Jungkook || faking
JungKook - faking
I literally woke up from my nap and said, "I want to use a wheel of names to write a sickfic." And so, this is what came out of it.
um. yea. I didn't want to post it on tumblr just because, honestly I don't have a reason. So an extra JungKook chapter for you, here you go.
And if you don't mind, if you don't want to participate, that's fine, but maybe tag some people in my new book?? It's an apply fic where you can work your trainee up to debut, we have 4/28 participants signed up!!
It's really easy, I promise. So uh, read on ig.
He didn't mean to do it, his brain just, went for it.
JungKook's pov-
On Wednesday, we would go to a stylist to prepare for the new album. We would need new outfits and makeup styles, and we thought it would be best if we have someone plan it for us. Personally, I don't really want to go.
The stylist is a really good friend of Taehyung's, in fact, I think they went to school together for a really long time. I wouldn't say I'm jealous, definitely not, but the two just get along so well.
Me and TaeHyung have been a bit off lately. Maybe it's because of the new flat I bought, moving always stirs up some sort of drama here. We used to be neighbors, but ever since I brought up the idea of moving into a smaller space, TaeHyung has been a bit distant.
I just want to live in the countryside area, which is hard to find in Seoul. I just want a bit of land, and the huge dorms aren't cutting it. I want a backyard and pool, and a fire pit outside. Just thinking about it makes me excited.
So, I announced it to the members. Everyone was supportive, obviously asking questions on why and how, but for the most part everyone was fine. I purchased it, and a month later, I'm moving my stuff out.
TaeHyung and I lived the closest out of all the members, so he talked to me a lot. Now though, I live almost half an hour away. It's not that bad, but I wouldn't want to make the drive everyday to go see TaeHyung. I'm sure he felt the same way too, so, he resolved to talk to his other friends more.
I understand him completely, euna is like a best friend to him. He calls her noona, because she is a couple months older than him. I don't think it's needed, but she doesn't mind, from what I can gather.
This brings us to now. The two talk almost everyday, and at photo shoots, TaeHyung doesn't look my way. Always FaceTiming euna.
I just miss him, is all. I guess you could say it's my fault, but I really don't want to own up to it. I just want to push the blame away and spend some time with my youngest Hyung.
As the say fades away, I begin thinking. How to get TaeHyung to spend time with me. I could always drive over to his house and just ask, like anyone else, but he's never home. Trust me, I've tried.
I sit on the couch with Namjoon, in his studio, thinking. I've been sitting here for a while now, but I can't quite think of anything to do to pass time.
Namjoon catches me staring off into space. "You okay, kook-ah? You're quiet." He pats my shoulder comfortingly, but I don't respond. I'm still thinking. "Bud?" I hum in confusion.
"Feeling alright?" I nod, but it's barely noticeable. "You can tell me anything, you know that, right?" That's a silly question, of course I know that. Sometimes though, I'd rather not.
"Yea, of course." He doesn't seem happy about my answer, and takes a seat next to me. I don't have my phone out or anything, he's worried.
"What i meant by that was, tell me. I'll listen." He's all ears, and puts his full attention on me. Usually, I would blush, but I'm too lost in thought.
"I want TaeHyung to talk to me. I want him to talk Hyung. I, I don't know." I can't seem to tell him what I think.
"Do you know why he hasn't been talking to you? Maybe he's tired, bun." He rubs the back of my shoulder.
"He talks to euna more than me. And I know it's because I moved, but, when we see her in person on Wednesday, I don't want us to drift apart more. We are just so distant, Hyung. I don't know what to do. He nods, I'm hoping for some good advice.
"Make him stay home with you on Wednesday. You know he hates it when you're sick, pull a sickie." I look at him questioning, sure, I've pulled one before, but now? I'm not so sure about it.
He must be able to sense my confusion, because he replies, "Trust me. He is head over heels for you, he'll stay home to take care of you. Euna loves you too, she won't mind. In fact, I'm sure she'll help you." I nod, not because I agreed, but because I'm shocked. Namjoon was supposed to be the mature one??
