"Oh, my God." Felicity whispers as we stood in front of the pipeline, the man staring at us with a smug look after taking off his mask.
"Oh, my God what?" I look at Felicity, "Who is that?"
Sara answers, "That's Tommy Merlyn. He died over 4 years ago."
"Oliver, who's Tommy Merlyn?" Barry questions
"Thea's other brother and my best friend." Oliver says quietly, staring at Tommy as if he had seen a ghost, "We're gonna need a moment alone."
We all slowly retreat, walking back up to the cortex where everyone else stood, "He's a crony." Mick spoke.
"Anachronism." Professor Stein corrects him.
"That's what I said." Mick shrugs.
"Lately we've been dealing with anachronisms.
It's people and things displaced throughout time." Sara stood tall, looking at us.
"Okay, but why would Nazis from 1945 want to crash our wedding?" I question, looking at them, "What reason would they have for that?"
"Crab legs." Mick guesses, "They were delicious."
Alex ignores him, "Well, Zee has a point, though.
If they're out of time, they would've targeted the military or law enforcement."
"Tommy was plucked from 5 years ago and put in the Prometheus wardrobe." Felicity pieces together, "That doesn't make any sense."
"It does if we're not dealing with an anachronism." Caitlin suggests.
"Visitors from another Earth?" Barry nods lightly.
"Whoa. There are more than one?" Jax questions.
"There are 52, actually." Kara crosses her arms.
"Though I'm hard pressed to think of one where Nazis are ascendant." Professor Stein admits.
"I can." Harry spoke up, "There's a 53rd earth, and it's called Earth-X."
Harry pulls something up on the screen, "It doesn't have a designation because it's a place so awful, so horrific, no sane person would ever travel there. It's basically our earth- same history, same timeline- with one crucial and critical difference."
Stein spoke up, "So let me hypothesize. The Nazis developed the atomic bomb before the United States did, and they were more than happy to use it."
"Yes, the Nazis won the war, and New York, London, Paris, Moscow- all obliterated. The SS set up outposts not only all throughout Europe but also all throughout the Americas, and Hitler continued his brutal reign aided by prime ministers and presidents sympathetic to him until his death in 1994." Harry explains.
"Now they're not happy ruling just one earth." Felicity finishes, catching on, "God. This is making me physically ill."
"Yeah, the line starts behind me." Jax exhales.
"W-we have to find them." Kara stutters, "I mean, do you think they're using the breach to hop between worlds?"
"That or they're operating from a staging area somewhere in Central City or close by." Alex says.
"Well, good thing we have a metric ton of smart people in this building and Rory. Let's get to work on finding our new friends from Earth-X." Barry nods.
"How much longer until we find the Nazis?" I ask Felicity, placing in the middle of the cortex.
"Oh, my answer hasn't changed in the 2 minutes since you last asked me." Felicity snipped.
"Oh- wow-" I put my hands up in surrender, stopping for a second, "My apologies for asking."
"I'm sorry." Felicity sighs, "I'm sorry. I'm dealing with some Oliver stuff, not "Nazis ruined the happiest day of our life" stuff but stuff."
"Stuff." I repeat, walking over to her, "Like Oliver I don't want to marry you stuff?"
Her eyes slightly widen as I shrug lightly, "You might have said it a little loudly at the rehearsal dinner. What happened? I thought at the salon, you said you guys were good."
"We are good. And we're great." Felicity pushes her fists together, "We're just as- we're just as good as we were the last time we got engaged and I got shot." Felicity sighs, her voice growing weak, "That was the beginning of the end for us. I don't want to tempt fate again, you know?"
The computer cuts our conversation off, beeping and buzzing rapidly, Felicity blinking away tears, walking over to the computer, "A break-in at Dayton Optical Systems?"
"Is it Nazis?" I look at her.
"This is Nazis." Felicity nods, staring at the surveillance footage she had pulled up, many Nazis' running, up the stairs, knocking people out their way, shooting.
My eyes are glued to the screen, as I back away, "I'll go get Barry."
"Dayton Optical Systems calls it the Prism." Felicity looks up, staring at the monitor in front of her.
"What on earth do they need a sub-light generator for? It's basically a spectral emitter that uses quantum entanglement." wondered Harry Wells, as he thought out loud.
"You could also use it to create a stable fusion reaction." Caitlin said, walking over to her desk.
"And the english of all of that is?" I trail off questionably, crossing my arms, hoping they'd break it down.
"You got this." Felicity looks at Harry.
"Well, basically, the device they stole can be converted to a neutron bomb." Harry explains to me.
"Pfooo." Felicity mocks the sound. "The bottom line is that we have to catch these parallel-earth goose-steppers."
"This might help." Barry walks in, holding a kryptonite arrow.
"Is that a kryptonite arrow?" Alex questions, slowly taking the arrow from him.
"Yup." Barry nods.
Felicity starts to speak in one break, "I know I shouldn't have to ask this question, but I have to ask this question. Oliver didn't shoot Kara, did he?"
"Sort of." Barry puts his hands on his hips, "The other Archer and flying woman are Oliver and Kara of Earth-X."
Caitlin scoffs, "When you said that Earth-X was horrible, you might have undersold it."
"Wait a minute." Alex stops us, "How- how could there be another Kara?"
Harry spoke up, "Well, there are 53 karas, just like there's 53 Kryptons and 53 Earths."
"And the Thawne from our earth is working with them." Barry informs us.
Harry Wells shook his head, "He's an idiot."
"Ok, if that arrow has not-so-Supergirl's blood on it, we c-" Felicity began.
Harry finishes for her, "We could track it using quantum analysis."
