Chapter Three
Check External link and there will also be a link in the comments. A LONG link in the comments.
I woke up with a frown on my face. It was like when you wake up on Christmas morning; you’re excited but you can’t quite remember why. This was the obvious. I felt terribly, apprehension weighing me down, but I didn’t know why.
Then it all clicked. Fight, family, graduating, Sakura. I look over at Sakura, who had stolen all the blankets and pillows. I was curled up in the corner, so different from how she was sprawled out across her entire floor.
I sit up and walk to the bathroom, brushing my hair out and winding it into the usual perf http:// ect bun. I hear shuffling, and know that Sakura has woken up. I had borrowed a T-shirt and shorts to sleep in, so I quickly change into my clothes from yesterday. They were slightly crumpled, and I shook them out briskly.
I walk back out of the bathroom, seeing Sakura already ready, waiting for me. We walk downstairs, and I grab some bread for toast and jam, while Sakura makes us lunch. I hand her two pieces of toast in exchange for my lunch.
After eating quickly, we walk outside, giggling at a joke Sakura had made.
We run into Ino almost immediately. The smiles slide off our faces, and Sakura and Ino glare at each other. “Hello Sakura,” Ino greets, in a deceptively civil manner.
“Ino,” Sakura returns with a curt nod.
“Good morning Ino, how are you today?” I ask. Ino had powerful family members.
“Very good, thank you,” She said icily. I was an enemy to her, because I liked Sasuke as well.
I look at Ino, making sure not to stare. She was both popular and beautiful. I wish I could be more like her, and Sakura. Independent, strong, and beautiful. They're so... sure of themselves.
Sakura walks a little ahead of Ino,and I speed up to stay next to her. Soon we are in an all out race to the academy. I laugh in glee, having lots of fun. I grab Sakura's hand, racing ahead. Ino latches on to Sakura so she could keep up with us.
I drag everyone down the street, getting closer and closer to the academy. Sakura and Ino regain their feet, pushing and shoving to get ahead of the other. We enter the classroom, and they each throw out their hands, shouting, "I win!"
"Urgh," I mumble from the ground. Each of their fists had clocked me on the side of the head. "I think I won," I groan, standing and dusting myself off.
Sakura looks at me with sad eyes. "But I really want to sit next to Sasuke," She whispers. I stare at her puppy dog eyes, then cave.
"Fine," I groan, running a hand through some loose strands of hair. I walk down and sit on the opposite bench, so I was in the same row as Sakura and Sasuke, but I was on the other side of the classroom.
Iruka come in, congratulating us on making it this far, how he'd miss us, that we would be put onto teams today, blah blah blah. I was honestly drowning him out, so nervous about who would be on my team. I mean, I'll be stuck with them until I'm a chunin!
I sit up straight as I realize that several teams had already been called out. "And, on team seven, we have Naruto Uzumaki," I don't want to be on that team now. "Sakura Haruno," Okay, now I kind of want to. But my parents wouldn't be very happy.
"And Sasuke Uchiha," ADD MY NAME, ADD MY NAME! I beg in my head. I wanted to be on Team Seven With Sakura and Sasuke! "Oh, and..."
"Sasuke got the top scores in the class! You Naruto, got the worst!" I sigh, wishing that I had gotten on that team.
"Next, Team Eight! Kiba Inuzuka!" Nope! Not. Me. I will NOT be on that team.
"Shino Aburame!" I repeat: I will NOT be on this team!
"HInata Hyuga!"
See? I told you so! Not me! I won't be on that team. I sigh in relief, thinking over how horrible my life could have been if I was on that team. "Fuzen Kanpeki!"
"What?" I question Iruka.
"Fuzen Kanpeki. You're on this team." Iruka repeated.
"Which team?" I ask, dumbfounded.
"Team Eleven! Were you not paying attention? You teammates are Daisuke Igarashi and Shun." I look to my right, and Daisuke waves excitedly while Shun smiles and nods at me.
I force a smile and sit back. Quiet frankly, the two of them were nobodies. Daisuke and his parents were on the low end of the middle class at best, being the simple shoe shop owners they were. Shun was at the bottom, about as low as it got when it came to knowing the right people.
Iruka dismisses us, and my team stands. Without really deciding on it, we go to an empty classroom to eat together.
"So..." Shun begins, taking a bite of rice. "We're going to be together a while. Trust eachother with our lives..."
"Let's introduce ourselves!" Daisuke exclaims, standing up. His red hair is a mess, his red jacket rolled up to his elbows. He rubs his nose, right under th bandage. "I'm Daisuke! My mom and dad own a shoe shop. I have a sword, and I excel at ninjutsu! I kinda rush into things, so you might have to hold me back," He laughs slightly before sitting down.
Shun doesn't stand, but does sit up a little straighter. "I'm Shun. I'm more of the, "HIde in the shadows and wait for the oppurtunity to strike" person. I don't rush into things at all. I'm good at taijutsu and I've looked into sealing jutsus, though they're really advanced," He sighs.
They both turn to me. I laugh shortly, uncomfortable, clasping my left elbow with my right hand. "Um, I'm Fuzen Kanpeki," I introduce myself.
"Imperfectly Perfect," Shun interrupted, a thoughtful look on his face.
"What?" I aske sharply, irritated.
