"Okay, are you ready for the ladies' nights to end all ladies' nights?" Felicity stands next to me as we walk over to Caitlin, Iris on my other side.
"And by that, she means a nice dinner- at my place- because Barry being the absolute angel he is- made dinner for us-" I explain.
"Yeah. That's exactly what I mean. Super low-key, super nice- Do you want a pink or a blue feather boa?" Felicity holds the two up.
"There's shrimp." Iris adds on, claps her hands together once, as we were all ecstatic about this bachelorette party.
"Actually, Zee, if it's okay, I don't think I'm gonna make it tonight." Caitlin looks at me, "I'm just not feeling up to it."
"Is everything okay?" I held onto the ends of a blue boa that was swung around my neck, concern filling my chest, "You don't need to come if you-"
"No, I'm fine, I just- sometimes life catches up with you, you know?" Caitlin places her hands on her legs.
"It's 'cause you're not wearing the tiara, Put on the tiara. Everything will change-" Felicity places the tiara on my head, her voice hopefully, looking at Caitlin, "Oh! What about now?"
"Caitlin, please, come on, we work together every day and we never get to do a dinner just us girls." Iris reasons, "Plus- we have watched Zee be in love with Barry for- so long. And she's finally marrying him- you can't miss the bachelorette party."
"You know what, Caitlin- it's alright you don't nee-" I start.
Iris and Felicity shush me in unison, Felicity turning towards Caitlin again, "She's right. Just one dinner, please?"
"Wouldn't miss it." Caitlin lightly smiles at us.
[ barry's pov ]
"Bachelor party!" Cisco walks into the West Household, followed by Harry and I, "Girls, get out."
"Oh, that's our cue." Cecile gets up, and to my surprise, Joanie also.
"Hey, Barry, congrats on getting hitched." Joanie congratulates me.
"Thank you! I didn't realize you were in town." I gave her a hug.
"Well, I just stopped by for the weekend." Joanie told me.
"Have a great time. Don't get too crazy." Joe tells Cecile, pecking her lips, "No drinking."
"No, Zee promised me a totally chill night that even my pregnant little booty can handle." Cecile smiles, Cecile turning to Joanie when Joanie comes by them, "You should come with us, sweetie. You know, I'm sure Zee wouldn't mind."
"Uh, no, it's okay." Joanie insists, "I, um, I actually have plans. But I will drop you off."
We all say our goodbyes, as they left, heading to the bachelorette party. I sat down on the couch, noticing what Cisco had set up.
"Okay, I'll get the lights. Harry will get the brandy. Hey, Harry, before you pour the brandy, make sure you warm the glasses." Cisco's words are halted when he sees Harry just pour the brandy just like that, handing Joe a glass, "For real?"
"It's cool." Joe lightly chuckles, sitting on the couch by me, along with Harry.
The screen rattles, as Cisco looks at me, his entire accent changing into an English accent, "Barry Allen, are you ready to have your mind blown?"
Cisco starts what he had made up, projecting it onto the white screen, letting out in a dramatic voice, "Meet Barry Allen. Before he met Zee Young, before he became an interdimensional time-traveling speedster, he was an adorable baby boy with Ewok-level chub."
"Ugh, those cheeks." Joe chuckles.
"Cisco, this is great, but where did you get these videos?" I question, my arms crossed.
"Man, I'm a ninja." Cisco reasons simply, point at the screen, "Watch this part."
"Ah, I forgot about this." Joe laughs softly, his eyes glued to the screen.
"You forgot this?" I stared at him with disbelief, "Zee and I literally crashed your car into a tree. And you still bought us all Big Belly Burger- Iris was literally thanking us for crashing your car."
Joe laughs softly again, "Ah, you two were so young. Damn. I was so young."
"Gentlemen, I have arrived." We were all halted in our actions as Ralph Dibny walks through the door.
"Ralph." Cisco sighs.
"Dibny." Harry exhales.
"Wasn't expecting you." Cisco looks at Ralph, as I stood up, turning, facing him.
"You said see you later." Ralph places his hands in his pockets, "I assumed this was a superhero hangout and this was a test for my highly attuned detective abilities, which, for the record, nailed it."
"You weren't invited." Cisco said straight up.
"Wow, this house is, uh-" Ralph starts.
"Bitchin'?" Cisco guessed.
