Child!Ginger has something to tell you....!
C!Gin: There is something i would like to tell you, i figured out some time...ago. OwO""
I feel great,it makes me really happy! ^^
And i Love you so I'd love for you to Know..!♡ ^^
Have you Heard of LGBTQ+..? o^o
Well i am The B-! ^w^
I have a Heart That could love Plural Genders, uwu
Yes im Bi and im proud to be me..! ^^'
And just in case you were Wondering,
Yes im pretty sure it's not a trend.. ÚwÒ
And though im all For Experiments-
I have experimented and i Really..Really...Really...Really..Really..Really...Really...Like it..- O^Ò"
So..- Ú^Ò"
Thanks for listening,Now you know more about me- ^^
Something im proud of- >wO
I am Part of something really Beautiful..♡ ÓwÒ
Because Love, Is Love, is Love!♡ OwO!
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