"Your name. It means Imperfectly Perfect, doesn't it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"What about it?" I hiss.
"Nothing. Just an observation," He leaned back again.
I blew a whisp of hair out of my face, annoyed. "As I was saying, my name is Fuzen. I guess I pay attention to detail, look how different things will effect the big picture. My best area is genjutsu. I have good chakra control, but not a lot of chakra," I admit.
Slow clapping begins by the doorway, and we look up, startled. A man, well, boy more, is standing there. He looks like he's barely a couple years older then us, sixteen or seventeen. "You guys seem to be already grasping the meaning of teamwork. Thanks for introducing yourselves," He said slowly.
We stare at him. "Well come on then!" He turns and walks out of the room, and we begin to trail behind him.
"Excuse me sir, but... are you our sensei?" Daisuke asks, jogging next to him to keep up with the mans long strides.
The older boy stops suddenly. "Are new genin usually this stupid? Well? Are they?" He asks, turning to me. When I don't respond he keeps walking, calling after us, "Of course I'm your new sensei, slowpokes!"
We share a glance with eachother, then follow his chin length white hair out of the Academy. He stops ubruptly in the middle of a path under several sakura trees. "Sit, then," He gestures to a bench.
We do so, me on the right, Shun on the left, and Daisuke in the middle. "Okay then," He clasps his hands together, looking at each of us. With both hands still clasped, he points at Daisuke. "Idiotic, loudmouthed boy who will get us all killed," He announces.
"Hey!" Daisuke starts to stand, but both Shun and I pull him back down.
"Quiet boy who feels sorry for himself and will probably run away and save himself in a fight," The white haired boy declared.
Shun glare slightly but otherwise doesn't react. The boy turns to me, and I flinch back slightly, shrinking in on myself.
"You... sheltered girl, constantly underestimated. I'll love to see you become a better kunoichi. But that won't happen until you finally decide to," He nodded to himself.
"What was that?" Daisuke asked.
"Do I have to explain everything to you slowpokes? That was my first impression of you all!"
"Yeah... so who are you?" Shun asks. We nod our agreement, turning to him expectantly.
"I'm your sensei," He told us, then muttered to himself, "I seriously have to explain everything to these slowpokes, don't I?"
"So we just call you... sensei?" I ask, staring at him.
"Yeah, sure, has a nice ring to it!" He agrees.
My teammates and I share a disbelieving look. He was so quirky yet serious at the same time. Sensei stood there, just looking at us, studying us. "Drop down and do ten push ups now!"
Used to such sudden orders, I comply before I really think about it. I'm on my fourth push before I really begin to wonder why he had us do them. Daisuke is complaining and asking why, but is getting on his knees to do the pushups. Shun is still on the bench.
"Well, Fuzen here responds to orders easily. Daisuke will complain all the while and do them slower, but still follow the orders, while Shun... Shun wants to know the reason before he does anything. He'll hesitate when given a command, even if from someone who he should answer to," He glances down at me and Daisuke as though realizing we were still down there.
"Oh, stand up, stand up, you don't need to do the push ups," he waves his hand. I stand slowly, wiping the dirt from my hands.
"Here's the deal: We senseis are going to give you a test to see if you really deserve to be genin. That'll be tomorrow. Meet at training field two at 9 am, okay?" Sensei informed us.
We all nod. "Well, bye then!" He waves, then jumps into a tree. Wile he's in mid jump towards another tree branch, he poofs away.
We are all silent, staring after him.
"Weird," I say, standing.
"Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow,"Shun nods.
"Hey, we're a team. We'll somehow pull through this test together!" Daisuke assureas us. We all nod to eachother one more time before parting ways.
I begin the long walk home. Our house, well, small mansion, really, is on the very outskirts of town. Apprhension fills my mind as my house draws into view. I walk up to the door and carefully open it, slipping my shoes off and walking further into the house.
It was almost dinner time, so I step into the dining area. No ones there. Alright then, the living room. I walk in, and I'm almost immidiately drawn into a bony hug. "Oh, Fuzen, we were so worried!" My mother strokes my hair.
I'm dumbfounded, Come again? I think, eyes wide. My father comes up, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Don't ever do that to us again," He orders. A warm feeling grows in my stomach. They cared. They actually cared.
But the warm feeling is almost immidiately doused. "And who is this?" An old, snobbish voice asked.
No wonder they were treating me nice. We had company. "This is my daughter, Fuzen," My mother pushed me forward. I bowed. Then I turned and bowed to my parents. "I apologize for my behavior last night. It was unnaceptable,"
Then I turn towards my sister and bow. "I especially apologize to you, sister."
My sister stands and draws me into a hug. "That's the last time I try to do anything for you, sister," She promises. "By the way. Grandmother is staying for three days," She smirks.. I flinch but maintain my smile. I hate my grandmother.
"A girl her age should be in bed already!" Grandmother griped.
My mother glared at me. "Bed. Now," She ordered.
I know better to argue, even as my stomach grumbles in want of dinner. It was only five o' clock!
I felt everybodies judging gazes follow me out of the room. I hope I survive the next three days.
I updated!
How'd you guys like it? Were you expevcting me to make my own team? What do you think will happen next?
Unedited, so don't you dare complain about grammar or spelling mistakes!
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