"Small." Ralph corrects, "Looks much bigger from the street. What's all this crap?"
"This is my bachelor party." I told him.
Ralph laughs, but then takes note of the look on my face, "Oh, dear God, you're serious. This weinerfest is your bachelor party?"
"This weinerfest is about to indulge in some very fine cigars and a very nice steak dinner at The Oak." Cisco defends.
"Okay, stop. You're gonna pay $50 for a steak dinner?" Ralph repeats, "I know a place- where you can get all-you-can-eat steak and chicken for $4.99 and they even throw in napkins. Come on, ladies."
"No, really, Ralph." I shook my head, "We're gonna stay here, we're gonna go have-"
"No, Slim Jim." Ralph stops me, "I insist. You can thank me later."
Harry downs the rest of his brandy, causing Cisco to speak up, "That was meant to be enjoyed."
"I enjoyed it." Harry grinned lightly, getting up.
"Cisco, don't worry." Ralph assures him, "Where we're going, the drinks flow freely and the view is spectacular."
[ zee's pov ]
"Well, all right, who wants my champagne? Craziest thing I get to do tonight is order two desserts." Cecile asks, as we all sat at the dinner table at the loft that night, as I took a small sip of my champagne.
"I'll take it." Caitlin grabs it, downing it right after finishing hers.
"That's right." Felicity spoke up, "Iris told me you were pregnant. How's that going?"
"Yeah, it's- it's good." Cecile nods, "I mean, it wasn't exactly part of my plan, but I just could not be happier."
"I know exactly what you mean." Felicity mutters.
"How is everything with Oliver and William?" I question, setting my glass down.
"Do I hear wedding bells ringing in your future?" Cecile asks, a smile on her face.
"Oh, no, the last time we did anything that resembled a wedding, Oliver got shot with an arrow-" Felicity shrugs lightly.
To my surprise, the front door is kicked open, as a man walks in, dressed in all black. "Did- you guys leave the door unlocked?"
"Did you girls order a stripper?" Iris looks at Cecile, Caitlin and Felicity.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Felicity's eyes are slightly wide with excitement, "I would've brought all my singles."
The man slowly walks over, looking directly at Caitlin with a cold stare, causing Felicity to speak up, "Uh girl, you into some freaky stuff."
"Amunet wants you." The man simply said, his tone sharp. "You need to come with me."
"Caitlin?" Iris calls out, "Do you know him?"
"I'm not going anywhere with you." Caitlin told him, ignoring Iris' question.
Cecile spoke up, "Please tell me that this is just part of his act."
"If it is, it's taking too long." Felicity admits, snapping at him, "Take it off!"
The man's right eye falls right out, landing in Felicity's champagne, causing her to squeal lightly in disgust, "Gross! I meant take off your pants, not your eye!"
With that, what looked like a snake tongue came right out of his eye, extending as it got cold to us, causing us all to jump up.
"Stand back baby mama, we got this." Felicity told Cecile, grabbing one of the chairs, hitting the man in the back, then dropping it and screaming when his literal eye lets out a hiss at her, backing into Cecile.
Iris tried next, grabbing a flat pan, hitting the tongue that was unexpectedly strong, before also screaming and backing by everyone else.
Before I could make a move, Caitlin had went into full Killer Frost mode, catching us all by surprise, sending the man right out the window, the glass shattering.
"They're not picking up." I place my phone in my pocket as we walked into Star Labs, following Killer Frost.
"What the hell just happened?" Cecile asks, "Who was that Medusa man?"
"You know that is not a Cisco-approved name." Felicity shot her a look.
"Don't worry about who that was." Killer Frost came to a stop, looking at us, "Caitlin's taste in clothes is matched only by her taste in men. Both terrible."
"Wait, how are you- even- you?" I question, "I thought Caitlin said she was cured."
"Caitlin shouldn't be keeping secrets from her friend." Killer Frost grabs a suitcase, placing it on a metal table surface, "You are friends, right?"
"Yeah, of course we are." Iris nods lightly.
"Your friend was going out of town tonight." Killer Frost spoke, opening the suitcase.
"What? Why?" Iris asks.
"Because she got herself into something she couldn't handle." She told us.
"Where are you going?" I ask, staring at her.
"To find Norvock's boss and to kill her." Killer Frost simply said, looking into the suitcase, grabbing the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head, causing us all to whip around.
