Chapter 7: There are some things in life
Ridgedog's POV
My head was throbbing. My eyes squint even though they are already shut. Groaning a little, my hand reaches instinctively for my head. Finding that my hands were bound, I frown and jerk them a bit. Pricks of pain are inflicted on my wrist and I wince. Where was I?
I had been flying in the nether, and then I remember Mexxy...
My eyes snap open. Mexxy must have knocked me out or something. All I remembered was his smug grin before everything went black. Where was Tia? Fear clutched me like a vice. Where had they taken her? Was she OK?
Confusion blinds my focus for a moment and I finally allow my eyes to adjust. The room I was in was bare, and very...grey. That was the only way I could describe it. Grey, dull, boring. Iron bars covered one side of the wall and on the other side was more boring grey. Stone bricks-how dull. To think they were Tia's favourite kind of block...
"Finally woke up, huh" a voice breaks the silence bitterly. My head snaps to the side to the owner of the voice. "Mitch? Where are we?" I ask, my voice strangely hoarse. "Somewhere in a Voxeltopia dungeon or something. I don't even know anymore" he groans, obviously tired. The dark bags under his eyes mean he's had many sleepless nights and the stress has turned his usually sure and steady hands into a quivering mess. What had Mexxy done to turn the pvp master into this?
"Somewhere far away from Tia, that's for sure" a deadly voice snakes into my ear and I bristle. "What the hell is all this, Mexxy? What have I done now?" I spit with a little more venom than I should of. "Nothing. I just hate you, that's all" I can almost smell his amusement and my nostrils flare. "Where's Tia? What have you done to her?" I almost shout. He chuckles menacingly, and I see Mitch flinch when Jerome enters nervously behind him, smiling at Mitch confidently. I glare at the furry creature. What the hell was he here for?
"Tia is safe, I suppose. Somewhere on a little quest I sent her on. It was time for her to learn more about her past. And yours, of course..." He snatches a glance at me and I scowl hatefully. "I have nothing to hide" I declare. "Have you told her I'm her father yet?" he muses. I swallow hard and shake my head slowly, ignoring both Mitch's and Jerome's shocked stare. Mexxy notices their surprise. "Yes, that always seems to surprise people. She still does not know, hm? That her very boyfriend is enemies with her own father? Wonder who's side she will take when she finds out what you did to her mother..."
Panic sends me into shock. Oh wasn't...surely she...
Mexxy snickers at me as I stare at him, eyes wide. "Yes Ridgedog, you remember don't you? You tortured her for years and years...until I saved her. Wonder how the tables will turn then, hm? When she finds out you defied her father and tortured her mother before ditching the new born baby who was Tia in the cold for her to die. The small child who gave you the star charm, who you later found and almost killed for just being an innocent child, one that you could never have, that was Tia. You almost killed her twice for your own reasons. Is it all coming back, murderer?" he says, almost softly.
I sit, glaring at the floor. "That was the past" I mutter. He chuckles lightly, kneeling down to try and make me meet his eyes. "You hated me. Loathed me. You took my only daughter and turned her into a mortal by killing the only woman I ever loved and changing the baby into a mortal. Does it feel strange to be dating my daughter? Someone I created?" he asks. I spit in his face. His reptile eyes narrow and I shiver as he grabs my hair and yanks me forward. I hiss a little at the pain of his grip.
"You knew right from when she landed on that island that it was my daughter. You despised her. You took her in as your apprentice. When you found out she wasn't so bad after all, you began to feel connected to her. She reminded you of the days when you were young and you realized she had just been an innocent child when you almost killed her twice. She doesn't remember that, of course, but she will now. Wonder if she will still want to rescue you after she has learned the truth."
He pauses to view my reaction as I squeeze my eyes shut, tears still managing to escape. I hadn't known that that woman was Tia's mother. I'd killed her, tortured her. I'd left that baby to die. I'd taken that innocent child who gave me the star shaped charm and almost hung her whilst I'd laughed at her screaming and choking in terror and pain. Tia was never going to forgive me. I was the reason she had no family. The only thing she had left for family was Mexxy. And who'd want him?
Whilst I contemplated my life, Mexxy moved on to Mitch who was trembling now. His turn to be found out and deduced, his turn to relive the tortures of his past, whatever they were. In my head, I wondered if telepathy was real in bad situations. Because if it was and Tia was hearing my thoughts right now, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. And I love you. Forever and ever, and it doesn't matter that you are Mexxy's daughter. Even if you deny me for killing your family and torturing you, I will always love you. With this thought tears begin to slide at a quicker pace down my cheek and I break down into a quiet, mournful sobs.
My whole life lay in ruins around me. It was just Tia now who could decide whether or not she wanted to pick up my pieces.
Mitch's POV
Mexxy truly was the devil. To take a strong demigod like Ridge and turn him into a sobbing wreck within minutes...
What the hell he had in store for me, however, I was not looking forward to. He somehow had a knack for taking someone's life and shredding it to pieces, picking out the information that he could use and tearing their life to ribbons around them. So what was he going to do with me? I didn't have a bad past.
