have fun- and go to parties- and I mean- that's what we were gonna do. We were going to go have fun. But I completely ditched you- and used the money I had left to get a taxi and go to the prison my father was in. I didn't know how much it would hurt me to see him. I just wanted to pull out all the anger I'd been holding in for years on him."
"You knew me so much better than I thought you did. You put together the hints I dropped whenever we talked and you came there. I was only half way through what I had to say to him until he came in here and dragged me out. It was pouring outside- and I refused to get in the car. I ended up screaming at you- and completely broke down. Every attempt you tried to comfort me- I pushed you away and just said so- many hurtful things to you. But you refused to leave. You held me. You comforted me. And then you bought me ice cream." I went on, wiping a tear that fell, "That was the day I realized that- you weren't going to leave me. You were going to be there for me no matter how much I pushed you away. You showed me that day that I wasn't going to be alone anymore- you showed me- that I finally had someone to turn to. That was the day- that I fell in love with you."
"You may be the Flash, Barry. But, Barry Allen has always been my hero." I finish, seeing the tears glistening in Barry's eyes.
"Wonderful." John spoke. "Well then I pronounce you both-"
"Wait! Wait." Felicity blurts out.
"Uh- Felicity? I think your chance to object this marriage was at the ceremony?" I look at her.
"No- wait, just one second. Um, if you guys don't mind I mean if you don't mind, really if you don't mind, but would you marry us too?" Felicity turns to Oliver, "Will you marry me?"
"I thought-" Oliver trails off, "I mean, I thought you didn't believe in marriage."
"No, but I believe in you, and I believe that no matter what life throws at us our love can conquer it, married, unmarried." Felicity admits, "I love you. My greatest fear- my greatest fear in life is losing you. I-"
Oliver cuts her off, grabbing her hand, "Yes."
I was smiling like an idiot as was Barry, watching Felicity's expression change, "Yeah. Okay-"
"Yeah? I do." Oliver smiles, "I do. Uh, John, what do you say?"
"You kidding me, Oliver?" John smiles, "I'm the guy for the past six years that's been trying to keep you two together. It's only fitting that I marry you."
"Okay. Vows?" John asks.
"No." Oliver and Felicity say in unison, Oliver speaking, "I mean, we can't do- better than them."
"Definitely not." Felicity spoke, "We kind of did those fake vows when we had that fake wedding with that psychopath serial-killer archer lady."
"I remember saying something along the lines of- you're the very best part of me." Oliver doesn't break eye contact with her, "Felicity, I'm a better human being- just because I've loved you."
"Well, since we don't have any rings just yet. I'll skip right to the part where I say this," John folds his hands together, as Barry grabs my hands, Oliver grabbing Felicity's, "Oliver Jonas Queen, Felicity Megan Smoak, Bartholomew Henry Allen, and Zee Lillian Young. I now pronounce you husband and wife. Please, kiss your brides."
Oliver connects his lips with Felicity's, as Barry pulls me close, pressing his lips into mine.
We were married.
authors note:
ahhh, they're married. :)
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