Imagine Tom having a bad dream
Imagine Tom having a bad dream
You quietly opened the front door to your flat and closed it gently behind you, taking off your coat and putting your bag down. You'd been away for the weekend with work, and as luck would have it you'd lost your phone on the first day. Luckily, you knew Tom's number so you'd called him from work when you'd had chance, but it had been two whole days since you'd last spoken to him. You crept through into the front room and sighed at the sight in front of you. Tom was curled up, fast asleep on the sofa, his phone next to him as well as a picture of the both of you. He was frowning in his sleep, and had his fists clenched so tightly his knuckles were white. "Tom", you say quietly coming over to him. He was sweating a lot and breathing heavily, muttering something under his breath. "No, not Y/N. Please, no", you manage to make out him saying as his frown deepened as his body started to shake. "Tom lovely, I'm here", you say gently to him, worried, as you place a hand onto his shoulder. "Not her, please I love her", he says in his sleep, panic in his voice rising. "Tom, I'm here. Wake up", you say shaking him. "Not my Y/N. No, no!", he cried, his whole body trembling. "Tom, wake up!", you shout, shaking him violently. His eyes immediately fly open, as he gulps deep breaths, sweat pouring off him. "Y/N. Is that you? Is this a dream?", he says to you, his voice cracked as he places a hand onto your cheek. "No baby, it's me, I'm home", you say gently squeezing his hand. His eyes well in tears and he sits up, pulling you into a hug. You sit there for several minutes, Tom hugging you tightly as he cried silently, and you gently rubbed his back, telling him it was ok. "I-I thought I'd lost you", he said weakly. "It's okay. It was only a bad dream", you say reassuringly. He let's go of you and looks at you, his face tear stained with deep bags under his beautiful blue eyes. "I missed you. I was so worried", he says cupping your cheeks. "It's alright now, I'm home". You kiss him gently on the forehead and take his hand. You get up and lead him through to the bedroom. Not even bothering to change, you curl up under the covers together, Tom hugging you like he would never let go.
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