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615 words - not edited
This is just a little something that's in the works right now so if you'd be interested to read more of it, please let me know! I wouldn't publish it right now since I'd like to at least write a few chapters first while I work on some other stories that I know you're all waiting to see updated, but knowing that people are looking forward to it would be great!
"I fear that your condition is not getting any better, Y/N. If you keep things as they are, your magik will begin to drain directly into your vitality by lack of other choice and that could result in your death, you are aware of that, aren't you?".
I keep fixing my hands while the doctor stares at me with a sigh past his lips.
"I know that it's hard to change some habits when they've been around for a long time but your body, as it is, cannot stand to be strained any longer. Your type of ice magik is harder to control than you seem to understand and the impact it has on you is getting more obvious by the day. You need a mate with fire magik to counter the frost, otherwise, you could lose your life. It already cost you your legs, you need to be more careful, Y/N".
He says that as if it's possible to just... stop using my magik altogether. It's part of me, not to mention that most of the time, it acts up no matter what I have to say on the matter, as if it had a mind of its own.
Losing my legs despite the many warnings I was given didn't happen because I'm ignorant and stupid, it happened because my magik thought it would be fun to cover every single surfaces within my home with ice crystals, including my bed.
I woke up almost dying of hypothermia, and my legs never moved again since then, nor can they feel anything. Not to forget that telling me I need a fire witch to survive is like trying to convince me that the Earth is flat - it's pointless.
"We already checked to see if I have any mates connected to me, Doctor, and there was no results even after the third test. You know that's not an option".
At my words, the man pushes something on the desk like he was waiting for me to say that, and I frown before having a glance at the sheet of paper on which I can read Request for a witch caregiver.
"That's why I prepared this for you. I'm not going to leave you to die when other options are available to us, so this is an official request to get someone to stay at your house to watch over you and help you fight against the frost. It would be someone without mates and with a fire magik, someone who would be fine with staying by your side 24/7. All you have to do is sign the form and I will take care of the rest".
I exhale loudly.
"I appreciate the effort, Doctor, but my parents would never agree to this. They refused every offers for caregivers ever since the incident that caused my current state, why would it be different this time?" I ask without expecting any positive outcome to this, but he grins proudly like he saw this coming.
He pulls another paper from a pile that he settles in front of me, then taps it with a finger.
"This is different. The carefully selected caregiver will take on the role as your legal guardian if I judge that your parents are not doing enough for your health when you're in a critical condition. In other words, they would lose complete control over what happens to you from the moment you sign this contract".
I immediately perk up and roll my wheelchair closer to the desk to read the contract with my own eyes, the words he just spoke an open door to a world of freedom if it's really that simple.
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