"How's Cecile?" Barry asks as Joe, Barry and I stood in the elevator at Star Labs.
"The same. I mean, nothing's changed. If something changes, I'll let you know." Joe quickly says.
I shot Barry a suspicious look, as he gave me the same, lightly shrugging, "All right."
I cross my arms over my chest, a strand of my straightened hair falling from behind my ear and resting by itself. I was dressed in a beige cropped sweatshirt, a pair of light wash ripped jeans, my badge and holster that held my gun attached to my waist band, black heels on my feet.
The elevator chimes to an open, as we step out, our eyes landing on an unknown man, "This facility is poorly guarded."
"Clearly." Barry mutters, just as confused as Joe and I were. The man turns around, throwing his hands out, ready to use his abilities on us, Barry throwing his arm out, guarding me.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." Cisco appears from a hall quickly, stopping the man, "Okay. Power down, buckaroo." Cisco looks at us, "Oh, good. You're all here?"
"Cisco, who is this?" I question, putting my hands on Barry's arm.
"This is Breacher." Cisco introduced, "AKA Gypsy's father."
"Oh." Barry says in realization, "Yeah, I, um, can see the resemblance."
"There is no resemblance." Breather said, his voice deep and his tone straight.
"So, you know how Gypsy's kind of a big deal collector on Earth-19?" Cisco starts to explain, "Well, her boss is her dad- who decided to pay us a little surprise visit at the perfect time. Which is why I decided to show him around where I work."
"I'm Barry Allen." Barry holds a hand up, introducing himself.
"Cisco's personal assistant." Gypsy's father nods.
"His what?" Barry's eyebrows furrow.
"And he is the best personal assistant I've ever had." Cisco comes up to him, "He stays late, starts early.
One day, I'll be working for him."
"What are you doing?" Barry asked him, muttering to him.
Cisco mutters back, "I wanted to impress him, and now I can't stop."
"Zee Young." I introduce myself, Cisco's eyes widening.
Gypsy's father points at me, "The personal assistant of Cisco's personal assistant. He said you bring over good coffee."
I blink long and hard, slowly turning my head, looking at Cisco, "I'm gonna kill you."
"Please-" Cisco pleads towards Barry, "Tame your fiancée."
"I got her." Barry wraps his arms around me, holding me into him.
"Joe West." Joe introduces himself.
"A fellow law man." Breacher nods, "You, I can respect."
"And Harry Wells back there." Cisco points to Harry as he walks in.
"You look like someone I once sent my daughter to kill." Breacher looks at him.
"I get that a lot." Harry Wells shrugs.
"Uh, I thought maybe someone would want to give him the, uh, the old look-see." Cisco suggests.
"Great idea." Harry nods, "Um, Allen, Detective West, why don't you give Gypsy's father here the nickel tour of the facilities?"
"My name was not said-" I kiss Barry's cheek, slipping away, winking at him, before making my way into the cortex, sitting down in my chair, starting to pull up the autopsy report Barry had asked me to find for him.
Eventually, Joe and Barry join me in the cortex, Caitlin walking in a while after, "Why is the scariest person I've ever seen roaming our halls?"
"Cisco." We all say in unison.
"Okay, so-" I look up at Barry and Joe, "I've got the coroner's report for the death of the bus driver, but it doesn't seem like there's any signs of foul play."
"Aside from him being the one guy that could have told us who else was on that bus." Joe exhales.
"They logged his personal effects-" I tap the screen, "Let's see- there's credit cards, cash, receipts-"
"Wait, go back." Barry stops me, as I did what he said, the screen landing on a picture of a card, "Ralph Dibny."
"I'll be damned." Joe mutters.
"Who is Ralph Dibny?" Caitlin questions.
"He used to be a cop." Joe told her.
"Dirty cop." Barry shakes his head, "He got kicked off the force."
"For something, I don't remember." I sigh, pulling up his background, it coming onto the big monitor that hung from the wall.
"Its a long story." Barry crosses his arms, looking at the monitor, "Thats him.
"I've always thought he was kinda handsome-" I rested my chin on my fist, my elbow resting on the desk, "In a square-jawed Oliver Queen kind of way."
"He does have a nice jaw." Caitlin crosses her arms, staring at his photo from standing next to me, as we gazed at it.
"For real?" Barry turns his head, looking at me.
I shot him a look, sarcasm slightly dripping from my sentence, "But, my fiancé is so much hotter- there can't be any comparison between the two because of how good looking my fiancé is."
