(A/N: Hey, this is a question I've had ever since we kit 1k, and btw thank you all so fucking much for the reads votes and support, I especially love all of the lovely comments. Anyway back on track, do any of you have a small fangirl or fanboy moment when I update? Because that's what I do when my favorite books and authors update. Am I any of your favorite? XD sorry I sound narssassitic, anyways, plz tell me in the comments
A day or two had passed, we were just going on a dry run, it beat doing nothing at all by far.
I was sitting next to Negan in the truck, his hand on my thigh the whole time. Suddenly, we heard a loud bang. One of the cars behind us had a tire blow up. "Gunshots?" I immediately asked.
"I think so." Negan said quietly, looking through all the windows in the truck. His had that on my thigh was now tightly gripping Lucille. I meantally prepared myself for the worst.
Another one, this time it was for sure a gunshot.
As soon as Negan's door opened, so did everyone else's, wepons raised.
"COME OUT WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE!" Negan yelled in the tone of voice that used to scare me.
We were on a road going by a huge junk yard, so that's why I was so surprised when that's where the people started flowing out of.
"Great. More." One woman said sarcastically. She was at the head of the pack, everyone surrounding her.
Negan smirked. "More of who?" She asked, asking the question also on my mind.
"Of them." She said vaugly. "Who is them?" I asked growing impatient.
She seemed to smirk. "People came. Made deal." She said.
"What was the leader's name?" Negan asked. "Rick." She said.
Negan glanced at me, my face convayed no emotion.
I was terrified for my dad. I knew what The Saviors were capable of. No matter if my dad didn't like Negan and i's relationship, he's still my dad and I still loved him.
"Who are you?" I asked. The woman turned her attention to me.
"Jadis. And you, boy?" She asked. Damn these people talk weird, or at least she does.
"Carl." I said firmly. Negan smiled. "And I'm Negan." She introduced himself. "Now I don't know what kind of deal Rick made with you. But I can assure you, I can make one that's a hell of a lot better." Negan said.
Jadis's face was unreadable. She scanned the group of Saviors that we're here. I looked at her people. We were the out numbered ones.
"Deal?" Jadis's asked. Negan smiled. "Usually, when we meet new people. We start it off by killing one of them. Then they'll work for us and all that good shit. But here is what I'll offer you. I get half of your shit, and I'll need you to help me take Rick the prick down. And I exchange for all of that, we will not touch a scrap of your food an water, and on top of that, we'll bust or asses to protect your people." Negan made him while little speech. I can't say I didn't get slightly pissed when he called my dad a prick, but what can you do?
Jadis's thought for several minutes, weighing out her options. She sighed and held her hand out. "Deal." She said firmly shaking Negan's hand. Jadis's clearly wasn't even slightly intimidated by Negan, I respected that.
"We'll come by in a week. I hope you'll have something interesting." Negan said as he started walking back to his truck. We all piled back into the trucks and headed home.
It was getting dark out. Negan and I were finally able to take our shoes off and relax.
As soon as I got my shoes off I flopped down onto the bed and groaned.
Negan chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Your fucking adorable." He mumbled as he laid down on his side if the bed.
"No I am not. I am scary and I will be feared." I said lazily. Negan just smiled and kissed my head. "Are you gonna stay like that all night or are you gonna get your fucking ass up here?" Negan chuckled.
I dragged myself the rest of the way onto the bed and wrapped myself around Negan.
"Your fucking adorable when your this tired." Negan mumbled. I smiled. "You should see yourself when your tired." I mumbled back.
"Go to sleep, baby boy." Negan said as he rested his head on mine. I rested my head on Negan's chest and closed my eyes.
I listened to the soothing sound of Negan heart beat as I drifted off, the last thing I heard was a breathy whisper from Negan.
"I love you.."
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