The hallways were dark, and only lit enough for the medical staff to find their way around. This allowed for the patients of the forth division to rest up from their injuries and sicknesses. However, another person was coming back through the halls, his soft footsteps falling hard. He was followed by two other footsteps, one that came loud, and one that had a squeaking sound.
"Shouldn't we be a little more quiet dad?" Ichigo suddenly asked.
"Why?" Toshiro yawned, as he walked ahead, his arms crossed behind his head.
"Because we don't want to get on the wrong side of Unohana Taicho!" the boy blurted out.
"Didn't I tell you, she gave me the order to rest, and I am following it," the small boy stated, continuing to walk forward. "Really... sometimes you are brave in the wrong ways. It's gotten you in trouble, you know."
"Hey!" Ichigo stated, rather loudly, while Isshin had a rather weak smile on his face, limpid from the fact that he didn't want any part of the argument.
"There you are, captain Hitsugaya!" came the voice from the side, as Isane suddenly stepped out of the room, her hands on her hips. "You are supposed to be resting."
"I was," the small taicho stated, turning his head towards her, and shrugging his head, and continuing to his room.
Isane's temper rose, and she breathed out hard. "Hold it! Just because you are a captain, doesn't change the fact that you are a patient here!"
"Just because I did something you don't approve of, doesn't change the fact that you aren't supposed to be loud and wake the other patients in the forth division," Toshiro retorted, letting out another yawn, covering his mouth. He opened the door to his room, and stepped in, while Isane's face turned red.
However, she quickly hurried into the room, followed by the two Kurosaki males. A person was sitting next to the bed. "I am glad to see that the three of you had fun."
Suddenly, Ichigo was on the defensive, pulling back to stand on one leg, ready to run, but not really. "Unohana Taicho!"
"Unohana Taicho. I found Hitsugaya Taicho out of bed. He's supposed to be resting," Isane sighed.
"The definition of resting is relaxing, and not over exerting oneself," Toshiro stated, only to let out another yawn.
"Unohana Taicho! They didn't need to keep Toshiro out as long as they did!" Isane muttered. "That isn't resting.
"Hitsugaya Toshiro, did you enjoy yourself?" Unohana suddenly asked, a smile on her face.
"Hai..." Toshiro stated, only to find himself suddenly stumbling forward, to be grabbed by the back of his robes, by Isshin.
"Gomenasai Unohana. I probably shouldn't have been as exuberant as I was," Isshin sighed.
"You think?" Ichigo muttered. "You made me tired with your stupid antics."
"If you don't mind, I think it is time for Hitsugaya Taicho to call it a night. Isane, could you escort the Kurosaki's to rooms they can use for the night, as it is a bit late for the substitute Soul Reaper to be heading home, and for Isshin Taicho to have a temporary place set up at the tenth division."
"Of course," Isane muttered, leaving the room, with the two bigger males on her tail.
Unohana placed a hand on top of a white head of hair. "You should head to bed now."
"I am going back to my division tomorrow," Toshiro stated firmly.
"Really? Would you go without my permission?" the female taicho asked, as the small taicho stepped out of her line of sight to change.
"I would be going nuts, if I had to stay here, so yes. I would run off, like I usually do. If you really think that I should stay in the forth, prepare some major traps, though I doubt they will work," Toshiro stated, finishing, and pulling back the sheets on his bed, and climbing in.
Unohana Taicho bent over, and gave him a small hug. "Your answer is good enough. If you think you can take on any trap I might set up. Have a good night."
"Good night, Unohana Taicho," Toshiro stated, letting out a big yawn.
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