Imagine Tom helping you with your loss
Imagine Tom helping you with your loss
"Tom", you cried weakly from your bedroom as you sat on the bed, blankets wrapped around you. Tom immediately came in, a gentle smile on his face, his brown hair all scruffy in his white shirt bringing a cup of tea with him. It had been almost a month since you had lost your grandmother, but you still couldn't get over the heartache of it all. It had been so sudden and had taken you by surprise and it had affected you deeply, causing you to drop into depression. Tom always cheered you up, always giving you hugs and cups of tea, but sometimes it just wasn't enough. "Hey, come on Y/N. It's alright", he said reassuringly as he put his arm around you, letting you just rest in his embrace. "I'm sorry Tom. I know it's been a while now, and that I should be over it by now but I miss her". Even as you spoke, your voice wavered, a lump growing in your throat as memories flooded back. "Shhh, it's okay", he whispered, gently rubbing your back as you bit back tears. "You've been cooped up in your room for days, weeks now. Come on, let me take you somewhere. Help take your mind of things", Tom said gently smiling down at you. How could you say no to him, especially when he was pulling those cute puppy dog eyes that worked every time. No sooner had you said yes than you found yourself comfortably sat in the passenger seat of Tom's car as he drove you from his house down the quiet county roads. Although Tom tried to keep you distracted by talking about work, your mind kept drifting, and you soon found yourself falling asleep. "Y/N. We're here", he whispered quietly into your ear, making you stir from your sleep. As you opened your eyes, your sleepy ones met his, smiling at you as he knelt down beside you, the passenger door open. Groggily, you slipped off your seat belt as Tom escorted you in a daze along the path covered in hedges. "Tom, where are we going?", you asked sleepily as he pulled you by your hand through the mysterious maze of hedges. "You'll see", he chuckled as he kept on walking, guiding you. When you both emerged out into the clearing, you gasped in surprise and shock. Fairy lights hung from the trees, and in the centre, a picnic blanket with food and drink, with candles and flowers dotted around. "I though you might like to watch the stars with me", Tom whispered lovingly into your ear, his arms wrapping around you as he snuggled into your neck. It was beautiful, and you and Tom curled up together on the blanket, as he fed you delicious grapes with homemade pancakes as the sun set. You lay there together, your hands entwined, resting on his chest, both looking up at the stars. It all felt like a dream, a blissful dream. "Oh Tom, Look!", you squealed, seeing a shooting star up in the sky. "Quickly, make a wish", he chuckled. You closed your eyes, and made your wish. Then you felt Tom's hand slip down around your waist, his other caress your cheek whilst your eyes were closed, before his lips tenderly met yours in a moment. Fluttering your eyes open, it was the look of star crossed lovers, his eyes looking longingly into yours. "Thank you", you whispered to him, before you lovingly kissed him again under the stars.
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