Chapter 29: The Survival Games: Forgive me
Note: I've been waiting to make this chapter for sooooo long! :D
Martyn's POV
Toby was gone. I tried to protect him, promised him I would. But in the end, I failed. I always failed him. I didn't deserve him.
Dragging my body through the woods, I could barely stand. The trees were silent, almost respectful as I, the Sapling king, passed by. Usually, they were full of life, evergreen leaves swaying sofly in the breeze, bowing at my presence. But, like me, they too were dead, still and silent as death itself.
My blonde hair turned brown as my heart began to break as I relived all the memories. I shut my eyes, leaning against a tree. The brown oak seemed to envelop me and I slid to the ground. I didn't care what happened to me now.
The snapping of twigs makes me glance up. Sjin was emerging from the bushes looking as dead as I felt. A partner for a partner. A mate for a mate. Sips for Toby. We meet eyes and for a moment we share in our grief as if we weren't the cause of their deaths.
"You look dead already" Sjin whispers. "I feel like it" I reply, glancing down at the abandoned Sapling blade inches from me, yet my hand was too weak and numb to pick it up. "I haven't slept for days. Keep thinking about it." Sjin says, sitting opposite me. "I have, but he haunts my dreams. I keep remembering it, keep dreaming about it happening over and over again but there's nothing I could do" I whisper, shutting my eyes.
"One of us has to die" he says numbly, the scraping of metal against the dirt making my eyes snap open. "It doesn't have to end like this. You are a good man, Sjin, so is Sips. It wasn't meant to be like this" I protest, but I still don't pick up my weapon. I wasn't meant to be a killer. I was meant to rule the forest, run with the fastest wind, swing from the longest vines, climb the tallest trees and breath in the seasonal air, from the floral scent of spring to the damp, mossy smell of autumn.
"You and Toby, too. Good people, you are. We shouldn't be like this, locked in a dome with no way out but to fight to the death. God knows why we have to." he says, shuddering though there is no breeze. "If God intended us to live a full life, then there is no God in my eyes, only death." I huff, tracing the cold metal of the Sapling blade. "Death takes us all in the end" Sjin agrees.
We both sigh, and there is once again silence in the opening of the forest. A sudden gleam shooting down from behind the low canopy of oak leaves shines in my eyes, dazzling me for a second.
I hear the woosh of metal and I duck, and for a moment I wonder if there is a God when I hear Sjin's sword thwack against the tree.
Rolling, I grip my sword tightly, and in the green reflection, I see my hair turning blonde once more as the trees move, shivering in the breeze. I was not dead, I realize, not yet.
Spinning round, I barely make the oncoming attack, shaking as the hiss of his blade strikes mine, and we stand like that, struggling for power. I let go first, backing away as his sword swings through the air, and he launches himself at me.
Sjin was a powerful man, with brute force enough to kill me. But I was quicker and my blade sank into his stomach as I dodged his own blade.
He stops, eyes widening as he glances down at the blood spurting from his stomach. "I will see you soon Sjin. Give my apologies to Sips and Toby." I whisper. He trembles on my blade, but his eyes soften and he nods once, before his oak eyes glaze over and he slumps onto the floor, sliding off my sword.
I sheath my sword after wiping the blood off with a small piece of moss. The trees were moving again, but not fluidly. I get the sense that they are crying, mourning the loss of their once, mercifull Sapling king.
I was the Sapling King, but it was not a title I deserved.
Trudging through the forest undergrowth, I look back once more in time to see Sjin's pixels disappearing into the air, floating up through the canopy and into the sky.
"Forgive me" I whisper, before disappearing into the trees.
Deamon's POV (Uh oh)
Mexxy disappears as I unsheathe my blade. Glancing down at Robin's sleeping figure, I blink, gazing softly at her face. She was so beautiful, like a goddess more than a quartgod. I kiss her forehead softly, about to press the blade to her throat when the sound of a shout sounds outside and I glance up, slamming my blade back into the sheath.
Deadlox was stood at the entrance, eyes wide as he watched me. I narrowed my eyes, but I spot Sepia's sleeping figure rise, and he automatically sees Deadlox, throwing his sword into his chest quickly with a sickening crunch of bones at the impact.
"That was close" he yawns, standing up and peering over the top of the drop from the hole in the tree.
Seeing my chance, I run over and slam my knife into his neck, tugging it out and shoving him off the tree.
