Jimin || Heat exhsuation
This is a request by, @lovetoreadbts
I hope this is what you wanted! 💜
"Hey Jimin-ssi. How are you feeling?" Jin asked lightly shaking the younger awake.
"You sure? We don't have to go if you still feel sick."
Jimin had just got over his cold, along side of a low grade fever. The boys had all gotten 3 days off because of this, not risking more catching it. Luckily no one else did.
Jimin was still a bit congested, but his fever and all other signs of illness had passed. So the manager decided to hold off on one more day of dance, and instead film a 'Run! Bts' episode. In this episode the boys would have to climb a tall and steep hill, and then slide down like it was snowing. All while trying to point out things in the distance off the list.
It's the middle of summer for goodness sakes. It was a very steep hill and it was very hot outside. No fun.
"I'm okay Jin Hyung."
"If you say so, tell me if you feel ill while we are there okay?"
The duo walked out the the kitchen area to be greeted by 'good mornings' and 'how are you feeling Jiminie'. They took their seats and started to enjoy the lovely (tehe) breakfast Jin has prepared before waking everyone.
They then gathered their bags, filled with water and some emergency meds. They loaded up the mini van and started to drive off. By now it was 10:30.
Jimin was starting to become very tired, probably his mind playing the placebo game. His eyes threatened to close, him fighting hard against it.
"You can lay on my shoulder until we get there Jiminie."
Without responding he placed his head onto Hoseoks shoulder resting his arm gently around his torso. The older responds by pulling him in closer moving his head down to his lap. (Lmao description is wack) Jimin falls asleep without a care in the world.
Once they arrived Hoseok woke up Jimin with a little shake, careful not to startle him.
"We are there Jiminie."
"Ok I'm coming."
They are starting off by climbing the smallest hill, which is surprisingly big. It's steep, but it's not as long as the bigger ones. Jimin was beginning to feel tired walking up, but that's normal. He was more of a light headed tired. But hey, he could handle it.
The ride down didn't help this feeling, sliding down a hill having to pay close attention to your surrounding to win the game made his head pound. But he sucked it up for Army.
The poor boy's body had played a placebo on him. He was feeling so good, and now everything went down hill. His head pounded, his nose was stuffy, his chest hurt, and he was sweating more than ever.
The heat only made everything worse.
They moved on the the slightly bigger hill, the heat beating everyone up. The sun felt like bullets hitting his skin. He was sweating so much. He felt like he could fall over at any moment. But he had to keep going. Just one more step, then I'll tell my Hyungs.
But he kept saying that after every step.
And then his mind went blank. His vision black.
Jimin collapsed onto the ground around halfway up the hill, rolling slightly down it before being caught by the shins of Yoongi who was walking only a bit slower than Jimin.
Only hearing a grunt from the rapper, everyone turns around as Yonngi looks down to an ill boy fainted on the ground.
"Jimin? Guys he's fainted. Get me some water." The eldest rapper announces to the group.
Without responde Jin reaches in his bag and grabs a bottle of water. Yoongi opens the bottle pouring a bit into his hands, then onto the younger's face.
"We need to get him shade, even if he does come around right now he will just faint again."
"Good idea."
JungKook, taking this as his que comes in and picks his Hyung off the floor. Cradling him in his arms to make him feel safe. Even if he isn't conscious.
They take him down the hill, JungKook nearly falling because of how steep it is, and into the medics tent.
"Medics! We need help, Jimin has fainted."
"Lay him here." The medic immediately replied back seeing Jimin in the maknaes arms. She points to a patio relaxed chair, so the ill one can lie down.
"He's probably dehydrated, and he's burning up." The medic informs the boys placing a hand on his forehead. The walks to the fan, only feet away. Turning it on a placing beside Jimin.
Jimin slowly awakens, eyes dazed and ready to cry.
"Morning sweetie, can you drink some water for me?" Jin greets the 3rd youngest member. Groggy, Jimin replies by making grabby hands toward the water bottle Yoongi is holding.
Jimin drinks half the bottle before deciding it's enough.
"A little bit more for me hun, you are really dehydrated." Jimin complies taking one last small sip, then resting his head back down.
Jimin lies in bed, feeling the weight of another members head on his chest. As well as an arm around his midsection. Jimin got his arm loose from the blanket, using it to stroke JungKook's hair. The younger sighed, relaxed.
I thought he was supposed to take care of me?
Ok so, that was really short. I'm sorry... I didn't know where to take it. But anyways,
TaeHyung requests closed
~JungKook requests Open~
This has nothing to do with the story but uh, I changed my friends contact name to
Little ______ Meow meow (the underscores are for her name.) Her name starts with L, and she acts like Yoongi. So I mean, why not lmao.
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