Taehyung || broken leg
sup. I have the chan from stray kids meme, "RuBbEr DuCkY, yOuRe ThE oNe" stuck in my head. help. it needs to get out.
Enjoy, <3
TaeHyung had always loved to voice his opinion. He had great ideas and great stories to tell, he would take his turn in speaking with his members being so polite as to not interrupt them. He was always a kind boy, but sometimes, he wished they would return the favor.
The members noticed a change in Taehyung. They noticed in the uno game during bon voyage, during a fun game in run: he raised his hand to speak. This wasn't a classroom, his parents weren't here, he was with his Bangtan family. And he felt the need to raise his hand in order to speak.
They watched as his words faded and blended into the others who were speaking. He tried to push his way through, but he just couldn't. it wasn't worth the fight. "TaeHyung did you want to say something?" Jimin had been trying to help the boy, trying to get him to speak up for himself.
"No, not anymore, it's okay." Taehyung lowered his head. He knew better than to even try. he didn't want to build a wall between him and his members, but it was really hard when you couldn't tell them how you felt.
"Are you sure? You can speak if you like." Jimin gave the younger a little back hug, just to reassure him that he wasn't teasing him. "We'll listen."
"No, no. I'm fine." he insisted.
"Jimin, TaeHyung. Listen when Hyung is speaking." Namjoon lightly scolded the two playful boys. It was only loud enough for those two to come, no one else had heard it. Namjoon gave them that stare to let them know that they were testing his limits. He only had so much of it to use on the maknae line in a day. "Go on, hyung."
With that, Yoongi continued to speak about his rehab appointments. He talked about how hard they were for him, and how much he was growing from them. He got encouragement and uplifting words said to and about him, somehow, someway, taehyung was beginning to feel jealous. "Our Yoongi is so strong." Jin praised, Yoongi smiled.
No doubt about it that taehyung was proud of Yoongi, he was just fading into his own world. If he couldn't speak, he couldn't stay engaged in the conversation. Sure, it could be a bit annoying sometimes, but that's just how he built relationships with people. It worked for him.
"We are working on the choreography for the new song we just released, so army, please continue to show us love and support!" Hoseok beamed, he had been working on this choreography for a while now, and he was quite satisfied.
"Our Hoseokie has been working very hard," Yoongi said, patting him on the back softly. They were on Vlive at the moment, they hadn't done one in a while and they thought it would be nice to say hi to army together. Especially with the horrible, cold, snowy, weather, they didn't have much else to do at the moment.
Taehyung sighed, it was definitely audible, and the attention was turned to him. "taehyung-ah?" Jin chuckled, "Did you have something to say?" He grabbed taehyung's shoulders and shook them lightly. "You seem to be in despair today."
"I thought it would be a good idea to give our wishes to army. What do you guys think?" finally, a chance.
"We could do that at the end, it would be silly to do it now." Jungkook laughed, and the members laughed right along with him. It couldn't be that funny: taehyung thought. It wasn't even a silly idea. Was it?
"Bye Army! See you next time! We love you!" And just like that, the live was over. They never took taehyung's idea, any of his ideas for that matter. As soon as the live was over, it was time to start practice.
"Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook, you guys get water first. I just want to go over something with the others." Hoseok announced. "I'm leading practice from this point, instructor nim had something come up."
"hyung, do you mind if I talk to you for a second?" Taehyung asked.
"In a second, can it wait 'till after practice?"
"yes, hyung."
It couldn't wait. Taehyung was scared. He couldn't do it. it didn't matter how many times the members told him he was fully capable of doing it, it didn't matter how many times he told himself. He had just came to the conclusion that flips weren't for him, not at all.
Jimin and Hoseok were the flippers of the group. The ones who could do fancy moves and not get hurt in the process. Jungkook on occasion, yes, but that was rare. Taehyung on the other hand had never done this before. And to be honest, he didn't know what he was doing.
He had just seen Hoseok demonstrate for him, and he had Hoseok spot him, and Jimin even tried to help. But to no avail, he couldn't do it.
Who the hell made the choreography?
Why was it taehyung's job to replace Jin? V and Jin had switched spots in NO, for just a few seconds. Jin couldn't quite get the footing right to lift Jimin, and taehyung was the next best option.
It was too close to performances for taehyung's liking.
Hoseok had spotted his back a couple times, just to make sure neither him or Jimin would tumble to the ground afterwards. It had only happened once before.
"We've got just over two hours left boys, we can do it. Just try this song a few more times, and we can move on."
"hyung, please.."
"Taehyung I told you, whatever you need to say can wait. We need to get this stunt right, or else it could go horribly wrong. And we don't need you, Jimin, or me hurt. That's the last thing we need right now, there are so many performances ahead of us." Hoseok sighed in annoyance. "From the top."
Taehyung hung his head low, and returned to his spot without words.
His legs were so tired, he felt so weak. Hoseok wasn't spotting him anymore, Jimin was going full out, he just couldn't go anymore. Taehyung could literally feel as his leg muscles giving out, and his heart was beating way harder and faster than it usually would.
5, 6, 7, 8
You could hear the sound of multiple people crashing to the ground. "owww! Taehyung!" Jimin cried. Taehyung could feel the burning sensation run down his leg. Jimin was sitting on top of it. Half of the members went to Jimin, the other half to Taehyung.
"Jimin! Off! Now! Please!" Taehyung screamed. "Owwww!!" It felt like his leg had been chopped in half. It wasn't even that bad of a fall.
"Taehyung, chill. Let me see it." Hoseok said, once he had slowly gotten the older off of Taehyung's leg. "It's just bruised. It doesn't look bad, I could get you ice or something, but it shouldn't hurt as bad as you're making it seem."