Ellis, a trained soldier, does not cry out in surprise like the other's do, and draws his sword, an iron one. I withdraw my red matter katar and break his iron sword, watching it clatter onto the floor. I shove the katar quickly into his neck, finishing him off.
"Run!" Ana cries out, and I spin round to see Ryan bolting to the door, Robin frozen in one spot. I grab hold of him, cutting his head clean off his shoulders, ignoring Robin's scream.
"You are a traitor and you will pay!" Anastatia spits, backing up, protecting Robin. I just shake my head at her, chucking the katar across the room and burrowing it into her head.
I glance at Robin, panting, and I step forward. She was crying hard, backing up into a corner, holding her hands weakly in front of her face as she crouched down. "Please, Deamon, please! I love you!" she cries, and a pang of regret fills my heart, but I ignore it. This had to be done.
Mexxy's orders.
"You will understand soon" I whisper, taking hold of her arm and pulling her up from the ground as softly as I can. She tries to pull away, sobbing and stumbling, but I pull her into my arms, ignoring her struggles. I go behind her and wrap my arms around her neck.
"Forgive me, Robin. I love you, and that is why I'm doing this." I whisper, kissing her cheek.
I twist my arms sharply, pulling her neck with me with a sharp crack.
Laying her body on the floor, I kiss her forehead, trying not to look at her mangled, bleeding neck, a bone jutting out of it, tears gathering in my eyes. "I love you" I repeat, before standing up and leaving.
Tia was alone. Time to find her.
Tia's POV
I wasn't stupid. I counted the amount of times the cannon went off. I knew someone was coming for me, timing it so that Ridge was was gone, probably 20 minutes away. But by the time he came back, I knew I would be dead. Shutting my eyes, all I can do is sit and wait.
Hearing someone climbing up, I knew it wasn't Ridge.
Opening my eyes, I wasn't surprised to see Deamon, covered in blood, a knife in his hand.
"You killed them all" I say. It wasn't a question because I knew the answer.
He nods.
"Why?" I whisper, unable to keep up this calm facade any longer. This man, who swore to protect me and my family no matter what, the man who had slept with my daughter and told her he loved her with all of his heart, had butchered and slaughtered them with mercy.
"You will find out soon enough" he says, his voice devoid of emotion and so were his eyes. Black, no feelings. Like someone had sucked his soul out.
"Is Ridge still alive?" I ask. He nods.
"He will kill you" I say, relaxing slightly with relief. At least I would be avenged, and so would my family.
"I know" he replies. My eyebrows furrow slightly in confusion.
He steps forward.
I brace myself.
"Deamon" I say as he takes another step. "Have you been betraying us all this time?" I ask.
He shrugs.
My eyes narrow, and I reach for my crossbow, but he storms forward and kicks it away. I flinch back, shaking as I look up at him, looming over me with a dripping blade, eyes as wide and cold as the night.
"I trusted you Deamon. Never again" I whisper, bowing my head.
There is the woosh of a blade, and everything goes black.
Mexxy's POV
I smile when I see Tia's head hit the floor. I land on the wood of her little treehouse just as Deamon sheathes his blade. "Well done" I smile. He doesn't smile back. Her body turns into pixels and my smile fades.
"It's time" I tell him. He nods. We stare at each other for a moment.
"Do you truly love them?" I ask softly. "You've asked me that before" he grunts.
"Do you think differently now?" I ask curiously.
"No. They are my family" he sighs.
"You did well, Deamon. You've served me till the end. Well done" I smile, before drifting away.
I go back to my castle, soaring in through the windows and landing neatly on the floor. Cisco is waiting for me. I advance towards the chair, seating myself down and for a while we sit in silence.
"It must be done" he says quietly, looking over at me. I nod in agreement, glancing over at the fiery embers of the fire.
"I wish there was another way, some way to stop it" he sighs. "There is nothing to stop death. It takes all. It has no mercy" I reply, before standing.
"People called you death, once" he whispers. I pause, glancing back.
"I know. They were wrong" I sigh, leaving the room.
Note: Sorry, short chapter, but OMFG DEAMON'S A D-
Remaining: 6
Death count: 8
-Sjin was killed by Martyn
-Deadlox was killed by Sepia
-Sepia was killed by Deamon
-Ellis was killed by Deamon
-Ryan was killed by Deamon
-Anastatia was killed by Deamon
-Robin was killed by Deamon
-Tia was killed Deamon
Conclusion: I hate Deamon xD CAN'T WAIT TILL RIDGE FINDS OUT
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