Chapter 3: Nether Dilemma
Robin's POV
Soaring through the air, I land neatly on my two feet, dodging a giant fire ball being exploded my way. I aim my bow, releasing it after a full charge to finally destroy the ghast, and I wince as I hear it scream. Ghast tears and gunpowder shower over me, and I grin, picking them up to put in my bag. Glancing left and right, I continue on to the Nether castle.
After much consideration, I had decided to go into the art of potions. Tia knew quite a bit about them, and had set me some tasks. Including collecting blaze rods, golden nuggets and ghast tears, and if I could find some, magma cream. Ryan had, of course, decided to excel at pvp.
I finally reach the familiar red nether brick of the castle and my footsteps echo loudly as I thunder down into one of the towers. Mum had warned me that in the nether you had to be quick, because dangers lie around every corner. Sure enough, I run straight into a Wither skeleton, and I smash into it with my sword, knocking it off into the bubbling lava below.
The wither effect tries to poison my blood but it fades, leaving me unscathed. One of the many joys of being a quart god is that most things don't affect you. Mum had told me that the wither boss could hurt you a bit, so I was keeping an eye out. Finally, I round a corner and find a Blaze spawner.
Three Blaze's spawn and I sprint quickly towards them. The fireballs seem to fire from all around, but I run right through them, battling them off one by one, collecting the blaze rods. The fire begins to burn my clothes and I wince. "Need some help?" a voice grunts from above me. The remaining Blaze's suddenly die and I look up.
"Hey Deamon" I smile, trying not to stare at the red rings around his eyes. He nods tiredly, and when the next Blaze's spawn he makes them explode, shattering them into stacks and stacks of Blaze rods. I stare at them, before scooping them up and shoving them violently into my bag before walking away quickly.
"What you doing here?" I ask, tearing off a chunk of steak that I brought with me, vigorously chewing it. I was starving. "Your dad asked me to come check on you. Says you can come back now" he tells me, folding his arms as he watches me ruffle through my bag. Blaze rod, check. Ghast tears, check. Golden nuggets, check. No Magma cream.
"I need magma cream" I declare, grabbing my bag and shoving it over my shoulder. "No, you have to come back now" he demands. I stalk past him, taking off into the air. "Robin" he snaps angrily, flying after me. I ignore him, diving down towards the lava. An arm violently pulls me back. "For gods sake, come back. Your mum has magma cream already." he sighs. I huff at him. "I want to get it!" I whine, pulling away. "It won't take long..." I assure him, drifting off.
"Robin, get here now" he says angrily, and his tone makes you stop. "Why?" I ask. "Because it's not safe here anymore" he sighs, taking my arm and pulling me back. "Why?" I ask again. "Because Mexxy has increased the population of wither-"
Just as he says that, a massive explosion rocks the foundations of the castle. My head snaps round to see the next explosion firing out of the wither boss straight at me. Deamon deflects it quickly, before yanking me back to the nether rack shore of the lava and practically pushing me through the portal.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snap as soon as the sun is in my vision. Leaping out of the portal, I rub my sore arm. "What's wrong with me? You should of listened to me" he huffs, destroying the portal with a punch of his arm. "Who's Mexxy?" I ask angrily. He stares at me. "Ridge didn't tell you who Mexxy is?" he asks. I shake my head and he sighs, offering me his hand. Despite the fact that I'm still angry with him, I follow him and let him tug me into the forest.
"A long time ago, Ridgedog used to be the king of something called the Voxelbox" he begins. We eventually sit on a large rock overhand on a small cliff overlooking the forest. "A king?" I frown. He nods. "A proper king? So he ruled over everyone?" I grin. He smiles and chuckles slightly. "Yep." "Does that mean I'm a princess?" I ask curiously, my grin widening. He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I suppose."
"Anyway, Ridgedog had another girlfriend at the time. This was long before Tia was even born. His girlfriend was a demigod too. Two demigods can't have children because it is too dangerous. Ridgedog ended up getting her pregnant seven times, and each time the baby was killed."
I was still trying to wrap my head round the fact that my dad was with someone else a long time ago. They had children, too? But they were killed...
"This drove your dad into insanity. That's why he used to kill people. In time, his thrown was taken by Mexxy, who was his old partner and wanted the throne. It also turned out his girlfriend was only after the throne, so she ditched him for Mexxy." I looked down. Poor dad. So he was banished and rejected by everyone? No wonder he went mad...
"But then Ridge met your mum, who was Duncan's apprentice at the time. He decided that he wanted her as his apprentice and grew feelings for her. But he was so insane he didn't treat her well. They fought a lot when Ridge turned her into a Quart god. In the end, Tia ran into the forest."
My dad...beat my mum? Why had no one told me about this?
"Ridge realized how much he missed her, and began to get even more insane and depressed. I'd never seen him get so low. After a month, Tia came back, and Ridge was finally cured of his insanity. They became friends again which, as you know, turned into what it is today."
I nodded, still taking it in.
"Anyway, at one point Ridgedog was shot and killed. Mexxy has a power to bring people back from the dead. So we brought your dad to him, when she was pregnant with you, and begged him to revive him. After we told him Ridge's ex and his girlfriend was cheating on him and only wanted the throne, he felt sympathy for your mum and dad, and brought him back." Deamon goes silent, looking down.
"And then?" I prompt. "Well, ever since then, Mexxy's been...debating whether he should go to war with you guys." My jaw drops open. "WAR?" I yell, jumping up. He grabs my arm, pulling me back down. "Don't say a word! I'll tell your mum and dad, but don't go spreading it. I'll get killed if you do" he snaps, and I nod, shaking. "Why? What have we done?" I ask, trembling.
"Well, mortals now have access to weapons that can kill us. The golden desert eagle. Tia has one now, and so do some of Team Crafted. Mexxy sees it as a threat, so...we might have to go to war with you" he says simply, as if it was no big deal.
"Wait, what the hell do you mean 'we'?" I snap, jumping up. He looks down, ashamed to meet my eyes. "You're going to fight against us? You're on his side? What the hell Deamon? I thought you were our friend!" I say angrily, storming off.
"Robin, I've just broken up with my girlfriend, I don't need you running off and stirring up a war!" he yells angrily from behind me. I still continue to walk, my bag bumping against my side. How could he betray us like this?
An arm yanks mine round to talk to me. Before I can react, his lips press against mine quickly. I freeze. Time appeared to stop around me.
He pulled away after about two seconds, staring at me in shock, before stumbling away from me. "I didn't mean to...I...I have to go." he stammers, disappearing into the air.
Confusion and anger causes tears to form in my eyes. What the hell was going on now? There was a war about to break loose, and Deamon was on their side and he just kissed me?
What the hell was going on?
Note: Had a bit of writers block for this pov :D Hope you like the chapter! So many reads already, it's incredible! Thanks for all the votes and comments, too! Much appreciated :D
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