"Now, you act dizzy, and stumble into me. I'll tell the members, okay?" Its the next day, and our plan is starting. We are all sharing seokjin's house, because he lives closest to the stylist. (Euna) I nod, letting myself lean into my Hyung.
I hang my head low, walking into the living room gripping Namjoon's waist. Jimin is the first to notice us, and moves so that I have a place to sit. "Whats wrong with him?" Hoseok asks, Jimin pats my hair.
Hoseok doesn't like people getting sick so close to events, when interviews and meetings are happening soon, and he hates missing out on things. He hates the absence of his friends.
"He's dizzy, found him stumbling around the hallways." He sits me down on the couch, I lean into Jimin, and he pets my hair. "Can someone get him a fever patch? He was burning up earlier."
"I'm not.." I mumble, closing my eyes. I hear movement, and feel Namjoon's hand on my forehead, and then a cool strip on my forehead. My hair falls on top of it, and then It's left alone.
"I need to make a phone call, call me if something happens." Namjoon leaves the room. He probably went to call euna, to get her apart of the plan. Or, it could just be that he isn't the best at acting, and didn't want to give me away. Yoongi would kill us if he found out.
Jimin raises my shirt, and kisses my back. "Your back is cool, jungkookie." I hope he's not onto me already. I open my eyes.
"ngggh." I cry, his nails are digging into my skin. But for once, I guess it gives me an advantage.
"Poor baby." He coos, rubbing my back softly. "What hurts? Stomach? Chest? Head? Throat?" Jin comes over to sit on the couch, TaeHyung looks my direction, but doesn't say anything.
I don't know what to say, so I shrug. "Could be the flu." Jin says. "Are you achy? Tired?" I don't like being overwhelmed with questions, so it's not hard to act tired of them. I don't respond, again. "Kook."
"Guys, you're overwhelming him, stop." TaeHyung's voice is laced with sleep, he looks tired too. But he just keeps staring down at his tablet. I can't be sure, but I think he's drawing. He's been really into art lately, so I wouldn't be surprised. I'm excited to see what he did, if he wants to show me, anyway.
I cough, thinking again. Maybe I should 'have' the flu. I couldn't be that hard, mope around all day acting sad and tired, cuddle up to my members. Sounds easy enough. The only problem is when they decide to take me to a doctor, then I'm screwed. But jeon JungKook can make miraculous recovery's, right?
Jimin pulls my shirt down and I roll over to my stomach, groaning. I cough again, it doesn't come out as chesty as I wanted it to. "That didn't sound good.." Jimin whispers, "do you want some medicine?"
I debate in my head. Will taking some make me sick? I'll play it safe. I shake my head and point to my throat. "Cough drop?" He motions for TaeHyung, and he gets up, and hands one to me.
Jimin un wraps it, and puts it in my hand. I take it, beginning to suck on it lightly. I slowly sit myself up, and scoot over to TaeHyung. I want his affection. He doesn't say anything, and let's me curl up into him. This is all I need. For now at least, before the stylist appointment is over with the rest of the members, I want to have a conversation.
Like friends do.
He rest his arm around my shoulders, and keeps drawing. I can't tell what it is yet, but like Yoongi Hyung says, trust the process.
Speaking of him, Yoongi eyes me from the kitchen breakfeast bar. Namjoon is talking to him. I wonder if he knows.
Taehyung's phone rings, I look at the caller ID, euna. I sigh, as he looks at me sadly. He gets up, and walks away, to his room, probably.
I don't know why I'm getting emotional over this, but I can't help but tear up. My best friend is replacing me. I start to cry, Hoseok and Jimin are alarmed and come to cuddle me. Yoongi and Namjoon have left the room by now, and Jin watches from afar.
"You're feeling that bad, hm?" I can't tell how Hoseok feels. Sometimes he's very easy to read, but now, I can't tell.
