Chapter 23: Let me show you what I can do
Note: Wow, Sky, Deadlox, Husky and BlueMonkey left Team Crafted! O_O I'll still put them in my fanfictions of course ~
Mexxy's POV
"On time I see" I say without looking up. The light tap of her feet touching the marble ground is the only evidence of her arrival. "Obviously" she says, her voice low, tired. Almost bored.
"Just woken up I see" I muse, raising my head. She looked bored too, eyes lazily drooped forward, calmer than I've ever seen her. "Not quite" she responds, and I pull a face. "How was your night with Ridge?" I ask, trying to make polite conversation. "Good" she says, meeting my eyes. We stare in silence for a moment, before I breath out loudly.
"Time to start your apprenticeship then" I smile, leaning off the rail. She nods, not moving. "What first?" she asks. "Well, I suppose I should give you a place to work in, so I'll show you to a small office room. You can decorate it however you want, of course" I begin, starting to walk down the corridor. She follows behind quietly, no noise coming from her.
"You're quiet" I note. "Nothing to talk about" she replies, almost gruffly. "There's plenty of things to talk about. Such as what will you be doing?" I suggest. "What will I be doing?" she repeats and I roll my eyes. "Wait and see" I reply, and she sighs loudly.
We weave our way through the corridors, the light grey quartz walls shimmering in the dim light of torches on pillars holding the marble ceiling up and the marble floor glitters. We always kept it clean-dirt showed up easily on these floors.
I open the dark oak wood door to her office. The carpet was a deep rich purple, and the walls plain white, except one wall, coloured black. There was a small desk on the side, 8 drawers in total, with a small bed pressed against the wall.
"I don't understand why there is a bed here. I don't have any intention of staying overnight" she frowns, entering. "Just in case" I murmur, smirking. She whirls round, suspicion in my eyes. "I'm not leaving am I?" she hisses. "Nope" I grin.
"We had a deal" she growls. "I don't deal with fools" I smile, before walking out and slamming the door heavily behind her, ignoring her feeble attempts to open the door. Locking it with red matter energy, I grin and summon two demigods, Featherblade and Cisco. "Make sure she doesn't get out" I tell them, before leaving, grinning like a chesire cat.
I find Elevn outside, working on the glass dome. "Is it done yet?" I ask. "Not yet, your majesty, I need a few more hours" he says, adding some more glass blocks in. "Alright. Thank you Elevn. This is an extra special one so put all your soul into it" I urge, and he smiles, nodding. "By the way, who's going to be playing?" he asks curiously. "Tia" I smile, before flying away.
Oh, I'd show her what I could do alright.
Tia's POV
I knew it. I knew I couldn't trust him. I knew he had something up his sleeve.
"Let me out!" I yell angrily, hammering on the door. "No can do" Cisco chuckles. I should of known he wouldn't be far off. "I mean it, let me out!" I yell, pounding my fist harder and harder against the door. "Tia, just stay tight for a while, Mexxy will let you out" Featherblade's smooth voice rumbles from outside the door. I whirl round, slamming myself against one of the walls. It begins to crack. The door opens behind me, but I keep on throwing myself at the wall.
Two pairs of arms pull me away and I snarl and kick out. A hand goes over my mouth which I yell and scream into. My arms were bound and I was dragged to the bed where they slammed red matter cuffs onto my wrists, attaching them to the bed posts. "Let me go!" I yell again, jerking my wrists furiously. "Tia, really, stay quiet" Featherblade begs, looking sorry for me. Cisco just looks bored and somewhat amused at me wriggling around.
"The deal is over, take these cuffs off me" I snap, until Cisco sighs impatiently and produces a rag from his pocket. I glower at him. "You dare and I'll bite your hand off" I growl. He just smirks, leaning forward and wrapping it around my head. I twist and writhe my head around, but he manages to tie it at the back. "Mmmmf! MMMMMF!" I try to yell, but it comes out as mumbles.
"You had your warnings, now-" Cisco begins, when there is the sound of sprinting feet, yells and curses from the corridor. The two demigods take out their red matter swords, standing next to the doorway before diving out into the corridor. From my perspective, I couldn't see what was going on, but I could hear yells of surprise from Featherblade.
Moments later, Ridge suddenly enters, blood on his clothes. His eyes widen when he sees me, and a stumbling Cisco follows after him, trying to stop him. "Mmf!" I yell, and he unties the rag off my mouth.
Kicking Cisco away from him, he snaps the bedpost off so that I can get up, but now I was lugging a large piece of metal around with me and my arms were behind my back. Mexxy enters, looking positively infuriated. "You said the deal was off? Fine!" he snarls. Ridgedog doesn't say anything, just grabs hold of me, and slams into the wall one last time, knocking through to the other side into the clouds and he flies, holding me firmly as I could not fly from the red matter cuffs.
Everything was happening too fast. One minute I had been tied up, the next minute Ridge and I were escaping. Everything was a blur, and the rate at which we were dropping was making me more confused than ever.
