Chapter Twelve
I yawned as I went out to meet my team. We had one day as a break after our missions, but I was still tired. I reached the meeting point and sat down on a bench underneath the a sakura tree. I winced slightly and caressed my cheek as my yawn stretched it.
Yesterday I explained the missions to my family. I omitted much of the flirting, but I did tell them that the young prince did seem interested, but then I found out he had a girlfriend. My mother had hit me across my face, scolding me for letting an opportunity like that pass me by.
So now my cheek was slightly swollen, and I was still sporting a red mark. If you looked closely, you could make out each individual finger. I was worried that someone would realize that mother had hit me. I had applied some make up over the mark, but if I worked too hard it would just sweat off.
In the midst of my worrying, I hadn't realized that Shun had already walked up and sat down next to me. "What's wrong with your cheek?" He asked.
"Uh, nothing!" I said quickly. "Why do you think something is wrong with it?"
"You keep poking at it and wincing," He told me, raising his eyebrows slightly in his incredulity.
"Oh..." I mutter.
"So what happened?"
"I... I was sparring with my sister and she hit me a little harder then she meant to," I improvised quickly. He nodded his understanding.
"I can heal it if you want," He offered.
"Really? Can you?" I ask, intrigued.
"Mmhm," he nodded.
"Yeah.. yeah, will you?" I request.
"Mmkay." He places one hand on my cheek, a look of concentration taking over his features. I watched in amazement as the chakra pours from his hand, surrounding my cheek. He finished, keeping his hand on my cheek. "There you go!" he smiled.
Daisuke walks up and Shun pulls his hand away. I give Shun a quick hug. "Thank you!" I thank.
Daisuke looks back and forth between the two of us. "Are you two dating?" He asked teasingly, but there was a slight glint of anger is his eyes.
"No, no!" Shun quickly denies while I shake my head.
"What was that then?" He wiggles his eyebrows. Shun and I scooch further apart.
"Shun and I are close friends, nothing else," I insist.
"What's going on?" Sensei appears. I roll my eyes. Finally, someone sensible was here.
"Fuzen and Shun are dating!" Daisuke tells him.
"We're not!" Shun insists, seeming to get angry. I sadden slightly. Would it be that bad to date me?
"Oh..." Sensei looks between the three of us. Daisuke was grinning even though he looked slightly irked, Shun was frustrated, eyebrows furrowed into a slight glare, and I was sitting their, incredulous and blushing slightly, mouth open. "Well, congratulations!" He smirked mischievously.
"We're not dating!" I insisted again.
"He carresed your cheek, gazed into your eyes, and then you hugged him. I'm pretty sure you guys are dating," Daisuke says. Again, his eyes seemed slightly angry and betrayed, though he hid it well.
"WE. Are NOT. Dating!" Shun hissed, annoyed.
"Sure sounds like you're dating. How do we know you're not?" Sensei asks.
"Prove it! You can't I bet, 'cause you are dating!" Daisuke says at the same time.
"You treat her well, or I'll have your head!" Sensei smiles as he talks over Daisuke.
"I-I-I... W-we're not... r-really!" I stammer out, just adding to the noise.
"Prove it, prove it!" Daisuke chanted, nearly drowning us all out. I can't believe one little misunderstanding started this. Shun squeezes his eyes shut as the clamor grew louder and louder. "Prove it, prove it, prove it!"
"I'M GAY!"
We all fell silent, Shun's hard breathing as he stood there with fists clenched the only sound in the morning air. Daisuke blinked in surprise. I stared at Shun, shocked by his declaration and outburst. Sensei glanced side to side, seeming amazed at the awkwardness if the situation.
Shun suddenly stiffened, as though his brain was finally catching up to his words. "I... I..." All we could do was stare at him. Shun fiercely spun around, running off. But before he left I could catch the glimmer of tears in his eyes.
We were silent as he disappeared from view. "I didn't mean too..." Daisuke whispered, a look of regret in his eye.
