Chapter 17: Burning at the stake
Tia's POV
Fire. It's everywhere. My vision is momentarily blinded as I descend into a fiery abyss of flickering orange, vivid red, scorching yellow and silver smoke. This was no ordinary fire. By the way it hummed with pain and left burning red marks where it touched my flesh, this was red matter fire. Mexxy had somehow put red matter with fire and came up with the ultimate torture chamber.
Thank God I put on a dark matter chest plate.
The chest plate provided some kind of protection for my entire chest and stomach area, as well as my back. My legs, arms and face, however, were not so lucky. Liam screamed loudly, almost shattering my eardrums, and he leapt over to me, grabbing me and almost tugging me to the ground. I remembered I could fly, so I slowly hovered, wincing. This was bad. As soon as blood was drawn by this fire, my powers would be cut off. I had to act-now!
Flying roughly over to the door, dragging Liam with me, I pound on the door. "OPEN THE DOOR!" I roar. I can hear yelling and scuffling outside and bangs on the door. I can hear TNT explosions, no doubt from Simon. There was clattering of metals on the door, then a burning hiss. Sky's golden, well, budder sword, probably. But none of them were taking effect, and I felt blood drip down my arms, and I dropped. "Brilliant. Brilliant!" I snap, somehow calm about this whole situation. Liam was beginning to shriek now, his skin red raw and his clothes offering little protection.
I push him against the door and shield him as I rapidly think of a solution. What could I do? I could try and spawn something in...
I hold my hand out and think of water. There is a small drip onto my hand, but that's it. I curse loudly, wincing as the dim burning sensation began to spread up my arms. Liam was whimpering, shaking badly as I shielded him from the flames. I put my hand protectively on my stomach, doing what little I could to protect the already battered-about unborn child.
"TIA!" a voice roared from the other side of the door. The pain was beginning to really crank up now, agonisingly spreading through my skin and I could feel it in my veins. But the voice stopped it tempararily.
"DEAMON!" I yell, my voice high and croaking as I inhale the smoke. My eyes begin to water and I begin to shriek loudly as the fire burns through my skin, blood beginning to appear and flowing like a river down my arm. "USE YOUR POWER!" another voice yells, one I don't recognize but I'm sure I've heard it from somewhere.
I concentrated, fighting the pain invading my mind, invading my body, invading my soul. Liam was crying loudly, using me as a quart god shield, not that I was doing any help. Think, think, think!
Ridgedog needed me. If Deamon was there, Ridgedog was there, right? Outside, waiting for me...
Robin...Ryan...they needed me. I'm a mother, they need me, their mother.
Liam, my brother, he's here, we need each other, Mitch was waiting for him.
I can hear Mitch outside, yelling Liam's name who screams his name back. It boosts up my concentration. I needed to get out-NOW!
Deamon's POV
"TIA, USE YOUR POWER!" I yell again. I begin to hammer on the door. She wasn't dead, there was no way! "IT'S NOT WORKING!" came her yell back. My eyes open wide, and I spin round to Anastatia. Her eyes are round, and confused. "It...It should be! I felt it build up!" she stammers, before her face goes pale. "We need to get her out! NOW!" she says, frantically hammering on the door.
"MUM!" Robin cries out, Ryan echoing her cry. "Tia, stay alive! Stay alive for me!" I yell, seeking another way through. I spin round to the mortals, all trying to dig their way round the room, but they find it full of red matter. "Do you have anything? Any of you!" I snap, hammering on the door as hard as I could.
"Antimatter!" Duncan suddenly says, pushing his way through. He thrusts open a bag, wincing as Tia screams loudly from the other side of the door. He rummages through. Grabbing hold of an antimatter bomb, he places it next to the door. "Get everyone out!" he snaps, and Anastatia, Ellis and Sepia lead them away.
"Tia, step away from the door, protect Liam!" I yell. I hear groans and crying from inside. The red matter fire was worse than I thought. Mitch was hesitant, but he ran too, knowing if he stayed, he would die.
He glances over at me, and I nod in confirmation, before Duncan places the red stone torch and runs.
There was an 8 second countdown. The alarm noise was deafening. Duncan sprinted from my view. I knew this was bad. Tia could die from this, and so could Liam. Easily.
I drew upon all my demigod powers and placed my hand on the bomb. Two seconds left.
Duncan's POV
The noise. It was a horrible noise, to be honest. The sound of death was what that noise was. The explosion boomed across the land, flattening nearby trees. Most of us were blown back onto our backs. But thankfully, we were far enough to see the crater form. The massive crater.