"Ah Mitch. I've been itching to get to you for a while. I've had my fill of that sobbing little dog over there. Time to reveal some information to you. Then I can watch as you try and stitch the pieces of your broken life together. But it will be too late. I've been planning this, timing this so that when you finally gain confidence, your loved ones will break in here and demand answers. Then will leave you to rot in these cells. Like you did to Liam's parents."
I frown slightly. Sure, I used to serve under the police. But did I really...? I frowned deeper, trying to rack my memories together. Nothing. Mexxy looks on, his green reptilian eyes watching me with a smug kind of fascination.
"They were arrested for nothing. You framed them. You took them to prison. You had a crush on his mother, but she refused your advances. So in the end you tortured her. You humiliated her, made her appear to everyone as a slut and a whore, when she was an innocent young woman. The man, you tried to kill to get out of the way. But you couldn't kill him. He escaped with the woman after a while. She had given birth in the prison to the man's son. Liam." He pauses for a moment, and clouded memories finally begin to collect in my mind. But before I could make sense of them, my thoughts were shattered by one sentence.
"That man was me." Mexxy smiled, and instantaneously everything my life had built up began to break.
I could see Ridgedog squinting and blinking at Mexxy through his waterfall of tears. "Liam's your son? So that means..." Ridge mutters. "Yes. Tia and Liam are brother and sister. But to make this plot even thicker...Liam's mother was a different woman to Tia's mother, so they are only half brother and half sister. But Liam's mother was Syncrasis." he finally announces.
Another blow to the head, it felt like.
"This may seem confusing but let me elaborate. Ridge, you and Kaz had married at that time, but she was cheating on you with me. She had Liam soon after. Don't worry, I tested the DNA and Liam is indeed my son. But that makes you Liam's step dad. And since Liam's sister is Tia...she is not only your girlfriend, she's..."
"Your stepdaughter"
Tia's POV
I float down to the waiting group and tell them that we have to split. Smiles and nods of agreement signal we are ready to find the next clue and our two groups split. Liam glances at me. "Good luck. Find me if you have any information or know where they are." he says hastily. I nod. "You too" I smile, before we hug and he jogs to catch up to the rest of the group.
"Right, where are we going now?" Sjin asks, obviously itching to get on with the quest. "Well, the clue is pretty obvious. We need to go to the old survival game arena" I smile, though it's a little strained. I see Sjin and Duncan glance at each other before nodding. "Anyone know where it is?" Sips asks, his voice somewhat bored, as if trying to disguise he's emotions. "I do" Sjin says quietly and I frown at him, as does everyone. "Why?" Duncan asks and Sjin shuffles awkwardly.
"Ridge needed help building something so he forced me to help." he mutters, before gesturing for us to follow him. In no time at all, we are approaching the huge glass dome. My eyes flicker round the long edges and I flutter through the air to the very spot I stood to watch the fight. Sure enough, there is the next piece of paper. Smiling, I pick it up and begin to read.
Well done, you have found your next clue.
Although I cannot tell you who your mother is, she was a very pretty sorceress. She was murdered however, and the murderer may surprise you. Yes, that's right. She didn't sacrifice herself exactly-someone else sacrificed you, and saved you from immortality, not that it matters now.
Your father was quite handsome and smart too, but fled to protect you from the public knowing your father was a demigod but you were mortal. This would of confused people and led them to believe you were an immortal child. You would of been killed.
The man your father still alive. He lives in Voxel Topia, and you will meet him soon. But before I go on, it is time for you to find the next clue.
Everything is dull, everything chrome
The insides close to that of a catacomb
You made this, a work of twisted art
In the making of this game, you took your part
If you truly want to find out who your father is, and who else was in your family, I advice you to continue. Although you may not like the outcome that awaits you.
I frowned a little at the bottom part.
What could possibly be at the end of this road that would change anything?
Liam's POV
After managing to jog away from the Yogscast group, I inform Sky. "It's the place where we kept Jerome" I tell him before we break into a flat out sprint. We get there in no time at all and I can still smell Mitch lingering on the sofas, the cushions, the table. Sighing a little, I go down the stairs and find a note waiting for me in the cage. Ryan opens the door of the cage for me and I go inside, and pick up the note with trembling hands.
Hello Liam. You may think there is nothing to your past. But you and I both know there is a lot to it. You were a sociopath, and a vicious person. You took after your father, who was too like you. Your mother was a beautiful young lady, well she was. Until she was discovered to be a monster in disguise and her beauty didn't make up for her lack of social skills.
There are things you may wish you never knew by the time you find yourself coming to the end of this quest. For instance, did you know both your mother and father are still alive? You will meet your father soon. Your mother, no one knows where she is. You will also get the chance to meet your only sibling. But when you find out who it is...well, I'll leave your reaction up to you. Time for the next clue.
Up the mountain, down the stream
Barely able to hold a scream
Andrenaline pumps, the world begins to sway
To be honest, you really should of learnt how to play...
Note: Yep. This just happened.
Wait until you see Ridgedog's reaction
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