Chapter 28: The Survival Games: Revenge is sweet
Note: Been a while since I've updated this was Ridge's and Tia's POV last time, time for some other POV's I think :D
Duncan's POV
The top of the mountain was incredibly cold at night time. We hadn't bothered to go down and get supplies-it would take too long and we would probably get ambushed if we left our post.
Lewis had been incredibly quiet for the most of the time, mourning the death of his best friend. This wasn't the first time we had played the Survival Games, and it wasn't the first time Simon had been brutally killed, but it hit you harder every time. Like a nightmare repeating itself, and each time there's nothing you can do to help, just watch as your best friend is killed over and over and over again...
Hannah was sat beside him, her arm wrapped comfortably round his neck. Both were staring into the glowing embers of the fire, and I stood watching them, the happy couple. Well, Lewis wasn't happy, but their relationship in general was. A pang of regret of what Tia and I could of been stung my heart, and I turned away bitterly. She would always be my apprentice is my eyes. I had Kim now, and she was young and willing to learn, but she wasn't Tia.
I missed her.
That stupid demigod stole her away from me. He beat her, for God's sake, and she went back to him. And now she was the mother of his children. A huff of annoyance let a small mist cloud in the cold night escape. I wished I could invent some sort of time machine, to take me all the way back, so Tia was my apprentice again. And then I would know what exactly killed Ridge, and I could shoot him and Tia and I could live our happily ever after without him.
But life wasn't like that. And I just had to deal with it.
The muffled cry of surprise sounded behind me, and I span round quickly to see Hannah fall to the ground, an arrow buried into her neck.
Lewis jumped up, yelling surprise, before spinning round, drawing out his diamond sword and throwing it at the figure crouched behind the bush. There was a cry of alarm and Rythian's body suddenly dropped to the floor.
Lewis glanced down at his sweet Lomadia, lay bleeding in the floor as she turned to pixels and disappeared into the night. Something seemed to turn off in him, and he slid down to his knees, gazing at the place where she lay, his eyes glazed over. Zoey, yet another one of my crushes, finished him off quickly and with mercy.
Zoey. Rythian's red headed apprentice. I fell in love with her, a long time ago. The red head swallowed when she saw me, her sword scraping along the floor, blood dripping from the blade. Lewis' blood.
I had to avenge him, but I felt like my body had turned numb, like I was a stuffed doll. I couldn't move and I didn't want to, only stare into her ocean blue eyes, the ones I had dreamt about many, many times, and watch the flickers of guilt dance in her irises.
The rain was pelting down hard and I was inside my castle, rummaging through various chests. Lightning crackled loudly outside, and I wince, glancing outside the window at the huge black clouds. The storm was getting worse and was messing with the electrics on my machinery.
The sound of a small tinny buzzer noise makes me spin round. I activate my jet pack and fly through the rain to the large electric door outside. "How many times, Rythian, I don't know where Zoey is!" I groan loudly over the storm.
"Duncan? Duncan it's me, Zoey!" the voice came back and my eyes widen and I stumble back a little. Why was Zoey here and not with her Rythian?
"Hang on!" I call back, typing furiously into the computer, and the clicks and whirring of the door make me stop as it rises up. The red head was soaked to the skin, her red hair dangling limply in a ponytail. Her brown top and blue jeans were saturated, and I was about to offer her the chance to come in, when Teep, who I missed, growled at my advance, shaking his head to get rid of the water like a dog.
I nearly glare at the dinosaur but remembered he was Zoey's companion and I turn to Zoey. "Would you like to come in? You must be freezing" I smile, shaking my blonde hair-the water was weighing it down."Thanks" Zoey smiles back, and nervously edges into my castle grounds, Teep following closely and protectively behind her.
"Hold on, I'll get you both a jet pack" I say, flying quickly up to my castle door to my lab, and I rummage through chests until I find two jetpacks spare. Both were on low battery, but they would do.
I flew back down to the castle grounds giving both of them one. Teep got his on fine, but Zoey struggled-of course, she was always with Rythian, so she knew nothing of science. I quickly dodge behind her, fumbling with the straps of the jetpack and attaching them together firmly.
"Thanks" she giggles, jumping up and managing to take off into the air. Teep follows, wobbling slightly. "They have low battery so try not to waste them" I smile, watching her whizz into the air. "Weee!" she shouts, doing a cartwheel. Teep rolls his eyes, landing on my castle doorstep in the tower.
Zoey's battery suddenly fails, and she is plummeting to the ground like a rock. I jump forward, catching the light weight girl easily in my eyes.