Barry shot me a look right back, the corner of his mouth slightly turning up, as I held a pointer finger at him, "I don't wanna hear it. Who put this ring on my finger? You? Yeah- that's what I thought."
Barry shook his head at me, scoffing lightly, looking back at the screen, "The I.O.U. is dated the same day that I came out of the Speed Force."
"You think Dibny was on the bus that day? Maybe he's a meta-human now?" suggested Caitlin Snow.
"Let's pay him a visit." Barry looks at Joe, leaving the cortex with him.
"Oliver Queen is hot." Caitlin mutters to me.
I clap my hands together once, "No doubt to it."
"Hey, guys? What the hell?-" Iris' screams come from the hall as she ran in, holding Ralph Dibny's shoe. I was stood between Barry and Caitlin, Joe stood in the back, Harry Wells on the other side, as we tried to deal with the screaming and arguments that were happening since Barry and Joe brought Ralph here.
"Yeah, yeah, well, you're-" Barry throws his hands up, "Welcome."
"What happened to me?" Ralph raises his voice, clearly freaking out about the state he was in, his legs being so long that they ended in the hall.
"Breathe, okay?" Barry says, as him, Caitlin and I start mimicking breathing exercises for him to follow.
"I am breathing." Ralph spats at us.
"Okay-" Iris held onto Ralph's shoe, looking at Joe, "Clearly this guy is a bus meta."
"This is interesting." Harry says, looking at his tablet, "The dark matter has polymerized Dibny's cells."
"What the hell is dark matter, and why is it in my cells?" Ralph panics, looking at all of us.
"You're saying the walls of every cell - in his body have elasticized?" questioned Caitlin, her eyes glued to Harry.
"I'm saying they formed an unbreakable bond at the atomic level." Harry explains, "Now you can stretch these cells and stretch these cells."
"Like Silly Putty." Caitlin suggests.
Harry snaps his fingers, "Like Silly Putty."
"I'm Silly Putty?" Ralph lets out a feared whimper.
"No-" Caitlin and Barry try to keep Ralph Dibny calm, as I stayed completely silent, not knowing what to tell him.
Harry didn't get the memo, "Kinda."
"I'm Silly Putty?" Ralph points at himself, now angered, his eyes wide.
"Ralph." Joe calls out, "Who were the guys on the roof?"
"Is that really the issue right now?" Ralph gestures to himself, raising his voice, "Look at me!"
This causes me to get fed up with him, "Yes- it's one of the many issues we have right now- and if you would've just told Barry and Joe the truth- that you were on that bus- you wouldn't be in this exact situation right now- your legs wouldn't be all the way down the hall."
Ralph grabs onto Barry's jacket, pulling him into him, pointing at him, "Allen, you better shut her up and get your Star Labs nerds to put me back together-"
"Don't talk about her that way-" Barry starts to raise his voice, getting defensive instantly, at the point of shouting at him, "Get your hands off me. We're trying to help you!"
"You're not trying to help me-" Ralph shouts right back.
"Shut up." Barry was now shouting, as they started to argue right there, shouting up a storm, Barry forcefully pulling himself away from Ralph, as I gently place a hand on his chest, and one on his forearm, pulling him away from Ralph, so we stood next to Joe and Iris, Barry pointing at Ralph, "You're lucky man- I would-"
"Okay- shh-" I move my hand, rubbing his back.
"You can do this later." Caitlin grabs Ralph's arm, "I just need a sample of blood."
Caitlin gasps as Ralph's arm extends, the sound of rubber and flesh stretching, dropping his arm, accidentally stepping on it, then leaning into something, white power flying into the air, Caitlin gasping again, stumbling back into Barry and I.
I let go of Barry and grab her arm, keeping her from falling back, letting go of her once she's up straight, all of us staring at Ralph.
Ralph sneezes, his entire face extending and practically melting into his hands, causing all of us to gasp, all of our faces falling into disgust and shock.
"Oh, is that my face?" Ralph whines, his mouth moving in his hand as he spoke.
Joe turns, throwing up, Barry rubbing his back.
Joe clears his throat, turning, facing Ralph again, "Four years seeing this stuff, I finally puked."
Eventually, Caitlin had calmed Ralph down, as we all walked into the cortex, Barry placing Ralph's picture on the board Cisco had made for all the bus metas.
"I finally calmed him down." Caitlin spoke, "Amazing what 50 milligrams of Lorazepam can do when you get it in aerosol form."
"Is there anything you can do to put him back together?" Iris asks.
"Please, my stomach can't take much more." Joe pleads, placing a hand on his stomach.
