Jungkook || Twisted ankle
Ah yes. An update. If you have read every chapter, a chapter about each member then thank you! I understand some people don't have time, but each member deserves love. And on other people's accounts/stories, this is not happening. So please give each member love!
Not a request.
And for those who have requested and it's not here yet, it's more than likely because I received 2 or more requests for that member. I want to go in age order, so just wait for the next round.
I couldn't find anything triggering in this one, but if you catch something please let me know.
I've restarted this story like 4 times because I hated it, lolololol
JungKook was known to be the perfectionist in the group. Yes, each member is really hard working. But JungKook, he needed to nail every single second of it before continuing. That includes the positioning of his hands, feet, and how fast he should turn.
He was having a hard time with this specific move, and he really needed to get that down.
Humans have needs. They need food, water, oxygen, and shelter. JungKook was only getting one. Shelter. It was hard for him to breath from working so hard, despite all the open air around him. He finished his water long ago. And he hasn't eaten in 3 days.
But he doesn't care. All he cares about right now is nailing this move. Getting it perfect, 110%. Perfect is just not possible. And especially without basic human needs.
The little hints his body is giving him, telling him to just take a break. He's not listening.
JungKook had hurt his ankle while stretching when the other boys were there with him. He hadn't told anyone, not even when the somewhat slight pain continued. Not even when it worsened.
It was a continuous sting, like when you get stung by a wasp or a bee. But continuous, never ending. When are you going to tell someone JungKook?
11:38 pm.
It was getting harder and harder to breath, let Alone do each move. He wasn't being smart 10 minutes ago, but now. At least he had common sense. Call someone before it's too late.
Calling Jin 😎...
Hello. Kook?
Um H-hi Hyung. I n-nneed you to c-come g-get m-me.
Ok ok. Are you okay? Where are you?
I- I'm okay. Studio. Dancing.
Ok. Just try to breathe for me.
When Jin arrived to the studio he expected to see an unconscious Maknae on the ground. Passed out. And well, that's what he got.
Shaking, Jin picked up the boy. Carrying him like a baby. His head on one arm, with legs up on the other. They stayed like this all the way until Jin was about to place the boy inside the car. This is when he came around.
"Morning JungKook. You gave me quite the scare there."
He was greeted with a small 'mhm' and nothing else. He placed the poor one in the car, handing him an open bottle of water to drink along the way.
The boys stayed silent the whole ride home, with Jin occasionally taking a break from the rode to look at the younger.
They soon pulled into the drive way, Jin took the younger on his back and placed him gently on the couch. The other 5 crowding him and bombarding them with questions at the sudden disappearance of the eldest.
"Are you okay?"
"What happened?"
The younger was overwhelmed and only a certain someone could see this.
"Guys! Shut up and let him talk!" Jimin screamed at the pack of animals, them immediately obeying.
"I-I just wanted to make you p-proud."
There was no more talking after this. Only cuddles and silent sobs from the youngest. He attempted not to wince at the pain in his ankle.
JungKook was locked inside the house. If he were to ever step out, the members would immediately know. It was their day off, and everyone clarified that they wouldn't leave unless needed.
They attached a bell to the door, immediately notifying if anyone opened the door.
JungKook was smart, he knew if he tried to leave he would have to be with a member at all times. He just wanted to be perfect.
So he locked himself in his room, practicing to the same song over and over. Nailing it every time. He winced at the pain in his ankle yet again, this time it was more and more sharp.
When he spun this time, he did it perfectly. Graciously. But when he landed, his right foot crossed his left.
The right foot twisted around the left, (Idek know how to fall until it actually happens lmao) the same foot he hurt stretching.
Agony came across the boy, as well as guilt and realization. He disobeyed his Hyung, and this happened. This was not supposed to happen. He was supposed to be perfect, for Amry for his Hyungs. But in the end, he was a disappointment.
A burden.
A stupid Maknae. That has no other purpose in the group but to be cute.
He collapsed. Tired, he felt every punch his body threw at his ankle. He took a quick peek, the bone wasn't sticking out. Just twisted. He lie on the ground, waiting for a savior.
But no one ever came.
He would have to get to them himself, he stood up slowly but surely. Using his arms to pull him up form the floor. He tried not to focus on the lecture he would get form his Hyungs, but that's all he could think about.
He finally got to the door, barely able to open it. He hopped out of the room, and into the living room where his Hyungs were watching a movie.
"Oh hey Kook. Would you like to join us?"
"I-I-I.." He couldn't even finish his sentence, he felt so guilty. His Hyungs were just watching a movie, having fun. And he ruined it.
"JungKook? Are you okay? Why are you crying baby?" Jin turned around at the sound of the Maknae crying, his eyes going up and down checking for injuries. Then he spotted it, his foot looked horrible.
"Baby? Were you practicing in your room?"
"Y-yes! Please don't be mad.."
"We aren't mad Kookie, let Hyung help you." By now everyone has turned their attention to the youngest, taking in his ankle.
"Let's put some ice on it. I think we can hold off form the doctor until tomorrow." Jin said, walking over to the youngest picking him up like he did yesterday. He placed him on the couch, and grabbed a pillow to elevate his foot.
Taehyung and Namjoon, stared at the child. Not knowing how to help. Everyone else ran out of the scene to grab his favorite things, along with ice and blankets.
When everyone returned, Tae ran up to the younger and embraced him in a hug.
"I love you kookie."
"I love you too TaeTae."
The members snuggled, and continued the movie after making sure the Maknae was comfortable.
He never learns does he?
Yay! I really like this one. We have officially posted a chapter on the collab acc too! And also, the first round of rotations are completed in this book! I'm so excited!
And, tysm for 600+ reads! That's is so many people! I know it's nothing compared to some, but it seems like so many to me. Thank you so much for reading my stories! And thank you for the positive comments.
Without further ado, for the second round;
~ Jin requests closed ~
~ Suga requests Open ~
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