"Whoa! Whoa, okay, apparently somebody doesn't have boundary issues." Felicity blurts out.
"Uh, okay, girls, can I talk to you in the Cortex?" Iris questions, as we all walk in, leaving Killer Frost alone.
"Can we take it back for a minute? Since when did her superpowers make her a supervillain?" Felicity looks at me, her eyes wide.
"Stop it- she's not a villain." I deny.
"I remember being kidnapped by her last year." Cecile pointed out.
"Okay, yes, but that is because she was being manipulated by Savitar, and in the end, we wouldn't have been able to stop him without her." Iris reasons.
"Look, I know that there is some good in there. I get it. Technically, Caitlin is underneath all of that somewhere, but she is still dangerous." Cecile put down.
"And she is also our friend, okay?" I told them, "I've worked with her since this entire Flash business started. I know her- she's not what that woman in there is. I am not going to abandon her."
"Fine." Cecile crosses her arms, "I'm coming with you."
"No, Cecile, you're pregnant." I denied, shaking my head, "What if something happens to you?"
"And what if something happens to you? Joe will kill me if you or Iris get killed at your own bachelorette party." Cecile shot back.
"That is some crazy logic and that means I'm in too." Felicity follows up, shooting me a look.
"Oh, great, happy bachelorette." I threw my hands up, running my hands through my hair, stress running through my veins.
"What are you all talking about?" Killer Frost comes from the room she was just in, looking at us.
"Oh- nothing, you know, just talking about how cool it is to kill people and such." Felicity blurts out when she turns around facing her, "No pun intended."
"It's been real, ladies." Killer Frost nods, and leaves the cortex.
"I'm gonna use the Star Labs satellite to track her cold signature." Felicity nods towards me, before heading to a desk.
"Great, I'm gonna try and call for backup again-" I grab my phone.
"I'll help." Iris whips out her own phone.
"And I'll remember that it's Caitlin under there." Cecile exhales.
"It's already knotted, you just have to pull it tight." Caitlin says quietly, as I nod, using the tweezers in my hand to pull her stitches tight, setting the tweezers down after I'm done.
We had found out that with the time Caitlin was away, she was working for Amunet Black, because this gave her some way to keep Killer Frost under the ropes.
Killer Frost had tried to make a run for it, to leave before Amunet could come after her after she had made it clear that she quit, but Amunet had tricked her, practically knocking the Killer Frost out of her, turning her back into Caitlin, almost killing her.
We had brought her to Star Labs before anything extreme happened, and here we were, as I helped her stitch herself up.
"Thanks." She said quietly, as I nod, fixing the sleeves of my black bomber jacket. I had changed out of my dress from earlier, and put on a grey hoodie, a pair of blue ripped jeans and a black bomber jacket, due to the girls and I running out, getting Caitlin out of trouble for the rest of my bachelorette party.
"What happened?" questioned Caitlin, looking up at me.
"You don't know what happened?" I ask her, confusion falling over me, "I thought you witnessed everything while she was in control- that's how I thought it worked-"
"When she's in control, I don't remember much of what happens." Caitlin told me, exhaling, "Did she I hurt anyone?"
"Only- whoever the hell that Norvock was." I cross my arms, "You surprising didn't kill him, though. I mean- he literally fell out of my window. I have no idea how he survived- that's a hard fall."
Caitlin goes silent, causing me to speak up again, "The cure Cisco gave you. It didn't work. That's why you wanted to leave tonight?"
"Not all the way." Caitlin sighed quietly, "When Cisco said he was gonna get Barry back from the Speed Force, I thought that maybe I could come back and make up for some of the pain that I caused, but she's getting stronger." Caitlin scoffs lightly, "I never should've come back."
"Don't say that." I shook my head, "You can always come back. This is your team- your friends. We're always here for you. We would've found another way to help you. But, why didn't you tell anyone about this?"
"I didn't know who to talk to." Caitlin admits.
"Caitlin-" I began, "You could've talked to me. I'm your friend."
"Work friend." Caitlin corrects, "I mean, it's not like you and I have become besties over the last few years."
"You're right." I put a strand of my hair behind my ear, "But, you're not alone in this. So, I think it's about time we start."
She gives me a faint smile, my phone buzzing in my pocket as if on cue. I grabbed it, answering it, "Barry- finally-"
"Zee-" Barry's sobs fill the line, "Why are you getting married?"
