Imagine Tom on Halloween (part 2)
Imagine Tom on Halloween (part 2)
[i came up with another idea ;) muhahaha]
The soft knocking on the front door came again, with "Trick or Treat?", being whispered in a hollow voice. Tom and you stayed frozen on the spot, clinging tightly onto one another. "I-I think it's a kid", you whisper, your heart racing still after the scare from before. "Yeah, I think you're right ", Tom agreed quietly, keeping his arms around you as you both silently sat down on the sofa, your eyes locked towards the front door. Then, just as suddenly as the knocking started, it stopped. "I think they've gone", you whispered to Tom. You both breathed a sigh of relieve, believing it just to be a kid. Until a freezing cold air filled the room, and a pair of skeleton hands clamped down on both your and Tom's shoulders, a skeleton head materialising into view behind both of you. "Trick or Treat", it cackled, it's red eyes glowing. Both you and Tom screamed in terror, leaping off the sofa in a panic, running through to the kitchen, only for you to crash into the back of Tom as he freezes on the spot. The pots and pans began floating in the air, banging against each other, advancing closer towards you. You screamed in fear, and immediately Tom and you ran as fast as you could back through the living room, where the skeleton head and hands were still on the sofa, cackling away, through to the bedroom. Tom slammed the door shut behind you as you collapsed onto the bed in a hysterical state, shaking and crying. "This can't be real. This can't be real", Tom was muttering under his breath, running his hands through his hair as he frantically paced up and down. "Tom-", but you were cut short, watching the wardrobe door open behind him as he turned to look at you. In the moonlight that shone in, you looked at Tom, his hair wild, his eyes wide in fear, his blue tshirt dripping with sweat. "What is it Y/N?", Tom asked concerned, as you sat rooted on the spot, looking at him, whilst he remained frozen looking at you. His floating white shirt draped it's sleeves around his neck, just as the lying figure on the bed behind you sat up, it's pumpkin head glowing orange as it's hand touched your neck. Both of you froze up in horror, before in unison, letting out a blood curdling high pitched scream, lunging forward and grabbing each other's hands, and running straight out of the bedroom. Terrified, you both clung onto each other as you pelted for the front door. No sooner had you entered the hallway, when the front door flew open, a high gush of wind sweeping you both off your feet as you lay eyes on the figure. A crack of lighting in the sky showed them, heavily built, swagging forward towards you, raising their hand, a glistening knife in it. Both you and Tom screamed in terror, as Tom wrapped his arms around you, like a shield, and you both closed your eyes tight, believing it to be the end. Only it never came. Tentitivly, you both opened your eyes, Tom gripping you tightly as you looked at the figure towering over you. They smiled at you, lowering their hand. "Happy Halloween", he chuckled, before the lights snapped back on. There stood Chris Hemsworth in a big trench coat with an oversized kids knife in his hand. "Avengers Assemble", he shouted off into the house, as both you and Tom sat there on the floor, still tightly clinging onto each other, unsure as to what to do. Immediately the cupboard beside the front door burst open, and a hysterical Chris Evans fell out. "Hey, that's my line!", he chuckled at Chris, placing your door keys he had in his hand back into the door. "Excuse me, I think you'll find that I call the shots around here", the familiar voice of Robert Downey Jr echoed from off the side as he came through into the hallway out of the kitchen, carrying pans in his hands. "Yeah right, but our ideas are so much more fun than yours", the chuckling voice of Jeremy announced, as both him and Scarlett popped out from behind the sofa, waving the skeleton hands in greeting. "Excuse me? Since when did my team start calling the shots?", the booming voice of Samuel L Jackson announced as he strolled in from the bedroom, Tom's shirt on his shoulder, with a chuckling Mark in tow, tossing the pumpkin in his hands. "Wait, what?", Tom asked confused, his voice a little high pitched, still shaking and gripping you tightly in his arms as he looked at all of them. "Surprise! Happy Halloween!", Scarlett said, hitting Robert on the arm with her skeleton arm as Jeremy proceeded to scratch his back with his. There was a moment of awkward silence when everyone looked at each other, unsure as to what to say, before Tom finally broke the silence. "I hate you all", Tom croaked, as he breathed a sigh of relief and wiped away the tear that had fallen down his cheek as you buried your head into his chest in relief. "Oh Tom, you're such a cry baby", Chris chuckled as he helped him up, Scarlett helping you up too. "Right. I think this calls for a drink", Robert piped up, patting Tom on the back as he wrapped his arms around you, both sighing in relief, before laughing realising you'd both been pranked.
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