Chapter 8: Ruining the moment
Ridgedog's POV
I've never felt more crushed than that moment. Like I'd been hit by a truck in the stomach. I completely broke down.
My own stepdaughter. For the love of-
"Only joking" Mexxy snickers. "She's not really your stepdaughter. Just wanted to see your face!" he giggles before erupting into manic laughter. I yell curses at him, tears still flowing down my cheeks. He laughs louder, pointing at my tear stained face. My heart felt like it was going to shatter. What if he told Tia that same lie? What if she believed him...
I shut my eyes and turn away. Why couldn't he just leave me alone?
"Liam's mother wasn't Syncrasis. Although she was the one in jail, she wasn't pregnant with my child, rather it was someone elses, a mortals. Someone else carried Liam, and she was mortal too. Liam and Tia are still half brother and sister, but Tia is of no relation to you." He chortles wickedly and I don't respond. There was nothing to say anymore. I couldn't even look at him. What the hell had I done to deserve this? What had Tia done?
"Why isn't Liam a quartgod, then?" Mitch asks curiously. "Good question, mortal." Mexxy replies, turning to him. My head snatches up. That was indeed a good question. Why was Liam only a mortal?
"I'm not sure why. Nobody is. I was hoping to have a quart god son. When it turned out to be a mortal, I cast him out onto Team Crafted Island, since I didn't want him. I only want strong immortals to follow after me on the throne."
"What about Tia? She's strong" I blurt out, before biting my tongue.
"If she hadn't gone out with you and started a family with you, then I would of approached her and placed her on the throne, yes. But no. She would of given the throne to you, and I can't allow that to happen" he smiles tightly, before striding over to me and slapping me in the face. "Pathetic. Trying to get your girlfriend to put you on the throne. What kind of a king would you ever be?" he snaps. I growl and my fists tighten. Wincing, I frown and glance at my cuffed hands. Red matter cuffs. Of course.
Mexxy walks over to the bars of the cage. There are two television screens that I didn't notice before. He turns them on with a flick of his long, pale hand. They flicker into focus. One of them is a camera in a place I've never been. I frown uncertainly. It's dim and the flickering of lights is making it hard for me to place the location. "The Budder kingdom" Mitch says instantly. His hands begin to shake. "What the hell is a camera doing there?" he snaps. Mexxy smiles at him. "This is where you can watch Liam find the final clue. About your past." Mitch pales and huffs in Mexxy's direction. Mexxy smirks and turns to me.
My turn.
Looking at the other screen, I don't place the location. A temple, maybe? An underground temple...
Watching the screen intently, I can see seven rocks in rows. It doesn't click at first what they are. But the camera begins to zoom in on three of them
My heart stops.
"R.I.P Baby Ridge"
"R.I.P Baby Ridge 2"
"R.I.P Baby Ridge 3"
"What are you doing with my dead children?" I whisper. My voice is shaking but I try and stay calm.
"When Tia finds the clue, it will make the room set on fire with an energy similiar to red matter. Your children, both dead and alive, will perish. Good day to you, Ridgedog" he smirks, before mocking me with a bow and striding out, Jerome following him, open mouthed.
"In all due respect, it could of been worse" Mitch mutters. "Shut the hell up, idiot" I snarl, my gaze snapping from the graves to his annoying face. I could feel it brimming. The insanity. It was coming back. It was calling for me.
Tia isn't here for you
She's going to leave you to rot
Your children will die
You'll never see them again
Let me claim you
I shut my eyes and comply.
Note: Uh oh...things are heating up here. Meanwhile...THE CAPS LOCK KING IS PLOTTING No I'm just kidding...anyway on with the story.
Simon's POV
"Truth or dare?" Lewis asks me with a grin. We had decided to camp on the hills. We needed to rest anyway, and we were all sat around a giant campfire. To pass the time, we did some games. Tia tried to participate but she was too busy worrying about Ridgedog. Deamon and Robin were sat together, Robin lying on Deamon as they stared at the stars, talking quietly. Ryan was eager to play, trying to take his mind off the horrors his mind was bringing up.
"Dare" I grin back, munching on my emergency pack of jaffa cakes-Lewis had confiscated the rest. "Run around the fire naked singing" Duncan called out with a chuckle. After some groaning and muttering curses, I finally strip down and run around, waving my arms around and shouting "I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole" at the top of my voice. This act causes even Tia to chuckle and applaud quietly amongst Lewis' deep laughter, Duncan's high pitched giggling, Sjin's quiet chuckling and Sips' full blown crack up that reduced me to tears of laughter within seconds.