"My poor baby. Poor, poor baby." Hoseok plays in my hair while Jimin shushes me. "It's okay kook, let it out." I just want Taehyung's affection, but he's not giving it to me. That thought alone makes me sob harder.
I work myself up to the point where my stomach spasms, and I'm being sick on the floor. My blonde hair hangs down, so Jimin gets a hold of it, using a hair tie to put it up. Hoseok goes pale, so Jin leads him out the room before coming back with a bucket.
I continue to be sick, until I physically can't anymore. I'm led back to bed, and tucked in. If anyone had any doubts about me faking before, I'm sure they don't now.
It's Tuesday. Yesterday I worked myself up to the point of being sick, but I feel fine now. I'm still in bed. Jimin stayed with me until I fell asleep, but now he's gone. I didn't see anymore of TaeHyung last night, assuming he was chatting with euna.
Speaking of which, tomorrow is the day. To figure out if TaeHyung will ditch a sick, sad Maknae for the stylist. And honestly, not to be dramatic or anything, but if I can't have TaeHyung, no one can. Euna will have to fight me to get to him. I love him so much. He's my best friend.
I cough, tears choking me up. I don't want to lose TaeHyung. I cough and cough, spluttering saliva onto my duvet. Yoongi comes in, hearing my pleas, and pats my back softly.
"I know what you're doing kook. I know how you feel, I know why you're doing it." I'm confused, I scrunch my eyebrows. "I did the same thing when Hoseok and Joon forgot all about me. I faked sick, and got Joon to stay home with me. Joon was all I had back then, and now that Hoseok was in the picture, I didn't feel like I had him anymore. I have your back, this isn't the right way to get TaeHyung, but I feel you, bud." I smile. "Now, let's get you a fever, hm?" I nod eagerly.
"TaeHyung-ah!" Yoongi calls out. I fall limp into Yoongi's arms as soon as TaeHyung walks in.
"Jungkookie!? Kookie? Is he okay? Hyung! He fainted!" I try my best not to smile, I drool a bit. Yoongi seems a little hesitant to wipe the saliva from my lips, but does it anyway.
He holds me steady as I sway side to side. He gives my shoulder a little shake before I 'come around'. "What the hell was that?" TaeHyung shouts, but not loud enough to wake any other members.
"Hyung we should take him to a doctor." He comes to sit on the bed behind me, and I fall into his chest. "Morning, kook. How do you feel, baby?" I wince and grip hold of my head.
"head..." I groan, whimpering quietly. I don't know what else to do.
"Do you have a migraine?" Yoongi whispers to me, I shrug, I've only had a couple, and I don't remember what they feel like.
Yoongi goes off to the cupboards in the bathroom, looking for pills. I don't know why, I'm not going to actually take them. "Hyungie... I don't feel well." I cry, TaeHyung coos.
"I know, baby. Hyungie knows." This is what I want. I lean into him for a hug.
"I don't think you should be going to the stylist tomorrow, boo." He tells me, I don't respond. What was I supposed to say to that?
"He shouldn't stay here alone either." Yoongi says, coming back with a cool washcloth and a bottle of medicine. I don't know what type, and I don't care either, I'm not taking them.
TaeHyung hesitates. "Uh.." he looks around the room. "I could stay here with him, and uh, take care of him." I can't help but smile a bit. Yoongi does too, nodding.
"thank you."
"Anything for you, pumpkin." We cuddle for the rest of the day.
TaeHyung wakes up the next morning with a terrible head cold. I would call it karma, because it's not on me, but, that is some bad luck.
"Let JungKook take care of you." I say to him. He just smiles, and hugs me.
I wrote this in an hour and ten minutes lmao. Also, Texas needs to get its act together. What's up with all this snow and rolling blackouts 😭 please-
I don't like snow. Reasons why I live in Texas-
~requests closed~ (because this was such a random chapter)
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