"But it hurts!"
"Okay, then you can sit out while we work on a different choreo. But you have to join back in; just because dance is hard doesn't mean you can fake extreme injuries to sit out." Someone wasn't in a good mood today, Taehyung thought to himself. "Yoongi hyung, please get him some ice. Since he so clearly needs it. Get Jimin some while you're at it, and a brace, it could be sprained."
Taehyung sniffled. "Taehyung, can you straighten your leg?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung tried, it hurt, so bad. "Okay, I guess that's a no."
"He's lying."
"Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions." Jin warned. He was helping Jimin, but he was still very attentive to Taehyung's situation. "He could be seriously hurt, you would never know." Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Don't, Hoseok. Fix your attitude, it doesn't look good on you." Hoseok groaned.
Yoongi returned with the ice, and an ankle brace a few minutes later. "Here Jimin, Taehyung." Neither boy had moved from the spot they fell in, other than a few inches.
"Alright," They had gotten both boys settled onto two separate chairs in the corner of the studio. "let's try a different song, one without anything too intense." They settled on Spring Day. Both Jimin and Taehyung watched with a sad pout plastered on their faces.
"Come on taehyung, let's try something else." Hoseok says. They had agreed to come back to the studio the next day, to see if taehyung's pain would die down.
His leg was swelling, and it still burned. But since he had to practice today, he threw on flowy pants, and a baggy t-shirt. Just to hide the obsessive swelling on his leg. It absolutely killed him to walk, and Jin had to drive to the studio for him.
Jimin had convinced the members to let him try at least one song. They said as long as he didn't feel any pain after that he could join back in for a full practice.
"Jimin you too. We'll do something simple, we'll do Spring Day again." Hoseok seemed to be in a much better mood today, which was good.
The pain was honestly making Taehyung light headed at this point. He couldn't see straight, think straight, or walk in a straight line. Or even walk at this point. "hyung.." He called out to no one in particular.
"Taehyung?" Taehyung collapsed to the floor. This time though, even through the flowy pants and baggy tee, you could tell his leg was broken.
"hyung!" Taehyung caught a glimpse of his leg. The sight made him feel sick. "It hurts! I can't move it!" He cried, the poor boy was shaking like a leaf.
"stay calm, taehyung. hold my hand." Jimin told him. "I've got you."
Taehyung latched onto Jimin's hand, and squeezed it hard. The pain was absolutely excruciating. "We'll call someone for you taehyung." Namjoon said while grabbing his phone from out of his pocket.
All Hoseok could do was stand there.
"Taehyung, you're breathing really fast. You need to breathe."
"I'm scared, Jimin."
"Remember what I told you, I've got you." All Taehyung did was nod.
"So, tell me what happened again, Mr. Kim?" They had hooked him up to some painkillers, so the pain wasn't as bad. They thought something odd was going on with the structure of his legs and muscles, and wanted to run a few tests before casting his leg.
"We were stunting, and I fell. It wasn't even that high of a fall, but it really hurt. I think I twisted it on the way down."
"It doesn't seem like it should cause a broken leg, but there is always the possibility. You could be developing Osteoporosis. We can do another X-ray, a urine test, and a blood test. just to be sure." The doctor addressed.
"May I ask what exactly is Osteoporosis?" Hoseok's voice shook when he spoke. Jimin was the only one kind enough to reassure him. He back hugged him, and played with his hair.
"To put it simply, it's when your bones are weak. And crack easily, it causes a lot of fractures. Mr. Kim here, his bones look weaker than they should be, in more than just the area of the break. Has he been experiencing any excessive weight loss?"
"yea.." Taehyung told him.
"Constant migraines, or back pain?" He began jotting things down on his clipboard, and typing on the laptop.
"back pain, mostly in my lower back. It hurts when I dance, or sit down for too long."
"Unfortunately, there does look to be a chance of him having it."
Shortly after, nurses came in to get him situated for another X-ray. While waiting for the results, they casted his leg, Taehyung decided he wanted plain black. Through all of this, the only boys left in the hospital with him were Yoongi and Hoseok. The rest had gone home, even though they probably wouldn't get much rest, knowing that one of their youngest was stuck in the hospital all day.
They got a urine and a blood test, and now it was just a waiting game. And to be honest, none of them felt like waiting anymore. They had been in the hospital since 11 in the morning, and now it was almost 8 at night.
"I'm here to give Taehyung a diagnosis. He does in fact have Osteoporosis, but it is a mild case. his leg break wasn't serious enough to need surgery, which is why we casted it. He'll be in it for seven weeks minimum. We can see him back in a week, just to make sure everything is okay. As for his Osteoporosis, make sure he's getting lots of Calcium." Taehyung was leaning against Yoongi's shoulder, with his eyes closed. It had been a long day for him.
The doctor left the room, but not before giving them a paper of rules Taehyung had to follow, and answering any questions. Yoongi shot a quick text to the members about what the doctor had said.
As Hoseok and Yoongi wheeled Taehyung out of the hospital, Hoseok truly felt the guilt. Don't get him wrong, he had been feeling it this whole time. And that's why he stayed with the boy. But now, he really thought it was the right time to apologize.
"Taehyung you can be mad at me all you want; and I'll totally understand. I just want you to hear me out for a moment. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, the stress just got to me. And I know that that doesn't excuse or define my actions. I just hope you won't hate me."
"Hyungie! How could I ever hate you?"
"Ya'll are weird. I'm tired, let's go home." Yoongi chuckled.
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~Hoseok Requests Open~
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