"I think I could stabilize his cells if I had a sample of his DNA from prior to when he was exposed to the dark matter on the bus." Caitlin told us.
"Why? So he can go out and start hurting people, like our other friends here?" Barry looks at us, "I think we should lock him up in the Pipeline."
"Barry-" I exhale quietly, looking at him, my eyebrows furrowing, "He hasn't done anything."
"Yet." Barry spoke, "Trust me. I know this guy. He's a bad guy."
"Barry, I took an oath to help people." Caitlin exclaimed, "I'm a doctor. I can't just leave him in there like spaghetti."
Barry grabs a black marker, tilting the board villians at the top.
"Villains?" I question, staring at him, "Wouldn't bus metas be more appropriate?"
"Every person that was on that bus is now 1,000 times more dangerous than they were before." Barry put the top of the marker, putting it down, "Dibny included."
"What if he's changed?" Caitlin questions.
"People don't change." Barry simply says.
"I mean- Zee did." Joe points to me, "She was a completely different person when she was in high school. She was a completely different person when you were gone, Barry. And look at that- you're going to marry her."
I use my hands to due a weak shrugging gesture, playing with my ring, as Caitlin spoke up, "So did I. When I became Killer Frost, you still believed in me."
"You two- you two are good people." Barry said, "He's not."
"Barry, how about you and I go back to Dibny's office?" I suggest, "We can find a DNA sample for Caitlin, so she can have something to go off of. Joe, can you go back to CCPD, and see what you can dig up on Dibny?"
"Yes, boss." Joe nods, turning, starting to leave the cortex.
"Geez-" I mutter as Barry and I walked into Ralph Dibny's office after Barry had broke the lock, the entire place completely trashed, "Getting Dibny must've been really important to them."
"Yeah. Probably the same guys that hung Dibny off the roof." Barry sighs, tossing things as he picked them up. "I mean, guy like that probably has a long list of people that wanna toss him off rooftops."
"Is that so?" I look at him, holding something, "Why do you want to?"
Barry chuckles, crouching down, looking through a box, causing me to speak up, "I'm serious. I missed a lot when I quit working at CCPN and started working with you guys. I was late on all the drama." I toss something, "What happened between the two of you?"
"It was one of my first cases when I was a junior CSI. Dibny was the lead detective." Barry says, looking at me.
"What case?" I walk over to Dibny's desk, looking under it.
"A woman named Judy Gimlin was stabbed to death. Her husband, Reagan, was the prime suspect. But there was no evidence- nothing to tie him to the crime scene." Barry told me, "And then, Dibny miraculously found a knife with the husband's fingerprints. Case closed. Dibny was a hero." Barry sighs, "I don't know, maybe because my mom was stabbed, I wanted to be sure. So I analyzed the knife. The serrations on the blade did not match the wound on the vic."
I looked at him, "Dibny planted the knife."
"Yep." Barry inhales deeply, "And then he lied about it. Under oath."
"So you busted him for it?" I look through the drawers of Dibny's desk.
"I mean, he didn't just bend the rules, Zee." Barry stood up, walking over by me, looking at a box, "He committed perjury- evidence tampering. He was thrown off the force. Point is, he was crooked then. He's crooked now."
I shrug lightly, "Not trying to pick sides or anything- because it was really wrong for him to do that, but maybe he's changed, Barry."
"Ralph Dibny hasn't changed." Barry spoke, "I get why you're saying that- because you're you. You look past everyone's wrongs and try to see them for who they are. You always look for good in someone."
"Because I learned it from the best." I glance at him.
"Barry-" I shut a drawer, looking up at him, "Let me tell you a story."
Barry exhales, a small laugh leaving his lips, as he stopped digging through the box, standing up straight, looking at me. I drop books I had picked up from Dibny's desk onto the ground, sitting on the small corner, one leg hanging off the desk, my other leg straight, keeping my balance on the ground, looking up at him.
"Sophomore year." I began, "I had moved to a new school, after moving in with yet another crappy foster family. They didn't care what I did, or where I was. As long as they kept getting their checks. And I was fine with that. Because eventually, they had to pay for the huge tickets I got when I ended up at CCPD."
"Besides the point," I went on, "This was- a few weeks in. Last period. I hated biology class- so much. I never- understood what was going on- I had the worst grade- and what bothered me the most was that- that was the class I felt most alone in. All my other classes- I had the choice to work alone. But in that class specifically- I was forced to work alone- due to no one wanting to be my partner. I mean- I got why. I was a troubled girl."
