Olivia watched as Brystal marched off angry from the transporter room. Olivia felt worry run up her spine, walking back after her. Olivia picked a pace, trying to keep up with Brystal's long strides
Brystal strode down endless hallways of wires and pipes into engineering. The vibrant white didn't bother her at all than it had always. She found herself angry at almost everything about the mission.
Jim's stupid idea had almost gotten his First Officer killed. The species saw the ship, breaking a Prime Directive of Starfleet. Kirk had entitled her with captain, leaving her in charge. The ship had been leaking, or it could've exploded from all the toxic fuels.
Her face was filled with rage that she tried to control. Engineers stood out of her way as she made her way to a spare office that she, Callum, and Olivia had shared.Olivia followed in behind, causing the door to halt to allow her in. Brystal's took a seat in her chair, looking up at Olivia.
"Bri, there's no reason you should be this upset-" Olivia was cut off by Brystal.
"Upset? Don't pretend to be half-witted!" Brystal cut her off. Olivia looked at Brystal surprisingly hearing the words 'half-witted'.
"When Jim set out to save the Nibriu Tribe, I tried to convince him not to go. To convince him not to save a doomed species. Did he listen to me? No! Of course not! Then we had to save Spock's goddamn life out of a volcano! Another one of his ideas! Spock sited regulations like his life wasn't on the line! Like he didn't give a damn about what Nyota was feeling! I allowed Jim to do something so idiotic!"
Olivia stared at her shocked by this violent anger she was showing. She couldn't lie though that the plan and mission were both idiotic. They all knew it would be dangerous, but that didn't mean none of them knew the consequences. Olivia and Brystal both knew consequences wrong form when she was stepped up to the council for her.
"It wasn't your fault!" Olivia pointed out.
"That's not the point! The point was Spock almost died! That Jim had already thought it was gone to put his First Officer in danger!" Brystal sighed slowly, trying to hold back anymore of her anger.
It was true though Spock had been close to death during the mission. Within seconds, he could've died inside the volcano. They had broken a Prime Directive to save him, and yet knowing how he got there in the first place caused more anger.
Jim was sometimes brilliant and an idiot at the same time. Another thing she had gotten used to about her captain. Her relationship with him was on and off in: Romantic, serving officers, and just plain friends. Their relationship didn't matter at the moment, but his action always mattered in these situations.
"Kirk got him out the volcano though." Olivia pointed out.
"But who knows what Spock will say in the report! What if he says what happens?!? Do you think that'll go over Admiral Marcus's head?!? Vulcans can never tell a lie!" Brystal shot back.
"You're right they don't! But Spock better have a heart when he writes his report. He better tell Nyota he wasn't willing to die or let the volcano kill him. Her heart wa s breaking every second he spoke, and I just had to watch." Brystal stared at Olivia's statement, "And your right this plan was idiotic, but we have to get used the fact that Jim is just as reckless as you. We should,be not even tried to save the Nibriu species."
The two stared at each other in silence, feeling each other anger. Both of them thinking of how willing Spock had sounded to die for others. Hating the sight of Nyota's heart breaking in front of them. Hating how they weren't able to stop the plan form even happening.
In the past four months aboard the Enterprise, Brystal had found herself angry at many of Jim's decisions. It showed the part of her extensive caring she had for others form the disappearance of her mother. Soon or later, she wouldn't be angry at his decisions like how it always happened.
She might've been the ships Second Officer, but sometimes it felt like she was Jim's annoyed mentor. Sometimes, Jim would even talk to her about the missions he had gotten bad ideas for, explaining why heard done it. The decisions would always be the captains, but she couldn't stay angry for to long.
Nevertheless, it was pointless at this point to even be angry at Jim. Her relationship did matter at that point with him. If they were either romantic, serving officers, or friends,she would always find some way to get angry and care about him. She could never tell him off without him being right at various points.
"You know. I can't always be angry at him. It's pointless when I'm angry and try to tell him off. He'll always be James T. Kirk, reckless as ever. Like how I'll be reckless, hardworking, and caring too much on others and their stupid decisions." Brystal finally broke the silence, "But that doesn't mean I won't be mad at Spock if he doesn't talk to Nyota."
"Same." Olivia smiled, weakly. Olivia knew she was right and her last statement was something she knew was true. Olivia would be angry as well at Spock for if he didn't talk to Nyota. They were her best friends and they couldn't stand to see either of them hurt.
That's we're friends were for. They would be there for each other during painful events, heartbreaks, laughs, joys, and angers. Something they had always done for each other.
"Hey guys, I think theres a malfunction in my datapad, but.....oh wait did something happen?!?" Callum said, carrying his datapad and a bowl of popcorn. He usually at the salty snack when he wasn't on work. His expression looked perplexed at the two, completely confused to what had happened.
His red Starfleet uniform pinned with the Starfleet insignia was dusted with gray bits from pipes. His time on the Enterprise had started ever since defeating the Borg Queen. Enjoying every minute he got to spend with his friends and get to work for Starfleet again.
"Just talking about what happened during the mission," Brystal told him.
"You get all the thrills while I'm here doing all the dirty work," Callum muttered.
"Hey, so do I!" Olivia shot back, causing Brystal to laugh.
"I wasn't the one with aliens chasing after me," Brystal said, "I just had to sit in the captains chair."
"Captain Brystal Pike," Issac said aloud, trying to see how well that fit. He clearly had tried to emphasize it, making Olivia laugh.
"Captain Brystal Demitria Pike," Olivia corrected him.
"Guys, I'm not a captain yet!" Brystal said, " Besides I like it much better that I'm not and I can come down here and talk to you."
"Stop being sweet," Issac exaggerated an emotion, causing Olivia and Brystal to chuckle, "Can't wait to be back on Earth."
"You always say that," Olivia pointed out.
"I miss the sun and not breathing in gas and metal every second," Callum shrugged, "Might as well visit the Anton Bar will I'm there."
"Earth." Olivia breathed out, "Wonder what it has for us this time."
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