Caitlin's eyes widen at his words, as if she was trying to hold back a laugh, as I held my hand up, signaling that I would be back, walking into the cortex, "What do you mean?"
"Why- are you getting married?" Barry slurs, more sobs following, "I wanna get married to you."
"Barry- are you drunk?" I question, my eyes slightly wide with amusement, a small bubbled laughter following my words, a wave of emotions hitting me because of how hearing him talk like this made me feel.
"Zee-" Barry sobs again, his voice slightly high and whimpered, "Forget whoever you're getting married to- marry me. I love you so so so much-"
"Okay- drink the cranberry juice-" I heard Cisco say, as I heard some shuffling, Cisco's voice now filling the line, "Hey-"
"Why is Barry crying?" I question.
"Man- I don't know-" Cisco told me, "He managed to somehow snag his phone and call you- he was first crying about how he love chicken wings- then about how Rose didn't make any room for Jack on the door- and now this."
"What did you tell him?" I questioned once more, sitting down in a chair.
Cisco answers, his tone defensive, "I told him that you were getting married."
"But- I'm getting married to him." I say, slouching in my seat.
"I know." Cisco sighs, "Man- I really miscalculated the-"
"Where even are you?" I question, confused because of the loud music I was hearing in background.
"I'm sure he'll explain it all to you when this is over." Cisco simply told me.
"Ladies, what's your status?" Cecile's voice came through the comm's Felicity, Iris and I had on, as we stood behind a few huge boxes, holding guns that Cisco himself had invented and we had found in Star Labs, Cecile in the van just outside where we were in.
"In position." I say to her, as we watched the entire complete drug deal go down.
"On my count, we move, okay?" I say to Iris and Felicity, as they nod, aiming their guns in the direction I had mine aimed.
"One, two-" I start, but am cut off at the feeling of a gun pressing against my back, my eyes slightly widening, a man's voice coming from behind us, "Three."
I drop my gun, as did Iris and Felicity due to them having guns to their backs also. I place my hands up in surrender, turning around, leaning right into the gun, letting it stay firm against my chest, staring at the tall man with a smirk.
"Zee- what the hell are you doing-" Felicity stares at me, her voice hushed.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Cecile's voice filled the comms.
I jump up, kicking the man back, using my knee to push the gun up, throwing myself back and catching myself on my hands, flipping back, landing on my feet, catching the gun, placing it on the ground, grabbing my own, shooting the two men behind Iris and Felicity, knocking them right out due to the stun setting.
"How- did you single handedly take three guys out?" Felicity questions quickly, grabbing her gun off the ground as did Iris.
"Training really pays off." I exhale, turning around, as we move to our spots, only to be caught off guard by another three guards.
Amunet slowly reveals herself from the crowd of men, the men who stopped us, going behind us, "I remember you."
I gave her a cold stare, as she points at me, "You are the chick from the bar."
"I'm flattered that you remember." I drop my hands to my sides, dropping my gun, walking right towards her, standing in front of her, sarcasm dripping from my words, "It's truly a pleasure."
"Hey, Amunet." Caitlin's voice catches me off guard due to her telling us she wouldn't come with us, both Amunet and I looking at her in unison, Caitlin walking over slowly, "This is between you and me. Let my friends go and I'll come back and work for you."
"Oh. It's- it's too late for that, Caity." Amunet breaks a wicked smile, "Do you know why no one has ever testified against me over the years, hmm? Well, it's because they're not alive to."
Amunet looks at the men, walking away, "Take care of them."
"No!" Caitlin screams, catching us all of guard, her breath sending some sort of wave, knocking all the men off their feet. Through the cold mist, came Killer Frost.
"Well, hello, Chilly." Amunet stared at her, as Iris, Felicity and I ran over to Killer Frost, "And I thought I wasn't going to be able to kill anyone today. Kill them!"
Killer Frost creates a shield around us, gunfire hitting the ice, "I don't think this is gonna hold much longer."
"Well, this is a steel factory, and you move steel plates with-" I began.
"Magnets." Iris looks at me, finishing my sentence.
"Really, really big magnets." Felicity blurts out.
"Cecile, turn the crane on." I press my finger to the comm.
"What? How?" Cecile questions.
"Uh, should be in the schematics, just- just highlight it and turn it on." Felicity instructs.
