Chapter Nine: Yours Sincerely
Hello people! Here's another update. This chapter is dedicated to AlissaSteel
"Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?", he said to Alexandra who smiled and said yes. He forced a smile at her then at his parents who was strictly surveying him and who smiled in return. He smiled but shows off no emotions, he smiled but his eyes radiated nothing but sheer distaste.
“The wedding will take place in two weeks time. It must be the talk of all and sundry for months and years to come", His father said and hugged his son then his daughter in law. His father glared at him, motioning him to do the same and reluctantly, quickly yet tactfully, he pulled her into an embrace for a few seconds then broke away quickly like her just saw a plague. Devon, his partner, smirked.
“This calls for celebration", his mother offered and they all grabbed a wine glass as Kendrick poured into each of their glasses.
“To a fulfilled married life to Kendrick and Alexandra", his mother toasted.
“And to a larger merger with Sørensen Silver as one big family", her father said and all except Kendrick laughed as they cheered one another and took the alcoholic wine and Kendrick's father retired to the bar to continue his drink.
Kendrick sighed. All was over and lost. His parents had won and he had he had lost. He finally went over Alexandra.
“Please don't call me Alexandra", she said, when he opened his mouth to speak. He sighed in relief.
“Lexie's okay, right?", she nodded. “So, Lexie, since we are engaged, we__".
“Should try to get to know each other?", she asked, her voice sounding forced and kind if hurt but with feigned excitement in her eyes. Kendrick cringed inwardly. He hated it when someone took the word right out of his mouth. It took him a lot of his muscles to say ‘we' and ‘engaged' and her she was, completing his sentence for him. He nodded anyways and they took a stroll outside the mansion as they talked into the night.
~ Two Days Later, Erudites High ~
“Do you know that Kendrick's engaged to be married in a fortnight?", Stella asked while they were sipping lemonade at the cafeteria. Patra nearly spat out whatever she had left in her mouth on the latest piece of information getting to her as she stared at her best friend in shock.
“You mean__?"
“Yes, I mean he's engaged", Stella confirmed. She was just recovering from one shock of her aunt having suffered gun wounds and now she was leaping into another.
“But he's not old enough. He's going to college in about two months or so. Of course, he's rich and wealthy and all that but__", she scoffed.
“And who are you to judge them. He's engaged, end of story", Stella chided.
Patra weighed her friend's word and realized she was right. Was it her business if he was engaged. But notwithstanding, she was beginning to realize that she had fallen head over heels for him and the thought of it made her cringe and lose her appetite. She excused herself and rushing into the restroom, into one of the toilet, she covered the lid, sat on it and broke down in tears.
Several minutes later, after she gained her composure, she dried her eyes, reapplied her make up, a new solitude she had found since her ‘defilement' and walked out. She had almost reached class for she was already late when she was pulled into to the hallway leading to the stairs. She was almost reeling when she saw who it was. Kendrick.
“Patra, I just wanted to__", he started but was stunned when Patra slapped him. He blinked twice then thrice in quick succession.
“You almost defiled me just some three days back. Then you run off and get engaged", she scoffed.
“Let me explain, Patra. I__".
“There's no need to explain. I'm so sick of all your explanations", she said and stormed off.
He sighed. Why did things have to end up getting worse, he said to himself as he made his ways his class.
She ran to the hospital as soon as the bell for the close of school rang. The nurse directed her to her aunt's wardroom and Patra found her sitting up.
“Oh!", Patra sighed and hugged her aunt, planting a kiss on both cheeks.
“How are you feeling now?", she asked.
“Never better in ages though the doctor said I suffered a minor cardiac arrest during the surgery to which he has placed me on some drugs and pacemaker", her aunt replied, showing her the pacemaker on her wrist and one scar where they had placed another into her chest. Patra sighed.
“Tell mama to stop worrying, if she does she'll have another heart attack", Roderic said as he came in and sat on the vacant seat by the bed. The duo had not seen him come in and Patra hoped he had not heard their conversation earlier on. He hugged his mother and greeted his cousin. Patra spent about two hours talking, their centre of attraction on the breadwinner of the family who had not called nor visited but had taken to drinking and his usual womanizing. It was evident because despite their mother trying to keep their marriage and making it work, they all knew that the head of the family never loved any of them, not even the children. Only women and bottles.
Before they left, Deborah told Patra to clear the attic and bring along her knitting kit. “I can't just sit in this goddamned hospital and stared at the whitewashed walls or the TV all day long", she had said.
Several hours later, after Patra had tidied up the house and cooked dinner for Roderic who had eaten and was now playing video games in his room, she hurried to the attic. It was dusty and most of the things were covered in muslin. She removed one to reveal some boxes stacked together with only one open. What caught her fancy was a pink shoebox. She opened it, hoping to see some old shoe her aunt used to have. But inside were letters and scraps of paper. Curiosity got the best of her and she took one out and read it.
10, Bloomswood Avenue,
New York,
P.O. Box PT438.
Dear Deborah (Isabella),
It's been long since I wrote you last and I feel it is high time I deemed it fit to write to you.
My letter is not for pleasantries though, (for we have far better things to discuss), it is about our niece, Cleopatra. Our last conversation over her case on the phone led to a heated argument and for helve, you threatened me and ordered me never to call you again. I feel, like I said earlier, that I should write you to settle our differences and come to terms with the fact.
We are mothers; we love our children and know what's best for them. You and I know that your realisations from your business can not further her education in college. You and I also know that I am capable of taking care of her singlehandedly. I know our sister (bless her heart) left her in your care but we are family and responsibilities are achieved by jointed efforts. I advise you to reconsider and send her over to the rest of the family. Let her know that she has uncles and aunts. Let her be loved and spoiled.
I have a new number (01-431-4795), so you can still call me if you have a change of mind.
Yours sincerely,
By the time Patra was done reading, her eyes was glistening with tears. So her aunt lied that she had no other relatives. She didn't know what to believe in this world full of lies.
She left the attic with the shoebox alone. She had some digging up to do.
Hi beauties,
Before you devour me for not updating earlier, because I'm literally cowering away behind a chair, I have tangible explanations. I had been busy planning out a vigil last week (You could check it out on my Instagram page; Courtney Steels), and afterwards I fell sick. I still am but a bit better. So there you have it, a reason, I haven't been updating lately.
Notwithstanding, here's another chapter. Hope you like it. Don't worry, we are already halfway through the book.
To those who think thus is my first and only book, I have another published book by the name ‘Hello, Mr CEO'. Don't forget to vote and comment.
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