Jimin || abused
Hello hello! I literally have nothing to say except for thanks for 15k!! That's crazy.... I feel so.. like... not quite empowered, but rewarded. So thanks, for making me feel good. 💜💜💜
Requested by @chim_096 thank you thank you
Trigger warning~ Abusive actions (physical), claustrophobia
Although the third youngest of the group, Jimin was one of the most responsible out of the seven. He took care of himself, and others, making sure they were happy and healthy. There is reasoning for this, when he was young, he never had anyone to take care of him. His mom was always working long hours, and although Jimin's dad loved and cared for him, he never liked the idea of his son being an idol. He thought a doctor or a police officer was more fitting for his boy.
Even with this, he continued to pursue his passion in dance. He attended a fine arts college, and became the idol he was today. Jimin is proud to say, that he is quite proud of himself. He has also taken tumbling classes, which included tons of different flips and tricks; in which he is also very proud of.
You could say, that he is confident in his dancing. Yet he is humble, he can help people and teach them how to do it. He knows when to stop talking about himself, and he's very calm in general about his very known dancing talent. And so he takes on every single choreo he is given, although, there was one time where he was supposed to flip off of V's shoulder, but he declined it, thinking carefully on how it would affect the younger. He had experienced shoulder problems in the past, and Jimin knew how bad it was to apply any sort of pressure to the shoulder.
So when Taehyung gave him a concerned look when the choreographer announced the section of the choreo, he simply said, "I don't feel safe doing this." and so it was arranged for them to change the choreo. It took some convincing, and some let down of his excitement and pride over the song, but it was for Taehyung. So he didn't mind.
"Alright boys, start it from the top." They had just finished learning the dance for Fake Love, not the normal dance; but the special performance for an award show. It was indeed hard for Jimin to convert his mind from doing the old dance, in fact he had to go over each step in his head before preforming it. Especially the flip part. There was a portion where Taehyung and Jungkook would flip him into the air, from his back. Jimin would have to use his own core strength in order not to end up kicking either of them in the face, or sweep them off their feet when he landed.
In the original dance, this flip was non existent. There was no flip, just intense sharp and organic movements. Which had gotten Jimin used to the previous dance, leaving his flip now very stretched and complicated for him to regrip.
"Yes, nim." And so they danced, stopping at certain parts of the dance to make sure everyone was doing it right. Hoseok caught Jimin turning the wrong way once or twice, and corrected him. Any other time, it wasn't him that messed up. The choreographer seemed very pleased with Jungkook today, a lot more than usual.
"Very good Jungkook-ssi. Jimin try moving a bit to the left so Jungkook is more in the center." No, that was all wrong. They were supposed to share the spotlight in this part. Hoseok had told him earlier. "Move Jimin, now please." So he did, stepping a bit further to the left. The dance instructor looked pleased, and started the music again.
"That was good Jungkook! It's amazing how much you are improving!" He praised the maknae, he seemed especially fond of him today. "Oh and Jimin, put some emotion on your face please. You look dead inside."
"But nim, we just learned the choreography, I think he's just concentrating right now," Jin spoke up, moving out of his spot in the formation. Jimin stood, head down, knowing the consequences he was going to receive from Jin's actions. "Give him a break."
"I didn't ask, did I? I'm pretty sure he has a degree in dance, he should be doing better than whatever this is."
"It's his first time doing this choreography, nim-hyung." Jungkook stood up for his older brother.
"You're right Jungkook, you have one more chance Jimin. From the top, I want to see no mistakes." It was their first time actually focusing on this dance, how were they supposed to get it perfect? Everyone was bound to mess up at some point, even Jungkook and Hoseok!
It was time for the flip, and Jimin was sliding into his place on the floor, laying down. He gripped Taehyung and Jungkook's hand, getting ready to push himself up. He used all of his core strength to bring himself up as he felt his feet leave the ground.
"Jimin! Straighten your legs!" He shouted it quite harshly, scaring Jimin to the point of him loosing his grip of Jungkook. Jungkook was also shocked, and fell to the ground.
Jimin was still in the air, letting go of Taehyung's hand. He fell directly onto Jungkook's arm, confused and dazed.
"Jungkook? Jimin?" Namjoon and Yoongi syncronised with each other, running over to the two. Taehyung looked shocked, and didn't do anything about the situation.
"Jimin this is all your fault!" The dancer instructor screamed. Jungkook stayed sprawled out on the floor, his good arm guarding his injured one. It was all swollen and bruised, you could see all the purple and red patches forming along the side of his arm and near his shoulder. His elbow looked like it was bent the other way, 100% dislocated. His forearm looked to be severely broken or bruised on the bone at the very least. It definitely was not a good sight.
Jimin stood up, careful not to injure Jungkook more. He had tears in his eyes and he looked pale in the face. He put his hands out in front of him, and stared into them.
"I'm sorry."
He let his tears drip, letting them stain his face with evidence of emotion. He was patted and comforted, but nothing seemed to work. And before he knew it, Jungkook was in a cast sitting in the corner of the room while the rest of them danced.
