Chapter 16: The grand escapade
Ridgedog's POV
"Can we get going now?" Anastatia grumbles, standing up quietly, trying not to shift her cuffs so that the red matter grating noise didn't attract attention. "When you're ready" Deamon sighs, rolling his eyes at me and I grin, remembering our childhood-my sister and Deamon never got along. At all. Never. It was almost hilarious how much they loathed each other.
She breaks Sepia and Ellis out first, letting the two young demigods stretch-their powers were still fully intact as they had only been in there for a short time, so it was important we got them out first. Ana walked past Deamon with a smug smirk as he huffed out an angry breath. She went to me first, and the cuffs snapped off.
A loud sigh burst out my mouth without me wanting it to. I stretched my sore arms out, rubbing my scarred wrists. It felt so good! After having these stupid cuffs on for a few weeks, my arms felt like hell. My powers flooded back into me, and I automatically levitate, wincing at the pain and effort of doing so. "Don't waste it, you need to save it" Anastatia warns. I grumble at my sister's command, but I lower myself. I hated walking. Flying was so much quicker.
Robin and Ryan were freed and they whimper as the pain cuts into their wrists. "Don't worry, it will go soon" I soothe, hugging them lightly. Mitch was freed next and he slumped onto the floor, his hands trembling. His wrists were still bleeding from the tightness, so I reached out and ripped a bit of Deamon's coat off, which he whined and protested at, and wrapped it round his wrists. He nodded thankfully at me, and I smile at him, watching as Deadlox was freed and he stood up shakily, leaning against the wall for support.
"Hey, what about me?" Deamon grumbles, and Anastatia sighs, freeing the demigod. Deamon grins, jumping up, and rubbing his wrists like I was doing. "Can we go eat now?" Ryan says eagerly, and on cue, some of our stomach's grumble in agreement and I chuckle lightly, wrapping my arm round his shoulder. "Sure. Deamon, lead the way" I say, gesturing in front of me. He rolls his eyes, letting Anastatia snap the lock off the door, and we open it quietly, slipping out of the iron barred prison and into the winding stone brick corridors.
We walk quietly through the corridors, oddly not seeing anyone. We guessed that there might be a meeting going on, and we open the door to the food hall.
At the sight of a feast layed on the table, we all went wild.
I lead the charge, running and jumping onto the table and grabbing the biggest piece of meat I could get my hands on, roughly grappling it away from Deamon's hands and practically ripping it to shreds. It was gone in a matter of minutes, with Deamon's help, of course.
Robin and Ryan went straight to the cakes (typical kids) and shoved their faces in it, having a cream fight.
Mitch grabbed a massive cut of roast beef and shared it with Deadlox.
Anastatia helped herself to one slice of cake, which Deamon promptly shoved into her face. Sepia and Ellis were pretending to sword fight with bananas and pineapples, and soon a massive food fight erupted. We had to be quiet, of course, but it was hard to not laugh when you are shoving Deamon's face into a massive plateful of red berries.
After half an hour, we were all messy and dripping with food remains. We all laugh quietly, checking the damage. The whole room was coated in dripping wet cream, smashed berries and cake pieces on the walls, and somehow someone managed to get a massive pumpkin pie stuck on the ceiling. It fell down as we all stood staring at it, and it fell onto Deamon's head, making me erupt into laughter, which I had to muffle by shoving the tablecloth into my mouth.
We leave quickly when we hear company, and we run to Sepia's room. Sepia rummages through the cupboards, laughing as Ellis wiped some cake off his face and onto Sepia's neck. He chucked some splash potions at us, and the pain in our wrists disappear. My powers were automatically restored to full charge, and Deamon could fly and use his powers too, which he crowed at happily.
"We need to change clothes. Tia's gonna flip if she sees the mess we've made" I laugh and the demigods, including me, spawn clothes in for us all. Anastatia takes Robin with her to get changed, whilst the rest of us quickly change into new clothes, discarding the messy clothes in the corner.
