Imagine Tom confessing his love for you
Imagine Tom confessing his love for you
Tom, your closest friend, had decided to take you to Australia to see the Vivid Sydney event as a special treat to apologise for his absence whilst he'd been away filming. Now you were stood on the deck of a boat as it sailed through the river towards the harbour for the main event. "Y/N, you know you don't have to hold onto the railing so tightly", Tom chuckled to you as he came over with glasses of champagne. "Oh sorry, I'm just not keen on boats that's all. Titanic kind of turned me off them", you say, gladly taking the drink off him. You look around at everyone else, all dressed up in their suits and dresses, and you looked down at your feet, feeling highly underdressed. Although Tom had bought you the most beautiful gown you'd ever seen, you didn't feel anywhere near as good as everyone else. "Y/N, how many times do I have to say, stop worrying. You look beautiful", he said reassuringly, smiling at you. "Listen Y/N, I've been meaning to tell you something for quite a while now, and I think now is the right time to say it", he confessed, looking a little nervous. "Oh, okay", you say a little surprised. "I know that we've been friends for ages, and you've helped me through so much. Y/N, I love you", he says, looking deep into your eyes. "What?", you whisper shocked and surprised, taking a step back. You knew you had feelings for Tom which you never told him, but you didn't realise that he had feelings for you too. "Tom, I-I never knew", you stutter still speechless. "I've loved you for so long now, and I've just been waiting for the right time to say it". You still couldn't believe it, as he stood there smiling at you, confessing his love for you. You took a step back again in shock, but immediately realised your mistake. There was no handrail where you were now stood, so your foot slipped off the edge, and you fell screaming off the boat, straight into the water below. "Y/N!", Tom screamed as he tried to grab hold of you as you fell. You struggled to stay above the water, your dress pulling you down. "Help!", you splutter as you struggle to stay above the water, the cold water chilling you. As you felt yourself slip under, you felt someone dive into the water next to you. In the murkiness of the water, you felt a pair of strong arms lift you up, bringing you above the surface. You gasp for breath as they swim you over to the nearby bank. You crawl out and collapse on the bank, gulping in air as they crawl out beside you, and lie there, gasping for breath too. "This wasn't exactly how I planned tonight to go". You look next to you and see Tom, soaking wet, his white shirt clinging to him as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around you to keep you a bit warmer. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen at all", you say as you watch the boat continue up river, leaving you both behind. "Yeah, I don't really like boats either", Tom joked, putting his arm around you. That's when you notice the sky filling with lanterns, thousands of fire lanterns. You gasp in awe at the beautiful sight as they completely fill the sky. "I thought you might like that", Tom said gently, looking up at the sky with you. "What, you did this with the lanterns?", you ask in shock. "Yes, I know that you loved that film Tangled so I wanted to recreate it for you", he said, his eyes looking into your smiling. "Oh Tom, it's beautiful", you manage to say, feeling chocked up at the beautiful sight. "I meant what I said Y/N, I love you", he said gently, placing his hand into yours. "I have something to confess to", you whisper, looking back at him. "I love you too Tom". His face broke into the happiest smile you'd ever seen, and he brought his hand up onto your cheek and kissed you softly on the lips. He let his lips linger on yours, before whispering. "You're my princess, Y/N". You wrap your arms around him and pull him closer. "And your my Prince Charming, Tom". With that, he smiled, and kissed you once again, realising that this had been a dream come true.
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