13 - The Truth Behind the Myth
Wu Chen sat comfortably on his horse as he and Lu Yong traveled together along the Eastern road. They had only needed a few days to prepare for the quest, and he was more than happy to finally be on his way.
The two men had been riding for most of the day, and the sun was getting ready to set. Lu Yong pointed to an embankment by a small stream.
'We'll stop here for the night. The horses need the rest.'
Wu Chen nodded, and they turned their horses toward the water.
Their first goal was to reach Rizhao, a small town on the outskirts of the Guilin Forest. They could restock their provisions there and rest in decent beds for a day or two. 500 silver taels sounded like a lot, but they had months of travel ahead, and it would run out quickly if they weren't careful. Camping out, though a little risky, was the better option in the long run.
Lu Yong reached the area first and dismounted in a smooth motion. 'Go ahead and get a fire going. I'll take care of the horses.' He said with a small smile.
Wu Chen nodded again and dismounted, handing the reins to Lu Yong. While his Guardian led the horses to a small grassy spot nearby, Wu Chen took a quick look around. He found a decent spot within easy reach of the stream and spent some time clearing a small area. Then he gathered fallen branches, sticks, and some dried leaves. Materials in hand, he started working on the fire. As the night descended fully, a cheery fire lit the encroaching darkness. A neat pile of broken branches was left nearby to feed it.
With that small task taken care of, he walked down to the stream and washed the dirt from his hands and face. Then he cupped his hands and took a drink. The water was cold and invigorating. He had to admit, it felt good to be out on his own away from the busy clan.
He was no stranger to sleeping under the stars. He often went hunting to help add to the stock of the Wu Clan's stores. It just felt different this time. He refilled his waterskin and headed back towards the fire to start unpacking some of the provisions his father had supplied.
Lu Yong finished settling the horses and headed to the stream to clean up as well. He spent the time gathering his thoughts. He knew Wu Chen had questions. He'd been polite enough not to press him on the past, but eventually, his curiosity would get the better of him. It was only a matter of when. It was probably better to just tell him a watered-down version. Enough to satisfy his curiosity without revealing the whole truth. He didn't need to know everything, and Lu Yong wasn't ready to reveal everything either. Some memories were just too painful.
He returned to the fire and accepted the steamed bun Wu Chen offered. He didn't really need to eat, but it gave his hands something to do. He took a bite and chewed slowly as he came to his decision.
Wu Chen stole a glance at Lu Yong. He wondered how to bring up the questions burning within him. The two had finally fallen into a comfortable enough relationship now, and he didn't want to drive a wedge between them. He poked at the fire absently and ran several scenarios through his mind.
Lu Yong finished the bun, took a sip from his skin, and sighed. He stretched out and laid on his side with his head resting on his fist, his other arm laying comfortably on his waist. He watched Wu Chen for a while, knowing the thoughts going through his head, and finally said quietly, 'He never poured blood on me.'
'What?' Wu Chen sat up, his full focus on the relaxed man next to him.
'Wu Chen never cut his arm and poured blood on me.' Lu Yong gave a grim half smile, 'What good would that have done? Hmm?'
'I always wondered about that.' Wu Chen nodded his head, hoping Lu Yong would continue to speak. He wasn't disappointed.
Lu Yong's eyes gazed far into the past, and after a time, he spoke softly, 'I was dying. The Serpent god had torn me up badly, and I knew I wasn't going to leave the battlefield. I remember Wu Chen had my head in his lap, and he was trying to give me an elixir. I didn't want him to waste it, and he was pretty upset about it. My memories are hazy, but I remember hearing someone call out.'
Wu Chen sat up a little straighter. He was fascinated by what he was hearing. A first-hand account of The Sacrifice of Wu Chen wasn't something he ever expected to be privy to. He stayed silent, worried that he would disrupt Lu Yong's narration.
'The next thing I remember was that Wu Chen was talking to someone. I couldn't see him from where I was lying. I was starting to slip away. Then, a hand opened my mouth and stuffed a powerful elixir in. It wasn't like the usual elixir. It was really high tier. It was certainly not something either Wu Chen or I could have ever gotten a hold of.' Lu Yong's face grew dark, and he sat up, obviously agitated. He grabbed a stick and poked the fire angrily.
