Chapter 1: Relationship Problems
Note: The previous part is the introduction o_o don't know why it is glitching and saying it's just a random part with no title. ANYWHO on with the story. EDIT: FIXED IT NEVERMIND
Robin's POV
"Watch it!" Lewis snaps at Simon, who rushes past and almost knocks him over. "The factory is going to explode!" Simon yelps, looking around anxiously as if it was going to blow up any second. "Simon, it's a blocked pipe, calm down!" Lewis sighs, before turning to me and rolling his eyes. I grin back, lounging casually on a nearby chest. I loved visiting everyone. The Yogscast was all a huge family to me that I was part of. "Can I get you anything, Robin?" Lewis asks with a smile. He was always polite, despite the fact that I was his friend. "I'm good thanks, but I think Simon needs a paper bag to blow in." I grin, watching the dwarf try his best to fix a pipe that was overloading with cobblestone.
He glowers at me. "You don't know how stressful it is to run a factory!" he sighs angrily. I just grin back, infuriating the little dwarf even further. "You're just as smarmy as your dad" Hannah grins, wrapping her arm around Lewis. "I'm not her dad! I'd be dead if I was" Lewis huffs, but leans in on Hannah's shoulder. "Gonna go visit Sips and Sjin" I tell them, throwing one last smirk at the angry dwarf before leaving.
Floating over to Sipsco, I drift through their window. Sips is sat at his fancy desk, twirling his thumbs. "So, you've finally seen sense and come to join Sipsco?" Sips smirks without looking up. "Don't want to" I reply, crossing my arms. He pulls a face, standing. He's wearing his business suit and looks too fancy for a guy who runs a dirt factory. Sjin comes in a few seconds later, in his farming clothes, which are a bit dirty from tilling the land. "Jeez, Sjin, go change, we have a visiter" Sips sighs, waving him away. Sjin looks at me sheepishly and I grin at him before he goes, waddling down the corridor.
"You two doing OK?" I ask, lowering myself onto the ground. He shoots me a look and nods. "Cool." I reply, already getting a little bored. "Why are you here?" he asks, sticking his tongue out at me when I look over at him. "Just visiting" I sigh. "We don't do "just visiting" Robin, jeez. get the hell out of here." he grins, and I pull a face before launching myself out of the window, waving at the bewildered Sjin who has just entered dressed in new clothes.
I avoid going to Rythian and Zoey's place. They were still a bit dodgy with us, and didn't trust dad. Not to mention they were dangerous, and Rythian had a red matter katar. Martyn and the dream team, too. They weren't exactly dangerous, but they were easy to provoke. That left Duncan, who was also incredibly dangerous, and wasn't exactly on good terms with my dad. But he liked mum, perhaps a little too much. But I wasn't worried. Mum loved dad, and she would never leave him, ever.
Soaring over to the science castle, I drift in through the always open window. Duncan turns, smiling at me, and he pulls his goggles over back onto his mop of blonde hair. "Hey Robin, how's Tia and Ryan doing?" he asks. "They're good. Ridge is too." I reply cautiously. He hurries over to hug me and I try not to tense. I didn't particularly like the scientist, but I was brought up to be polite by mum. If Ryan was here, he would be cursing every word under the sun if he even came near him.
"Ask your mum when you see her to come visit me more often. It gets lonely up here..." Duncan trails off, wandering back over to the science table to sit on his chair. "I'll pass it on." I say awkwardly, eyes wandering round the room. There were way too many chests everywhere. He was obviously a hoarder. "Now would be good." he interrupts my thoughts, and I glance over at him before I nod and fly off, pulling faces when I'm away from his view.
I finally get to the mansion on the hill, and I phase through slowly. I was still getting the hang of it, but I liked teasing Ryan because he couldn't even turn invisible for more than 10 seconds. Mum was sat on the sofa with dad, and they were cuddling, as usual. "Duncan wants you to come visit him." I sigh, and she pulls the exact same face I did. "Fine. See you in a bit, Ridge." She used to be good friends with Duncan as his ex apprentice, but he hadn't accepted Ridge as her boyfriend so she had lost contact with him.
Kissing Dad on the cheek, she heaves herself off the sofa, and takes off. I give Dad a quick hug, who pats me on the head and tells me to "Move out of the way of the TV". Ryan grumbles at me too. I hadn't noticed him sat on the sofa. Sighing, I follow Mum.
We reach the science castle and Duncan can hardly contain his glee. He hugs her and she rolls her eyes at me, patting him awkwardly. The hug continues for more than it should, until Mum awkwardly pulls away. "I haven't seen you for a while, Tia, where have you been?" he asks. "I've been busy raising a family, Duncan, you know that." she smiles faintly, and when he turns to grab a chair for her, she pats her stomach and shakes her head at me. A silent message-don't tell him about the baby.
He takes a chair for her and pulls it out, allowing her to sit. He pauses, glances at me as if he forgot I was there, and quickly pulled another one out for me. I thank him politely, though in my head I can hear the curses beginning to grow. "Your kids are old enough to look after themselves. You've got plenty of time to come see me." he grin eagerly, leaning on a chest nearby.
"Actually Duncan, I've got another one on the way," she replies, looking a little awkward as the scientist goes pale, "but I will try and visit you more often, if it makes you happy." There is a long, agonizing awkward silence.