She blushes slightly, looking away. "Thank you" she smiles. "You're welcome" I grin, taking off in my own jetpack, and landing on the doorstep. The door was open and Teep was eating an apple in my chest. I raise an eyebrow but say nothing to the dinosaur. "Um, Duncan, you can put me down now" she laughs, and I flush, embarrassingly. "Oh. Sorry" I wince, letting her slide to the floor.
"So. Why are you here, and not with Rythian?" I ask. "I want...I wanted to learn some science" she tells me, staring at me with big blue eyes and smiling.
I smile back at my new apprentice.
I felt like there just one massive rush of memories in my head. Her apprenticeship only lasted for a week before she went running back to Rythian, who greeted her with open arms. Months before she had requested my mastership, long after Tia had "died", I had dreamt of her and had a crush on her for so long. But Rythian got her in the end. He always did.
I glare at her, the deserter, the one who made hope shine in my moment of darkness. After a year of mourning my "dead" apprentice, she came and made me think there was hope.
She doesn't flinch as I raise my sword, only shuts her eyes and mutters two words.
"I'm sorry"
I watch as the red head falls. She deserved that, I think, She killed Lewis. But anything was better than a death sentence.
I shut my eyes, sinking to the ground. I couldn't do this anymore. I had no one to protect me, and no one loved me. Gripping the blade of my knife, all it took was one swift swipe.
People say revenge is sweet. I say it tastes sour.
Sjin's POV
I still couldn't believe Sips was dead. So quickly. So calmly. Yes, he killed Toby. I hadn't agreed to that plan in the first place, and I had tried to call the attack off.
"Look, someone has to do the killing instead of sittin' around like babbies in a cave" he had told me.
Turns out he was the one who was killed.
I curl up against the cave wall, feeling warm in Minty's embrace. I was with Sips, but Minty was so nice, so comforting...
"Sjin, we can't just sit here" Minty whispers, stroking my shoulder. I don't reply. I don't want to, not anymore.
"Sjin, it's OK, he'll respawn like the others" she soothes, moving her hand up to stroke my hair. If Sips was here, he'd say "Get your hands off him" but I couldn't move at all. There was nothing to move for. Someone could come in here and finish me off and I wouldn't care.
And then her lips were on mine and they were moving against mine, and, caught up in the moment, I responded, sliding my hand into her blonde hair. She stroked my cheek softly, smiling into my lips.
And then I snapped away.
I could almost hear Sips shouting at me to let her go. My eyes widened when I realized what I had done. She furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, before leaning in again.
I don't know what brung me to raise the knife in the air and slash quickly into her neck, cutting her head off quickly. It happened so fast, I had no idea what I was doing. It felt like I wasn't in control, like something had taken over me suddenly, was controlling me and making me do things I wasn't supposed to.
The echo of the cannon brings me from my trance, and I glance down at the disappearing blonde without remorse. Blood coated my lap, but I just sat there and stared and stared and stared until she had disappeared.
At least it was quick. At least it meant she was safe now.
And slowly, with weariness that nearly brought me back to my knees, I got up and walked out of the cave without looking back.
Mexxy's POV
The games were certainly entertaining, but I was beginning to get bored. It was the same thing, every day. People die. Boom goes the cannon. Repeat the process until there is one left. I was beginning to see why Ridge twisted the rules sometimes.
Flying above the arena, I cast my eye out over the land. Tia, if I was not mistaken, was in the forest somewhere. Phasing through the glass dome and turning invisible, I dive down into the arms of the forest, finally finding her all curled up in a hollowed out tree trunk.
A smirk rose up. Ridgedog was doing something, probably checking the cornucopia. Tia wasn't asleep, just staring blankly into space. She didn't notice my presence, and I wanted to keep it that way, so I simply drifted out of the tree and went to find Deamon.
He was with Robin, his arm wrapped around her. Gazing intently at the moonlight, his head moved when he sensed me come in, but he did not move from his position.
"Deamon" I greet him quietly, landing on the floor. "Mexxy" he whispers, snapping his gaze to my own as I become visible.
My eyes flickered to the sleeping girl in his arms. Tia and Ridgedog's daughter, the red headed Robin. A beautiful girl. She looked so peaceful next to him, still as a statue.
It was a shame that peace was going to come to an end.
"You love her" I say, turning back to Deamon. "With all my heart" he whispers, tilting his head and kissing her softly on the forehead.
"Then you know what must be done" I say, gesturing round at the room.
"Yes" he says softly, and I float out of the forest, a smile rising onto my face as I hear the noise of his blade being unsheathed from his belt.
Death count: 6
Remaining: 14
-Hannah killed by Rythian
-Rythian killed by Lewis
-Lewis killed by Zoey
-Zoey killed by Duncan
-Duncan commits suicide
-Minty killed by Sjin
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