Jimin || "Help"
Sooooo, hello. I'm just going to say your in for a ride for this one. Have a great day!
I'm in a good mood lol
Trigger warning: inferred deathly disease, mentions of the dead, 'kidnapping'
The warm colors of the skies greeted Jimin. The way the oranges, pinks, and purples blended together to make the beautiful piece of art people call the sky, it really touched Jimin. How lucky he was to be able to live, to be able to breathe. To be able to laugh, to cry, to see, to hear. All the things he used to take for granted, until now. Until someone who used to be able to do all these things just stopped all together. They stopped breathing, they stopped moving, they stopped everything. And it only took a second. They fought for their life for years, they fought and fought. But all the treatments finally got to them. Their body couldn't take it, their bones were weak and fragile. The organs in which used to work perfectly just shut down. The muscles relaxed, the brain took a long term rest. A rest in which would last an eternity. In which Jimin, would never hug his best friend again. No more hospital visits, no more hugs, no more laughs, and no more suffering. For his friend at least, never again.
The sun dropped, the beautiful colors slowly fading into dark shades of blue and gray. Who knows how long he was sitting there. Just wondering, why? Why out of all people, did this happen to him? To his best friend, to someone who was there for him through everything. When Jimin was hurt, or upset. When he was happy and cheerful. His best friend was there for it all, and he wouldn't spend a second of his day without him if he could. Until everything came crashing down about four years ago. The diagnosis was probably harder for Jimin than it was for his friend. He let a few tears slip. He didn't care if he soaked his shirt anymore, he didn't care who found him. He didn't care about anything at the moment. All he wanted, was to hug his second brain cell. The idiot that loved him so much, the one who completed him. His everything, his reason to live.
He sobbed, letting each emotion invade the next. He was irritated, devastated, sad, angry, confused, and desperate. Desperate for change, desperate for anyone to come save him from the dangers of the world. Looking back at the sky, seeing how dark it turned within the last five minutes. Deep back, in which only Jimin's eye could see; lie a small star. The star was illuminated shyly, small and content. Enough for Jimin to see. The first star of the night. Wish for something Jimin, make a wish. Wish for everything to be okay, for safety and happiness. Wish for something greater than you have. You can breathe, you can sing, you can dance, while the dead can't. Wish for something worthy Jimin.
'I wish, I wish to be worry free, stress free, the only thing I want is happiness.'
You'll get there someday Jimin. Thinking about his wish, he begins to think of things that make him happy. That make his struggles go away. Dance, music, singing. These things make him feel content, make him feel happy and excited. But he wants to feel free. Alive. And not like he is a hamster stuck in a hamster ball filled with emotions. Falling over and over again unable to get up, the ball's quick movements and sensitivity made everything that much harder. It piles up on him just wanting to find the best moment to tear him down. The one thing that makes him feel free, for real free; is drinking. It completely destroys all negative thoughts in his mind, and since he can handle a good amount of alcohol he should be fine. He'll be okay.
But nagging him at the back of his head, is a quiet voice telling him to take someone with him. That he's not going to be okay. But everyone has that voice right? It's his self doubt, it's always here. It's always there to tear him down, and tell him the most pessimistic things you could imagine. Telling him that everyone is going to leave him one day, or that everything is always his fault. But he's beat those thoughts, they tore him down before. He beat them, they will not make a reappearance. Never again, those were the worst years of his life. But thank God, that his best friends were there to help. Not only the 6 members, but the one who can't join him today.
He gets up, staring at the now star covered sky. The beautiful warm colors now replaced with ones that most would think represent depressing and negative thoughts, but Jimin. He still sees the wonderful smile that illuminates from the person he loved most. Leaving it on that note, he gathers himself. Wiping the fresh tears off his face, breathing deeply and exhaling heavily. Gaining his emotional strength to slide the French door open, revealing the dark house. All the lights were off except one, Yoongi's room. The older always stayed up late with the maknae's making sure they weren't getting into trouble or just staying up to catch up on lyric writing or producing.
He drags his way up the stairs following the soft glow of Yoongi's lamp. Jimin enters the room, just in time to see the latter's head drop down onto the table. Snores exit his lips, his pencil dropping against the table leaving a scribble mark onto the paper. The lamp remains on, and his phone is plugged into the outlet on the wall right behind his desk. Across the desk in his piano, on the top of the piano lie sheets of paper and an empty mug. In which Jimin assumes was once filled with coffee.
Jimin shakes his Hyung lightly, getting ready to inform him that he was leaving. He was going to ask if Yoongi wanted to join him of course, until he noticed his Hyung's state. Tired, and sleep deprived. He was in no state to leave the house, the latter grumbled clearly annoyed as he had just fallen asleep.
"Hyung," Jimin whispers softly, careful not to startle the older more than he already had. "Hyung," He says again after waiting a little bit, only to be greeted with silence.
"Jiminie? Are you okay.. do you need something?" The rapper states, his voice clearly hoarse from just waking up. Jimin shakes his head, amused at his Hyung's generous actions. Usually the older was a little grumpy after waking up. Today worked out in Jimin's favor, for once he thought. All though, this wouldn't last long.