Killer Frost uses her abilities to break the barrier she had made, sending all men flying back, knocking them out, our eyes landing on Amunet Black.
"You and I could have been gods." Amunet spat at Killer Frost.
"I used to work with a god." Killer Frost shrugs, "Over it."
"Cecile, now!" Iris yells, Cecile activating the magnet on order, Amunet's only power moving away from her and now attached to the magnet, as she was also stuck in her position, the metal clinking with movement.
"Not so scary without your bling now, are ya, sister?" Killer Frost remarks, a ice dagger forming in her hand, as she walks up to Amunet.
"Stop!" Iris shouts.
Before I could stop myself, I was next to her, "Caitlin."
"I'm not Caitlin." Killer Frost replies coldly, "And I'll never be free unless she dies."
"No-" I shook my head, "You have shown her that you are so much stronger than her. You have overpowered her- outsmarted her. You won, Caitlin. But if you do this, you will always be a killer. All this time- we've all made it to seem like- it was one or the other. Killer Frost or Caitlin. But- you don't have to choose. You can be who you want to be- it's your decision. You get to decide. But- killing her. Killing Amunet Black will make you a killer. And I know- that's not who you are. Whether you're one or the other."
Killer Frost drops the dagger, "Get out of here."
"You've ruined this for me today." Amunet spat, "And one day soon, I promise you I will ruin something for you." With that, Amunet ran out with Norvock.
"Hold on. It's okay, okay?" Iris frees the chained up meta that Amunet was ready to give over because of the drug that comes from his tears, "We're gonna help you."
"Get away from me." The man runs off quickly; scared.
"The police are on their way." Cecile walks in.
"We did it, guys." Felicity exhaled, a smile forming on her lips. "We really did it."
Iris looks at me, the corners of her lips turning up, "Actually, it's girls."
"Hey." Barry musters out, his voice raspy, his hair a mess, along with his clothes, sauce stains at the collar of his white t shirt, as him, Ralph and Cisco walk out the elevator, and into Star Labs.
"Hey-" I exhale, jogging over to him, engulfing him into a tight hug, "Man- am I happy to see you."
Barry wraps his arms around me, "I saw you called 17 times, everything okay?"
"Oh, yeah, totally- everything's completely fine." I nod up at him, burying my face into his shirt.
He rubs my back, as I looked up at him, patting his shoulder, letting go of the hug, "You smell like barbecue sauce."
"Figured." Barry exhales, as we all start to walk down the hall.
"How was your night?" I question, crossing my arms.
"Ummm, good." Barry lightly nods, his face straight, "Quiet."
"Uneventful." Ralph nods.
"Yours?" Cisco looks at me.
"Oh- yeah. Low-key- quiet- completely- chill. Not much happening." I lie through my teeth, nodding at them.
"You know what? We actually had a few scrapes." Barry admits, running a hand through his messy hair, making it even worse, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't adorable.
"Okay- we did too." I admit, also running a hand through my hair.
"Some tears were involved." Ralph shoves his hands into his pockets.
"Yeah, us too." I nod.
"More crying." Barry mutters.
"Oh I know." I point at him, using this as my opportunity to mock him, "Forget whoever you're getting married to- marry me. I love you so so so much."
Barry wraps a arm around my neck, pulling me into his side, "Let's not talk about that right now."
I innocently smile up at him, as he repeats himself, "More crying. Then puking."
I rub his back, a small pout falling onto my lips, "Aw, honey-"
"Lost access to the happiest place on Earth." Ralph sighs as we come close to the cortex.
"Pretty sure nothing could've made tonight any worse." Cisco said, as we walk into the cortex, Killer Frost coming into our sight, Cisco sighing in defeat, "I'm so tired. I'm so tired, can we just do this tomorrow, please?"
"Aw, chicks with white hair." Ralph exclaims, "Hot."
"Why is Killer Frost here?" Barry stares at Killer Frost in confusion.
"Guys she has something that she wants to tell you, and you all should listen." I told them, stepping away from Barry, as Killer Frost slowly returns to Caitlin.
"Awh." Ralph whines, "It's just Caitlin."
Caitlin exhales, "I can explain everything."
authors note:
ok hi I'm so exhausted
I also feel so stupid to ask for comments but I love reading them and when there's barely any comments it makes me feel like nobody reads my book lmao omg wow I'm idiotic.
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