We all stared at it for a long time. Before Mitch, Ryan and Robin began to run towards it, hopping over stone blocks, coal blocks, every kind of ore you can think of. If it had been any other time, I would of stopped to mine it. But I hurried after them.
Tia lay in the middle, and didn't seem to be breathing. Liam was underneath her, struggling to get up. Deamon was nowhere to be seen.
"Mum!" Ryan cries out, throwing himself towards her. Tia stirs loudly. She looked pretty beaten, blood all over her. She smiles weakly when she sees Ryan, and she pulls him close. Robin stumbles towards her and she brings her in too. She sits up lightly, wincing as Mitch practically drags Liam from under her and pulls him into his arms.
"Liam!" Mitch gasps, looking worriedly at the bloody burned boy in his arms. Liam smiles back, leaning on Mitch for support. He looks pretty bad himself, but he could of been worse. He squeezes Liam lightly, tears gathering in his closed lids as he holds his beloved close.
"Mitch..." Liam groans, putting his trembling hard on Mitch's chest. Mitch brushes Liam's fringe back, taking Liam's hand and putting it against his cheek softly. "I'm here, I'm here" Mitch soothes. Liam sighs, and relaxes, before slumping in his arms. He was too tired to even move. Mitch takes him in his arms and carries him up the hill.
Sky and Deadlox run to each other when they spot each other, grabbing each other fiercely and hugging. They too begin to cry, holding each other close to their chests. Sky was full on sobbing into his chest. It was strange seeing the former king in such an emotional state.
Tia held her children close, whispering soothing words in their ears as they trembled. "Where's Ridgedog?" she whispers, eyes full of fear. "Ridgedog is still at the castle" a woman says, stepping forward, flanked by two demigods. "Who are you?" she whispers. "Mum, this is Anastatia, Ridge's sister, she helped us when we were in the cell and escaping, and they are Sepia and Ellis, they helped us too" Ryan explained, holding his mum tightly.
"N-nice to meet you" Tia stuttered, swallowing, and holding her burned flesh, wincing hard. "Why...why is Ridge still in the castle?" she asks. Ana looks over at Ryan, who's face crumples. "Mitch and Ana were trying to get out. Ridgedog freed them so they could get out and got into a fight with Mexxy and Cisco, who's Mexxy's friend, and Jerome too. We didn't see anything else 'cause we had to go" Robin says quietly.
Tia nods lightly, looking around in confusion.
"W...Where's Deamon?" Robin asks for her mum, snapping her head round. "He stayed with the bomb. I think he lessened the force of the explosion, as it should have been bigger" I say, gazing round at the crater. "H...He can't be dead. Antimatter doesn't kill demigods, right?" Tia asks Ana, who shakes her head, frowning.
"Deamon?" Tia calls out in a hoarse voice. "Deamon!" Robin yells, tears brimming in her eyelids.
He was dead.
Note: NOOO DEAMON! :'O D',:
..... :D
Robin's POV
"Right here" a voice murmurs in my ear. I spin round to see Deamon floating behind me, his clothes torn and bloody, and his hair matted. But alive! "Deamon!" I practically yell, grabbing him fiercely and hugging him hard. Deamon laughs, and ruffles up my hair. "You don't think I would leave you alone, Chocolate Strawberry?" he chuckles, kissing me passionately. I lost all track of time as I ran my hands through his matted hair, smiling against his lips. Until Tia coughs loudly and we part, looking at her sheepishly.
"Does Ridge know?" she asks quietly and I duck my head, blushing. He didn't...sort of. "I think he got the hint" Deamon chuckles, his deep voice next to my ear making me shiver and he turns to grin at me, kissing me on the neck. Tia sighs. "Just don't go getting carried away" she mutters, and Deamon winks at her as he wraps his arms around me, picking me up as I protest weakly.
Mitch stands with his arm wrapped around Liam. Liam is leaning on him a little weakly. Sky and Deadlox are still locked in their passionate embrace. Deamon was hugging me fiercely, resting his head on mine. We were all reunited at last.
Well, except one.
Tia was staring blankly at the cloudy sky, holding Ryan close as he leans on her, looking worriedly up at her. Ridgedog was still gone. We would find him again, I was sure of it. Because that's what families do.
Stay together.
Sort of. Tia isn't very happy. Neither is Ridge :( At least Robin, Ryan, Mitch, Deadlox, Deamon and the others are OK. For now. :D I'm not planning anything! >.> <,< Wellll sort of :D As usual, all votes and comments appreciated.
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