Chapter 9: My beloved
Note: It's kinda weird switching from the teenage Yogscast and Team Crafted who are having lots of fun to the depressive chapters in this book. Ah well!
Robin's POV
Waking up in Deamon's arms, I shudder a little as the morning sun breaks into my view and I recoil from the harsh light. I had fallen asleep next to him only to end up wrapping my arms around him and burrowing myself into him. He was like a giant hot water bottle.
"Guys! Guys wake up!" I hear someone shouting in the distance. I frown uncertainly. Sitting up, Deamon's arms go limp and drop from me, before he wakes up, sitting up and running his hand through his hair. "Deadlox is gone" someone shouts. We're all awake now, sitting up and frowning, looking around confused.
We weren't morning people. Especially when the morning was 6am.
"What do you mean?" Tia asks, rubbing her hand in her eye. "Mexxy took Deadlox" Tato pants. He's the first one to reach us, Liam second. Sky follows, looking dreadful. He looks like he's about to burst into tears any second. In his hand he is clasping a note.
Tia snatches it quickly and reads it. "Mum?" I ask. I was getting a little scared now. Slowly but surely, we were being taken. "For gods sake, why can't we just go to Voxeltopia and MAKE him hand them over!" Duncan snaps. I glare at him furiously-what a stupid question! "Because that would mean endangering them and ourselves and not everyone would get out alive." Mum explains calmly.
"Why are you so calm about all of this?" Liam snaps. He moves forward, stepping right into her face. Mum doesn't back away. "Because he WANTS us to go crazy and become mental and break down. That's what he wants. It's like Ridge's games, only this time...this time if you die there's no going back." Mum shuts her eyes, before shaking her head, and reads the note again. "I say we find the next clues, meet back on this hill at dinner time, and then figure out what to do from there. One thing's for sure-a few of us will have to keep watch overnight."
With that, mum lifts up into the air, dropping the note on the floor. "What about Deadlox?" Sky yells. "I'd assume he's in the same place as Ridge and Mitch. If we find them, we find Deadlox" she says simply. "Let's go" she says huskily. I never noticed it before, but Tia was a good leader. "You make a good leader mum" I say with a smile. She rolls her eyes. "Trust me, if I was the leader, you'd all be dead by now" she laughs. "Who's the leader then?" Ryan says with a frown. "Mexxy. For now" she says, before flying off down the hill.
I follow after her, and the rest of our group follow. We eventually reach a bedrock building, with a hole blown in the side of it. Tia pauses for a moment, and I see Simon reach to hug Lewis. Duncan trembles a bit and we walk slowly inside.
Blood. It's everywhere. Dried blood. The smell of death and decay is so strong I feel like being sick. Ryan goes green. "What the hell is this" I whisper. "Ridgedog's game" Tia says sadly, landing on the floor.
She goes over to a spot on the floor. The blood is at its thickest here, a massive dried puddle. "This is my blood" she explains, bending down and touching it lightly. I shudder. "Technically it was your game" Simon reminds her quietly. My eyes widen. "M-mum? You didn't make this did you?" I whisper. Was my mum and dad both weird serial killers or something? "I didn't make it, but I came up with the idea" she replies quietly. "What the hell mum!" Ryan yells. Mum snaps her head at him and her glare makes him go silent. "It was a long time ago, OK?" she almost spits.
"Look" Deamon says, pointing to the wall. In the wall is a knife, and on the knife is a note, dripping in blood. I run over there, grabbing it before Tia can. I just wanted answers now.
Well done, you have found th-
The note was ripped out of my hands and mum grabbed it. I leant over and read it over her shoulder.
Well done, you have found the next clue.
You have a brother. He's still alive. He is only a mortal. You know him. Think hard, Tia. It's someone you connected with easily. Someone you became friends with too quickly. Someone who doesn't look like you but has a certain temper that you have. Think. Find your brother and the clue will come to you.
"Mum?" Ryan whispers. Mum is staring into the distance. "It's Liam" she says finally. "W-what?" I whisper. "I-I don't know how. But he's my brother." Tia drops the note and flies out of the hole in the bedrock wall. Taking one last look at the bloody chamber of horrors, I shudder and fly after her.
Liam's POV
I knew it was the hunger games arena without even having to think. I was streaking faster than lightning after smashing my way through the globe of glass. Sure enough, on the edge of the lake that I was shot in is a note.