"Hey?" The half asleep rapper questions, not finishing his sentence as he was interrupted.
"What's wrong Hyung?" Jimin states again, whispering in the same tone as the older.
"Why do you have that big coat on?" Yoongi notices in his barely conscious state that the vocalist has put on a big winter coat. The dorm usually wasn't that cold unless Jungkook was feeling stylish and wanted to have a reason for wearing a big windbreaker jacket. Jimin chuckles at his sudden comment, while trying to keep cool. There is absolutely no reason for Yoongi to know why he's leaving, he doesn't want to worry him after all.
"No reason, just cold I guess." Yoongi seems to believe this answer, nodding and laying his head back on the desk. Jimin sighs, grabbing the stray pencil from off the table and slightly whacking his Hyung with it. Yoongi jumps, wincing at the sudden stinging in his left arm.
"Why don't you sleep in the bed Hyung? Not on the uncomfortable cold desk."
"Because I wanted to, I'll go now I guess." The older replies to Jimin, getting up slowly and making his way to the bed. Jimin can't help but think of his friend, how he used to fall asleep at his desk when Jimin came over to study. They always studied late at night, waiting until the night before a test. Luckily for them, they were smart and rarely failed. And when they did, the other would laugh at them before continuing to tell the other to study more next time. Of course they never did, but it was fun; and that's all that mattered to them at the moment.
Jimin exited the room after knowing that Yoongi was safe in bed, and the lamp was turned off. As soon as Jimin exited the room, the soft snoring returned. He sighed in relief knowing that he wouldn't be caught. Everyone was tired from the intense practice that day. They were practically there all day, getting maybe three ten minute breaks. Everyone just needed a day off to celebrate a successful comeback, and all their hard work.
Jimin slides on his shoes, they are flat with a small charm on the top. He adores those shoes, it reminds him of his friends shoe collection. It was massive, name any type of shoe; he had it. It was crazy, Jimin would always go shoe hunting in his closet. Since the mochi was always on the smaller scale, he could always have the hand me downs. Which he loved, who doesn't like free things?
He turns on the engine in his car, placing his face mask across his ears but leaving the actual mask part on his chin. He leans back in his seat, putting his head back on the head rest. Which doesn't do him much good, it gives him neck pains. But at this point, he could care less. He just wanted to feel free.
'How am I going to get the car back?' He thinks to himself, too distracted on getting out the house to realize he can't drive when he's drunk. He sighs, quite heavily. Taking out the keys and standing up again, exiting his car. He's just going to have to walk. The bar isn't that far anyways, maybe a mile or so.
By now, the sky is a medium shade of purple with little swirls of black in the mix. The stars top off the scene like sprinkles on the cake. He walks silently, letting his eyes wander off into the distance as he remembers his surroundings. He takes out his phone from his pocket hitting the side button to see the illuminating light it produces. He blinks rapidly, not use to the sudden lighting change. The time read, 11:36 pm. Usually the members would stay up until midnight. But today was just so exhausting.
After 15 minutes of walking the vocalist finally arrives at the bar. The bar he chose to go to had private suites for anyone who payed, or an idol. So they wouldn't be bothered, or worse taken advantage of while drunk or tipsy. Jimin smiled as he entered the building, getting excited about the 'free' feeling he had learned to love so much over the past month. He would come at least once a week, just waiting to feel free again. Different people serving him every time. This one man however, was always there.
He was always staring into Jimin's eyes deeply, giving off a bit of discomfort and frustration to the latter. The man never served him however, which is probably for the best.
Jimin walked straight up to the bartender, sliding his arm against the bar's granite counters. He tapped his fingers against the table waiting for someone to grant his request. Eventually a middle aged woman, around the age of 34 walked up to him.
"How can I help you?"
"I would like a-uh suite please."
"Just for you?" In other words, 'what are you thinking drinking alone. Especially a celebrity, who can't drive home because they will probably end up getting drunk.'
"Yes." He fidgeted with his fingers, putting his head down suddenly feeling ashamed. The woman stared at him, and then smiled yet again.
"May I see your ID please?" She asked softly. The suspicious man turns around, seeing that Jimin is alone in the bar. The man smiled at Jimin, in which Jimin doesn't notice as his head is down. Jimin digs in his pocket and finds his wallet. Inside of the wallet is his ID, in which he casually slides across the counter tops to the woman. She gets the memo, looking at the card to were only she can see it. No one needs to know that a K-pop idol is currently alone in a bar.
"Alright, I'll take you up to your suite. It's the third one on the second floor. No balconies." Jimin nods, standing up to follow the woman. Thank goodness it didn't have a balcony, or the young male probably would have fallen off how emotionally unstable he was at the moment. He slid the ID back in his wallet, and the wallet back in his pocket. Not taking much notice to the man staring at the lose dollar bills barely hanging on into the wallet.