Barry listens to me, as I continued, "So one day, right before last period, I put a balloon filled with paint in this boy's locker. I didn't have anything to pick at the guy, I just wanted a laugh. The boredom was killing me, especially since I skipped the class I had before. When he opened it, he was drenched in blue paint. He caught me laughing at him, and knew I was the one who pulled it on him. That day he was late to class, stained in blue paint, no matter how hard he tried to get it off."
Barry smiles lightly at me, knowing exactly what story I was talking about, "The next day, instead of sitting in his usual assigned spot, he came and sat by me. He had convinced the teacher to let him switch seats- and let me tell you- his nerd herd- they were pissed at him for moving away from them. That day, I learned his name. His name was Barry Allen." I smile weakly.
"That's the day I met you, Barry." I poke him, "You looked right through the troubled girl that embarrassed you in front of your entire biology class- and became my best friend. Ten years later, and I'm engaged to you."
"I'm kinda glad you were the troubled girl you were." Barry grabbed my hand, his thumb playing with my ring, "I wouldn't have met you if you didn't prank me. We wouldn't be where we are today."
"Wait- thats not the point-" I sit up, "The point of that story was- that I changed. I'm going to marry the guy I drenched in blue paint. I went from the troubled girl to-" I gesture to myself, "Whatever this is."
Barry smiles, kissing my head, as I slip away, opening a drawer, grabbing a hairbrush, "You think this'll work?"
Barry chuckles, as I opened another drawer, my eyes widening at the sight in front of me, a ticking bomb ready to go off, "Barry-"
Barry runs over to me, hugging onto me, phasing right through the floor, running us outside, my eyes landing on the exploding office, my breathing heavily, "Somebody must hate him so much more than you do."
Barry ran us back to Star Labs, exposing everything that had just happened. I had given Caitlin the hairbrush, as she put down the ziplock bag, "I'm just glad you two weren't hurt."
"No thanks to your new buddy in there." Barry scoffs.
"He's not my buddy." Caitlin said, "He's my patient."
"Caitlin, I just don't understand why you're defending him." Barry admits.
"Because I know what it's like to suddenly find yourself with extraordinary powers and be totally freaked out by it." Caitlin lightly snaps at him, "And so do you, for that matter.You and I both woke up in this lab once knowing that our lives would never be the same. So how about you give the guy a little sympathy?"
Joe walks right in, saving this from become a huge argument, "Guys. I pulled the LUDS on Dibny's phone. There were 15 phone calls between him and the Mayor's office."
"What is Mayor Bellows doing talking to Ralph Dibny?" I look at Joe.
Barry turns, walking into the room Ralph Dibny hopelessly laid in, scoffing as he walked in, as I slowly and hesitantly followed after him, Ralph speaking sarcastically, "Oh, look. It's my good buddy Barry Allen."
"Someone just blew up your office." Barry told him straight up.
"Sweet." Ralph spoke, "Insurance claim."
"My fiancée and I almost died." Barry stared at him.
Ralph's eyes land on me the minute I walked in, "You landed Detective Zee Young? Wow." Ralph scoffs, "Everything's coming up Allen. The job. The girl."
"You know what-" I look at Barry, "I'll give you guys a minute."
I turn, walking out, leaving them alone.
"You're blackmailing the mayor?" Barry questions Ralph as he walks into the cortex, followed by Joe.
"Classic Barry Allen. Enters room and accuses wildly." Ralph mutters.
"We know about the photos, Ralph." Joe told him, "Bellows told us everything."
"Hey, I'm not the one who told him to step out on his wife." Ralph defends himself.
"That's your defense? It's his fault that you're extorting him?" Barry raises his voice lightly, gesturing to him.
"Isn't that a little easy for you to say? Your fancy lab, your good job, and your hot girlfriend?" Ralph's eyes dart to me, then looks back at Barry, "People like me are just trying to get from one bill to the next. And I wouldn't have to be living like that if you hadn't cost me my job."
Ralph saying that made Barry's anger increase, "You got yourself fired. You tampered with evidence. You framed that guy."
"Because he was guilty!" Ralph exclaims, "And he was gonna get away with killing his wife, and then you let him go." Ralph walks over to him, staring at him, "I was a good cop. I was a good detective. I lost everything."
Slight guilt filled my chest, as I stared at the two, Ralph speaking up again, "Mayor's got plenty of money. He can afford to spare a little. Consider it the pension you cost me."
"Good people don't destroy lives and call it noble." Barry says, his voice dangerously low, "You were dirty then. You're dirty now. Live with that."
Ralph starts to push past Barry, but Barry stops him, "You're not going anywhere."