After putting my clothes on and shivering towards the fire away from the cold, I point harshly at Duncan. "Truth or dare?" I smirk, still chuckling after my performance. "Truth, I guess" he smiles. "Do you have a crush on anyone?" Sips butts in eagerly. There is a still silence in the air for a moment before he nods. We all coo. "Who is it?" Sjin smiles. "You can't ask more than one question!" Duncan protests, going a little red. "Aw, c'mon Dunc, you're our best friend, you can tell us!" Lewis grins. "Kim" he declares and we all coo again.
"Really? You were lusting after Zoey just the other day. Now it's Kim?" Sips frowns and we all perk up, soaking in the new gossip. "Shut up Sips, I was drunk" Duncan murmurs, thrusting his hands into my packet of jaffa cakes, selecting one and tossing it to the other side. I whine loudly, clobbing him on the head with my shovel and listening to Sips as he munches on it with a grin.
"Well, I'm off to bed" Lewis declares. He grabs my arm and tugs me up. "Alright, calm down mr bossy" I sigh, dusting off jaffa crumbs. "Honestly, you've got more biscuit crumbs on you than in you" Sjin laughs. "Cake" I grumble. "Biscuit!" Sips sighs. "CAKE" I scream.
"SHUT UPPPP" Tia roars. We all go silent. "IT'S A GOD DAMN CAKE AND WHOEVER SAYS IT'S A BISCUIT SHOULD GO STICK THEIR HEAD IN A HOLE!" she yells and then grins. We all laugh and begin to crawl into our sleeping bags, muttering arguments about what a jaffa cake was. Biscuit or cake?
Note: IS A JAFFA CAKE A BISCUIT OR A CAKE? It's obviously a cake. Gods sake. SO SHUT UP LIAM IT'S NOT A BISCUIT OK YES YOU LIAM I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS. IT'S A MOFO CAKE K. FTW. CAPS LOCK MODE DEACTIVATE. K, on with the story...*cough* seriously though, what do you think? Jaffa cake-cake or biscuit? Free jaffa cake to everyone who says cake!
Sky's POV
Snuggling up into Deadlox's tight arms, I sigh. I loved this. Not being king meant more time with Deadlox. I tried to ignore Liam's jealous stares burning into my skull. Deadlox stiffens, obviously intimidated and tense since he could feel Liam's ice cold glare. I give him a warning look and he scowls, looking down. Sympathy goes out to him. Mitch was still missing, and we were resting for the night. Poor guy just wanted to go find his lover. If Deadlox was taken...
I stiffen and Deadlox's lips brush my ear as he leans forward. "What's wrong?" he whispers, nuzzling the lobe of my ear softly, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. "Just wondering what I would do if you were taken from me" I murmur back, leaning further back into his embrace, sighing in ecstasy as his arms tighten around my waist, holding me impossibly closer. "There's no need to think like that. I won't leave you" he declares quietly in my ear. I smile, my eyes shutting as my tense body relaxes. "Love you Deadlox" I whisper, my eyes flickering open to meet his beautiful dark oak brown eyes. "I love you too, Budder king" he smiles, with a cute little wink. He looked so adorable when he did that.
Across from me, Tato and Ashley were snuggled together, after finally admitting their love for one another during an argument about jaffa cakes. Liam had unexpectedly joined in, saying it was a biscuit. But we all knew it was a cake really. If Mitch had been here, he would of said the same (SO SHUT UP LIAM).
Ryan interrupts our special moments. "Alright love birds, what's the plan for tommorow?" he declares. "Go find the next clue, obviously" Liam snap, a little icier than he should of. Ryan continues anyway. "Maybe we should go get weapons first though. Who knows what will happen?" he asks himself. No one listens and night time begins to come round the corner. We all begin to settle down as we watch the sunset.
"As Team Crafted settle down in the beautiful glow of the sunset, little did they know they were being stalked by a giant jaffa cake..." Ryan says in his Morgan Freeman impression. "Biscuit" Liam murmurs, before we all begin to fall asleep, me wrapped warmly in Deadlox's arms.
When I wake up, he's gone. The only thing left beside me is a note.
The third victim in my games have been taken. Tick tock, the game is on.
Love, Mexxy
Note: So...this chapter has been interesting! However, the book itself has been a whole HOST of depression and bad things'm going to do a new book! DON'T WORRY OK This book will still be here and I will update regularly! I won't forget about it, I promise! But the new one will be a bit happier, and will be a Teencast with Team Crafted one, with Tia and Liam too! If you don't know what that it, it's where Team Crafted and the Yogscast are all teens in school! There are lots of teen cast and Team Crafted teen books out there, but I want to give it a shot. The new book will become available soon so keep an eye out on my profile! It will be called: You're Different, and will of course feature Tia and Liam! And again-what is a jaffa cake? Cake or biscuit? CAKE FOR EVER, CAPS LOCK FOREVER YEAH :D Hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you enjoy the new book soon coming out as well as the next chapter! Thanks for all your support!
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