Chapter Fourteen
I walked to the kitchen with a stiff gait. Sensei certainly didn't take it easy on us. Even though he gave us the last day before the chunin exams to specifically rest and recuperate from our harsh training regimen, I was still sore.
Sensei seemed intent on getting our general strength, speed, and chakra control up to par. He ignored our specialties and skills, focused on increasing our endurance, speed, chakra control, the skills that every genin had.
But I was confident that he knew what he was doing.
I chewed on a power bar that the maids made for me. It was low in calories but it has nutrition that I needed. I didn't want my diet to effect my performance in the chunin exams.
I glanced up as my sister enters the kitchen. "Why're you up so early?" I asked. Hideaki had helped me train for the chunin exams, teaching me a couple jutsus. One of my favorite was a shurikan jutsu. I jumped in the air, did the hand signs and shurikan rained down everywhere within a ten foot radius.
She explained that it was a sort of summoning jutsu, just not with a contract or animals, but I didn't really understand. I had also adapted it into a genjutsu that did the same thing, just all in your head.
"I'm up to see you off to the chunin exams," she smiled at me. I grinned and walked over to her, and she leaned over and opened her arms for a hug. I pressed my face into the crook of her neck, hiding from the world. "Good luck," she said softly.
"Thank you, onee-san," I whispered.
"Imouto, you'll be fine," she reassured me. "I don't care what mother and father say, your genjutsu is magnificent. Rely on it," she ordered me.
I took a deep breath and nodded, taking her words to heart. "Okay," I agreed, pulling away.
She looked at me seriously. "You must be careful," she told me, "You're a rookie. Don't underestimate anyone. Treat ever single opponent as if they were the most powerful enemy you've ever faced,"
I nodded "I get it, onee-chan!" I whine slightly. She relaxed and smiled as she saw the slightly scared look in my eye. If my sister was scared for me, then I should be terrified.
"Fuzen," she regains my attention quickly, "I have a mission," she told me.
I sighed. "How long?" I asked, trying to hide my sadness.
"A month. I'm leaving later this afternoon," she told me. My stomach dropped slightly.
"Oh," is all I said.
She beckoned to me. I hesitate, and she urged me closer again. I drag myself over to her. Her hand darts forward to poke me in the stomach, and I block her. Her eyes narrow and I hide a grin as we have a small taijutsu fight with just our hands. Finally she wins, poking me in the stomach and making me double over. She grasps my chin and smiles down into my eyes. "You'll be fine," she said softly, something vulnerable hidden in her voice.
I smile and nodded. "I love you, onee-chan," I told her before running out the door so I wouldn't be late.
I was shaken. She had seemed scared for me. Were the exams that bad? Or was it that she knew when she was gone it was hard on me? Mother and Father had only me to focus on. And I hated it.
I waved at Shun, and wait a few more minutes for Daisuke to show up. We glanced at each other, collectively taking a deep breath as we mustered our determination.
"Together till the end," Shun put his hand out.
I smiled and placed my hand on top of his. "Never let each other down."
"Three as one." Daisuke finished softly, his hand resting on top of ours. We nodded at each other before dropping our hands. I felt my stomach drop slightly as nervous excitement begins to gather in me. This was real, this was happening now. I pay little attention as we ascend the stairs.
We stopped at the top of the second flight of stairs, and I glanced around in confusion. A large crowd was hanging around, blocking the doorway. "Why've we stopped?" I muttered in confusion, trying to peer over every bodies heads, "we need to go to the third floor!"
"Yeah, we're ON the third floor, but they won't let us through," Shun pointed to two boys guarding the door.
I rolled my in contempt and placed my hands on my teammates shoulders, whispering, "Kai! Release!"
It takes a small portion of my chair to release them from the poorly placed genjutsu. "We're still on the second floor," I deadpan.
Daisuke's expression slowly grows angry. "They thought they could catch us in a second rate genjutsu? I'll show them--"
He's cut off as Shun places a hand on his shoulder. "They did catch us in a 'second rate genjutsu,' Dai," he informs him lowly, "you can thank Fuzen for releasing us. Let's just play this cool and lie low," Shun suggests quietly.
Daisuke takes a deep breath in and let's it out slowly. "Alright," he agrees. "Let's do this."
Soon the crowd begins to flood through the door. I nudge Shun, who had been leaning against the wall, eyes closed. He opened his eyes slowly and rose an eyebrow questionably. "Sasuke-kun," I fight down a blush, "confronted the guards and got through." I explained quickly. He nodded.
"C'mon Dai, stop terrorizing the butterfly," he calls.
Daisuke looks up from where he was crouched, hands cupped around a bright yellow butterfly. With a pout he releases it and runs over to us. "Bye, Cho-chan!" He waves at the butterfly that was flitting quickly away.
We enter the room, immediately being glared at. Shun glares back, immediately on guard as we quickly walk over to a wall so our backs would be protected. I study everyone. I didn't want to anger them, but I also didn't want to make them think we're weak. So I send them a closed eyed smile. Let them wonder what that means.
Daisuke, of course, was grinning, seemingly oblivious to the danger surrounding us. But I saw him peek at everyone from the corner of his eyes, scanning everyone. He wasn't as dense as he could seem to be.
Sakura catches my eye and smiles, starting towards me. I stop her with a glare. She needed to understand: we're all enemies here. A hurt look crossed her face, but I simply shook my head at her, turning away.
"Listen up you degenerates!" I turn over to the front of the room. "There'll be no fighting unless given explicit permission by your proctors!"
I feel relief course through my veins. Thank God, at least no one would be jumping out at us yet.
"The first exam will be a written exam!" All of us glance at each other, anxiety flitting across our features.
"It'll be fine. None of us are stupid," I whisper.
"And none of us are especially smart," Daisuke groans.
"Everyone will now grab a number and sit in the corresponding seat," Ibiki ordered, holding out a container filled ith numbers.
We all walk up together and grab a number, exchanging one last smile with each other teammates. I walk into the room, splitting up with Daisuke and Shun as I make my way to the seat. I stop short in surprise as I see the two people sitting on either side of my seat. A strangled gasp emanated from me. On one side of my seat was Sakura.
On the other side was Shri.
To answer your question, yes, yes it did XD
I'm sure you all are wondering what I'm doing, bringing him back. Well, you all have such wonderful imaginations, I'm sure you can think of something 'P
Well, I am oh so excited to write the next chapter of this.
Hope you guys like it! SOrry for any errors.
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