Hoseok || Fainted(ish)
Anyway this was requested by @LittleMochiCake so yea (it's not finished and I truly apologize but I literally can't physically finish it anymore)
Hoseok's POV
"I'm sorry you're not feeling well." I never really face time people when I first wake up, but when my phone rang and I saw the contact name, I had to pick up. I haven't chatted with my sister in about a month.
I brush my hair out of my face and try my best to continue the conversation. I've been feeling a bit off since last night, so I went to bed early in hopes to sleep it off; spoiler alert, it didn't work.
"It's alright," I sighed. "I just hope we don't loose more than two members. It's comeback season, staff have been dropping like flies from the same thing." My throats already getting dry, and I can tell I'll be the next member to catch this flu. I just hope I can be as productive as I can before it hits its full swing.
"Make sure you eat today, okay?" I'm on the phone with my sister, just giving her a life update. We try to talk as frequently as we can, but she's quite busy as a newly wed. Which is very exciting. One day, I really hope to get married.
"Alright. I love you noona. Talk to you later? I have to go." My voice is raspy, and I can hear her chuckle on the other side of the line.
"Alright, I love you too Hobi." She's the first to hang up, and as I'm not the only member home, I have to try and muffle my coughs as best as I can.
I untangle myself from the covers, and head to the shower. It's not a day off, but out of all the members, I have the clearest schedule for the day. I can't imagine how miserable I would be if I had an intense schedule today, much like RM does.
Jimin's already left the house, so I have the whole bathroom to myself. I take my time showering, brushing my hair, and using the toilet. It feels nice to finally have time to care for myself.
Although I do have the advantage to the whole bathroom to myself this morning, it doesn't run all that smoothly. I turned the shower to a high temperature, and because I had all this time, I couldn't resist standing in there for a good ten minutes before actually washing myself.
I guess you could say the heat was a bit much, since I was beginning to feel light headed, but holding onto the small shelf was enough to keep me steady. I had a bit of a mini heart attack when reaching to turn the water off, though.
I let go of the shelf, and because my head was spinning, I slipped a little before catching myself. At that point I decided to get out of the shower to the dry ground before turning off the water. It was probably safer that way anyway.
"Morning, hyung." Was the only greeting I got from Taehyung. He was on lunch break, and decided to come back home to make something. He got two hours, and it was smart of him to come back to make something nutritious instead of takeout everyday. "Do you mind trying to wake Jungkook? He keeps throwing pillows at me when I try, it's almost noon, his schedule starts soon."
"Sure." I'm really lucky that waking up a bit and clearing my throat helped my voice. Sure, it still hurts to talk, but it doesn't seem as noticeable to anyone but me. I make my way to the maknae's room, and as V said, he's still asleep.
"Jungkookie," I would usually sing his voice in a silly way, but my throat just won't allow it.
"Out." He said before throwing a pillow, which somehow, ended up hitting me in the face. "Please." The please was so small, and so desperate that I actually was about to spin on my heel and leave the room, but I can't do that. We have work.
"Jungkook-ah," I clear my throat before I speak. "You don't have much time, it's almost noon." Jungkook cries a bit at my response, and shifts so he's no longer facing the door. The maknae only has one pillow, so he has no more weapons to use against me. "Jungkookie, you're never like this. What's wrong?"
"ugh, so now I'm not allowed to have a day where I just don't feel like it. There always has to be something wrong, because I'm always 'so perfect'." He says, the last part being sarcastic. Now I know for sure something is wrong, he's never acted this way before. Sure, he has his moments, but he's never this rude.
I say nothing more, I only go sit beside him on his bed and hold him. And come to think of it, he feels pretty warm. I gently place my hand on his forehead before he can fight me off. "You're sweating, ggukie."
"I know." He relaxes his muscles a bit and leans into me. "I don't feel too well." Winner winner. Getting Jungkook to open up to you is quite hard, but once you break down his little wall, he'll tell you anything.
"I'll be back, okay?" I say. He nods and slowly lifts himself off of me. I leave the room, and make my way to the dinning room, where Taehyung sits eating his lunch.
"Taehyungie, Jungkook is sick. I think-"
"I can stay with him." Taehyung says. I really wish he would've let me, because I don't feel my best either. But I can't protest now, because that will blow my cover. "My schedule isn't too important, I can just shoot Namjoon-hyung and Manager-nim a text."
"Alright, you take care. Call me if they won't let you stay."
"Okay, hyung. Bye."
I've only just arrived at the building, but I'm already super tired. I can't imagine how I'll feel after the dance session.
I've been called to the studio to help choreograph our new song, but, the choreographer had to cancel, so now it's just Jimin and I. In the new building, our practice room is huge, and with just the two of us in here, it seems way bigger than it is.
"Good morning, hyung." Jimin calls out to me as I enter. I don't have the energy to say anything back, so I just wave. "We'll start with the title track, since that's one of the only songs that are ready." I nod, silently agreeing with him.
I try my best to add plenty of moves into the dance, but I'm so tired. I can barely even remember the first 8 count, which is a breeze since it's the start of the song.
The tape markings by the mirror start to mush together in my vision, and I keep running into Jimin. He's let it slide the first couple of times, but now he seems more annoyed.
"Hyung, I know we are just putting it together, but.." he sighs. "You're supposed to be on 2.. I'm not sure how you're getting all the way to me at 6. That's like 4 whole feet."
"Sorry, Jimin. I'm sure I'll pick it up when there's more people, and not much space for me to move." Jimin just nods.
My lack of breakfast and fever make me disoriented. So I can't really help it when I bump into Jimin again. "Hyung!" He tried to regain his temper when I sheepishly hide my face. His sudden screaming scared me, and I instinctively took a few steps back. "I don't know whats up with you today.. are you sure you're alright?"
"I'm fine." My voice cracks in the middle, but it's only small, and I don't think Jimin picked it up.
"Do you need water or something? I can get you a bottle." Water hurts going down my throat, and I don't need Jimin seeing me wince at every swallow. I shake my head.
Jimin looks down at his watch. It's been almost two hours since we started, and we've only gotten through 4 eight counts.
"I need to go, I have vocal lessons soon."
Dance practice the next day is hell. We thought about ending it early, since JungKook, who is center in most formations isnt here. But our instructor insists we get as much practice as we can before the drop.
Im burning with fever, my mouth is dry, and my muscles and limbs ache. I feel like I weigh double what I normally do. Sliding into new formations takes me a while second longer than what it should, and I'm always half a second late.
"Hoseok... It's a simple 2 step. You don't even need to count. You're doing two steps, not the electric slide, that's for v. Do you want me to count for you? Would that help?"
I can hear so many voices around me, chanting things out. Everyone's trying to help, but I can only concentrate on one. My head hurts, I'm dizzy, and the ground is awfully closer than what I remember it being.
I can't breathe, everyone is so loud. I can't hear my own thoughts or my own breathing.
"Hoseok, breathe."
"Calm down."
I feel someone's hand around my waist, steadying my swaying. I don't know who it is, but I really don't care.
I feel the wind around me as I drop to the floor, hoping someone caught me.
"...obi? hobi?" I groan a bit as I come around. My head still hurts, and taking a quick nap didn't seem to help regain my energy.
"Good morning, hob-ah, it's jin-hyung. Open your eyes.."
And thats were i left off. Let me see— june 15th. Yea.
Thank you so much for everything through writing this book, and for everyone who's request was not filled, I'm super duper sorry! That's 7 people who never got their stories! I hope other authors can fulfill your hopes, as I couldn't. :(
(Don't forget, my dm's are always open!)
Enjoy the rest of you day/night everyone. See you around?
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