When we all came back together, we decided it was time to break out. I was getting sick of being in this palace and we could hear people running to tell Mexxy about the messy food hall. He would put two and two together, and he would come for us. But this time, I was ready.
"Alright, if we take a left down this corridor, it's a straight run to one side of the castle. Robin and I will go first, and I will break a hole into the wall so we can get out. Ridgedog and Ryan will go second, then Anastatia and Mitch, then finally Sepia, Ellis and Deadlox. Do NOT stop running, even if people are in front of us. Push through and get through the hole then come straight to me-I know the way to the camp. We need to hurry-Tia is close to the temple." Deamon says, glancing at me, and I swallow a little. Mitch is fidgeting, ready to run.
"Are you ready?" Deamon says fiercely, getting ready to open the door. "I'll go at the back, Sepia can take Deadlox and Ellis can take Ryan" I say quietly. I knew I was the one who was going to get caught. The one who brought the danger to the group. It was best if they were freed and I stayed. Deamon looks at me quietly before nodding. I hug Robin and Ryan fiercely. "Tell Tia I love her, and I will be with her soon" I whisper, and they nod. "Love you guys" I smile, hugging them again and kissing both of them on their heads before letting go and nodding at Deamon.
He nods back, hesitating once, before throwing open the door, taking Robin's hand and runs.
The rest of the group follow in a flat out sprint, and I follow after them. I'm quicker than most of them, but I keep my place at the back. We run straight up to the grand hall and Deamon explodes through the door, letting us all follow through.
"WAIT" Mitch yells, and we all stop. Jerome is there, eyes wide as he watches us all. I snarl at the bacca who steps backwards. "Look who managed to escape, hmm?" Mexxy's voice floated through into the room, and I saw him step up behind Jerome. "RUN!" I roar at the rest of them, and they carry on running.
Deamon bursts through the wall, dragging Robin out with him as they take off. Ryan and Ellis get out, and so do Sepia and Deadlox. Mexxy shoots forward, grabbing Anastatia by her hair, and she yells, punching him in the chest. Mitch keeps on running bravely, until Jerome tackles him hard. "YOU'RE NOT LEAVING HERE!" Jerome roars, and Mitch punches his ex best friend in the stomach, scrambling away and throws himself out of the hole.
Oh, how I've waited for this moment! Grabbing Mexxy, I slam my fist into his nose, nearly fainting with happiness at the crack. Anastatia stumbles up and takes off after Mitch, grabbing him as he flails through the air helplessly, and she looks back at me helplessly as Cisco barges into me. "GO!" I yell loudly, grappling them both roughly as they fight me.
Anastatia disappears from my view along with the rest of them, and I continue the fight.
Cisco pushes me to the floor, and I send thousands of volts of electricity with my newly charged powers into him. He spasms hard, still managing to hold onto me in the process, and I curse loudly. Mexxy grabs my hair, trying to rip it out, so I grab his arm and bite it hard, managing to rip a chunk out of it. Spitting it out when I taste blood that isn't mine, I relish his howl of pain, and I slam my foot into Cisco where it hurts, and he backs away, coughing weakly, and sinking to his knees.
Mexxy sits on my chest, cutting off my airways as he grabs my neck. I gasp helplessly, trying to reach out and hit him, but I can't from this angle. I send out an explosive power, which does nothing. I hear the jangle of more cuffs and they are pushed roughly back onto my wrists, cutting into my flesh and in an instant my powers disappear. Mexxy sighs as he slides off me, panting hard. I scream curses at him, wriggling desperately as Cisco holds me down, and Mexxy grins in the middle of his pants, holding his sore arm which is already beginning to heal.
I was trapped-again.