The woman leads Jimin into a private suite, exactly where she told him he would be. The suite is quite large, probably too large for one person. The room is decorated nicely, with pictures ranging from abstract to real photos. The couch is a pull out bed, for who knows what reason. It's teal, and the ordering station is right across from it. He takes a seat at the ordering station after the woman leaves, and immediately orders a drink. He orders a shot or two of Sambuca, now turning on the T.V waiting for his drink to arrive. The woman eventually arrives, carrying two shots of Sambuca in shots glasses.
"I'm Min-Hee by the way." The woman says in quite a calm tone to Jimin.
"Oh, hello Min-Hee."
A couple shots later and he is really starting to feel the effects of drinking, he's not drunk yet. But he definitely isn't sober either. Tipsy, is the word to describe it. His whole body tingles with that feeling he loves, being free. He can do whatever he wants and not feel trapped in the enclosures of the world, two walls closing in on him until he can't breathe. He feels, alive. He feels like he could do anything, of course nothing ridiculous as he still has some of his right mind with him. Thinking about it, Jimin must have taken a lot of shots. Knowing that his body digests alcohol quite quickly, this scares him. How much did he actually drink?
He grabs his phone, checking the time once more. 2:46 am. It's only been three hours. The members would be awake in 3 more hours for practice, and Jimin hadn't slept at all. He felt drowsy, tipsy, tired. And anything but free at this point, he knew he probably wouldn't get a hangover. And if he did it would only be a slight headache, but he still needed sleep. So Jimin's only goal, was to get home.
Thinking, or attempting to think with his brain in an abnormal state, he didn't want to walk. He wanted to sleep, and walking requires too much effort for the vocalist. He stood up, wobbling a little. Placing a hand on the table for support, breathing heavily from all the effort it took him to get off the couch. He stood there for a second, pondering his options. He needed a ride.
As if I'm cue, the same man who eyed his loser dollar bills entered the room. The door screeched quite loudly when he opened the door, alerting Jimin if someone else's presence.
"Min-Hee! Hi, you're back quick!" Jimin aimlessly guesses the figure at the door, giggling a bit at the tone he used. He turns now facing the door, to hopefully greet the middle aged woman once again.
"I'm not Min-Hee, Jimin. I'm your ride home." Jimin's expression changes, looking once happy to now surprised.
"Oh oh, did I ask you before? Ohh it was probably Yoongi Hyung," Jimin goes on and on naming the people who could have given him a ride, pausing every now and then to think of more people to name. All of a sudden his talking stops, and a hand is clamped against his mouth. The man grabs Jimin by the collar, looking straight into his soul.
"Come with me. Now." Jimin complies, not wanting to be hurt further. The way the man had grabbed his collar had let the fabric run against his skin, burning it and leaving red marks all over his neck. Jimin walks slowly beside the man, face full of fear and confusion. The man leads him to a white car, Jimin trying to remember the license plate; failing miserably.
"Get in." He says harshly, and shoves Jimin in the car like a cop would shove a soon to be inmate. Jimin's neck hurts at the contact, still complying begging to be taken home.
"Are you going t-to take me home?"
"Yes Jimin, home,"
"Oh, thank you."
"No problem, Jimin. There is a catch though."
"What is it?"
"Give me your money."
Jimin goes silent, putting his head down as the older man starts the car. He drives full speed, racing against the other cars driving at 3 in the morning. Reaching or his phone that was in his pocket, the man also reaches into his pocket.
"Looking for this?" The latter announces in the car, holding up the matte black phone. Jimin reaches for it, but before he can grab it the man snatched it away. Confused, Jimin speaks up.
"Why can't I have it?" The man sighs, clearly annoyed at Jimin's uncooperative tipsy behavior. Jimin gets the message, sighing as well. He turns his head to look out the window, seeing the world fly past at the lighting speed driving. He tries to focus on the beautiful trees spread out across the land, and the occasional buildings. There aren't many places you can go in Seoul without buildings, so he enjoys the time with the pollution free air and the beautiful city. The stars in the sky are slowly fading by the minute, now clear that they have been driving for around an hour. How far is he taking me? The younger wonders.
"Sir? When are we getting home?"
"Stop asking, or pay up." The man is slowly getting annoyed at Jimin's constant tapping on the window, constant curiosity, and constant loud swallowing.
"No." The latter had finally had enough of Jimin's silly actions, and his disobedience toward the man. He looked back, surprisingly parking perfectly right outside an alley way to get to a shopping mall. He stops the car, getting out to 'help' Jimin out the car, even thought he ends up throwing him to the cub in the alley way.
His arm hits the curb, now pulsing in pain. He tried to get up and run, it's harder than you think. He's not only hurt, but not sobered up completely. His arm hurts and his chest is going up and down quicker and more shallow than the average person. He's just been kidnapped and is about to get beaten up.
The man eventually gets out the car, making his way over to Jimin. Jimin makes himself as small as he possibly can, hiding his arm from the man. He punches, kicks, scratches, hits, everything.
"Guys! It's Jimin! From Bts!" The sound of teenage girls interrupt the beating session and the man flees the scene. Jimin is left on the floor, now free to the public. Closing his eyes, finally getting to be pain free.
I decided to end it here because it was getting long lmao. I will be making a part two! Have a great day y'all! Happy birthday Namjoon!
~All Requests Closed~
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