"Get off me." Ralph inhales, turning around, throwing a punch at Barry, Barry ducking and dodging it, throwing one right back, but his fist going right into Ralph's face.
"Are you kidding me?" Ralph's voice was garbled, as Barry forcefully pulled his fist out, Ralph grunting, saying one last thing before he left, "Thanks for ruining my life twice, Allen."
My eyes open, a small yawn leaving my lips, as I realize I had fallen asleep on our bed when Barry and I had gotten back to our loft. I slowly sat up the bed, noticing the empty space next to me, Barry being next to me when I fell asleep.
I slip out of bed, running my hands through my hair lightly, fixing it, before walking over to the top of the steps, my steps coming to halt when I heard Barry's voice, "Did I make a mistake back then? Did I cost a good man his life?"
"I don't know, Bare." Joe's voice replied to him, "He did break the law- Cross the line. But you didn't make him do that. And you didn't make him blackmail the Mayor. But, maybe Caitlin was right.
Everyone who's gone through what you and her and now Dibny's gone through. Maybe he deserves a second chance."
I take this as my cue, dragging myself downstairs, my hand holding onto the railing once I reach the end, my eyes on Barry and Joe, seated at the dinner table, cans of beer placed on it, a few open, few not, and each of them holding one for themselves.
Their heads turn, Barry greeting me first, "Hey, honey."
"Hi-" I greet back, my voice raspy, walking over to them, "Hi, Joe."
"Hey-" Joe holds up a beer for me, this being his greeting back, offering it to me. I walk over, taking the beer can, sitting on the table, one leg folded, my other leg hanging from it, so Barry and Joe were both at my sides. Barry places a hand on my knee, as I open the beer, taking a sip of the bitter liquid.
My expression changes at the taste, the flavor reminded me exactly why I never drank beer, as I set the fan down, forcing the liquid down, "God- that's disgusting."
Barry laughs at me lightly, Joe laughing at me also, as I shook my head, "I still don't understand how you guys just drink it."
The door bell rings, Barry tapping my knee, getting up, "I got it."
Barry opens the door, in stepping two cops, "Allen. Detective West." The man looks at me, nodding towards me, not expecting to see me here, as if I was some sort of problem, "Detective Young."
"Aren't you two on the Mayor's detail?" Joe asks, getting up as I slip off the table.
"Sorry to bother you at home, but dispatch just radioed." The man spoke, "Captain Singh needs you down at station ASAP."
"All right, let me get my jacket." Barry told them, turning around, taking a step towards us.
Suddenly, the two cops pull out their guns, aiming right for us, a shriek leaving my mouth, Joe teaching for his own gun, "Barry!"
The guns go off, three shots fired, as Barry was quick to catch the bullets and put the two cops in a position where they knock themselves out, Barry standing next to Joe.
"That never gets old." Joe spoke once the two were knocked out, putting his gun away.
"Those two work for the mayor. They just tried to kill us." Barry looks at Joe.
"Dibny's next." I sigh, running a hand through my hair.
Turns out Ralph Dibny had changed after all. After ending the blackmail with the mayor, and almost getting killed, he had helped Barry save Joe from the mayor's capture, which was in a helicopter. Cisco had won the tolerable side of the Breacher, and we had found out the Cecile was pregnant.
And now, Barry and I were seated on our our couch, having the most time consuming, stupidest conversation.
"Dude-" I put my hands up in surrender, "I'm sorry- I love you and Iris with everything in me- but- I've got to admit. Savitar was hot in his own- evil kind of way."
"In his own pizza face kind of way." Barry remarks, correcting me.
"Earth Two Barry Allen was adorable- in his own dorkish kind of way." I press my palms together, "The whole thing he had going on with his bow tie- and glasses- ah, I loved it."
"In his own nerd kind of way." Barry remarked again.
"You're practically insulting yourself-" I grab his hands, laughing lightly.
Barry shook his head, scoffing lightly, pulling me onto his lap, "I can't believe we're even having this conversation right now."
"Hey-" I point at him, "You started this by talking about how you thought Flashpoint me was hot."
"She was-" Barry admits, "In her own mysterious kind of way."
"In her own thief kind of way." I remark, "In her own immature kind of way. I mean- with the way you're describing her- she sounds like she never outgrew high school."
"You're practically insulting yourself-" Barry imitates me from earlier.
I place my hand over his mouth, shutting him up, a innocent smile on his face.
My heart filled with a rush of feelings, as he kissed my palm.
I was going to marry this man.
authors note:
dude this book hit 16k.
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