Tia's POV
I had finally come back from my unconscious state and was able to walk around. We set off without another word, and finally the temple comes into view. "Thank God for that" I groan, slumping weakily against a tree. "Well. Time to find the final clue." Sky says, pulling me to my feet again. "Can't I rest for a bit?" I sigh. "Tia, this is the clue that will show us how to get to Ridge and Mitch, and Robin, Ryan and Deadlox and Deamon and whoever else he has locked up" Liam snaps, and I automatically set off towards it.
The group follows as the horde of bats flew down on us again, and I snap my fingers lazily, stopping them. This would of tired me, like back when I did this before, but I had grown used to my powers. The bats freeze, and we carry on past the tripwires, emptying the dispensers of the lava and the arrows, and snipping the string. After passing through all of the puzzles again, we finally reach the room we were in last time.
It was still messy from when we fought the giant mutated creeper, and I glance around at the ruined level 30 enchantment table, and the sword and shield on the floor. But now, there was a set of stairs leading underneath the temple. There was a sign at the top of the stairs, and I jog over to it.
"Only Liam and Tia may enter past this point -Mexxy". I glance over at Liam, who swallows weakly. "Are you sure this isn't a trap?" Sky says cautiously, looking down the stairs. At the end of the stairs is a large door made of red matter. I didn't trust that-not one bit. "Yep, looks like it" I say, before heading down the stairs. "Jeez, Tia, you're going to kill us both" Liam murmurs, but he chuckles lightly. "No. He won't kill us. Not yet" I say simply. Liam frowns at me. "How do you know?" he asks. I shrug.
"I just do" I say, studying the door. There were two hand recognition panels on the door. I press my hand against it, and it beeps, going green. Liam looks up warily at it, before doing the same. It beeps again, going green and the doors open.
Everyone tries to follow down, but I hold my hand up, turning round. "No. Just us two." I say, before we enter.
The room is pitch black, but Liam brought a torch down, so he places it down. The light immediately illuminates it up, and my gaze falls upon seven tiny stones. I frown as I bend down and read them. I almost fall backwards.
"R.I.P Baby Ridge"
"R.I.P Baby Ridge 2"
And so on down the rows until it got to baby 7.
"Tia?" Liam whispers. "These are Ridgedog's dead children" I say simply, feeling sick.
I go up and down the rows, patting each one and muttering "Rest in peace" to each one of them. It felt soothing when I was done, like I had pleased them somehow. Behind the seven stones was a note, and I pick it up and read it out loud.
Well done, you have found the last and final clue to your loved ones whereabouts. But before that, lets have a recap, shall we? Along with a few new details...
Ridgedog killed Tia's mother. Mitch tortured Liam's parents. Ridgedog tortured baby Tia twice, once leaving her to die as a baby, and once he hung her. I'm Tia's father. I'm Liam's father. Anastatia, who you have no doubt met, is Ridgedog's sister. Ridgedog had seven children, who all died as you see before you.
Tia, as I write this now, I understand you are pregnant. You already have two children, two lovely children, who are right now locked up. With the murderer of your mother. Do you really trust him?
I nod in real life, before carrying on.
Liam, as I write this now, I understand you are betrothed to Mitch. Jerome has captured him and is right now watching him be tortured. Do you wish to forgive your other brother?
I stop reading and look at Liam, who looks at me, his face pale. So Jerome was another sibling.
Tia, this is a new little extra piece for you. The deal we interesting. Very intereresting. But it does not change, however, what will happen to you today.
As soon as I read this, the doors slam shut. I snap my gaze backwards, fear beginning to prickle down my spine. "What deal?" Liam snaps, ignoring the shouts of surprise outside, mostly from Simon and Tato.
I ignore the question and carry on reading in a shaky voice.
In this room is a camera linked directly to Ridgedog and Mitch, and your children, and your captured friends. They will watch you burn today. Ridgedog's children, both dead and alive, will perish, and so will you. Do you have what it takes to free yourself, or will you watch the world burn? Time is ticking, it's time to start the game -Mexxy.
As soon as I have finished reading, the room heats up to a boiling temperature and fire explodes from everywhere at once.
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