"Hey, guys, I think I might have a quicker way." Alex said from the other room, causing us all to follow her in, "These red blood cells are suffused with shortwave radiation."
"Solar radiation?" Caitlin repeats, looking at her.
"Yeah, incredibly high amounts. Like nothing I've ever seen." Alex tells us.
I look towards Felicity, "Can you track it?"
"Well, I once caught a deranged serial killer off his face cream, so no joke." Felicity nervously laughs at the end of her sentence.
"Let's just do it and fast." Barry nods towards us all.
I sat in the Time Vault on the ground, staring at the white walls in silence. I needed to take a breather from everything, feeling overwhelmed earlier.
The Time Vault door opens, revealing Barry Allen, still in his Flash suit, his eyes falling upon me. He walks in, the door closing, as he drops next to me, grabbing my hand. I let out a breath, leaning my head against his shoulder, as he leaned his head against mine.
"Are you okay?" Barry quietly asks me, squeezing my hand in a comforting gesture.
"I'm fine. Thank you for asking." I nuzzle my cheek against the leather of his suit, "Are you?"
Barry sighs, "I can't believe he's back. I don't know if I'll ever be rid of him."
"I could tell you were a little out of it since you got back." I mumble, "And I know how much you're hurting."
"I just keep looking for closure, but every time I see him, all I see is my mother dying." Barry admits, his voice sounding weak.
"I know." I exhale, "It's hard. But- you're gonna stop him. I know you will."
"How do you know?" Barry questions.
"Because you always have." I told him, "Whenever he's showed up- you've stopped him and managed to keep the one thing that makes you different from everyone else."
The Time Vault opens, revealing Oliver Queen as he walks in, "And because we're not gonna let you do it alone. We're getting close on a location."
Barry nods, grabbing my hands, pulling me up to my feet along with him.
Oliver sighs, "Look, guys, I'm sorry. This is not how this week was supposed to go."
"It's fine-" I assure him, "None of us knew this was going to happen. You don't need to apologize for it- and we don't need to think about that right now."
"You should." Oliver makes eye contact with me, "We fight to protect the people that we love, so you guys recognize what you have. Recognize it and cherish it and let it make you stronger, because if you do that, you will always find your way back to one another."
"It's the same for you and Felicity, man." Barry tells him.
"I don't know, Barry." Oliver admits, "I- she told me she doesn't believe in marriage. I'm not feeling sorry for myself. I just- I think that if she loved me the way I loved her, she would want to marry me."
"Oliver, I've known Felicity for 5 years, and I'm here to tell you, as sure as I'm standing here, she loves you." Barry reassures him.
My eyes widen at the sight of Felicity walking right into the Time Vault, "Felicity-"
"And I appreciate that." Oliver nods.
I point behind him, "She's- uhm- is standing behind you."
"She's right there." Barry nods towards Felicity, Oliver turning, looking at her.
Felicity clears her throat, "We got 'em. They're at a shipping depot outside Danville."
"All right. We'll get the band back together." Barry nods, grabbing my hand, leading me out the Time Vault, leaving Oliver and Felicity alone.
"Hey." I walk into the cortex by Felicity, "You okay?"
"Yeah." Felicity nods, then slowly turning her head towards me, her voice weakening, "No."
"It's gonna be okay." I rub her back, "With time- it'll get better."
"Mustard." Mick's voice sounds as he walks into the cortex, our heads turning and facing him, holding a sandwich, "You people have breaches but no mustard."
"Um, what are you even doing here?" I question.
"Yeah, why didn't you go with them?" Felicity follows up my question.
"Go where?" Mick asks, causing me to roll my eyes.
Caitlin walks in with a jar of mustard, "It was in the fridge. Did you check the fridge?"
"Oh. Thank you, sweetheart." Mick grins, grabbing the jar.
"Any word from the team?" Caitlin questions.
"They're over at the shipping depot, but it's just radio silence." Felicity told her, sighing.
The alarm starts to blare loudly, the sound of gunshots filling the room as Felicity pulled up surveillance, our eyes landing on one of the Earth Xers, it being Oliver X.
"You and you, hide." Mick points at Felicity and I.
"Hey, what the hell?" I step away and stare at him, my hands going to my sides as my fists erupt in flames, "I can kick some ass too, ya know?"
"Put the fiery fists away-" Mick tells me, then points at Felicity then at me, "She's gonna need you to help us get out of where ever this guy's gonna put us. Now go- hide."
"What about Caitlin?" I question, the flames disappearing from my fists, along with the heat.
"It's gonna get a lot colder in here." Mick looks at Caitlin.
"We seem to be really good at hiding away from our problems." I mumble, as Felicity and I hesitantly and slowly make our way down the hall at Star Labs after being in hiding.
"If I had a dime for every time I thought I was gonna die, I- I'd have $2.40. I really thought I'd have more than that." Felicity whispers.
"It was Oliver, but it wasn't Oliver." I mutter, running a hand through my hair, "God- every day keeps getting weirder and weirder."
"How do you sleep at night?" Felicity asks me, "How are you so calm- with all of this? I just mean there is so much out there for us to be afraid of- multiple earths, aliens, doppelgangers from the third Reich."
"I have Barry." I tell her, "He makes it easier for me to go out everyday and help face these type of things."
"Shut up." Felicity whispers.
"I'm sorry, I know you and Oliver-" I began.
She cuts me off, "No, no. Shut up."
Felicity gasps, pulling me away from turning the hall, once our eyes land on a Nazis, carrying an unconscious Rene Ramirez to the pipeline cell, "We're not alone."
"What the hell are we gonna do?" I look at her, my eyes wide.
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