Well done, you have found the next clue.
Why DID Jerome decide to come help me? Because he loves Mitch. A human error. It's almost comical what people will do for loved ones, isn't it? You've never had family in your life, so you never knew what it was like to be loved until Mitch came along. But now he's gone, you have no one. But I'm afraid you aren't alone. Your father is still alive and your sister too. Your sister is someone you know. Someone you were never afraid of. Someone you placed your trust in.
The next clue lies with her. Find her. Think back to what brought you two together to be good friends in the first place. The clock is ticking.
Who I placed my trust in? I frowned. Mitch? Mitch wasn't my sister, obviously. Tia?
I thought harder.
There was no time for thinking. I needed to find her.
I sprint through the globe. There was no time for waiting for everyone else. I had to go talk to my...sister?
I meet her on the hill. We both regard each other with curious and confused looks. "You're" she wheezed. I look back down at the note, limp in my hand. "I...I guess. I don't" I ask. "No idea. We must share a parent or something" she shrugs. "It says on here, think back to what brought you two together to be good friends in the first place" I read out loud. She looks down thoughtfully.
"Well, you were on a quest and I was running away. So...maybe..." Her eyes widened.
"The temple" we say together.
"For gods sake, guys, all this god damn running" Simon grumbles.
"We need to get ready to go on another quest." I tell everyone. "Finally, some real adventure!" Sips groans. Ryan laughs quietly, the batman Ryan, not Tia's son.
I look down at him and he looks at me. "You're my uncle, I guess" he grumbles. "And you're my nephew" I smile. I look at Robin who rolls her eyes. "And you're my niece" I laugh quietly. I had family after all. After all these years...I finally had a family! I pull Tia in for a hug and she hugs me tightly. "Hey...bro" she chuckles. "Hey sis" I laugh. We pull apart. "Time for quest number two, I think" she smiles. "Quest number two" I agree, and we both split off, ready to pack.
Note: Sorry, I've been skipping a lot of things and writing two books is a chore so this chapter goes really quick, sorry! Lots of action coming up soon though, I promise!
Deadlox's POV
Groaning, I open my eyes. This wasn't right. Where the heck was I?
I was cuffed together to an iron bar. I try and yank myself free, to no avail. "Hey Deadlox" a tired voice whispers. Looking up, a horrible sight met my eyes.
Mitch was bloody and bruised. He was dangerously thin, bags under his eyes. He looked like the walking dead. He had a black eye, and bruises up and down his arm along with massive gashes, blood still dripping out of them. "Mitch! What the hell happened to you?" I gasp. "If you think I'm bad, look at Ridge" he whispers, rolling his head lazily in his direction.
Turning, I see the most shocking sight I've ever seen in my life.
Ridge is apsolutely soaked in blood. His clothes are crusted with it and torn in so many places. His hair, usually so pristine and perfect, was matted and tangeled. There were massive purple and red bruises on every part of his body. His body was limp, and for one heart stopping moment I thought he was dead.
Then he lifted his head and grinned.
His eyes were the first thing I noticed. Insane. Wild. Out of control. He'd lost it, I realized too late. They seemed like empty pools, not focusing on anything in particular, but at the same time seemed to bore into your soul. The grin. It was creepy and wide, blood pouring out of his mouth as his muscles strain. A manic giggle burst from his lips, turning into crazy laughter that echoed around the cell.
"We're all going to die" he sings, in a sing song voice usually for a lullaby, but now distorted and slower. "Tia's going to be burned alive, Robin's going to be burned alive. Ryan's going to be burned alive, Liam's going to be burned alive, Sky's going to be burned alive, everyone is going to die but meeee, because everyone HATES me and everyone LOATHES me and EVERYONE WANTS ME TO DIE but they want me to die MORE THAN ONCE! SO THEY SAVE ME! To TORTURE ME!" His voice turns into a loud yell, singing and shouting at the same time.
So this was what hell was like.
"My beloved" he suddenly coos. I look up at him with a frown. He's staring at a spot in the air intently like his life depended on it. "Come back to me. I didn't mean to. I was a bad person. Don't leave me. Don't burn. Don't scream, hush now, it will all be over soon..."
He begins to repeat this over and over again until sleep claims me, pulling me away from the frighteningly insane demigod so that I was safe in my (hopefully) dreamless sleep, away from this nightmare.
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