"Jimin! Come on now! Do it right or get out!" The instructor only seemed to get even more mad at Jimin the more he tried. Everything he did seemed to upset the instructor, he had never been so harsh on him in his life. "That's it, in the hall; let's go. Fix yourself and come on." He said sternly, grabbing Jimin's wrist. "The rest of you, continue." Was all he said before Jimin was being harshly dragged into the hallway, the teacher's nails dug deep into his wrist. But he didn't complain, all he did was watch as he was dragged away.
"You worthless little piece of nothing!" He kicked him in the shins as soon as he was away from the room. "You are so lucky you haven't been kicked out of Bangtan! If I could, I would make you all soloists. So Jungkook could shine, and leave the rest of you to burn in chambles." He kicked him again.
"I'm sorry." Jimin didn't cry, he knew the punishments would be worse if he did.
"Don't you dare tell anyone," He slapped him on his face, it left a red handprint on his cheek. "Or this will get worse." Thankfully, the mark wasn't dark enough for it to stay, so it faded eventually. Jimin kept his wincing to a minimum, not wanting to be called a baby, or a wimp. "Now leave the studio, or leave Bangtan." Jimin walked out of the building, letting his emotions finally show, crying into his hoodie.
"Alright boys, Jimin just had to go home because of some family issues. So if he seems a little down, that's why. Let him be, don't pester him." He spoke in a lighter tone than before, making sure all the members believed him; they did.
Like that, practice was concluded.
"Hey Jimin, want something for dinner?" Jimin had been in his room all day, limiting himself to only coming out for restroom breaks. Jin was standing outside outside the door, softly trying to get him out of the room Jimin and Hoseok shared. "You must be hungry after such a long day. I made your favorite, kimchi."
"No." He sounded almost in tears, ready to run into someone's arms.
"Come out when you are ready, babe." And so he did, he came running out of the room, letting his hyung embrace him in the biggest hug. "Tell me baby, tell me everything."
"Not yet, no no no."
"Whenever you're ready okay? Did namager nim give you a break to regain yourself?" He shook his head. "Okay, I'll ask him."
"No, you can't."
"Why, love?"
"B-because, you can't."
"I'm leaving guys, dance teacher-nim wanted to go over some moves with me."
"Alright, be safe Jimin."
He set off to the studios, after receiving a call from the instructor that he wanted to have a small session with him to go over some improvised moves. After all, Jungkook would definitely not be ready to dance anytime soon. Therefore, the choreography was going to need some changes to it was coherent while missing a member, of course it'll wouldn't be perfect while they are missing someone, but at least they needed to make it worthy to perform for Army.
"I see you've made it, not late for once." The instructor said with a chuckle at the end. "Come on." He motioned to the hallway. Jimin shuddered at the thought of being hit and kicked again, it made him cringe and flinch at every sudden movement.
"Get against the wall, brat." Jimin simply complied, he couldn't stand up for himself. He felt weak, small, like a wimp. He felt like he had no control, he felt helpless. He got kicked, he got punched. He went as far as taking him into his office.
He forced him inside the small clost he had in the corner of his room, it made Jimin feel trapped and like he couldn't breathe. It was sickening. But he let it happen, because he felt he should stay silent. Struggle alone. And soon enough, the torturer left. Locked the door, and left him, to suffocate from lack of oxygen.
Jimin was getting dizzy, he felt the world spin around him as he struggled for each breath. Each breath felt like a reward after the gasping and fighting to stay conscious. His knees tucked up to his chest, his butt ached from sitting so long and his neck was growing strained. He felt his back piercing through his skin, making him feel tight and in pain. But soon enough, he lost his bearings, and was greeted with darkness. Hopefully, someone would rescue him, and soon.
"Has anyone seen Jimin, I'm getting worried." Jungkook asked the room, the six were all watching Moana after Jungkook and Taehyung had begged and pleaded. Claiming that they don't spend enough time as a family, they tried calling Jimin; but he didn't answer.
"I'll go see if I can find him, maybe ask dance teacher nim- maybe his phone died." Namjoon said, getting up from the couch.
"Jimin?" He called out, he opened each door with his spare keys. He had a key for every door after manager-nim had the scare of loosing his keys, they gave Namjoon extras, because he was the leader. "Jimin-ssi? This isn't funny, are you okay?" He opened the door to the choreographers office, and immediately heard raspy breathes. He didn't bother knocking or asking to come in, he needed to find Jimin. He checked everywhere in the room, no where.
And the breathes got louder, so he went to check the closet. He unlocked the door slowly, opening it and gasping at the sight. There he was, curled up in a ball, his small and fragile frame looked extra small bundled up in the closet. "Jimin? Oh my gosh! What the fu-" And then the choreographer entered. Namjoon pulled his phone out, and called 911, making sure he knew which direction the instructor ran.
(I was originally planned on making the teacher frame Namjoon, but that would be sooo long hahahha.)
He was arrested, and Jimin was okay. He would suffer PTSD in the future, and Jungkook would always have a small guilt feeling in the bottom of his heart, but that's okay. Because their members would always be there for them.
So.... How did you like it? I found this one kind of hard to write, but I did it! I have been thinking of choosing classes within the medical field, since it is something I really enjoy learning about and all, but I'm trying to decide what's right for me. I'm excited for my future, but for now I will live in my season and do what I'm doing now.
I hope you all stay well, take good care of yourselves. Take some time off, get yourself happy again.
That includes you. <3
~Hoseok Requests Open~
Woot woot open requestsssss
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