'Then really powerful qi shot through me. That bastard guided the elixir through my system, and my wounds started closing up. I was burning up inside, but I remember needles...healing needles. I don't remember how long it went on...a while I guess. Then I started to recover, and the pain began to fade. I was forced back from death.' Lu Yong sat still, his unfocused gaze looking out into the wilderness. Wu Chen thought he looked sad, and his heart felt heavy for him. It took a bit before Lu Yong could continue.
'I was really weak. I couldn't move. Wu Chen came over and told me he had made an agreement with someone who was able to save my life. He said he was going to have to leave for a while, but he was glad I was going to be okay.' Lu Yong's jaw clenched, and a tear rolled gently down his face. 'I remember the guy laughing and saying to tell me the truth. That the deal was for eternity. Then that bastard grabbed his arm and used a transportation talisman. I couldn't stop them. They were just gone.'
Wu Chen sat stunned, staring at Lu Yong. He couldn't imagine going through something like that. It was no wonder he had gone into seclusion after the battle.
Lu Yong ran his hands down his face and shook his head. Once he could trust his voice again, he said, 'Anyway, that's what happened. It's not nearly as dramatic as the myth, but it's the truth.' He poked the fire and looked up at Wu Chen with a slight smile. 'I hope that's enough to satisfy your curiosity because I would rather not have to talk about it anymore. My guilt is my burden alone.'
Wu Chen nodded in agreement and understanding. 'I knew talking about it would be hard for you, that's why I tried to keep my questions to myself.' Wu Chen offered in a veiled apology. He was feeling a bit guilty himself. It was obvious that Wu Chen and Lu Yong had been very close. It was there in every word he'd spoken. He was truly saddened by the story. Having grown up with the myth for so long, it seemed so much more poignant coming from Lu Yong himself. He had never really thought about the lingering guilt a powerful man like him would have after such a sacrifice.
Lu Yong laughed loudly, the sound breaking the melancholy that had settled over them. 'You've never been able to keep your curiosity in check, Wu Chen.' Suddenly realizing what he'd said, he choked for a moment. 'At least not in the time I've known you.' He covered quickly, berating himself for the slip.
Wu Chen grinned sheepishly, his ears reddening slightly. 'That's true. I can't argue at all.' His voice got a little quieter and more serious, 'Thank you for telling me, though. I know you didn't have to.'
'I did, or you would have eventually burst somewhere along the road.' grinned Lu Yong, calling him on it.
Wu Chen threw a peach at him, which he easily caught. 'Here! Keep your mouth busy with something besides talking for a while, eh?' He glared at Lu Yong in mock anger and lightly chuckled as he started eating his own peach. His relaxed gaze dropped to the fire. He felt much closer to Lu Yong now. It was if they'd known each other for a long time.
Lu Yong watched Wu Chen, his heart full of memory and hope. This quest was bound to take them some time, and he would have Wu Chen all to himself. He needed to use that time to earn his love in this life as he had in the first. He had already lost him once. He was not going to lose him again. Trust was the first step on that long and hopeful road.
Lu Yong finished his peach and stood up. 'I'll take the first watch.' He strolled down to the stream and washed the sticky from his hands and face. Then he returned to the fire, took his black sword from its sheath, and began cleaning it carefully with practiced strokes.
'Does it have a name?' Wu Chen asked between bites, his eyes dropping to the dark sword.
'Daolu Jiebing.' he answered easily. 'It called to me while I was exploring a ruin.' We explored that ruin together, Wu Chen. You just don't remember now, he thought sadly.
Wu Chen understood about being called by a sword. The compulsion to answer was difficult to explain to others. Thoughts of Shandian filled his mind.
'Black Ice...a fitting weapon for you. It's a beautiful sword.' He smiled at Lu Yong and went down to the stream to wash. When he came back, he settled into the lotus position to circulate his qi for the night.
'Not sleeping?' asked Lu Yong casually.
'Circulating my qi will be enough.' replied Wu Chen. He had not had a nightmare since the last one, but he didn't want to risk it when they were exposed like this. He slowed his breathing and began the circulation.
Lu Yong watched him while he finished cleaning his sword. When he was done, he silently sheathed it. With a few hand gestures, he created a protection seal that enclosed them both in a protective dome of qi, just to be safe. Then, he began the first watch of the night.
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