"You two are at it again then, are you." he says bitterly, huffing out a large breath. "We've gone over this Duncan, Ridge and I are in a relationship. You're just going to have to deal with it and move on from the past" Mum replies a little too sharply. "How can you forgive him so easily? What, all it takes is for him to smile and you'll come running back? Have you told Robin about everything he did to us?" he yells, slamming his hand down onto the chest with a large bang, making me jump.
"Yes and he's changed now." she replies in a cool tone, trying to soothe the argument down. It doesn't work. "I bet you didn't even get kidnapped. I bet you wanted to become his apprentice from the start." he accuses, activating his power glove with an exaggerated loud click as it hums with power. "Don't be stupid Duncan, you know that's not true." Tia sighs, suddenly getting out of her chair and backing away towards me. I soon see why as he holds up a red matter katar in his other not-gloved hand.
"I won't hurt you Tia. But that little devil spawn you're protecting is not worth anything." he sneers. "Touch my daughter and you'll never see the light of day again." Mum hisses, taking a step forward. I back away, but then remember she's pregnant, and I step forward again, rather fearfully.
Deamon appears literally out of nowhere, causing Duncan to yelp and back away. Deamon grabs his hand which has a tight grip on the knife and twists it harshly, causing him to yell and drop it. He stoops forward and picks it up, before smiling at us wearily and gesturing towards the window. Without any goodbyes, we fly off together, relieved that we were safe.
"You OK?" Deamon asks. He looks really tired, and his eyes are devoid of emotion. "I'm fine but are you? You don't look so good." she notes, looking concerned for her friend. "Not really. Kupo and I have been having loads of arguments lately so I think we might be breaking up soon..." he sighs. "Oh. Well, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be." Tia says sympathetically before we go into our house.
After telling Ridgedog what happened, he stormed off and was all ready to steam roll over there to sort Duncan out, until Tia stopped him and said it wasn't worth it. Dad told me to go upstairs with Ryan so they could talk. Sighing and grumbling a bit, they soon allowed me to stay and listen.
"Has she told you she is?" Ridge asks, offering his friend a drink. "Yeah, loads of times. I don't think it's been working for a while, we just kept going for the sake of it, y'know?" he sighs, accepting it and sipping it absentmindedly. "So what are you going to do? Talk to her?" Tia asks, trying not to look like the happy couple with Ridge in front of Deamon. "We've tried that. It just ends in arguing and then we just give each other the silent treatment until we eventually just get tired and start talking again."
"Maybe you need to give it to her straight." Ridge suggests, then rethinks what he has just said. Tia bursts out laughing, and Deamon cracks a smile. I just face palm awkwardly. "I mean give her the ultimatum-stay with you or go. That will sort it out." he says with an embarrassed smile. "Yeah, I guess. I don't want it to end though, I mean we've been together since we were both kids, you remember. Back when we were, like, 13. That was hundreds of years ago." he sighs. "Even I've slept since then." Tia jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
"True, but maybe it's time to let go. Have a fresh start." Ridge suggests, draining his drink. "I guess..." Deamon says uncertainly. "Kinda awkward how you were giving us relationship advice about ten years ago and now here you are asking us for advice. Like we are supposed to know." Tia grins, and Ridge laughs, kissing her on the cheek lightly. Deamon smiles at the two of them. "At least I made one thing work." he sighs. "I'm gonna go back and hopefully sort it out. If things get...awkward, can I come stay with you guys for a bit?" he asks, standing up and stretching, plonking his empty cup on the side.
"Sure." Ridge smiles, hugging his friend. He smiles, and then hugs Tia. "Thanks for all the advice. Guess I'll go see what happens." He goes over to me, smiling at me. "Oh look who's been quiet for once." he chuckles and I roll my eyes, hugging him tightly. "And I get a hug too! Must be my lucky day" he smiles, still not his usual grin. I grin back at him, hugging him just a little bit harder as he hugs me back and then he's gone.
"Looks like Robin's gonna get her boyfriend after all" Tia jokes and Ridgedog makes a disgusted noise. "Eugh, I'm not having my daughter and my best friend getting together. Just-no!" he shudders. "I don't like him like that anyway" I snap at mum. She winks at me. "Oh yeah? Why do you blush every time he flirts with you then?" she grins. "It's a natural reaction!" I huff, going red as we speak. "I don't blush when anyone else flirts with me" she replies smugly, causing Ridge to narrow his eyes at her. "Who's been flirting with you?" he barks and she opens her mouth to speak quickly, "No one!"
Snickering, I leave, going upstairs to read. It's night time already, and I can hear Mum and Dad going to bed. Before I go to sleep I hear them talking. "I feel really bad for Deamon." Tia says. "Yeah I know. Those two have been together since as long as I can remember." Dad agrees. "Ah well. At least he can find someone else now." "Yeah, it's Deamon. He can get any girl." "Except me. Because I'm taken. By you." "Is that your only excuse?" I hear Ridge murmur. "It's the only one I need." she replies. There's the sound of kissing and the house goes silent as I descend into sleep.
Note: Thanks to the people in the comments (MelissaFabian6 and Lovestheyogscast4eve) for giving me the idea for evil Duncan :D
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