Imagine Tony saving you
Imagine Tony saving you
STARK tower never looked so inviting as it did now. You'd been out all day relaxing, browsing around the shops, anything to get away from Tony as he'd refused to leave his lab. It was getting pretty dark out, and all you wanted to do was just collapse on the sofa and watch a film. You saw a dark clothed muscular man stood outside the tower, looking up at it, who turned to look at you as you approached. "Excuse me miss, do you know where mr Stark is?", he asked in a husky voice, towering over you. "Erm yes, I think he's in his lab, but he doesn't take visitors sorry", you say as you try to pass him, but he stops in your path. "Your not going anywhere darling", he says at you darkly, breaking into a grin. Then a pair of strong arms come from behind you, grabbing you. You scream in terror but they clamp their hand down over your mouth with a cloth. You're forced to breath in the sickly sweet smell of chloroform as the man in front holds your nose, cutting off your air. You try to struggle but it overwhelms you and you pass out. "Wake up sleepy head", you hear the man say to you into your ear, and you flinch, your eyes immediately flicking open. You saw him smiling down at you, towering over you as you were lying down on the floor. "Hello darling, sleep well?", he chuckled. You sat up and tried to hit him but found your hands were tied behind you. "Tut tut tut, little sleeping beauty's not happy about being woken up". He grabbed you roughly by your neck and dragged you up to your feet. "You keep doing that, and I'll make sure that you get put to sleep permenatly", he threatened, pulling out his gun from his pocket and pushing it into your forehead, causing you to whimper and cry. "Hey, you wanna pick on someone your own size", Tony's voice boomed across the darkened warehouse. "Ah, Mr Stark, how nice of you to join us", the man said, pulling you closer to him as he kept the gun trained on you. You saw Tony step out of the dark, unarmed as the other men in the room drew out their guns and pointed them at him. "There are two rules, and you broke them both", Tony said to the man, acting oblivious to the other men around him. "Rule one; don't take my stuff. And two; don't get me angry", he said challengingly. "Your amusing Mr Stark, but I think you'll find I hold the high ground", the man said to him, as he brought his face close to yours, and licked you. You squirmed in his grasp and scream in disgust to try and get away, but he just slapped you hard across your face, and you fell to the ground. "Ok, now you're making me mad", Tony said, trying to contain his anger. "Have you brought the weapons that we bargained for Mr Stark?", the man asked impatiently, pointing the gun at him as you sat there, quivering at the mans feet as you dared not to move. "Yes I did. Come and get it", Tony said, smirking. Then a blinding light surrounded everyone, and you saw every single iron man suit, weapons out, all aimed at the terrorists. "I think I win", Tony announced smugly, and the suits shot sleeping darts at the men, and they all fell down. Tony then immediately rushed over to you and freed you. "Y/N, I am so so SO sorry! I didn't want to bring you into any of this", he said, bringing you into the tightest hug ever. "Please, I'm fine. You're crushing me", you manage to splutter between happy tears. "Oh sorry", he said, loosening his hug. "Next time you go out, I'm coming with you understand", Tony said, cupping your cheeks in his hands as he smiled reassuringly at you. "Ok, fine". "Yay!", Tony almost screams, picking you up in his arms carrying you. "Now, back home, couple of movies and popcorn. Deal?", he asked. "Deal", you say after hardly any hesitation, as you rest your head into his chest. "Hey Tony?", you say a bit sleepily. "What Y/N?", he asked as he began to carry you home. You grinned to yourself, before asking "So, when can I get myself an iron man suit?", leaving you both chuckling for the whole journey back home.
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