"Of course you didn't," Sensei reassured him. He ran a hand through his hair, looking angry at the outcome this morning had brought. "You two go report to the Hokage for our missions. You should know how to do that by now. I'm going to go find Shun."
We nod as he poofs away. I glanced at Daisuke, sharing an upset and confused look with him before heading down the path. "I feel so bad," Daisuke mutters. "I mean, I don't care that he's gay of course, even though I find it a little... shocking. I'm just upset because it feels as though we forced it out of him, get it?"
"I get it." I whispered, gazing at the sky as we walk up to the building. "And now it feels like some silly misunderstanding is splitting the team up, y'know?"
"Yeah, I know," He says with a slight smile. "But we're a strong team. Something as small as this won't hurt us for long," He grins. I nod, feeling slightly reassured. We gather our missions and begin to work on them. But it was lonely without the two familiar presences by our side.
Sensei jumped from tree to tree, following the familiar chakra signature. Who knew one genin could be so fast? With a groan, Sensei increased his speed slightly. Why go full out to just chase on measly genin?
One measly genin who's on my team, whom I'm a sensei to, who we upset and probably hurt him more then we realize. One measly genin who's terrified of not being accepted for who he is.
Sensei slowed as he felt the chakra signature stop ahead. He made his ways through the trees, finally coming out in a small clearing. A rickety wooden fort built by young hands leaned against a tree, and Shun sat there, gazing into it.
"I used to come here all the time," Shun murmured as Sensei walked up behind him. "When the other kids teased me. Growing up in an orphanage isn't all fun and games. It's not a big happy family. You're surrounded by people fighting to be in the most favorable spot."
"When I was a kid, I was always the softest. The most caring. The careful and calm and sensitive one. I was teased for just being the way I am. My life would have been hell if the found out.. if they found out...I was gay." Shun choked out. "I'm so disgusted with myself. What's wrong with me? You're not supposed to.. Kami, why? A guy isn't supposed to like another guy!"
Sensei sat down next to Shun, "Who you are isn't defined by who you like." Sensei reassured him softly. "And even if there are people out there who don't approve of who you like, it doesn't mean they don't approve of you. And if anyone gives you any shit for being gay, beat them up!" Sensei gave him a closed eyed smile.
"Thanks... but that's another problem. I don't want to beat anybody up. I don't like being a ninja. I feel like all a ninja can do is hurt people," Shun sniffed slightly, wiping at his nose.
"We hurt people to stop people from hurting. It doesn't really make any sense. But it doesn't have to be that way. C'mer, slowpoke," Sensei stood, beckoning for Shun to follow. With a flick of his wrist a kunai pierced the leg of a rabbit.
With a startled cry Shun dropped down on his knees beside the rabbit. "Why would you do that?" He asked, outraged.
"Watch." Sensei placed his hand over the wounded rabbit, and a soft green glow enveloped it. "Ninja don't always have to hurt. They can heal as well. I myself am barely at a genin level when it comes to healing, so a healer on the team would help. What do you say? Want to learn?"
Shun watched as the rabbit hopped away, fully healed. A light sparked in his eye, and a smile graced his face. He turned back to Sensei. "Yeah. Yeah, I do want to learn. Mmkay?"
Sensei laughed and stood, walking out of the forest with Shun. As they walked down the small path, Sensei slung an arm around Shun's shoulder. "Remember this, Shun. It's something an.. an old.. friend, brother, really, of mine used to say.
"You are who you are. And that is beautiful."
Sorry it's short T.T BUT I UPDATED!
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I updated BOTH stories for you! Look how nice I am! Merry Christmas! This is your present!
MERRY CHRISTMAS! It's my first Christmas on wattpad XD hiiiiii supermassiveblckhole!!!! Merry Christmas to you! Haha, YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE MY MIND. N-never. Ever. .....ever? MEH. I love you! Merry Christmas!
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