2. the puppy (pt. two)
- You end up calling her 'Daisy.' Well, it was Trent's idea, really. You're terribly amused by this; you're constantly joking about it, telling him that something a little more badass would be better for his image. He shoots this notion down, because she "isn't a badass, and doesn't need to be." She's a baby that can hardly walk without tripping and is scared of loud noises. Definitely a Daisy.
- You try your best to train her, but God, it's a challenge. She's full of energy, even more so when you just want her to sit, for God's sakes, please, Daisy, stay. You don't get mad , because what heartless creature could be mad at a puppy and that cute little face, but it's frustrating. At the end of the day, you profess to no one that you'll have to actually go to a class and enlist the help of professionals. It's only then that you realize that your boyfriend is behind you. Laughing.
- Another thing you didn't realize is just how much puppies like to chew. It seems that Daisy has quite the repertoire when it comes to her palate; she'll chew up legs on furniture, books and CDs that you were stupid enough to leave out in the open, and the much more coveted and dangerous electronic products that you obviously have an abundance of. One day, she finds her way into Trent's studio and you just about have a heart attack.
- You try to get everything cleaned up before he comes back, crying a little bit when you find knobs and buttons covered in teeth marks and a whole freaking cassette with the tape strewn out of it. The entire time, she sits next to you, wagging her tail in a way that you swear is smug. You thank the heavens above that she didn't actually eat anything in there.
- Eventually, he does come home, only to find both you and the dog unaccounted for. It doesn't take him long to find you, on the floor, inspecting some random cord and chastising the puppy for being so simultaneously destructive and proud, 'just like your father.' Then you look up at him, expecting him to be a million times more pissed than you are.
- You're kind of even more pissed off when he isn't, actually patting her on the head and saying that he didn't like that particular set of demos, anyway, that she hadn't done anything he wouldn't do eventually.
- You end up telling him that if that's the way he feels about it, he can clean the rest up. You leave with a huff. "Baby proof your own damn studio, Reznor."
- He isn't quite so happy when she moves from destroying rejected demos to the fingers of himself and most of your guests, especially considering that those teeth of hers are getting particularly sharp. There's nothing mean-spirited about it, but it's still enough to make the eyes water. You can't help but laugh when you hear him talking to her like a person, again. "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to bite the hand that feeds you?"
- Even though the days are tiring, you don't think your heart has ever been so warm as it is at the end of the day, when the three of you always end up curled up on the couch, Daisy in someone's lap, most often Trent's.
- It sort of kills you how gentle he is with her, petting her until she falls asleep, smiling at her every now and then like a proud parent. He's just so sweet, even if he doesn't want many people outside of this house to know it.
- You lean over to kiss him on the cheek before resting your head on his shoulder, sighing contentedly. After a while, you speak up. "You know she's not always going to be that small, right? I'm not quite sure we didn't adopt some kind of weird bear by accident."
- He shakes his head. "I don't care if she ends up being Cerburus. She still gets the couch."
(A/N Somebody help me I can't get over Trent with puppies.)
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