When we finally got to the bottom, Anastatia (who had built a little house nearby in the forest with Sepia and Ellis) came flying over. "I told you, An, I told you he would break the deal off" Ridge pants, touching down onto the floor and spinning me round almost roughly to show my arms to Anastatia, who uses her magic to snap them off. The dark skinned girl looks worriedly at her brother. "I don't understand, I thought he wanted to make the deal in the first place?" she asks. "Actually I did, but he edited it" I say, grateful when Ridge lets me lean on him.
"Let's get you inside" he sighs, and I nod, rubbing my wrists. He leads me inside, Anastatia following too, and we eventually reach the house on the hill.
"Ridge what is he going to do?" I whisper as we enter the house. "Stay here for now." he whispers, leading me upstairs.
Ryan pops his head round the door and frowns. "Mum? What are you doing back?" he says loudly. Deamon and Robin look round too, confused. "Mexxy was going to hold her captive, I told you Deamon" Ridge snaps, taking me upstairs. I felt shocked, to be honest, and cold. Like there were cold electric shocks making my skin tingle with fear. "Are you OK mum?" Robin asks and I nod. I just wanted to be alone for a while. Well, not entirely alone.
Ridge sat down next to me upstairs and I lean my head on his shoulder. "What happened?" he asks, handing me a hot cup of coffee. I take it gratefully, warming my cool hands on it. "He just showed me to my room, locked me in and I tried to bash my way out of the walls so they tied me up, and then you came" I shrug, leaning off him to take the cup to my mouth and sip it. I suddenly realized how dry my throat was, and the soothing liquid smoothes my throat.
"I should have never let you go up there in the first place" he sighs, putting his arm round me. "I didn't know" I protest weakly, taking a bigger gulp of my coffee.
"I know, I know" he murmurs, before he gently pats me on the shoulder and frowns. "You aren't wearing your dark matter chest plate" he says, his tone almost harsh. "Oh. I forgot it" I whisper. At least I didn't get into really bad trouble up there-the babies would of been hurt. "This baby has gone through a lot, hasn't it?" he muses, sliding his hand down to my stomach. "Well, they're strong. Like you" I smile, putting my hand on his.
"They?" he frowns.
"Oh. I think we are having twins" I smile. His eyes widen in shock, looking down. "How do you know?" he asks, pulling up my shirt as if there was going to be some magic label that read "Twins!" on there or something.
"Your sister told me she can sense spirits, and she could sense that there were two babies" I grin, and then laugh at his expression. "Double trouble" he murmurs, putting his head on my stomach. "Like us" I giggle and he flashes me his signature grin. "Are they boys or girls? Or one boy and one girl?" he questions, stroking my now slightly round stomach. "Not sure. I hope it's one of each. Then Ryan and Robin won't feel left out" I laugh. He laughs quietly. "Twins" he sighs, smiling in content.
We stay like that for a while. It felt nice, really, so calm, so peaceful. It had been a while since we had really been together like this. I stroked his hair absentmindedly, his head still rested on my stomach, before he sighs and pulls away. "Better go break the news" he smiles, and I nod eagerly as he takes my hand. He pauses before tossing me my dark matter chest plate. "Just in case" he smiles. I roll my eyes, slipping it on under my shirt. The buzz of dark matter energy makes me feel more protected, and I follow Ridge downstairs.
"Hey guys" Ridge says softly. The hushed conversations in the dining room stop. Deamon was sat next to Robin, and Ryan was sat opposite. Sepia and Ellis were leaning against the back wall, and Ana was nowhere to be seen. "I'm having twins" I announce. Deamon claps loudly, making Robin jump, who grins at me. Ryan cheers, and Sepia and Ellis decide to clap like seals with Deamon. I raise my eyebrow at them.
"We should go tell Liam, and Mitch" Robin suggests, and I nod. "Alright, let's go visit them" I smile. I didn't notice the pale expressions on everyones faces until I noticed everyone had gone quiet.
Spinning round, Ana was held firm in Mexxy's grasp, his hand clutching her long hair violently. "That is good news indeed" he murmurs, green eyes flickering across us all, seemingly staring so intently into our eyes it was as if he could read our thoughts. I step back, Ridge putting himself in front of me. There was no way he would harm these kids-I wouldn't allow it. Not this time.
"Get out" I hiss. He smirks at me, stepping forward, hand reaching out towards my stomach. Ridge steps in front, glaring at his hand so fiercely it flinches just the slightest. "So protective" Mexxy sighs. "What the hell do you want?" Ellis growls, and even Mexxy looks surprised at the young youth's sudden confidence.
"It's time for some survival games" he grins, raising his arms in the air. My eyes widen. "What?" Ridge says, as if he hasn't heard him. "The deal is off, meaning I can now hurt your family and friends, Tia. So, you and your family, and the Yogscast and Team Crafted will all participate in my special little survival games. And don't worry-your babies will be fine. For now" he grins.
He clicks his fingers before any of us can reply and everything goes white.
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